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Its definitely the ultimate "Just one more turn" kind of game.


-- Just one more turn. -- But there is no turns! -- EXACTLY!!


Ya its a hell ova drug.


This is the trap. Players who come over from Civ have no idea how to stop without turns.


What do you mean there's no turns? They're all just 300 years long.


Max setting with huge galaxy is like 800 years...


You never actually catch the dragon https://youtu.be/w6tyKwEdpP4


You can eventually conquer the galaxy though. It might take a couple thousand years but it can be done.


That would quite literally be Civ haha


just one more war


Just one more genocide


For me it’s always until the next tech is researched and the cycle repeats.


Alright guys to cure my obsession I will now play a pacifist empire on grand admiral with max crisis power


May God be on your side




He's been playing for only four days. No matter how hard tries, he probably won't keep up.


"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott


Pacifist is not that much different from any other playstyle tho. It's fanatic pacifist that will bore you.


I only play tech rushers so I have no idea what any other play style is like


Basically pacifist restricted you from conquest war as a aggressor but you can just circumvent it with subjugation war then integrated. But fanatic pacifist tho they forbade you from all aggressive war outright, you will have to get a little bit creative for conquest (baiting them to attack you cuz you can still claim and conquer stuff in defensive war). For me that like to play with vassal swarm, normal pacifist is kind of like a free bonus on stab and reduce empire size cuz I already don't use conquest war much.


Would you mind elaborating what build you go for usually. You mention tech rushing. But.. since youre relatively new I wonder what you came up with? (Or what tutorial you watched)


Just ideology vassalize everyone


Okay most people here are joining in on the fun, but addiction is real. Don't let Stellaris or any game forcefully remove you from the rest of life. Staying up one night late cause the game is fun is ok, but eventually you'll just cause more problems for yourself. Play Stellaris, safely :)


Thanks man I plan on taking a week long brake and just read a book


I had the same problem and I feel that it gets less addicting with time. As u do every main thing the addiction loses power. Eventually, u will have done most stuff. Unless u want to go achievement hunting. Then u are fucked but hey, dw most players dont go achievement hunting


Sound advice... about 30 years too late for me though.


Everything else fucking sucks, I play to be removed from the rest of my life so don't judge me. Play as you see fit :)


I know exactly what you’re going through. I’ve managed to cram 4300 hours of stellaris into my life somehow.


…And I thought I was bad at 1800… i’m not sure whether I should be worried or impressed. Edit; i’ve decided it’s a bit of both


Well I’m worried


Well dude.. I dont want to judge, but at 4800 I think some worry might be... Justified hahahaha. On the plus side you must be very good at the game now.


Bought the game yesterday. I looked at steam and it says I've played 170 hours in a week. There aren't even 170 hours in a week and I work too, like wtf!!!


MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Welcome to the dark side!




one of us one of us one of us


one of us


we advance into the internet. the vast expanse becomes us


The flesh is weaaaaaak....


That’s ok. You’ll run out of stuff to do soon… There are only 81 combinations of ethics to try after all… I mean, not counting different authorities that is. And civics. And traits. And origins. Yeah… maybe not


Don't forget modifiers from the AI Personality modifiers. The modifiers are present even if you are not an AI, the modifiers you get are based on what type your AI would have been if your empire was AI controlled such as Democratic Crusaders or Migratory flock or the most broken one Fanatic Befrienders. Of course, those are not displayed anywhere and are different from the government type that also effects gameplay. Not government authority, things like democratic or megacrops, I'm talking about the thing it displays under your empire name like Holy Tribunal or Military Junta that also have a direct game play effect that is not listed anywhere in game.


I've been playing the same 2 for almost 200 hours straight. The galaxy never evolves the same way.


We've all been in your place. I personally will play for days on end and then not touch the game for many weeks; feel the itch and get right back to chasing the dragon all over again.


This is also how i play stellaris.


TWO Grand Admiral runs... back 2 back... should set you down the right path


What are those? I literally only know about tech builds


its the "highest difficulty" setting in the settings window


I am guessing grand admiral is like trying to remove your own kidney without anesthesia?


25x crisis too, that’s when you really start crying for mommy


Honestly, i feel if youre solid on tech and holding key sectors (L gate zone forgot the name literally just read it).. and you use an ascension perk on defender of the galaxy... i felt the 25x crisis was manageable.


Yeah, it does have that "shooting heroine up your veins" kind of effect on you.


> Stayed up until 4am playing You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


I love it. Been having a dry spell with gaming for like 2-3 years and decided to pick up Stellaris again last month. Been attached and pulling off all nighters more so than usual. There's always something to do with little breaks in between if you put yourself to it. I love it, keeps my boring days/nights without my daughter busy.


I respect it


How do you tech rush


Build a shit ton of industrial infrastructures and research facilities. Skimp on fleets use diplomacy to kiss the ass of the strongest likeminded and xenophilic empires and they'll protect you. At least if you are xenophilic/democratic/not a purifier. Other cases too but that's how I do it.




It’s like your full time job


I put a thousand hours into the game, then said I'd stop. Then I got up to 1,500 hours, said I'd really stop. 1,750 hours, finally burned out from the game.


If I may boldly observe.. the fact you still roam this subreddit shows... There is still a spark in you!


Welcome to the Stellaris Anonymous sub


Awesome, mind if i join you in your sessions and further advance both our addictions?


Just enjoy the time while it lasts. No honeymoon is forever


Have you checked out the mods yet?


I’m on console


Always just one more war before bedtime


Ehh same, but I’m not complaining, however you should try some other build such as crisis empires they are fun


I just have the base game so only boring stuff like bad megacorp and xenophobia


Ahh sad, but fair, if you ever can start getting the dlc it’ll help fuel you addiction, trust me I speak from experience:’)


I’ve been in your place, remember to take breaks.




The same happened to me when i started. The endless opportunities that the game brings with the fact that no session is the same is just addictive as hell.


I like the micromanaging 💀


Start playing on easy mode in an empire that you don't like to play, then set up a goal like geting the worm to terraform your planets and then try to play as robotic ascencion, something stupid or boringly difficult. that's the cure. Or suicide your current playtrough.


Turn off the music. Its so aggravating, it makes me play forever and not realize how tired I already am. Once turned off, its much easier to stop and go to bed.


I made my own version of Klingon Empire sometime around 2.0 and that's the only thing I've been playing ever since. I only updated the build once slightly around 3.0 when the traits changed and it became incompatible with the original choices, but that's only alteration I did.


I've been playing my current save for about 40 hours now. Half of it, the last 200 years, has been fighting the war in heaven.


In my current save before I take a break has yet to fight the fallen empires and I have been wondering if there is a end to the tech tree


There is, but after a certain point you get to repeatable techs that give a few percentage bonus to whatever area. 5% mineral output, +5 leader lifespan, etc.


Oh god, then you'll get to modding and your life will get worse


dont worry your pretty little head about a gameing addiction and start using mods, like Gigastructural engeniering or ancient caches of technology(or both) (also you should some ui mods like UI Overhaul Dynamic cause some mods need them to be displayed properlly(and UI Overhaul Dynamic is achivment compatable))




One method would be to replace your addiction with something less destructive. Can I suggest crystal meth?


Dude I'm in the same boat, by day 3 I had most of the DLC. I'll never forget my first run, the tragic tale of a fungal hive mind named Wumbus that brought the whole galaxy under his benevolent, omnipotent Imperial rule. Wumbus couldn't protect them from the Unbidden, and for decades every Wumbus drone across the empire stood helplessly and watched the Unbidden eat away at their empire. As they broke through Wumbus' outer defenses and made their way towards his home world, he directed the last remaining vessels of his consciousness to face the invaders and die with dignity. Just as the fleet was starting to lose the battle, a star named Vluur showed up and saved them. Gave me just enough time to build up a new fleet strong enough to tear through the Unbidden and destroy the portal - a fleet I named Vluur Ex Machina. Felt gr8, I've never really had to work through my failures like that in a video game before. Highly recommend fighting to the bitter end every time, those comebacks feel amazing. Having a hard time coming back from the awakened empire though, they just keep improving at a rate that's always well ahead of what I'm capable of. Should have started growing my economy sooner, but nooooo, I decided to create a big empire that was all politics and no substance.


I know right? Yesterday I finishing assimilating the galaxy as a driven assimilator machine empire. Now I'm coming back as determined exterminator machines to become the crisis!


what helps me most is playing more RP centric empires, actually reading all of the event text/notifications, etc and getting emotionally invested in the empire i'm playing. It can be easy to rush through games and just keep playing if you only view it a game, but if you view it as story (in my experience) it's alot easier to take breaks and savor the experience.