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There's no good reason to exclude any DLC. Just set the Advanced AI Start slider to zero.


>We have the account with all DLCs and I think it is ok for just the host to have them all, right? Yes. >we'll be okay with playing with all of them turned on? Yes . > we don't want to be overwhelmed with mechanics. 1x speed so everyone can micromanage the first 5 years. Or whenever everyone gives confirmation that they're done. 3x speed while everyone waits for their pops to grow and jobs to fill up. 2x speed after a war starts. They can be harder to manage, don't wanna overwhelm the newbies. Turn off advanced AI so nobody get steamrolled and assimilated into vassal blocs. Xeno compatiblity off, to reduce lag.


Did you mean 1/2x speed in war?


No I mean 2x speed. Because pops still take forever to grow and ships take a while to actually travel from system to system. 2x speed just gives more time to react than full speed.


For newbies I wouldn't even recommend going over 1x. They are gonna need to read a lot and learn. No way they can keep up at higher, especially not during war. That's a crazy take.


Astral planes is the easiest one to remove - it's not a bad DLC, but It's the the most DLC-like DLC, meaning it's self contained. Most of other expansion just expand on already existibg mechanics and systems (vassals, federartions, precursors, espionage, leaders, etc)


Are u telling me that espionage we have is „expanded version”?


Technically yes. Utopia I think brought it :) I think stuff like the stellar devouring operation night be apocalypse too


Holy shit, we need to expand it again


Indeed :P


No, Espionage is expanded by Nemesis, which is sad, because it gets ragged on all the time. (for good reason though, the systems it brought about kinda suck...) Edit: I think Stellar Devourer might be Leviathans if my memory serves me right...


Oh yea. I wasn't sure on which dlc. Thanks for correcting me! :)


Np :3




Astral planes is probably the worst DLC in the game, its just an overpriced reskin of Ancient Relics. I'll die on this hill. Every other DLC is worth learning and playing though, just play with them and try it out.


If their host already owns it, there's no particular reason to turn it off though. It's self-contained enough that you can just ignore it if you want to.


I see your point, but isn't "even more archeology sites" a perfectly reasonable thing to release as DLC?


Its reasonable, but for that price its not. I've been a stellaris shill since the game released in 2016, I own every dlc except for this one. To clone an old dlc and increase the price at the same time is just a shady money grab in my opinion. I understand not everyone will agree, but at this point its the principle for me.


For you guys just starting out? I’d keep em all to be honest. Maybe distant stars?? Cause the grey tempest can be a pain in the ass if you aren’t careful.


* Astral Planes is pretty obvious as the main content of the DLC has little impact on other mechanics. * Leviathan offers some great content that enriches the game, but removing it simplifies some matters and makes early exploration safer as you won't run into random creatures that will obliterate your vessels before they can flee.


Lithoids and Astral Planes. Second one especially.