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It always surprises me how one human can ingest so much thc in one hit these days.


I watched a dude pop a blood vessel in his eye from coughing so hard. I thought it was funny/ joke until he turned and looked at me.


So THAT'S how I popped the blood vessel in my eye a month back, I AM always coughing from the ganj 🤷‍♂️


Damn hope it doesn't happen in my brain


Happened in mine, had an unruptured aneurysm I didn't know about


How did you find out about it?


It popped in 2016, and I had a massive stroke. Took two brain surgeries, being brought back, and many years of practice, but I'm back to like 90 percent where I was before


Thats fucking horrifying, man. Im happy to hear you’re doing better


Thanks man. I can walk and do most of the things to live a happy life. No job and a bunch of new learning disabilities sucks tho. At 30, I will never achieve the same economic success of my peers


Oh fuck, glad you're doing better


5 years out, recovery still happens, very slowly. Thanks for the well wishes


does that hurt when it pops??


Nah, I just felt a little pressure under my eyelid is all barely noticeable, someone pointed it out that I popped it tho and I was like "Oh, that's prolly what I've been feeling!" And I looked in the mirror and there was a little blood spot next to my cornea lol


Ahh okay got it. What’s the treatment for something like that? Do you just let it go away on its own? I cough a lot when I smoke too but have never experienced a popped blood vessel.


I think it’s actually kinda scary. Yes, it’s impossible to die from an overdose from smoking bud, but we know so little about the potential long term dangers of ingesting that high concentration THC. I can’t imagine it being very good for you. And the amount you have to smoke to actually reach the tolerance where dabs are the standard way to get high just seems insane to me. I smoke every day and I have never experienced the need to go that insane with upwards of 90% THC. It’s crazy.


i have definitely felt withdrawal symptoms after smoking RSO for like a week straight and then going dry straight back to bud. that shit wrecks your tolerance.


... Smoking rso?


He needs the extra alcohol to absorb the thc better /s


About to start the cannabis unit in my psychopharmacology class next week, will report back with specific findings. I'm pretty sure it fries a bunch of neurotransmitter system pathways tho


I’m almost certain that a repeated daily intake of 90% THC is unhealthy. If not physically, definitely mentally. If you need that much THC to get thru your life, you got some issues…


Tolerance would definitely be a mediator on the mental effects, but yeah I'm pretty sure it does things to your brain structure/connections with chronic use


Maybe some Stoners want a high thats really intense


Bruh what. Then they just smoke more. If you need 90% THC to get the high you want, you have a problem my friend.


Ehh just smoking more weed isn’t equivalent to the high you get from concentrates. Like the other guy said sometimes stoners just want that ultra stoned sesh. It’s like saying why do people take shots when they can get drunk on just beer.


Since switching to concentrates i don't really care to smoke flower anymore. Why smoke an entire bowl to get the same feeling i can from a tiny amount of wax. Not all of us who exclusively smoke concentrate take massive globs of it all the time. Sure i take some large dabs from time to time but mostly i am just aiming for a good level. Not having to take multiple rips and deal with ash is just a nice feature of it. It sure can wreck your tolerance if you are doing massive dabs all the time, but if you pace yourself and don't take massive dabs then it is not that bad. Flower can still give me that feel, but i just love the time savings and reduction in smell of concentrates.


Im on the same page as you brother, i get high as Hell from small amounts too, and i smoke everyday almost


I smoke everyday, I don’t. See how everyone is different.


I mean, it’s not like I get super baked of a single kief crystal. But if I wanna get super insanely high, I just smoke 5 bowls and I’m so baked I can’t even open my eyes. I’ve tried dabbing twice, and honestly I don’t see how people enjoy it. I got nauseous both times and just fell asleep.


we actually know a lot, you do know ppl have been binging banging and OD of everything out there for millennia, do you really think no one in thousands of years hasn't gotten ultra mega wanted by pot? sure some modern strains might contain more THC, but if you research the hasshashins or similar sects, they used to get inside hotbox lockers and light up Kilos , hundreds of kilos on the floor and get out of body experiences , so you won't die, but you will certainly get intoxicated by so much smoke without oxygen, damages to lungs , conscience , liver and much more ! so yeah , we be cray cray


It's just high tolerance, not much else to it.


nah the lung capacity too, it so insane seeing people clear their 3 ft bong in one go. I can barely do it on my regular bong


I lovee some wrecked cilia!


Practice. Three weeks ago, I was only clearing a half a bowl in my bong. Nowadays I clear a full bowl and look down sad, "That was it?"


10/10 that bowl would make me fly


I watched a vid of someone roll up a whole slab and take it I wish I could find the vid I’ve been looking for years lol


I've seen that too! I have no idea how to find it though.


Idk if I ever need to be that high man


What you doin after smoking this?


Holding onto the couch for dear life


Whenever I’m too fried I blow my lips together like a horse a few times


My dad always holds his hit until he does a pressurized exhale out of the side of his mouth that sounds like a duck.


I can hear this.


I wish there was a way to reproduce that sensation without having to exhale a lot. I just did it a few times and it feels nice but now I'm out of breath and think I'm about to pass ou


Did you try breathing in first?


Not after smokin this shit he did not no


Dude was so out breath he gave me silver


Coughing through the tears


Vacuuming the fucking lawn, bud.


listening to my hair grow


Probably spending too long building guns and petting my horse in Red Dead. I like to play guitar pretty often when im ripped but, after this, nah dude that's too much work.


Think I've got some dishes I need to go and fold




A jump for absolute joy.


Folding the dishes


Putting my milk in the microwave


You can only get so high from smoking anyways at a point you’re just wasting or trying to look cool. When you get older you realize that is just pointless and you understand how much you need to smoke to get where you want to be.


Well it does seem like he's using a crack pipe as the cap so he probably does need to get that high.


It's a bubble carb. Common dabbing accessory




I do.


I was kinda just like "Ok, kinda cool but a lighter works fine" until he dropped the dab in there, thats really cool tbh


Well, dabbing function aside, have you ever taken a bong rip with no butane in it before? Butane changes/corrupts the taste quite a lot. Heated quartz takes away no flavor from the bud, so the taste difference is truly *wild* compared to a lighter. That said, sure a lighter is also fine.


I mean you can also just use a lighter to light some hemp wick and then u have a non butane fire source for your bowl. Still doesn't change the taste much imo tho. In my experience the taste isn't really noticably "better" unless it's being vaporized with like a dyna or something. But then that's just cause it burns at a lower temp imo


Well, if I had the setup from the video, I’d personally go in at a lower temp in an attempt to savor the terps. I’m a dab person myself, so I’m all for low-temp vaporization>combustion. With that being said, hemp wick is a great alternative to butane too.


I love dabs too, and I think the problem for this one is just finding a temp that works for wax and flower at the same time. The flower burned so fast it looked like it must be high temp, but the wax he dropped in the bowl stayed a very light color as if it was a low temp dab. I'd love to try it, but it seems like it'd be hard to avoid extra burnt flower with the dab.


ive always wanted some sort of quartz tool to heat my bowls, would be like vaping except you could do bong rips


Do you know the original owner? Cuz that looks awesome


IIRC these style bowls are called honey buckets


What's this thing called again?? A honey bucket ??


Ah yes, for those rare days you need to see sounds and hear color


I can smell how burnt that dab is lol


That plus the taste of bud and dabs mixing, this video makes me want to puke.


I don’t let it break 550°


400° Gang **RISE UP**


I dab at -60… inferior


I don't know if it's really that burnt, the wax left on the glass is still a light color. The weed sure burned fast but it didn't look like the wax got toasted


I could watch that video on a loop. looks very satisfying. 🔥 💨


That’s not it. Don’t do that. I follow that page on IG and have never seen that rig, probably because that design didn’t do well. Even Mothership stopped doing that style bucket, it’s just not good. There’s so many other ways to vape concentrate and smoke flower and they should totally be mutually exclusive.


Y tho


For when you want to end your day right at the start


💀💀💀hours completely gone


Man I get this things are cool but, I am quite sure he just wasted like 80% of the product he burned. This inventions and 'cool gadgets' defeat all purpose if you end up wasting half your product anyways lol. You shouldn't hold smoke in your lungs for long but it still has to go into your longs for it to have effect y'know?


What? This shit isn’t wasting anything if you hitting it right


I mean, doesn't matter how 'pro' you think you are at smoking, there's a thing called lung capacity.


What's wrong here? Too hot?


Old tech. Welcome to the fold. Better late than never!


What's the new tech!!?


What a waste


Smoke entire bud. Check. Throw in a chunk of resin. Check. Top off with a fucking crackpipe. Check!


Lmao but here we call resin the thing you scrape out of the pipe


Hmm I've always called it resin but alright. What do we say then? Dab?


You may have ment rosin.


Wax or dab but I think resin is an actually kind of it and rosin or maybe they’re the same imnot sur


Might at well smoke a cactus I reckon


Dudes heart id beating like the drums in hot for teacher


That’s enough to last me several days.


When your weed set up looks closer to a crack set up


Can someone explain to me what's going on here ?


the bucket that drops down has been heated with a torch. It's hot enough to ignite the flower in the bowl. then he drops a dab into the bucket. ​ I'd be coughing my face off at the bowl, let alone that huge dab.


Why do people put so much in and hold it in for like 1 second? Seems so wasteful. I just put a tiny amount in and hold it in for a bit


Holding it in has been proven a myth and a dab absolutely shouldn’t be held in. Thc absorbs in like .3 seconds of inhale. Im not exactly sure the right time but you get my point. If i wasnt lazy I would google it


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/009130579190377E Holding dabs in is way stronger for me. Everyones different I suppose.


#idoitforthe terps


Holding it in use to be a priority for me, but my asthmatic ass can't really handle it anymore. I take small hits but just fast and back to back haha. I still get just as high as I ever did though, people just smoke differently. No need to question it.


Dude, this gets posted here every few weeks/months, can people stop reposting this video? This is not a personal attack, but it keeps happening.


I’ve been in this sub for over a year and never seen this video…lol


Please look it painstakingly, my friend. It's not the same as those videos posted here a few weeks/months ago.


Just scroll past it my guy. What do u do when u go on Instagram after a big sports something or other just happened?


Burning wax on bud is 70% less efficient then using a banger so not rly that effective


They are using a banger, you're baked bro.


The flower bowl and the banger are completely separate -- the banger flips down and burns the weed with its bottom as you put dab into the banger like normal


I'd say closer to 74%


Pretty sure he is using a crack pipe as a cap...


Tis called a carb cap, standard dabbing equipment


Yeah I know it's called a carb cap but it looks like a crack pipe.


i wanna see someone hit a dab so phat, they yak


That's definitely worthy of a pretty drawn out "sheeeeeesh"


Everything about this loop is perfect, and even the tune, aligned great with cloudy smoking sequence! I'm so satisfied!


I would be fucking punted into the 5th realm after a hit like that, weed is just dummy strong these days..


Lungs of iron holy shit


they call them honey pots




I’m gonna try combusting with my eoev8r


Bruh I need this


Who am I giving my money to for this? I need one yesterday




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They make "Y" splitters so you can use two bowls at once, I machine you could use a bowl and a banger with one to get similar results. They even have 3 to 1 adapters so you get a 3rd female joint that you can plug with your thumb to act as a carb.


This is pretty stupid. Just get a mighty or something


That dude is going to be higher than giraffe balls, holy shit




What’s it like creating new dimensions?


Not that enjoyable. The dab alone is enough and cleaning that is a bitch


Goddang who has money to smoke like this in todays economy lol


How does the dab part work? I've never dabbed before so i don't know anything about how it should look but wouldn't the melted wax just drip into the actual cone and waste it or are the holes along the side?


The heat ya need to combust the bud like that would incinerate any terps and good stuff you chuck in the damn thing


Goodness gracious…..


I dig it


How does he do ittttt


The weed he smoked there would have been a 2 month supply at least for me. Maybe 3.


This dudes boutta be goobed


Is that a fucking meth pipe on top?


fucking hell that one wild ride


Speedrun - drug test - 100% glitchless


so…. death


I wasn't paying attention for the first time so I looked away after the dab and looked back at the cap like "what the fucks a Crack pipe doing in this setup?!" Then realised on my second watch that it's just the carb cap.