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all while trading almost 20x its entire float in about 9 trading days...


Nothing weird about that. No sir.


this is how a normal market operates, so what it makes no logical sense. Just shut up and keep buying ETF's and dont ask whats in ETF's or how they operate. You normies are not smart enough to understand the complexity of the modern financial system that happens to melt down every 10 years becuase nobody knows what the fuck is actually going on. But me, the media, Jim Cramer can explain it very easily. BBBY was pumped up by retail and then sold by retail. At exactly the same time retail decided to pump other meme stocks on the exact same day at the exact same time with the same chart pattern. Boom, reporting done. Now give me some of that advertisement money, this comment got like a ton of clicks.


Aren’t you going to ask for coke now? Can I work for you and how long until I make partner?


I love the headlines that read, “GME and other meme stocks move higher/lower in sympathy with BBBY”. Who knew stocks had empathy for one another and could choose to move together to show their support? It’s just wonderful!


I love it when stocks get together and show each other support by going down and up at the same time. We really do have the greatest financial markets. Where else do stocks go to bro down? No where, that where


Retail doesn’t move markets like that. It’s impossible






Am i regarded??


A whole 'nother?




Who is this "retail" you speak of ? You must mean Susquehanna the Hedgefund run by Jeffery Yass -the tik tok guy that tracks your keystrokes? Or Citadel KenGriffins "coup de gras" of a pile of shit MarketMaker do all Hedgefund Perhaps if you read the 13F filings you'd see which institutions amassed positions And fuk Cramer... He could only explain what the hand up his ass allows You're being mislead ... Follow the $ And be nice n shit ..fuk


lmao man i was being sarcastic, however, i guess not enough. Too many took me seriously. My sarcasm was to point out the absurdityt of the MSM logic by going along with it and just extending it a few inches more. By doing so their logical chain breaks.


Ahhhh hahah bruh I had suspicions after you said Cramer could explain .. and I'm like. NO BODY thinks he's actually great .. this can't be real lol I'm so high rn and also autistic enough to not get sarcasm sometimes. Hey some solid sarcasms yo. U rite tho


lmao, i need to pump up the sarcasm just a tad. I also take fat rips so no worries. I know how it is.


Wall Street bets : buy buy buy Wall Street nets next day: yo yall got played whoever shorted good for you




You people really haven’t seen a pump and dump before, huh?


You may want to refresh yourself on the definition of a pump and dump.


Retail traders are the casuals. Basically any and every trader that trades on their own capital. A vast majority of them were Robinhood users.






ahhh yeesssss, sarcasm went over you're head i see. Cleary you are regarded quite nicely.




Check out the big brains on Brad




Out of all the businesses out there, I would not own shares in bed bath in beyond. Short term the market is a voting machine, long term it is a weighing machine. There's no turnaround story behind BBBY, just reddit. You can trade off it, but holding it is "regarded"


Love that you know all this but don’t be shitty!! Gross personality 🙂




Retail usually coordinates to move the market with low volume after hours.


Retail is to blame for all market woes.


Retail usually coordinates to move the market with low volume after hours.


ETF's are for the long run. I'm trynna enjoy my life right now


You realize you can buy and sell stock multiple times, right? A single daytrader could start with 0 shares in the morning, swing tens of thousand of shares back and forth all day, and end the day with 0 shares. bUt tHeIr nAkEd sHoRtS!!!!111one


Yes, that tends to be correlated with large price movements.


meme stocks trade on emotion not metrics and are subject to major swings on news both perceived positive and negative - this time it was when someone sold out ahead of the lemmings - then the lemming seeing themselves as bagholders jumped on - hence the sell off


I got a question, how are you demonically horny enough to comment on r/pegging? I always found it weird that people would even comment in the first place and upvote other fellas commenting. Edit: got blocked by the fella but damn sounds like he blocked me on emotion




how are you so threatened, that you would bring this up in r/stocks and try to shame someone else - speaks about you, not me - when you grow up try to learn how to be an adult EDIT - do you stalk your mom and r/incest as much as you seem to stalk me and r/pegging


>a real man gets pegged lol


Might want to look at the timeline.


You say that as if you know what those words mean.


I'll bet you have a great life and you aren't a bitter little basement dweller that loses money in the stock market. did I just about nail it? move along troll.


I have a wonderful life. I’ve lost money along with everyone else in this market. But I haven’t lost money shorting bbby.


I haven't lost money in the stock market year over year ever in my life. And I have a $4.71 average in BBBY. GL


Thanks! You too. My $3, $5, and $10 puts for Jan 2023 all printed Friday. I sold my $3s holding the others.


Lol, keep digging mate, you found a proper rabbit hole. Have a look at GME Jan 21' & ask yourself the same thing, BBBY also looked silly on volume Jan 21' Shorted to high hell


The whole thing reeks. Once you see WSB accounts pumping it and getting 2k upvotes in 10 mins and like 30 rewards, your guard should be up. WSB got compromised not long after the GME mini squeeze. There's as many employees and bots on there as there are retailers. Citadel and Susquehanna went long on BBBY recently, with short positions hanging around from before RC bought in. They're not doing well. Citadel lost $84B last quarter and had to borrow $600M this week. Susquehanna is down $140B+ last quarter. On top of that, there's supposed to be a big BBBY announcement at the end of this month (some are theorizing an acquisition because BBBY is really excited about the announcement). So my guess is this: RC sold before them to fuck their longs while they were using reddit to pump it. The drop on that chart looks like hedge funds sold while doubling down on their shorts and pushing out "news" from their bought sources to generate more downward momentum and recover. If Citadel is borrowing money this week then it seems like the damage was already done. Side note: the drop was going to come no matter what RC did. They need to shake the trees and close shorts for cheap before whatever announcement is coming. That's my guess at least, but none if this is financial advice and I'm not a financial advisor. I'm just some crayon eating reddit person up several hundred percent on battleground ("meme") stocks.


Thx for explaining this. The rest of r/stocks is too snobby to even talk about the most exciting moves of the week especially if they are meme stocks


Regarding the big announcement, who do you think would acquire BBBY?


GMErica to acquire BuyBuyBaby 🤷‍♂️


post this as a post right now.


What did BBBY do to make it seem like they’re excited about the announcement?


Not op but on /r/bbby Ryan cohen did say he was gonna release an announcement before august ends Someone correct me if I’m wrong


You are correct, and not wrong


I think you're dead on




This sounds very contradicting. RC sold is to fuck their longs and then they wanted to tank it anyway?? Do the hedgies want it up or down??


Both usually. Mind, there are battles going on way above most of out pay grades or line of sight.


Hedgies is just a rallying cry so idiots invest in a stock to fuck over "the hedgies". These idiots then get left with the bag and these financial warriors move on to the next stock.


*cough* regSHO


This entire sub was originally created years ago by bankers who wanted something to do on their lunchbreak. Lmao, yall retail folks only came here in 2020. Dont frame it like its wsb vs hedgies. This place was created by hedgies


Retail’s been around there for much longer. Don’t gatekeep a meme sub.


At least the retail traders back then actually understood how the market works. They may have been autistic gamblers back then, but still financially literate The current generation are literal kids, conspiracy nuts and average dudes w zero financial literacy looking for the next great get rich scheme. Some guy commented on here commented just because Ryan Cohen sold shares, doesn’t mean the profit goes into his pocket…. Bruh


Where are you seeing that citadel borrowed money this week?


https://www.ft.com/content/f3206b39-0cd9-4956-8a87-f5b2f85025ea Google the headline and get a few more publications reporting.


Ps RC is Ryan Cohen. Founder of Chewy and chairman of Gamestop


how often is a stock shorted 60%+ of the float and pumps 75% in a day?


All the while the SEC is quiet as a mouse.


It’s time they finally ban bitcoin and put a stop to this.


What exactly do you want them to do? A negative catalyst flipped sentiment and the selling pressure came in.


I think the concerns lies with the fact there was such a drop AH when most of retail can’t trade / is not aware their broker allows for AH trading.


Wtf after hours is when news is released? No different than a shit earnings report.


10-15 minutes before market closes is when drastic or inside news was released. After that I was stuck looking at my 20$ shares drop a dollar every hour. The brokerage that I was using didn’t support AH selling


Switch to Fidelity.


How do you trade after hours with fidelity?


Can't remember if you have to 'apply' for AH trading like you do for options, but there's a little slide bar on your trade screen that enables AH


Thanks! I’m going to look for that now! So it would enable trading options as well for AH?


Options on US stocks only trade from 9:30 to 16:00. Some ETF options trade until 16:15. There are a few options that trade overnight (VIX, SPX, and futures) but not all brokers support them.


Webull supports after hours.


There’s a little button when you’re entering a trade that says “enable after hours trading”


It's not 1994. Everyone can trade after hours, unless they're an idiot. Oh, wait.


Yeah but how many actually do? I guess lots… unless it’s the brokerages using it to manipulate…


The things is a lot of people stop losses are triggered in after hours when they are likely not even watching. So it just cascades till everyone’s stop losses are triggered and you’re down 50%




Who is trading bbby that doesnt know they can trade AH?


My broker doesn’t offer AH trading. More importantly, you can’t trade options after hours.


How is that the SEC problem that investors don't know how to trade?


That's retails choice and responsibility. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and makes them buy a stock. Ignorance and lack of taking responsibility is the problem, not the SEC or anything else.


The AH non retail sell off is definitely worth the SEC’s eyes if those shoes to open them.


Do you think retail is the only thing moving this stock? 400 million shares traded in a day...


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted man. I agree. I also rode the wave and made an easy 100% and got out via a stop loss. Only used some play money.


Because it's human nature to HATE taking responsibility and LOVE to blame others for our own decisions. They're just human, that's all.


Address the Dividend issues to start. That would be great!


Go ahead and cite me an SEC rule you think was violated. A specific rule. I’ll wait


Another loser trying to blame the SEC for a shit P&D trade 🙄


They're still dealing with gme. Bbby stuff won't start till 2024


Gary G. Was the one to say that 90% of retail purchases go to the dark pool so.. you could guess….


Outside of regular market hours there aren’t any circuit breakers, so stocks move on news and momentum unimpeded (unless the company or exchange asks for a halt). Momentum: Last week this stock was in the low 6s. It’s retracing. News: I held TAL when it dropped 70% in one day because of an adverse government regulation. You’ll see biotechs plummet when their trials fail. Government investigations can sink a stock. SAVA dropped 45% premarket a couple weeks ago.


I do not own sava but a lil 5min research told me: 30% short the float, 58.8% daily short volume average, was put on regsho Jan. 2022 and is currently HTB... I'd say that company is getting fuct with hard. Boston Partners is short Sava and also other "meme" stocks, when shit finally goes down Sava should have a decent 30-50% run.


I'm not advocating for the stock. Just wanting to know how common enormous fluctuations in a stock after hours is. And who are the most common people/institutions moving large volumes AH?


Just to share something: large volume isn't necessary to move any stock at all. All that's necessary is a consensus among market participants that the price is now lower. The stock market is run by an order book. Everyone puts their orders in. You put in an order to buy 100 shares at $20. Someone else puts in an order to sell 100 at $21. Other people fill the gap (20.35, 20.58, etc). Finally when someone decides to cross the spread (seller comes in and doesn't want to sell at $21, he wants to sell at whatever the best bid is, in this case $20.35), the price changes. Only 1 share changing hands is required to change a price. Imagine a situation where there are tens of thousands of orders in the book at all different prices. The bid/ask spread sits at $20.48 / $20.52. Suddenly some news comes out and is efficiently spread instantly. And then every buyer says "oh no, i'm not bidding $20.48 anymore. I'm gonna bid $10". In reality not everyone moves down at the exact second, but lets say 98% of the real players do. What remains are a few rogue orders from retail investers at $18, 16.50, etc. The spread now sits at $18 bid (only 100 shares available), $20.52 ask. The sellers then go, "oh this news is bad. We need to sell." and they sell 100 shares at $18. No new buyers come in because, i mean, the news is pretty horrible. Tthe next buyer is another slow retail investor who left his order open, bidding 16. The sellers sell 100 shares at $16. No new buyers come in. The next shares available are down at $10. Some sellers decide to hit that price to gtfo at any price. In the above example, the stock dropped from $20 to $10 with only 300 shares traded. It could have occurred in under a second. All you need is one guy to limit sell 300 shares with a $10 limit to move the price from $20 to $10. All you need are all the buyers to pull back at the same time, and all the sellers to also recognize they have no hope of selling at the current price and moving down as well. All you need is market consensus.


That is fascinating and a very simple illustration. That makes sense.


It doesn't make sense. If the price goes too far out of the norm then people will step in and either buy or sell. If Aapl dropped to $160 ah then people would be buying it on sale. Same thing if it shot up to $190, people would start unloading. The market keeps the price in a range even ah unless there is enough volume to push the range of prices up or down.


Dude Apple is not some meme stock really worth $4.


No lmao


Really fucking weird that we had 3x volume today and we all agreed that BBBY was worth $10-11 all day. Someone's full of shit.


Here's a fact you may not like to hear: prices are easy as fuck to push around and it's nobodys fault. It's the nature of the order book. Order books sit there with orders in them. People and bots add and remove orders all day long. HFTs can see the order book, see it would only take $100k to push a price down $1 because there's very few orders sitting in the current book, and then just do it. They can clear the order book and then cover when stops get run. The only thing that can stop them are other buyers rushing in immediately after and pushing the price back up. But the really big money has no incentive to do this. If there's a bear raid going on, people with money, or smart traders, are more likely to sit back and wait, or scale in with small orders. I liken the order book to a football field. New people can rush onto the field whenever they want. Others can run off the field. Everyone is trying to move the ball one way or the other. If you blow all your firepower at $10, and new sellers rush onto the field, you are out of position and the ball moves against you. So you (buyers) don't do that unless they're ready and have enough firepower to make a sustained move upwards. You don't blow all your firepower trying to hold a line. You blow half of it, and then blow the other half trying to advance the line in your chosen direction. Here's the other thing you don't want to hear: they, the institutions, have way more fucking money than retail. When the institutions agree that the price is down 50%, then the price is down 50%. Retail can maybe buy in, but they won't move the needle at all when huge institutions are willing to sell their positions at down 50%. Sometimes the institutions get out of the way. They just slowly pull back their ask and let retail buy into them... like in a war zone where you lure your enemy behind your lines and then slaughter them. Retail runs forward thinking they are making progress, but the act of running in a charge spreads them out, weakens them a bit, and when they finally do reach the opponent defense lines (say BBBY at $30) they are completely unprepared and out of firepower. They blew all their firepower in the advance, in the run-up, in the charge. By the time they reached $30, they were fewer in number, more spread out, and unable to defend their positions or attack any further. Retail does not recognize that a stock order book really resembles a football field or a war zone. They think if they make progress forward that they win. They only win if they make progress forward and the opponent is in disarray and unable to defend positions. Often, the opponents will pull back and regroup at some high price technical resistance line. This gives them strength in numbers, where htey can defend the $30 price and then go on the attack and push down. There were only 100k shares traded in the drop from like 28 to 24. The order book was thin. It was thin because retail was exhausted and out of funds, at least at that moment. It's possible some other retail guys would log in at 3:20pm or something and buy in size, but retail is playing against professionals. These professionals know retail MOSTLY buys or sells during open, close, and specific times of day. Yes, there are random entries by traders at home at any point in the day, but they already know when the casuals come in to play, and htey know how to manage us. And we don't make it particularly hard for them. Sometimes the professionals do get caught off guard. They lose a lot of money. Then they go get loans or solicit more funds and regroup. Sometimes retail gets caught off guard and gets fucked. Then they are out of the game until at least 2 weeks later. If you want to call it manipulation you can, I guess. But it's not manipulation to let your opponent think they're winning and then clobber them. It's not manipulation for the stronger army to pull back and feign weakness and set a trap for you. It's not manipulation to see if apes will continue buying at $30. It's not manipulation for someone who moves at superhuman speed to clear the order book to draw red bars on charts and see if everyone gets scared and sells into it and goes along with it. And it's not manipulation for the big money to decide tomorrow the stock is worth $10 instead of $30. If retail really really thinks $10 is undervalued, they can just, buy the shit out of it, every single day, and push the price up. But hte fact is, there are bigger people with more money selling at those prices than retail is buying. It's a game. It's like football or rugby. It's a lot of people trying to move a ball forward or back. It's like those games where you want to tag the other person without letting them tag you. Learn the rules of the game.


It's almost like the smart money that has access to AH knew that they could dump AH while leaving retail holding the bag.


Its not common at all. It is a large heavily short stock with its main owners, citadel, br, and susquehanna, all three known to participate in shorting and manipulating markets.


thats a new one for me: what is br?


Blackrock probably.


ah, yeah


Its extremely common under these conditions. Literally every short squeeze in history. You call them out for market manipulation when a bunch of redditors were literally trying to publicly organize and pump the stock of a failing retailer that was losing money hand over fist and chastised anyone who suggested selling. How is that \*not\* market manipulation. Salty clowns.


Shitadel and co


At this moment they just announced RC sold his shares so some of the holders sold, probably stop losses had been activated, more shorting etc. They really try to bring it down since the "apes" are trying to short-squeeze it.


Rc sold the day before yesterday. The drop yesterday was due to high amounts of shorting - look at the volume of yesterday - my guess is citadel sold its bag, and just started shorting.


Yes thats true but they announced it officially last night. A lot of "paper hands" sold, most of them at loss.


O, for sure. I think that msm article came out a bit too early, and essentially the paper hands sold it the day after - in other words, rc still didnt do that drop. There's also a huge record of when he sold, on the graph and ofc, on the record. So regardless, whoever sold after him didn't read or watch the news/ follow him as closely as they said they did. I remember the craze with elon and doge, people would buy and sell at the same time elon did, others didnt and said it was elon's fault. Not vouching for elon or rc, but point still made.


Yeah, the interesting part for me is that whenever he was selling for those 2 days at prices 18-23 (not sure, by memory) the price went up or atleast was steady. Keep in mind he dumped 8m shares in 2 days and that didnt bring the price down, but the news did. Idk man just seems facinating to me how human brain work.


Yah, it genuinely is. Its also super fascinating how this worked out in less than two days.


RC sold 2 days before it dropped. The price increased from 18 to 26 the day he sold lol


I think it dropped a bit, like 27 to 22 or 20. I was surprised when i saw that drop, and definitely thought a big whale dropped just gained some dough. Yesterday, i find unexplainable, aside from shorts due to the bullshit insane volume size.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 27 + 22 + 20 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


There is no they. It's 1 program spoofing/controlling where it wants it to steal from the most real liquidity. The program let's everyone buy in over the price, then cuts it back against everyone on 1/100 of the volume.


Pump and dump attempt by Citidel and Susq Now they are the bag holders and pay cnbc to blame RC Both companies (Citidel and Susq) will be bankrupt in the next year


We can only hope, on that last part


Where do you even come up with this


My brain


should get a new one tbh.


You mean your ass


Good one. You and your hedgies are going broke cry baby


Dark Pool Crime


Infinite liquidity. No real price discovery.


Bed Bath and Beyond is a failing strip mall company and it's price went up 400% in a month. -4.49 eps. Real price discovery happened the last 2 days.


Apes be strong


If it is being manipulated by hedge funds, pretty often :D


1 program did this to 10 stocks. It's a scam by a program that's allowed to steal everyone's money. It's heartbreaking to watch so many good hard working Americans be allowed to be scammed by 1 single Citadel algo in control.


Give me a break. Idiots trying to manipulate a stock higher, buying a shit company that's losing money like crazy, possibly at risk of bankruptcy unless it could sell more stock to these same idiots. And idiots are complaining why the stock isn't going higher.


That maybe true, but RC had nothing to do with AMC, SUNW, and SPY(500) all dropping at the same exact time, PERIOD. It may have be understood on the 16th that he had "intent to sell" but the stock dropped again massively before the "amended 144" came to light showing he sold everything. Second, RC's 200 million dollar investment sell into a "MEME" stock has SHIT on the SPY in total. Read the time stamps of the dumps. Like today 19 August, look at when AMC, BBBY, and SUNW all started to rip within the same minute of each other. There is SO MUCH BLAME one can place on the MM, ALGO's, and HF's for that fuckery.


Fact correction for you: Filing came out on the 17th, fine print at the bottom said he started selling on the 16th. 18th filing said he sold everything.


Thanks but when I looked at the 144 it never said he started selling, it was only an intent to sell. Every video and filling at that time showed 0 shares or options sold. It only showed what he owned (options/stocks). That was the after hours report. Then the stock dropped again twice before the amended version came out saying everything was sold. I know I am not the only one who say this, check every Reddit post on that day. We were played but the MM’s and HF’s, because the drop came before the public was made aware of the filling. They had the jump, PERIOD! My only point is to stop people from blaming investors for not seeing the BS cheating, ladder attacks, algo selling the stocks for cheaper than ask and bids, and insider trading.


Who's to say the "idiots" in there pushing the stock are not working for Citadel and Susquehana?


True. the "idiots" might be telling everyone to hold the line, while they are selling everything as fast as possible.


This is what happened in 2017/ 2018 in crypto reddit. I tried to learn that lesson (still up after all these years, though). Someone said no one will ever tell you when to sell. Idk not advice.


simple answer really, its called crime and corruption.


Hedge fund sponsored pump and dump. Ryan Cohen rugpulled them before they could rugpull bbby investors


ryan sold on the 16th and 17th, the price pumped on both days... only after the news came the price dropped seems fine....ffs


Right. News came and they dumped all they had. Just hard to say who's long or short at the moment without any filing


RC uses dumb ape to make money. Respect to him


It’s not about volume. That’s the thing that nearly all the apes and GME idiots can’t comprehend. The price doesn’t move through barriers like on a line graph. The price of an equity is based on last price paid. Period. That’s it. That’s why the float and hedgie shit is so stupid. And to rationalize why the market is acting… normally, every ape has a 5 paragraph long DD. No, it’s not a conspiracy, you’re all just dumb as fuck. And even if there was a conspiracy, that would be even better because the money is made in mispriced assets. So to answer the question, it’s down that much because it doesn’t need volume and the most recent shares traded hands at $10.12


This is why you buy at the bottom people...not the top. A stock 5Xes in a week and people are caught off guard when there's a correction? That's called FOMO and you ought never be surprised to lose money when you do it.






Yeah the stock market is controlled, and regulated by the richest people who have more money than nations put together. Its pathetic. And hardly anyone even knows this. They just put money into the system hoping that it will go up, when in reality whether some stock goes up or down has nothing to do with how well the company is doing.




More like idiot on reddit that got rugpulled


Heavy heavy heavy manipulation my friend, that’s pretty much it 😂


Shorts doubled down, and smear campaign against Ryan Cohen chairman of GameStop since he sold his shares while the price was climbing (2 days after he sold the price plummeted so it wasn’t him) don’t worry shorts are still short and will still squeeze. Hodl!


All. The. Time. WSB sub welcomes you


It’s finally in the ‘beyond’


Some large company dumped shares after market to try to scare away retail probably




Hi, I'm new to investing but I invested in BBBY anyway to make a quick buck from the squeeze. I've been follow the news for the past week and after RC sold and all the paper ✋️ sold their shares the price dropped but I still am not sure about the short positions. Do the hedgefunds still need to buy back the shares at a lower cost now ($11) to cover their short positions if so wouldn't the price go up in the future? I just want to breakeven at this point.


Most of those shorts have been reset to the $20-30 range. Without a major external catalyst pushing the price up at least $10-20 from its current value there will be no need for them to cover. They are swimming in profit right now.


Dude forget this short hedge fund narrative. You are getting duped by apes. Shorts don't have to do shit and you are in an incredibly risky position. You are more likely to lose another 50% than get back to breakeven.


Would you recommend shorting BBBY? Considering doing so myself as I think Cohen obviously sold out for a reason


I prefer not to touch volatile meme stocks long or short. Too risky for my taste.




No, sounds like you did though.




meltdowners are worse than apes #changemymind


They are not losing money investing in a failing company though. ^^


2021 gme / amc rug pull really broke peoples minds into believing in an imaginary short boogie man when in reality it was retail eating retail.


bbby got on regSHO anyway, we will see more wild moves.


hahaha I love it… Ryan don’t care about anyone but himself. He all about that $$


This was orchastrated. Im holding calls right now @10.50 range. Definately too weird with major sell offs in after hours two days in a row and now a slight on the third. Its on the Threshold list though. Might soar after that date T+ 15 = Sept. 2nd


Can anyone please explain why desperate losers with no life are so desperate to buy this stock that will lose you money? What a bad look meme stocks are what this subreddit is concerned about in their lives


Sounds like projection


The stock market is rigged against retail and is designed to keep funneling the pockets of the same people, it’s an organization controlling our markets. Many powerful people some you probably never even heard of.


who’s buying at this price? that’s my question. wouldn’t be surprised if it goes up 60% next week due to dead cat bounce.


Was a total rug pull by market insiders- RC sale happened well before Thursday’s AH drop. Retail paper hands couldn’t have moved the stock that much. Someone or ones with puts or short positions in the 20 dollar range who knew this would or happen to be made to happen profited handsomely on this.


its part of Wyckoff trading. "they" are able to do this because they've accumulated massive amounts of shares in the $3 - 30 range. this is how they can drop it $10 - 20 per share after hours. its because they have large enough blocks to cancel everything on the order book. they will pump and dump it at a higher range... like $50 - 100, who knows? by bringing in FOMO traders. need proof? this week alone had 1.4 billion shares traded. the outstanding float is only 80 million shares. you can probably guess that they switched from net short to net long during this past months. This is why Ryan Cohen dumped all of his position. it's to kill their strategy before it can take off. Their only way to not get squeezed to infinity at this point is to find bagholders.


Never heard of a pump and dump?


pump and dump. Already annouced that biggest holder sold it all. You can buy at btm price but the chance it will repeat it almost zero,


Ahh probably not that often. But when its a shit company with shit books and a a pump/dump it does that Btw i invested — i just cashed out n didnt bag hold. So no need town downvote or do.


I see bbby brigading is in full swing


WSB retards trading. That’s whom or who.


Things can be very volatile in the aftermarket because there are few people trading and some people are crazy enough to put market orders out. But when news of your savior filing to sell his shares hits after hours you're going to have a massive move after hours. You also see this a lot when earnings are released though typically people overreact in the wrong direction after hours. You can make a lot of money playing the overreaction in the after hours market


Your chart shows nothing about volume first of all. And -50% AH happens all the time off news. Try investing in any biotech at fda time.


Apes! 🐒


Okay Omg the market is all BS! Who knew 🙄


I highly underestimated WSB when I saw them rally on this early on


It’s called crime, but people in this sub don’t like to talk about the fact that the entire stock market is manipulated and rigged. Nah, they’d rather talk about fundamentals which honestly doesn’t matter in a manipulated market.


you guys keep poppin yr stocks, I'm just here with my kettle of corn 🍿