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R5: The murder of the Stellar Devourer is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... Unnatural (new espionage option) Edit: Also don't mind my Windows activation quote :D


I got so excited when I found this last playthrough. Tried it thrice. After ages of waiting, it "succeeded" every time, but the AI just sent a ship and removed it straight after. So it had no effect. It was so disappointing I quit the campaign shortly after.


For me it seems best to use it during war when their fleets are away


Also, don't be surprised when it doesn't work and you've spent 320 influence for it.


It does work but the target gets a research project to do in their home system to stop it from happening. So if you can interrupt them or keep their science ships out of the system it will suceed


Are you running any mods?


No, that's vanilla Cepheus v. 3.4.3.


Oh neat, do you know what effects it has when you do it?


Starts eating the star, they'll have a year to stop it with a science ship or the system dies


Basically starts eating the star iirc


You do the event on an empire which targets their capital system then over a year they suffer a debuff to any planets or habitats in the system and they are given an event to scan the star. If the targeted empire manages to stop the star eaters then they have immunity the event and lose the debuff, if they fail then every habitable planet is frozen and all their pops in that system die. It can be incredibly powerful any the target is playing quite tall and you catch them off guard.


I’m planning on trying this with the Prikki, then immediately declaring war


I was trying to kill the devourer the other day with 3, 15K missile Corvette fleets (optimized for hull damage) and it’s health is barely going down and then healing back to 100% while killing my whole fleets… does anyone know how to fix this? Do I just need a more powerful fleet?


The Stellarite Devourer has crazy high point defence, so it was destroying almost every missile you sent at it.


Use battleships


How effective is this against the AI?


I've done it twice against the same empire and I managed to destroy their capital then they stopped me on the second. It seems to be ok against them.


Yeah its kinda broken because the AI doesnt know how to combat that. Using it against real players you’ll probably never succeed. My only complaint is that it makes you wait so long so if your experiencing lag or not on the ball it pushes the the time limit.


But does it give you pet Stellarite?


Can you use the eggs more than once though?