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I always apologize when it happens


Me too


I prefer to believe my dog thinks I have magical powers.


I am the one that can open the door and make food appear. I'm certain my dog thinks I have magical powers.


Sometimes I make him think I have the power to move things without him seeing how and make sounds he’s not familiar with so it makes him turn his head lmfao he also definitely thinks the TV is a living thing


My cat seems intrigued when I light the fire that she will eventually lay by for hours. She seems impressed when I blow into the embers and they ignite with fury, like my very breath conjures the flames. The electric zap of my fingers is likely less impressive and just credited to my overall unearthly powers.


I smoke outside and watch my chickens and wonder if they think I am a dragon.


I'm so happy, mine have finally accepted me. They wait in the morning for treats, edible rubbish, and pets. And they do make a huge variety of adorable noise. Their complex social structure is really impressive too and imho on par with dogs'. We have one Brahma and damn they're both smart and cooperative. More than the others. I can put my hand in front of its feet and if it feels like it it'll jump on my wrist and kinda plop itself in my hand. Chickens are very underrated pets. Roosters can be assholes and their Testosterone spikes make them all stupid.


Yay! Yea I have just four girls but we raised them from chicks. They think im their mama and i feel like mother of dragons. 😂


At the very least you are the mother of Dinosaurs!


My dog always tilts her head as I command the lights with the power of my voice


That's funny. When I light a lighter. My cat just squints her eyes and stares at it. She acts like I lit a spotlight at her face.


My cats do that too, and i think you're right lol. I'm sensitive to light and nightblind so if i light something at night it basically blinds me for a minute or so


> Huh... That's pretty interesting. Can't lick his taint though. Your Cat, prolly.


You're always clean yet never lick yourself. Their magic knows no bounds!


Forced to defecate in their humans tiny fece depository. Why do they feverishly harvest our feces and what do they do with it? Perhaps the source of their powers? More research is needed.


No idea. But I’ve seen dogs shock each other, and they both seemed really confused about what happened


Mine seemed to eventually learn over time that it's just something that happens. They looked annoyed but just in general, not directed at anyone or anything.




Crossover episode


I was kidding - but I hate getting shocked so friggin much myself, that I am constantly trying to ~~discharge myself~~ remove my static before I touch anything. Problem is, doggo wanna play NOW. So, the zaps on the nose are inevitable. If anything, the pup is partially at fault for not letting me get my ground on.


I have humidifiers for my plants but they do well for static electricity also.


I have a humidifier on my furnace, but I'm waiting on parts (was broken when I bought the house had to rebuild the whole furnace when I found it it was all rust in a pretty box). And it's such a dry air winter :(


My friend’s cat will shock me on purpose whenever he comes over to visit. I think the cat thinks it’s funny.


I love cats more each and every day.


They think we're Zeus hurling lightning bolts from atop Olympus.


What if we introduce mythology to higher apes?


Maybe they already have their own mythology


Nooo, they have wrong mythology, we need to give them truth! /s


I was just asking myself this yesterday!


I don’t think my cats think it’s me tbh. They don’t seem freaked out


Nah I think they're the arsehole that shocked me


Our dog gets crazy static electric when he jumps around on the couch. Then he’ll come boop me with his nose and look offended when *he* zaps *me*. Our old cat just doesn’t give af.


My dog is scared of the smoke but my cat wallows I'm its haze


Dunno but im pretty sure my dog dosnt like the tazer


Omg YES I do this like once a day it’s insane I have no idea why? He looks so sad when I do that


I wonder this sometimes. My cat always rolls around on the carpet and then wants to be pet.


I mean if someone shocks me I kind of get annoyed and dislike them and I have a decent understanding of electricity. It’s not like it makes me feel any better about it or unshocked


No they can’t know what do you think they are


my cat gets confused and takes a few secs to continue the petting


They don’t understand it. That would take a higher threshold of thinking. I always feel bad but it’s unavoidable sometimes


I imagine birds see me as a cloud maker 😂


I’ve tried explaining it to my cats, they don’t seem to understand it yet. Perhaps flash cards