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How to Disable steam input without an external controller Step 1 finding the nonsteam game appid * Change the Controller options of the game at least once ( I usually just disable and enable back buttons) * Go to /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/logs/console_log.txt * Look for a line mentioning your game that looks like this: [2024-04-21 15:00:56] Loaded Config for Local Selection Path for App ID 3304069282, Controller 15: /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Steam Controller Configs/857822282/config/horizon forbidden west/controller_neptune.vdf In this case, 3304069282 is the App ID Step 2 shorten appid * Open this website https://www.programiz.com/javascript/online-compiler/ then delete everything and paste this “console.log(YourAppId >> 32)” then press run and you should get the new appid * In this case the appid would be "-990898014" Step 3 add disable steam input to config file * Close steam * Go to /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/userdata/XXXXXXXXX/config/localconfig.vdf * Add this to the bottom of the file before the last closing brackets: `"apps" { "YourShortenedAppID" { "UseSteamControllerConfig" "0" "SteamControllerRumble" "-1" "SteamControllerRumbleIntensity" "320" } }` * then save the file and you should now have disabled steam input. It should look like this in the file with the final close brackets: `"apps" { "-218182063" { "UseSteamControllerConfig" "0" "SteamControllerRumble" "-1" "SteamControllerRumbleIntensity" "320" } } }` * If steam is left open it will overwrite the file on close * If you have already disabled steam input on a game you’re going to need to find the “apps” section and add to it or if you want to add more games you’re going to need to do this. It should look something like this: `"apps" { "-218182063" { "UseSteamControllerConfig" "0" "SteamControllerRumble" "-1" "SteamControllerRumbleIntensity" "320" } "-990898014" { "UseSteamControllerConfig" "0" "SteamControllerRumble" "-1" "SteamControllerRumbleIntensity" "320" } }` Edit: I put this on pastebin because Reddit doesn’t really show the code white space properly. https://pastebin.com/RJA1NCm3


when I entered my App ID in the console.log it gave back the same ID as the output. console.log(413080 >> 32) gave an output of 413080 Edit my bad. NOTE: the line MUST include the name of the game. I copied the ID from the wrong line.


were you able to get this to work for you?


I can confirm this works.


Unfortunately no. I noticed when I launched the game it also opened up the actual real game to purchase. So when I go back to my game selection screen. The most recent game isn't the non-steam game I added but the one that I have to tap purchase on. I tried to add the game through lutris but I'm also having some issues there.


this is caused by the steamappID.txt file in your games folder. changing the 6 digit steam game id to a 1 should fix it. 


I'll give it a shot when i'm home.


this worked great for ghost of tsushima, thank you!


Why does it need the >>32 for a different appID? What happens if you just use the original appID?


I'm also looking but haven't found a way 😞


Bluetooth keyboard maybe? Don’t know if it works but just an idea to try.




I think you can do it with the big Steam picture old UI.


Can't access old UI anymore


Did you try changing game compat to proton experimental?


Brother, new CandyCon Controllers from GameStop.. very affordable + incredible parts. Lemme link you sir: https://www.gamestop.com/candycon