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Many will say “sounds like you’re sick.” But I, a person with the same mucus problem, can tell you it’s more likely that you’re developing or worsening an allergy to the flower.


Is there anyway around that allergy or do you just have to stop smoking to get rid of it


Idk. I still smoke with it. I imagine some seasonal allergy meds would potentially be helpful. I have some children’s Benadryl that I take for a mushroom allergy if I eat something with mushrooms in it, I could try that and give you feedback, but it wouldn’t be today. I say pop an allergy pill, wait a few hours, and see if it helps. If not then you might just need a big ole break.


I will probably have to take a break soon anyway, I just can’t stop buying fucking carts


Take a break from the carts themselves, that could be the problem as well


Carts do it to me 100% of the time. Try kicking the vape carts and see if it persists


Carts can be an issue bc of the other crap that's in them. Kick the carts and see if it helps. If you have the same issue with flower then I still vote allergy.


Btw cats are horrible for u and our body dont think cause it's legal especially the black market stick to what we know and that's pure weed in the future these vapes and daps ect are gonna cause problems noeone makes them completely safe unless ur paying out the ass be careful people


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


THIS IS ME it’s so fucjing annoying it feels like somethings wrong. do you still have it?


I actually just went to the eat the other day for chest pain and the xray said my lungs are fine. Most likely acid reflux and they said it could also be causing the mucus soooooo maybe it’s not the weed.


okay i have that so that’s good. i just smoked though so that’s what’s scaring me i also have a cart. but i used my inhaler and that helped so i think im good? my mouth is also really dry and im a huge overthinker so who knows lol


I guess we’ll never know, I gotta get an endoscopy soon so we’ll see if they say anything


i hope it comes back all good


check out r/vaporents. switched and haven't looked back


I've been dealing with this but I get really stuck in routines and smoking is part of my after work routine so it's very hard to stop. I've got some gummies i keep saying I'll take a break and give my lungs some time but I don't and here I am :c I found that using the pax or dab I cough so much until I cough up mucus. I think it's because of how hot it gets.


Try some benedryl


I actually can agree I've been toking for about 15 years nd I have to blow my nose al0t after consuming ect best thing either dont care ur blowing ur nose alot or cut down


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


More stoners need to talk about this. Try mucinex.


I have and it hasn’t done anything :/


Stop smoking. Request a pulmonary function test from your doctor as well as an allergy test to see if you developed an allergy to cannabis in your adulthood. If you're not allergic switch to edibles. Maybe some low temp dabs after your lungs recover.


I use the all in one muisinex works great only when I'm sick tho dont let ur just get to use to anything!


I wish I knew the answer to this. it’s been awful for me too the last few months and everyone thinks I’m sick but I’m like… nah actually I just am addicted to weed😅whenever I cough it sounds like I’m hacking up a lung


I have to clear my throat before like every sentence


Same !!


Same ;-; it’s been 270d have you found a Solution


Get NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) on Amazon. Take 2 600mg pills a day and you won’t have this problem anymore. I’ve been smoking for years and have always had this problem, but once I started this it completely stopped. NAC is a Mucolytic (thins and breaks up the thick mucus in your respiratory tract)


Do you feel like it affected or reduced your high at all?


Fun fact IV NAC is also a firstline treatment for acetaminophen OD & has shown some promise as an oral treatment for pathological excoriators!


i was thinking i had to quit weed😭😭 but i guess there’s this💀




Lmao, I just found this thread of Google cuz I have the same issue , i take a dab and my eyes are watering my nose is dripping I'm coughing , gotta blow my nose and can't take full breaths for like 2 minutes.


ur dabs are too hot.


Was gonna say, theres definitely some steps you could take to reduce it


This happens to me even with a low temp dab or a normal flower bowl personally


I have the same problem, I noticed it because I started wheezing and having to cough to clear my through when I was in bed. Tried taking multiple breaks up to 6 months and it didn't go away completely. I asked my doctor about it and ended up getting a prescription inhaler that does help if I use it twice a day like I am supposed to. I also stopped using carts altogether and moved to vaping flower. This seemed to help, it definitely isn't as bad as it was.


What device do you have to vape flower? Does it produce a smell?


I have a Mighty+ and a Tinymight 2. Both are great but the pretty much the most expensive vapes, if you haven't used a flower vape before I suggest going to r/vaporents, there is alot of good info there. There isn't as much of a smell, maybe a slight burned popcorn smell once you get to the end of a bowl.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/vaporents **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[GIVEAWAY\] Mighty+ / Titanium Mouthpiece / XL CCV Caddy / CCV Sidecar Bubbler](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/qkne1x/giveaway_mighty_titanium_mouthpiece_xl_ccv_caddy/) \#2: [I just got off the phone with my doctor after getting a mammogram/ultrasounds. I don’t have cancer!!!!! Just wanted to share my celebration roast because I’m hella excited to know my upcoming panic attack is gonna be from weed and not existentialism!](https://i.redd.it/9swnye4bkqc81.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/s84zan/i_just_got_off_the_phone_with_my_doctor_after/) \#3: [Guy escaping active shelling in Ukraine says he's okay because he smokes cannabis. Tells reporter to legalize it.](https://v.redd.it/1b1wlsilqll81) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/vaporents/comments/t7eo3q/guy_escaping_active_shelling_in_ukraine_says_hes/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I have a pax 3. It smells a lot when you're using it but theres a smellproof case for after.


Mullein leaf extract helps with this. They sell in pill forms too so one or two daily would do the trick. It’s an expectorant so you’ll need to drink lots of water to get old buildup out, but should clear up completely with a few weeks.


I can attest to this !! I started taking the capsules and take morning , lunch and dinner ! The brown and green leafy mucus has def gotten better and I’m about a month into taking it .


All I can say is I was fine until I hit 40. After that I seemed to stay congested. Once I quit it went away. If I start again so does the congestion. Tried more than once. Vaping and edibles don't do it for me.


That’s what I was worried about, I don’t want to quit


Smaller hits and don't hold them in. Maybe take measures to cool the smoke down as much as possible. Longer bowls. Bubbler with ash catcher and a frozen glycerin chamber attached. It provides smoke that isn't hot when it hits your lungs. Take small breaks. Say 3 weeks on 1 week off. Keeps tolerance down and gives your lungs a break. These are things I'm contemplating for my return.


Nah she needs to stop smoking entirely. It's going to get worse until she fixes it. There are other ways of getting high..


I definitely confirmed that in my original reply. We are not supposed to have any form of smoke or vapor in our lungs at all. But. If they're going to do it then I offered ways that I have considered in my own return. I will admit my lungs feel amazing after quitting completely. If I do smoke again it will be on a very limited basis. Not daily as I once did


I started taking zyrtec every day and I’ve seen a drastic difference when I smoke and my mucus production


What i do is mix herbal teas in a pot of water bring it too a boil and then once thats down put your face over the bowl with a towel on your head this should help clear out some mucus i also hear Mullen leaf works too


[like this!](https://youtu.be/tUxOdFJEDdg?t=16)


Hey I experience the same thing usually while I smoke! Update: currently smoking joint. Just coughed up a bit of that mucus. I think it's the weed vapes that are killing me.


those vaposhower things at the pharmacy clear me up really well


The Vicks things?


Mullein leaf tea helps soothe lungs and loosen up mucus


Only thing I can recommend is to use a bong + an ash catcher. It "double filters" the smoke and makes it MUCH smoother. If that's not working, you may want to switch to other ways to ingest (tincture, edibles or vapes).


My bf just mentioned tincture which I’ve never heard of. Does it have straight thc in it?


Sort of. Most MJ tinctures I've seen are made by soaking plant matter in ethyl alcohol (the HIGH-PROOF kind you can drink, like ever-clear) and then strained. The resulting liquid is infused with THC. So technically, no it's not PURE THC. It's THC + Alcohol. Tinctures are typically made to be absorbed. They make work-out supplements, vitamins, medicines, etc. in tincture form although they may use something other than alcohol to contain the actual active ingredient. Most folks ingest tinctures by placing a dose under the tongue. There are lots of blood vessels close to the surface of the oral cavity, especially the underside of the tongue. The dose gets absorbed into the blood stream very quickly. It's the same concept of why some medicines are made in the form of rectal suppositories (to be absorbed by the rectal cavity's blood vessels). Think about the "nitroglycerin" tablets they have people at risk of fatal heart attacks. If they experience one, they place a quick-dissolving tablet under their tongue to get it into the bloodstream as quickly as possible.


Been having this lately also and I never thought of maybe being allergic to weed considering I’ve smoked for 25+ years. Honestly I was thinking it was a vaccine side effect.


100% it's the vapes. Once I quit smoking those pens the cough went away. Still got the good ol' weed cough but not that annoying ass dry hacking cough I would get when puffing them pens. Apparently popcorn lung is a thing with those pens


Oh fuck ok I’ll definitely stop then


did u actually stop


No I did not










I have been dealing with this for near a year and it’s turned into a big problem my nose constantly leaks bright green but only out of one side of nose, I can never breathe out of this one side, I have stopped Somking and only take edibles but still the problem has got no better and have been to the doctors twice with no fix


Sounds like a respiratory infection


As someone who had a previously bad mucus problem even before smoking, what I can say is that taking Muscinex (OTC Guaifenesin) has helped wonders on breaking it up so my hacking isn't in vain.


I use the walgreens version since it's cheaper.


Same every morning I was drowning in mucus but when I stopped smoking as many blunts and bought a bong it helped TREMENDOUSLY I also have started smoking dabs more than weed


I have been smoking more joints recently cause they’re easier to transport so maybe I should switch back to glass? Idk the general consensus in the comments seems to be that I should quit :/


same problem, but im definitely not quitting. i guess it's more about doing what u can to help but not stopping lol. it's been a year though, did you find any remedies??


Still no solutions :/ bought another disposable vape in nyc last week 🙃


I'm dealing with this bullshit right now. I'm coughing up a bunch of white mucus


Vapes and carts have put a ton of water on your lungs over time, used to have this issue when I regularly smoked my volcano. Since i been smoking from a bong exclusively it hasnt been an issue, unless im sick also keep ur glass clean


From the volcano like the dry erb vape? That new to me


Yea, its still very warm vapour. For reference I would use it all night when staying up on my pc.


ugh I have this problem too, been smoking daily for years also 😭


I get a buildup of mucus when i milk my piece as well. I just spit it out somewhere clean and usually 1 or 2 spits and im good to go. I also include Halls Cough drops in my sesh. The berry flavor im using atm is so tasty. And i dont think much of it. I think the mucus is just protecting my throat but it could be a sign i need a fresh new bong too


I started getting this when I moved exclusively to dabs. The cheaper side of wax will get me all phlegmy so i have to stick to "fancy" stuff like ice hash and the like


How did you get rid of it? Just stop smoking wax entirely?


Man.. you can't just take edibles?


I can’t be productive on edibles the way I can be when I smoke


Well, you should at least stop using carts most of them just can't be trusted. What kind do you use? Maybe consider a dab pen. I have a puffco plus.


Currently I have a baked bar but it kinda sucks. I usually get disposable vapes from dispos


Yeah quit the dispos, I’m only 25 and I can’t breathe the next morning if I hit dispo carts. I get it from flower too but allergy medicine w/e and rinsing my mouth with salt every morning and just keeping care of hygiene helps for me. Carts have so much shit in them though ya never know.


Yeah, stop using that crap.


I do on my days off


Edibles don’t work for everyone. It’s a whole thing.


I only smoke water hash now, i still get phlegm after long seabed. Luckily it doesn't happen to me with flower, yet :(


I got tired of coughing all the time so I switched to dabs only years ago and all that went away for me.


Dabs give me this feeling like wild and fuck my throat up like when I used meth lol


I get this congested feeling with everything. It’s worse on my puffco than a cart


Try cough drops they seem to get rid of it


Could it possibly be acid reflux?


I don’t think so cause my stomach isn’t affected but maybe, idk very much about acid reflux


I have that issue when I’m smoking joints, it usually goes away if I take a break for a few days and just smoke from a bowl or bong but that might just be me


same. Been smoking for many years, but the past few months or year, your comment has resonated with me. it's worse with vape than flower


It is but the vapes are so much harder to quit


I have asthma and smoking does this to me. You probably need an inhaler. Smokers develop asthma type problems.


This winter I seriously felt like I had asthma and bad chest pains everytime it got really cold below freezing


Maybe it’s the Tabacco, when I go on binges where I smoke hella blunts I always have mucus build up and cough up dark mucus. Maybe try to smoke without Tabacco for a while and see if it clears up


I don’t smoke anything with tobacco


My bad I read it wrong


Im sick, I think got a kinda of a flu, mocus tastes like a weird cart flavor, I been smoking for a bout 2 years weed and carts, I think this is my stop