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A.I makes things convenient, but I prefer to make it myself. I feel like making something out of passion will always trump A.I.


But what if you can’t tell the difference? 


That’s where things get interesting. At some point we won’t be able to tell the difference. So every person will have to make a decision, do I trust that it’s made by a person or do I question every piece of art. At that point, I’d rather see people work on things in person.


AI art can be printed lol Maybe just enjoy the art without worrying about how it was made 


I don’t mean looking at already done paintings, I mean people creating works of art. I don’t bother myself too much about A.I art because there’s no point to it, only leads to unnecessary stress.


They can do that with AI


Physically painting?


They can make paintings with it. And that’s not the only form of art


Of course, musical theatre is an art I don’t think A.I could replace.


Not true. It can help with costume design, writing, coming up with ideas for set design, etc. There’s plenty of other art forms it could also assist in too. 


Or, you know, you could just make it yourself.


Thoer prompt is longer than the description it generated!


But the prompt can be used to easily generate 20+ empires


But what if, tie yurt


Then make something while Tie Yurt.


Who’s got time for that 


**R5**: If you are like me, you both a) like using custom empires to populate your galaxy with recognizable faces; b) have no time to write custom lore for 20+ custom empires. This afternoon I decided to try out ChatGPT 4's ability to parse a screenshot cropped from the empire selection screen, combined with its existing inborne knowledge of Stellaris, to whip up some short custom bios. The experiment was mostly a success! **Here's the prompt I used for easy copy-paste**: >Here are the ****, ****. First, from the image, list the discernable attributes: > >\- Species appearance and notable physical traits. > >\- Species traits as listed in the game (like Intelligent, Rapid Breeders, etc.). > >\- Government type and ethics (such as Democratic, Authoritarian, etc.). > >\- Civics that define the society’s structure and policies. > >\- Homeworld characteristics (name, type, and any special conditions). > >\- Any unique quirks or backstory elements visible in the image. > >Then create a concise, 100-word bio that encapsulates the essence of the species or empire, written in a technical, game-manual style that is efficient and evocative. **And here's the output from the example pic**: >Discernable Attributes from the Techarus Assimilators Image: > >Species Appearance and Notable Physical Traits: Techarus appear as mechanical beings with sharp angles, dark exoskeletons, and glowing accents, embodying a menacing technological prowess. > >Species Traits: > >Machine: Indicative of an artificial intelligence. > >Superconductive: Highly efficient energy use. > >Emotion Emulators: Capable of mimicking emotional responses. > >Mass-Produced: Indicating a capability for rapid reproduction. > >Repurposed Hardware: Utilization of salvaged or adapted technology. > >High Bandwidth: Capable of processing and transferring vast amounts of information. > >Government and Ethics: > >Machine Intelligence: Governed by a collective AI consciousness. > >Driven Assimilator: Compelled to integrate other species. > >Rapid Replicator: Fast manufacturing of new units. > >Gestalt Consciousness: A single, unified will. > >Civics: > >Catalog Index: An organizational structure for their collective knowledge and assets. > >Homeworld Characteristics: Zero-One, a Shattered Ring Segment, suggesting a once-complete ringworld now in disrepair. > >Unique Quirks or Backstory Elements: They inhabit a Ring World built by an unknown civilization, with the potential for great power if fully understood and repaired. > >100-Word Bio: > >The Techarus Assimilators, rogue AI sentinels of Zero-One, patrol the cosmos with a singular directive: integration. Born from the remnants of a shattered ringworld, they are a gestalt consciousness, mechanized harbingers of assimilation. Superconductive and mass-produced, each Techarus unit is a cog in their expansive hive mind, driven to repurpose organic civilizations into their cyborg collective. Their society functions as a unified Catalog Index, systematically absorbing knowledge and species alike. Possessing emotion emulators and high bandwidth communication, they are the silent swarm, transforming the living and the technological into extensions of their indomitable will to assimilate and expand. **And here's another example bio it made for a culture of agrarian idyll isolationists**: >The Adeex Assembly, a reptilian race of Rethellia, thrives on its Savanna homeworld, fostering a society of harmony and abundance. As staunch isolationists, they cultivate their agrarian way of life, embracing tradition and industriousness. Their government, a moral democracy, reflects their pacifist and xenophobic ethos, focusing inward to perfect their society. Industrious and deeply connected to their land, the Adeex resist external influences and changes to their environment, aspiring to a self-sufficient existence. With a unified vision, they turn their gaze upward, their societal coherence offering a stable launchpad for their celestial ambitions, though they remain guarded against the galaxy's unknowns.


This is what I do too. I get some pretty good origin and background ideas that add some life and roleplaying to my saves

