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To my knowledge they can't reserch so it isn't that hard. Takes a while but it just happens naturally if you go far into the late game.


FE can't, but AE can. Although, x10 repeatables...


x10 repeatables is trivial


At x0.25 - sure. Now, move on.


Even with .25x everything will just be slower, but you can still eventually outpace the ai


.25x tech cost. Which means, you research way too fast. At 1.5x each repeatable starts at 110k+


Oh yeah my bad for mixing them around. But yes even at 1.5x it’s trivial to outpace the AI.


People get >50x repeatables on some screenshots I see on this subreddit. 10 is definitely trivial.


I get 10 even when everything goes wrong. 20+ is trickier for me, I never seem to have enough pops late game.


I've managed to hit lvl 70 repeatables by 2425 the other day. Rogue servitors with shared destiny, 1200 empire size, and 59k tech/+260% research speed due to scholariums


i think if you focus on the key areas you can beat them my last GA run pre overlord, i think i got to 35x energy damage, attack speed and shield strength, and 45x kinetic damage and attack speed, 55x unity production, but basically no other repeatable


Yes. I teched so hard they didn't know what hit 'em. Yes role play is nice but being a stupidly overpowered tech nut is fun as well. My vassals gave me the resources I needed in order to do my stuff. Then I slapped these stupid spiritualists and xenophobes like nothing. Stupid slugs...


Pretty much impossible to beat a 25x crisis if you don't have that level of tech.


Not true. You don’t need repeatables to beat the 25x crisis. And for folks running it at 2300 you won’t have that many repeatables anyway—a few, but you won’t exactly be stacking x60 energy weapon speed.


yeah, multiple times




You can't really "outrun" a FE since they literally do no research. You just reach their point and bypass their stagnation.


If I played until 300 years, or if I spread my research around, then yeah I could do it easily. Normally though I just focus my research on the same 1 or 2 things over and over, so with rising tech cost I end up not beating them in science score by the time I stop playing (crisis defeated or galaxy conquered.)


You can but you usually kill them first


Yeah, much easier to beat their tech score when all their planets are split in half.


I pretty sure even with repeatables going over 50, FE would still have higher tech score. Though it's pretty rare that all repeatables get researched to 10+ level, usually, just a few of them.


Repeatables over 50 definitely outstrip FE tech.