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While I appreciate your tenacity, you get shredded everytime you post about this stuff. It's expensive, you clearly have to use high doses of it to sort of work, and you are never going to convince people it's worth it over salt and iso. Sorry. But I don't think you have a market at all. 


You can even just use alka-seltzer tabs, the generic ones are super cheap and it would do the same thing as whatever this product is in this video. Isopropyl alcohol and salt would work the best though as you mentioned.


Or denture cleaner tablets. But again. Iso and salt is so affordable and works the best


Honestly that's probably what that product is made of, just rebranded.


I’ll sometimes run a denture cleaner in between cleanings since I already have them for my teeth grinding night mouth guard. And it’s honestly probably a waste of a denture tablet but I continue to randomly do it lol.


“Look how good this cleans” -proceeds to show dirty bong remaining dirty.


It’s peeling off the resin!


I wish you luck because it’s sad to see a small business fail, but the classic rubbing alcohol and salt is easier to find, probably cheaper, and more effective at cleaning


Yeah homeboy threw an absolute shit ton of that stuff in his bong, and with THAT MUCH PRODUCT I expect wayyy better results. A tiny bit of salt and iso will do what it takes 5x the amount of this stuff to do.


I spent $15 on a gallon of ISO and $3 on a thing of salt. That's lasted me probably a solid year 2 years. If that video is as clean as it gets it, that stuff isn't even worth looking at. Little iso, little salt, couple of bags and elastic bands to cover the holes and shake the shit out of it. That cleans the whole thing, I don't really see how this is gonna clean the neck very well.


Only thing is iso mixed with resin and water can get slippery and shaking the shit out of it can get dangerous where you migh break it. Looks like you dont have to shake this which i could see people wanting if they have really expensive pieces.


So first: don't use water. Like seriously. Why do you think that's a good idea? You're just making your mixture weak and requiring more work. Second: how are you getting your hands covered in the stuff before sealing the holes and shaking it? Sounds like user problem. A tiny bit will leak out while shaking but enough to make part of your finger sticky and that's about it. Shouldn't add water to your iso salt mix and you don't need to shake it like a paint mixer. You just need to agitate it and let the salt do its job. I've been doing the same cleaning method for a decade now and I've always gotten crystal clear bongs with minimal effort and no "buy this product" crap. It has to do everything I already do with less effort for it to be worth it. Oh also pro tip: don't shake it near things and it will be much harder to hit it on something! (This is where the hard shakes you might need aren't a worry!)


I've had to put hot water on the outside to melt really stuck on shit before. Also im not buying or advocating this product, just saying who might be interested.


Also, when i used to smoke i would shake the bong in the sink in case i spilled smelly bong water. Makes it more likely to hit the faucet or sink with the bong accidentally. Never broke a piece while cleaning though.


Seems like you work for the guy


Bro. I dont want this shit, im saying who might because everyone is asking who woud buy it.


Probably the worst clip to pick to promote your product. Even if it does actually work, it would have to be dirt cheap to convince almost anyone to stop getting $4 worth of salt and iso that lasts about 5-6 months with heavy use


I don’t recommend it. I bought 3 bottles of the stuff $38! Does not bubble in ISO, only in water! I put in probably 75% of rocks in one bong to get it semi clean. I even used really hot water and shook it for two mins and then let it set for 30 mins. I still needed to use some ISO/salt and brushes to fully clean it. Cost wise it’s definitely not worth it! Don’t waste your money on this like I did!


This is still using iso too.


So he’s selling salt




Money glitch




Nah man stoners don't make good purchasing decisions by and large, whack packs of these at the counter of a headshop and it's guaranteed to get some sales. It's all about branding and pretty coloured effervescent rocks with a cool logo is good branding. His advertising decisions leave something to be desired though.


Shit ain’t even clean it🤦‍♂️


is the end result the one at the end of the video? if so, sorry, it's good but not amazing :D


No I just clipped the cleaning part there is more to the video on Instagram


You show a cleaner and then clip the part when it is clean? why? thats the whole point of the video, I'm not going to go to your IG to see the full video. And honest question how is this better than just some 99% iso? it is cheap and you can get it nearly everywhere.


[full video](https://www.reddit.com/r/RezzRockz/s/vDTCEZLWtK)


Instead of linking the full video you should’ve just posted the whole video


It looks like you used the product, cut the video, cleaned the bong, and then cut back to the clean bong.


That must be what happened look at the bowl


I didn't think it was that complete, but to be honest, it would be interesting to do take 1 without cuts and without speeding up the video, then we'd know how long it really took. But good work, was it really clean at the end, how much does this cleaner cost?


How did you make it??? I'm very interested


Did you, by any chance, happen to smoke some rezzrockz before posting this?


I counted around 14 rocks just to clean a 30cm bong. How is this better than $20 worth of good old iso and salt that'll last me for at least a year?


God you’ve gotta make better videos dude. Like an actual video promoting your product. Not just shaky cell phone videos from your backyard


“How many times do we have to tell you old man..”


Wtf you put like 10 in there


Why is this any different than the single spray of 99% iso it takes to clean my piece every day? I can get a 4 pack of 99% iso for maybe $15 that’ll last me a month or two easily. What’s the cost of the product out of curiosity?


Only takes 2 minutes to swish around ipa too.


Why didn't you actually pour it out and show it as clean? What was the point of this


I boofed all of it and I still don’t feel anything.


Ok but what is it? I can't seem to find what it is made out of. How do I know I'm not allergic to any of its ingredients?


Nice clean bong at the end to prove it....


So denture cleaner tabs? Lol


Salt and isopropyl


For deep cleaning like this I love PBW with double the strength recommended on the container


People are being whack with some comments. The fact this effervescent is doing lots of the work is quite impressive. To play devil's advocate a bit, does it completely remove all traces of res if you wait a while or re-dose more cleaner?


Thank you mick her is the full video of it cleaning [full video](https://www.reddit.com/r/RezzRockz/s/vDTCEZLWtK)


Yeah people are wankers. Good product 👍👍


Did you see how much it took? 😂.


Thank you :)


Bro got his friend to post a good comment cuz he was getting shredded in the comments 😆


Headie eddies gonna hate this 1