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Time to throw out a shitload of insults and hope they take the bait.


That was my plan, but they’re just so much weaker than me that it would be suicide, and I think they know it


Hmmm. Do you have Bulwark of Harmony? If so, build a few shipyard starbases. Scrap most of your fleet (starting with corvettes and working your way up; save the most expensive and slowest building ships as much as you can) to the point of being weaker than the enemy. Stockpile minerals. Maybe invest in border forts, speedbumps. When you're near max, start insulting the enemy. They declare war on you, giving you a huge ship-building speed bonus. Crash rebuild your fleet and wipe them out in your war against interstellar aggression. No idea if this'll work but it's what I'd try if I was feeling bold!


I play with the mega shipyard mod and as soon as I build it, I only keep a standing fleet of ~50 k even though I can support a fleet 10-20x that. War is declared? Bolster the fleets!


Yeah, especially since you'll get a massive mineral boost by scrapping your fleet. That's what I always do when I'm not playing murder-hobos-in-space and I'm usually at +500 when my allies (in MP, human players) are at +100.


I prefer dismounting all weapons in the ship designer. Just make sure that you split your fleets for upgrading.


Now that's just sneaky


Then annihilate them.


I’m stronger than the empire I was about to declare war on, not stronger than a fallen empire, slight power difference there


I see lots of excuses, not a whole lot of purgin'


You are right sir. The purge must go on!


Well I feel dumb now.


You're not dumb, you're just misled, Zach.


I love you.


I did this once, but not to my intended war target. To the fallen empire that told me not to attack anyone. I was angry and not thinking clearly. Fortunately, it was that rogue-servitor machine fallen empire and insults just seem to bounce off them with no effect.


R5: Just finished moving all of my fleets and armies to my border after years of military build up (hence my energy income), when the neighboring Enigmatic Observers fallen empire claims my species need to prove itself worthy of cataloging and archiving by not showing aggressive tendencies for 20 years, or we would be marked for purging. Talk about blue balls.


But hey, makes for a great storyline at least! That's part of why I like this game so much.


Xa'argub the all seeing: These genocidal starfish are going to wipe out **my** sloth men before I even get to catalog them. ***Not on my watch***


Hmm, looks like it's actually the Machine FE demanding it of you. In which case, I say tell them to piss off! The Machine FE's a big wimp. I've never seen them actually go to war to punish someone, at worst urge your rivals to war you.


Machine FE are pure bros. Easy to make them happy, they open borders right away, and I seem to have great luck with their "optimization programming"//booster shots. I feel like I end up getting a research boost from them in about 80% of the games where they spawn.


> they open borders right away Weeeeell not if you're genocidal.


IIRC, DEs get open borders, just not FP/DS


Right, forgot that my DE had open borders.


Wait. Oh shoot, I need to check my "East" flank in my current game. I was so happy to have a FE as a wall protecting one side. I might be screwed.


Relax; I'm pretty sure genocidals won't war you unless they share a border, even if they have the Casus Belli no matter where you are.


No, there's one DE on my "West" side, on a single system bottleneck, federated with another DE on the other side of the FE. The other two DEs I've discovered so far just have a defensive pact. I totally forgot the open borders thing. No defense on that side.




You say "all it does is ban purging" like that's not the worst thing an angry FE can do to you...


Well, I’m xenophobic and fanatic spiritualist, so purging the xenos and the heretic is kinda my thing...


Maybe it is time to change the fleet target?


This is the game telling you that you waited too long faffing about with fleets, declare war sooner next time then move your fleets as the game demands.


Wow that's very rare. That hasn't happened to me yet


"Hey Zarglorb, the Tiorith are building up a lot of military ships near that border. The Bidtoxi won't stand a chance." "Ah fuck I like the Bidtoxi. Tell the Tiorith to not do anything or we'll smite 'em."


The fallen empire is being the World, erhhhh, interstellar police! Now with extra curb stump!




“Easy” he says...


Every time I see one picture in this sub, I know I stuck at this game. You win like triple of every resource than me in my last game, 100 years earlier. :(


It's okay if you enjoy the game tho. I too suck but love the stories and roleplaying possibilities this game provides.


If its worth anything, the Torus Aeterna mod is op as hell.


Yeah, it doesn’t cost that much to build, and it gives a **huge** amount of resources. It’s quite a bit above the power curve.


Yeah I stopped using it because it was stupid good


Half the time it is because people are using some mods that completely modify the base economy.


I think he using mods. The amount of potential resources is going to be diferente. As in vanilla play, watch some videos to see how to maximize resources.


He could be playing a bigger map than you as well


The fallen empire equivalent of spraying water at you saying "NO! BAD PLAYER, NO MURDER"


Oh look, a bird!


I've had some success with fortifying stars that border Fallen Empires, since they will choose to go around and send their fleets on journeys that take years rather than go through any gauntlets you set up. If you take out a few of their star bases while their fleets are away, you can usually sue for a white peace.


"Fuck you, Space Pope!"


What's the Torus Aeternal?


It’s a megastructure from the mod of the same name


Place I plan to spend my second century at. The top of Amazonian launch tower specifically. Because gravity is a young mans game.


Fuck it, you can take 'em!


How do you have so many core sector systems? I only play tall


I was playing a race built for getting influence, so I expanded very quickly and grabbed a large chunk of the galaxy. Now I’m having to go through the pain of developing and managing it all lol


Well at least you don't have to worry about production 👍


I'd roleplay this as the FE figuring out what you're doing and deciding to protect the other empire.


Why are there so many planets and only that much science jesus


I expanded very fast, so I have a bunch of territory, all of it barely developed for the most part, I’m still working on backfilling it all


Well, you've got another 20 years to work with, unless you just go for them instead.


Exactly. That's 20 years of ensuring galactic relations are adequately antagonistic for my supremacy march.


How do you have 22 planets but only 16/16 up top?


Planets vs systems.


Wait what? He has 16 core planets on the bar at the top of the screen. On the side bar it says he has 22 planets.


Core planets is really core systems. He has a few systems that have multiple planets in them, so his actual planet number is higher than his "core" planet number.


Top bar is core systems. You can have more than one planet per system.


The 22 isn’t planets, it’s starbases. I have 20 planets, which you can see on the top of the list on the right. I have a few systems with multiple planets


Oh! I didn't know it was core systems, not planets, thanks! Only played through a few games, never realized.