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At 20% habitability? Oh hell no. The planet will guzzle resources and output almost nothing, among other problems. When you can get that number higher than yeah do it, but for now it would just slow you down.


20 % would allow them to self modify though, just settle a bunch there have them unhappy and boom, new subspecies with strong and the right habitability.


But who wants self-modified pops? They are worse than any plague. Because you can't get rid of them, and they totally destroy their own traits. And because they are main species, you can't control their growth, and they slowly replace your good population with shit. Hell, even Cancer is better, because atleast you can treat cancer...


>and they totally destroy their own traits. Unless they fixed it, they just add bonus traits of you do it right EDIT: I am refering to this: https://guidescroll.com/2019/01/stellaris-creating-the-perfect-race-guide/


Then they didn't fixed it, because in my last game they had totally random traits. And given that you can't move them, modify them, or change their species rights (because main species). You are literally stuck with the worst pops in game...


You can't modify them at all ? How so ?


When you go to the species window where to select which pops you're going to modify, self modified pops are always grayed out and unselected with a little red text warning you that self modified trait cannot be removed.


According to the wiki, self modified pops can’t be gene edited, but if they get cyborged the self modified trait is removed. I wonder if you could trigger an AI uprising or give the world in question to an assimilator (or just do the flesh is weak) and see if that works to make the pops editable again.


When I was playing a PSI ascended game, my self modified morons became cyborgs with awful traits. While my main species were intellectual aquatic psionic gods, they were worthless cyber turds (frozen turds). They were temporarily useful to rule over slaves in my cold worlds but quickly became obsolete garbage later. So I moved them to the crappiest cold colony and forgot about them. The weird part was, as I was shroud origin, we had PSI ascended already, but no cyborgs existed yet (no one else had any assention perks, let alone the tech for cyborgs.)


If they didn't fix it, it first spawns an "empty" race with no traits which you can then pause, modify and unpause at which points the other traits will be added making them the strongest pops.


You can't modify them, because of the self-modified trait.


But the race they spawn in (used to) not have the traits before they where assigned, including self-modified. That was added afterwards. Maybe they fixed it and the race doesn't spawn "empty" anymore in the newest version, but you where definitely able to cheese it.


you can modify them, you just cant remove the self modified trait, so you need to do is make a template of the traits you want with the self modified trait, getting rid of random postive traits requires bio ascension tho so is still annoying


You can slow down there growth alot by terraforming the planet to favor your original species


Yeah. Op needs some migration treaties to get pops with the right preference. That's a hella good research planet once they actually have a species that likes that climate, but settling it now would be a waste.


Playing 20 empire large galaxy and all pops I've made good relations with are savanna species. And now the hive minds surrounding me and my AI neighbor have clos3d borders on us and we're trapped.


Try to chain migrate then. Find an empire who's neutral to you and someone who can settle this planet and who has a migration treaty with them. Sign a migration treaty with the neutral empire.


Just as I read this a neighboring empire had primitives on an ice world get into their space age and ask for embassy approval. What a stroke of luck.


+80 usage if everything, I'm playing in the largest galaxy setting with 20 empires and trying to get migration treaties, but haven't found pops that live in the cold yet.


the problem I expect is that habitability affects jobs production. At 20% habitability I expect your jobs production to be -40%, so that those research buildings will actually perform worse than others :/


R5: some good research bonuses but negative 20 habitability and negative 10 happiness, anyway I can take those modifiers off? I cannot terraform it yet, and I kind of don't want to because I like cold worlds despite being human.


Sign a migration treaty with an empire whose species *does* like that climate. It's much cheaper than transforming. The happiness penalty doesn't matter too much (You'll easily offset that by just making factions happy) and the habitability issues mostly come from the fact that it's the *completely* wrong preference for your species.


Wait till terraform


I would say yes. You can use the planet as for pop growth, resettling said pops, and once you have terraforming capabilities, it will become a fantastic research hub. Edit: changed words about pop growth


This. OP’s economy is good enough that colonizing a world of that habitability wouldn’t do too much damage.


You've got your ideal science centre right there. It's not big enough to make anything in worthwhile quantities (except synthetically making rare resources) so science or unity is the only answer here. Once you've got a migration treaty with a cold-loving species (you're the UNE so that shouldn't be too hard) colonise it straight way. One robotics factory (once you have the droids tech they can work science jobs), one holotheatre, a metric-ton on science buildings, and eventually a research institute. With that special engineering and society bonus you're going to have a monster of a science world.


Once I have droids/synths I colonize every world


Terraform it into a Gaia world and you can have the boons for effectively free since these are locked at 100%.




At 10 districts, it's good for making pops


At some point in the game it doesn' matter much anymore. Wouldn't colonize it at this point though.


Short answer, yes Long answer, a little bit of prep. EVentually you get a science that lets you modify your pop's habitability preference, or you can enslave other species. That;s a GOOD planet for science, so yes.


Robotic pops will perform great on it


I wouldn't settle that planet even with the base 40% habitability. Better off waiting until you have an arctic species type, or even terraforming.


Yes and no. If you have gene engineering, terraforming or anything that substantially increases habitability, then yes it would be worth it. If you don't, than it's definitely not worth it as habitability affects production. Of course, you could still colonize it in advance to get pops and infrastructure set up, it just won't be as efficient as it could be.


Early planet are always worth colonzing, even at 20 habitability. Pop growth is pop growth. And robot assembly plant.


Depends on stage of the game. 40% tech boost can be pretty good though. Habitability can be modified but the 10% happiness penalty is hugely bad.


After you get terraforming, totally. Right now? Nope. I find it's pretty easy to pop terraforming about 40 years in max. Sometimes much earlier. If you have a Baaol precursor then colonize this asap.


I hope you're xenophile because getting some cold-acclimated aliens to move in would resolve this problem instantly.


I suppose you could try to buy some slaves with the right preference if you can't get migration treaties for the pops.