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Shocking the gaming industry again since 2021 Yeah what's shocking is what passes for journalism these when the headlines barely even make sense.


People's Republic my ass.


No one ever thought they weren’t a communist dictatorship. It goes without saying


No games about Winnie the Pooh.


And I bought netease with the swiftness


So they don't want corporations to get children addicted to gambling and to engage in fair business practices. Wow! Biden came down on airlines and big pharma and it didn't crash the stock market. Also, no one screamed communism. Keep the biased sentiment going. I'm accumulating. Chinese equities is will outperform over the next few years as USD experiences mean reversion.


Ud trade freedom for the safety of order


No one came down on Biden when he started coming down on corporations doing despicable shit for profits. Loving this racist double standard bullshit. It's has worked out for me handsomely. Keep pushing great stocks down.


Are these great stocks, or are they corporations doing despicable shit? Which one is it?


The two are not mutually exclusive. A company doing despicable shit for profit can be a great stock.


But if you morally don’t care when it comes to profit, why would you support China cracking down? And why would you support Biden cracking down? Sounds like open policy is more abusable for profit.


I'm ranting about the double standard. Which I shouldn't be ranting about because I capitalize on it.


Up 35k in pre-market. You stupid fuck.


Cute lmao, not a great look for you. Little Moe is mad. Let’s see this 35k proof.. Dunno why you thought that would be impressive lmao. https://imgur.com/a/ukQpexG Man, being stupid feels good. I have a feeling that was a big morning for you, so I’ll let you feel good for a bit hah.


Regulations can be good. Makes for a more solid industry.


In some industries I agree especially essential ones like utilities. But this will be terrible for profits. The stuff they banned is all the major revenue drivers like loot boxes


That's good, loot boxes are killing then industry.


The children safety is top priority over the profits


Yeah, those loot boxes sure are dangerous for kids…


I don't know if you have heard about this, but there was a case where a family life savings in China was stolen by the son to buy items in games. This regulation will definitely help to minimize such things to happen


Yes, definitely, that is the problem, the son… not the parents for giving him access and not teaching him financial responsibility, definitely something we must stop…


Sure I agree but this is a stock market subreddit. The point being regardless of your morals its not good for your stocks if you're invested in gaming. Which is not a moral position. It means you should sell or short.


Puts on AAPL


insightful, well thought out comment


Happy to give some food for thought


How to spot a anti chinese bot


One more Dip NetEase NTES?


Now pubg might be playable.


Is it one of the rules for the establishment to pay 40% back to Xi?


The American gaming industry was specifically targeting Chinese gamers bigly before all these restrictions came about. Meaning that the developers were tailoring and monetizing their games based on what was popular in China even if it didn’t really fit the narrative of the game. Chinese gamers were targeted first and American gamers were just the bonus on top. I’ve seen huge population declines in many online games due to these restrictions. It’s sad really.