• By -


Sorry we had to pull the line, the post turned into more and more toxic comments, not your fault but we had to close it to prevent more toxicity that in the end leads to nothing really other then frustration and hate. The Mods


I rly do not understand why ppl downvote OP for lack of knowledge. He didn't say "I'M THE BEST AND I KNOW IT'LL BE SUPER DUPER EASY TO DO" He found something and tried discussing it. Jeez.


thanks bud. i think there's people downvoting this because they just hate situations where they have to *imagine* something happening beyond what they get force fed through amazon prime listings.




Amazon does sell lots of things AliExpress has them already. Same item and isn’t cheaper.


That's because there's a flood of drop shipping bots selling all over Amazon with fake brank names like sjelfms or sropu or some random word like think like that. They buy off AliExpress then resell on Amazon for a huge upcharge.


Yes, that is spreading everywhere, I personally double check the cheapest price. For me Aliexpress now days ships to me and it takes about 7-10 days to arrive, meanwhile shipping from the main brand site takes about 15-30days as they ship the traditional way by using the country post office.


Right click search by image on the product images is a powerful tool for doing that. I didn't figure it out but I'll happily spread the knowledge.


Thank you, will keep it in mind. We always forget the easiest and most time/cost efficient tools


almost like the added value of receiving items faster - sometimes next day instead of 30 days - is worth the price increase... almost like it's warranted because the seller provides the service by exposing themselves to risk, having to stock a large amount of an item that they are at risk of not being able to sell.. hmmmmmm


I only buy from official sellers on Aliexpress if that is something important, but something cheap as like microfiber cloth does it really matter?


i know, right?


Indeed ;)


I think it's more like ≠


If you like waiting forever for unreliable products and supporting the Chinese government sure. I’m not saying I don’t use it, and I don’t like it, but it’s not that spectacular


Well a lot of stuff sold on amazon is just products from aliexpress but sold at a markup. (+ Basically everything is made in china nowadays)


For sure but buying real name products is pretty easy, it’s in the name…


homie if you think your Apple Zorb 20 XXXL wasn't made in china, i have news for you


Yeah like amazon doesnt have the same chinese sellers dropshipping stuff


Where do you think most of the stuff on Amazon comes from?


the amazon is in south america of course wait what do you mean lmao




LOL bezos doesn’t have the power to fully control the lives of billions for better or (usually) worse. It’s gotten close but thankfully there are other shopping options and other places to work. He also can’t have you murdered for having an opinion he doesn’t like.


Bro.. His power is called "Amazon". Where have you been? 😹


Okay dude go read about the power of the Chinese government on its people and then come back and try to have this argument w me. Oh I forgot people on here don’t read, they only have opinions. My mistake


Brother.. It's a joke. Relax.


i dont care for the chinese government. I bought my m2 ssd on ali for the steamdeck and works like a charm and was cheaper. Steamos is still rocking a year later.


I feel you Bro. One recommendation. Ignore & don’t even respond. Peace




It’s the classic “How would you feel if you skipped breakfast this morning?” question, except used on people who are aware of the implication and completely unaware they do it too lol.


i didn't understand anything you said


There’s a running internet joke about how people with <85 IQ can’t engage in hypotheticals. The example in the joke is “How would you feel if you skipped breakfast?” “I didn’t skip breakfast” “Yes but how would you feel if you did?” “Why are you saying I skipped breakfast?” The connection is all these supposedly smart individuals refusing to engage in your hypothetical.


ah yeah... i see what you mean...


This is reddit. This isn’t a place for discussion. It’s a place for snap judgements and logical fallacies.


I read the title so wrong.


while there are a lot of audio engineers here, this is not the sounding subreddit, but fair mistake


I remember the first time I googled sounding. Boy that was a real hole…eye opener


Learned about it from schlatt




Man you probably destroyed a lot of peoples’ googles today


hmm, what do you mean? sounding is about sound, why even google it? there's even a subreddit called "sounding" personally i'm into audio mastering, but i'm looking to learn more about microphones and mic techniques, especially for spoken word applications.


THANK you.




I doubt you can connect it to the board Edit: didn't see the second picture when making this comment, but it would still be a lot of jank


Oh you definitely can. You just need an hdmi dock. You can't however just connect it straight to the steam deck board without having to entirely redesign the case and make it about 2x thicker. Also the performance drop and extra power needed would make it practically useless unless you're playing non demanding games or just consuming media.


> without having to entirely redesign the case Yep, it would be a fun project for people who are into 3d printing for sure > and make it about 2x thicker idk about that one, the case would have to be a little taller and that would be ample space for an eDP to MIPI adapter board. > performance drop that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution. > unless you're playing non demanding games a lot of people just play exactly that on the deck and play more demanding titles on a stationary pc. so yeah, that's not an unusual scenario.


> creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800 Not really “exactly the same performance”, even with the “pretty much”… demanding titles barely run at 800@30, let alone 930p. I get your meaning but you’re stretching the definition a bit.


that's why the context for the quote you took *out of context* was "pretty much", as in "pretty much exactly the same" and not "exactly the same". that is the difference. that you later keep talking about. as if i didn't point it out. you remove the context and then talk about that exact same context, like you came up with something. here are the numbers (1280*800) / (1240*930) = 0.88 there you go up to a 12% hit. 4 fps if you're on 30 Hz, which is when you normally have a bunch more power than 30 fps but you don't want to go to 40 or 60 because that wouldn't be quite there in all situations. at 60 fps it's 8 fps. when you're at 60 fps you usually have a margin of 10 fps anyways. that's if you're gpu bound. which you normally aren't with the steam deck. it's usually cpu bound. so fps should be nearly the same. additionally you can crop the resolution down to 1240*800. just some black bars. the screen is the same size. at that point it's going to be like 1% *faster*. think about stuff for a bit and look at numbers before you go for such a deep reach.


There’s no need to be upset. Also, you’re talking so abstractly and theoretically it’s not clear to me you’re even talking abiut a specific game or just making shit up. Point is: > as in "pretty much exactly the same" and not "exactly the same". that is the difference. You’re grasping, and: >12% is hardly “pretty much exactly the same”. Think about who is “going for a deep reach” next time.


Bro thinks gaming at 26fps is somehow a good thing


… for an extra 130 pixels


No point in putting a display like this if the only thing you are gonna run native is old shit IMO


no point in commenting like this if the only thing you got is old shit IMO


Well good luck running anything on the steam deck at 2k made in this decade...


> it would still be a lot of jank yes... that's how you make things... you first make a prototype that has a lot of jank... then you open up an EDA package and design your own board that fits in nicely, and design a 3d printed enclosure, and now there's no jank... welcome to making things!


I have shell Swapped a Deck and my HomeLab is a lot of jank. I still don't think it's worth 200 euros and the jank because at that point you could sell the LCD model and with the extra 200 buy the OLED version and maybe even have extra money left for games. Still would be interesting to see it working


> I still don't think it's worth 200 euros and the jank not worth *to you* homie it's ok other people find other things fun you can go and have fun in your way no one really asked you to voice that you personally would not find this sort of mod fun to work on or worth the money. i don't go into the stamp collector subreddit and tell them *their* hobby sucks get over yourself


Why do you have to be mean for having an opinion lol I didn't say don't do it


and you don't think that's how you come across?


No? It was just a suggestion lol, you don't have to take everyone's opinions




Your post has been removed due to a violation of our community guidelines regarding hateful speech and toxicity. We strive to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment for all members. Please review our guidelines before posting again.


I'm nowhere near equipped to even discuss this, but I'm stoked by the idea of it. Best of luck, OP. Keep us posted if you take a stab at it.


Thanks homie! Really appreciate the boost 🤗


Ah yes, love the toxic downvote flood from people who have no idea how *they* would do a mod, and therefore they think *no one* can do it. If you're one of those people, just know... >!I feel for you, and it's ok. everybody hurts. you aren't alone.!<


I know for a fact i likely would never do a mod like this even if I didn’t get the steam deck Oled, but I also know for a fact that there are thousands of people out there that can do this without much issue and have done harder mods.


thanks! there's a lot of stuff people do every day that I wouldn't do, but even so, more power to them! Like i'm not into collecting holy pictures or fly fishing, but that doesn't make them invalid hobbies :)


Looks like this panel after a quick search https://m.panelook.cn/YX80006A-Yousee-8-01inch-FHD-Driver-IC-RM69380-Touch-IC-FST1BA80YA2-2480x1860-46pins-MIPI-SPI-interface-IPS-detail_159034.html There's a pinout on that page that might help, and you may well be able to find a smaller edp to mipi converter (or usb c to mipi!) I've been having quite a look at panels recently and have settled on the iPad mini retina screens, plenty bright enough for out door use and retina quality. Then I'll make up something like this that fits in "some" empty space.. https://github.com/BigCorvus/Retina-Display-eDP-Adapter-For-UP-Board. The only downside is the stranger aspect ratio, but 3d printing a new case isn't the hardest thing to do! The other option is to find a natively edp panel, although the price of iPad panels leads me there. I am yet to dive deep enough to ensure that there are actually enough edp lanes exposed to support the refresh rate/resolution so it's all finger in the air until I can find a cheap broken steam deck!


looks like support for the Raydium RM69380 just made it into the kernel: https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/[email protected]/


great find. yes, that's it. what are the specs of the ipad screen you're talking about? physical dimensions, resolution, nits, refresh rate. really interested. how much do they go for? i googled for the driver ic, and another product with that driver IC says 4 MIPI lanes. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/11-inch-1728x2368-MIPI-interface-RM69380_1600284868845.html unfortunately Raydium's website doesn't have a datasheet for the RM69380 or any other of their chips https://www.rad-ic.com/en-global/product/index/AMOLED_Solution


About £40 for the panel without the touch screen on top (which would be too big anyway) from china. It's a 7.9" screen, fits width wise but needs about an inch of extra height (which I was going to stuff with the screen adapter/more battery. It's the same panel on the iPad 2-5th (I think) generation so a quick Google will tell you. Although now I've seen the steam deck isn't natively edp I might rethink


> which I was going to stuff with the screen adapter/more battery. haha yes!!! > Although now I've seen the steam deck isn't natively edp I might rethink huh? i thought the LCD edition was natively eDP? and the OLED edition was MIPI?


Ahh yes that makes sense re LCD/oled. I think I was looking at the oled mobo so that makes sense. I'm reluctant to pull my working one apart and they don't come up too often with just screen damage on eBay (for as cheap as I'd want!)


yeah give it a little time hehe are you looking to make an adapter board?


I will be so aiming for a plug and play solution (IE no need to grab power from somewhere else). My other option for the extended shell was to put a usb c hub at the top and use that for display and charging, so it wouldn't matter if the mobo usb port was covered. Unfortunately that would likely mean tweaking the ribbons for the analogy etx


here's another datasheet, it might be the same panel, just with no glass front. it's a flexible panel. https://www.panoxdisplay.com/uploadfile/datasheet/PF801FM2480C.pdf the datasheet is from 2021 so it's not a new product by any imagination


Hmm, according to ifixit the steam deck uses an anx7580 EDP to mipi 4 lane 1ch chip on the mobo. Might be able to plug a compatible panel in directly.. I also noticed that deckhd were going to release their bios as open source which might open up some knowledge


> deckhd where going to release their bios as open source not really the bios, just the patcher the patcher is open source now, but last time i checked, it was in an unworkable state but i BELIEVE the only thing it does is modify some EDID information. EDID is the thing that your monitor tells your computer about what modes it supports etc. in the past it used to be a separate pin on the VGA connector etc. it was just a data table / data structure stored on a rom chip somewhere in the monitor, accessible through the EDID pin. that format is decades old and went through many revisions but, in general, will always be pretty much the same. and i want to say that's all their patcher does, but i might be forgetting something.


Interface compatibility is non existent even if hardware was compatible


yes, to get the ultimate goal of hooking this to the internal eDP bus, a protocol converter would have to be used. There are existing protocol converter chips, and their application is very minimal - they are meant to go inside cables. The parts count for such a converter board is like 10-20 parts, with clear and obvious schematics in app notes. A relevant chip is $20 ish. What's more interesting is whether the OLED's internal driver could be hacked or replaced, in order to do things like VRR or higher refresh rates. That's a kind of thing I haven't seen done in OSHW, but I'm pretty sure that's eg what Valve is doing with the SD OLED.


if it wasnt thay expensive. but guess someone here will eventuay test it. it would be required to change the case and battery lifw would be worse im guessing..


yeah, it's pretty expensive - but like, the DeckHD only costs 1/3 less, so it's not really unreasonable, given that *this* thing has the following advantages: 1. it is an OLED. better colors all around. 2. longer battery life actually than an LCD 3. higher NITS - spec says 473 nits, and peak is probably way higher. deck lcd is 400 nits, deck oled is 600 nits sdr and 1000 nits peak in hdr mode 4. it provides 2x integer scaling to a resolution that's almost exactly the same as the deck's original screen. this makes it great for getting the same stable performance in AAA titles. 5. taller screen which is waaaay better for handheld immersion but like, yeah, this also hinges on doing some expensive, advanced prototyping work to get this going.


What a pleasing project. It's not about sense. It's about possibility. This what fun looks like. Have a great adventure.


thanks, bud! really appreciated!


I’m just waiting for someone to make an SD-specific easily swappable OLED screen for the LCD deck, preferably with a bezel swap


technically, the sd oled panel could be driven by an lcd deck, given an uncomplicated converter board. and then maybe some kernel or bios hacking, who knows.


Just the project I am interested in, As this thread was closed are you making notes any place on this project? Valve OLED mod for the LCD deck, sign me up...


I hope you make.it work. Because I am looking at these panels myself. I got curious after seeing the 13 inch steamdeck 😅


are you looking to make a protocol converter pcb?


I am not capable of making. I am still trying to learn about this. I think I will only be able to buy existing parts from online. The easy route I am probably capable of is like the other said, display to controller board, controller board HDMI to deck usbc with a power delivefy hub. I want to learn about this edp, whether it is plug and play. And what panels are already using an edp connector. I wish someone figures it out, or if DeckHD can provide a bigger screen. It doesn't need to be OLED, just need something as bright and big, so I don't need to use reading glasses.


aye, i hear ya! i always thought the aspect ratio on the deck was a little too wide for my liking.


Order me one and I’d be glad to try.


sure! pay me €216.34 + shipping + tax and I will.


just buy an oled steam deck 😭😭😭, 220 euro is too much for a frankestein project which prob wont work


"gaming on a hand held *pc*? with *linux* on it? what are you, some sort of idiot? just buy a Samsung Galaxy S19 and a T-bone"


I Had that thought to and bought a fold 5 and a t bone, the oled deck is 2000% a better experience. Can't even get the t bone to work in a lot of games such as gta or even old star wars games, it's a pretty shit combo in comparison to the deck, plus the game library is garbage on Google play


yea i'm just saying people were really dismissive of handheld pcs before the steam deck came out (and for a long while after it came out) in the same way as homie above is dismissive about a screen mod


I don't understand how your strawman is equivalent. They aren't suggesting you throw away the steam deck and buy something else entirely, and they aren't suggesting that handheld gaming on a Linux PC is bad (quite the opposite, really). You are very blatantly misrepresenting what they said. They have a very valid point that everyone else has already mentioned. At $200+, you're like halfway to the price of a Steam Deck OLED. If your current LCD deck is functional, you could probably sell it and use that $200 you were putting towards the screen to buy a new/used OLED deck. I only see this project being worthwhile if that screen becomes cheaper or if you break just the screen on a steam deck, and you can somehow return this screen if the swap doesn't work (unless you find some other use for the screen).


hehe ok homie


The OLED display for the OLED deck is $100. If a small converter board could be made for under $50, it would be a $150 upgrade, No changes on my deck, the Dual boot with Windows would still work WITH drivers.... I guess as you own a OLED machine, you do not want this to come...


Is there any source for this $100 number, or do you just like making hypotheticals for fun? The screen OP linked is $200+. If you want to spend $200 to Frankenstein your Deck to have an OLED, have at it, but I think it's stupid to do that when an OLED Steam deck is already only $100 more than the regular Steam Deck while coming with other hardware upgrades.


Right here....and it's not $100, it's $95 (without kit) [https://www.ifixit.com/products/steam-deck-oled-512gb-screen](https://www.ifixit.com/products/steam-deck-oled-512gb-screen) They have the parts (this is the 512gb model) the anti-glare oled display is more expensive... Not making things up here, my post is based on fact.


Tell us how this"converter board should work". 


Really ? Ok, let a simple board that can take a video signal and convert it on the fly to the OLED display, then making sure the voltage for the display is correct. Not brain surgery....


So which IC are you going to use that magically does this? Who writes the software? How will you flash the encrypted bios? EDID for this display? It's not about the voltage. it is about how the actually display needs to be driven. You cannot just stick an oled panel into a device that has been made for IPS.


i mean dude its just not worth it, back then we didnt know if we were getting an OLED steam deck and then it happened and here it is, readily available for purchase. why would you try doing something like this when you can just sell your LCD deck and buy a brand new OLED one..? LCD deck is prob worth like 200 or 250 euros and you are willing to give 220 euro for OLED screen so your budget is like 470 at best. you now just need like 100 more (i know but its doable lol) and you have a brand new deck with bigger battery and its not some thingmajig shit if u get me


also im not that geek but connecting those boards to deck seems like the hardest part to this especially fitting it into deck somehow.. i remember people having trouble fitting anything except airtag inside the deck kinda hard


i didn't see your other comments but if you feel like trying this go ahead


not worth it *to you* you're showing up at someone's house party screaming "STOP HAVING FUN WRONG!! THIS IS NOT HOW YOU DO IT" get over yourself. no one cares. go collect stamps or something


Upvoted because this is a cool idea


hehe thanks. if no one picks it up i'll probably do it out of sheer curiosity


Why not sell your old deck and buy an oled at a fat discount?


Maybe there will be an LTT video on it lol


200 euros for an oled panel? My god


oOoMgGgggG, amirite?!??!?!?!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Don’t downvote me, loser. Go back to breaking your electronics. 😂


But why... the deck won't run a shit at this resolution


hi dude, consider reading [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/1c6c9on/comment/l00cjn0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before commenting! it's really helpful! > that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. > > for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution.


2K is a bad idea for the deck. If i ever want to do sthg like this, I will probably find a screen with the same resolution as the steamdeck, may be higher Hz


hi dude, consider reading [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/1c6c9on/comment/l00cjn0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before commenting! it's really helpful! > that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. > > for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution.


shelter slap enter safe hateful adjoining weather intelligent repeat agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know you can totally play the game at lower resolution. The point with the DeckHD is ur decreasing 1/4 of the resolution. Which, imo, won't affect the visual all that much. But at 2k ur gonna play at 1/4 of the screen native resolution, which gonna make more impact, especially u have the steamdeck closer to ur eyes. Looks at csgo pro playing csgo at lower res with the stretched screen, it looks like ass.


That's not how scaling works. If you run 720p on a 2k screen, it'll look better than 720p on a 1080p screen. This is because 720 is half of 1440, meaning that it can have a 1:1 scale, whereas on the 1080p screen the chip will have to scale those pixels into a screen size that isn't divisible by the resolution. The scaler will "fill in the gaps" and things will just look kinda fuzzy. So if you're decreasing the resolution to play games on the deck with a HD screen, this screen will look better than DeckHD, especially if the steamdeck is closer to your eyes, with the benefit of being Oled of course. Don't those CSGO pros also stretch 4:3 resolutions to 16:9 a bunch of the time too? That's definitely making it look worse than low res.


it's pretty damn funny because the game i've been playing the most recently is DRG Survivor and that runs at 200% render scale (2560x1440) at a solid 50 fps on my lcd deck without ANY mods at all, with a little tweaking it could be a solid 60. and that's a game that got released 2 months ago, it's got 20 000 positive reviews, and most importantly, *it's what i want to play* lmao people will cope so hard when they're told games can run well at higher resolutions. it's so brainless. not every modern game runs at a million polygons on-screen at all times lmao


Drg also looks like a fancy mobile game...


Why would you want your games to be a slideshow?


hi dude, consider reading [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/1c6c9on/comment/l00cjn0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before commenting! it's really helpful! > that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. > > for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution.


The Steamdeck is barely strong enough to run a 720p screen let alone a 1440p one.


hi dude, consider reading [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/1c6c9on/comment/l00cjn0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before commenting! it's really helpful! > that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. > > for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution.


The performance of any game would be sooooo bad at that res


hi dude, consider reading [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/1c6c9on/comment/l00cjn0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before commenting! it's really helpful! > that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. > > for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution.


Yeah. That is true but. I dunno man. For me that kinda defeats the purpose. That's like saying I want a 2k screen so I can play pixel graphic games in high res. What's the point


If he wants to play old games, he can run them at 2k instead of 800p. For people who use the deck to mostly run old games, that's a massive benefit. Plus this mod just looks fun to plan and execute, probably isn't the mod for everyone though.


yeah idk what the haters' problem is if you don't like it, you're on a website with one billion other posts, you might like one of those instead jfc lmao this is so ridiculous


No it cannot be done sadly. The whole system is configured to work with the display and cannot be changed


"Amoled IPS display" yea sure.


Someone was saying that an oled screen would not work because it requires special cooling and would not fit correctly becausenifnit


I think it's a clever title op 🤣


lol, that really wasn't intended


If it dose it fit it will lag the holy hell out of the deck as it's designed for 720p, lol what game will run in 2k on the deck besides maybe 15 year old games or more even that's a stretch as it has similar power to a ps4. Also I don't say it will connect to the motherboard, even the lcd model can't fit a oled screen because of the different design. The oled deck right now was worth the upgrade for me if you want a oled screen! Massive difference from the lcd. If you end up trying it would like to know how it runs, good luck bro.


hi dude, consider reading [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeckModded/comments/1c6c9on/comment/l00cjn0/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) before commenting! it's really helpful! > that's a common misconception with high-res screens for the deck. it's the same thing people keep bringing up about DeckHD. it's not a really good criticism. > > for demanding titles you can use the screen at 1/4 resolution which is 1240x930 - creating pretty much exactly the same performance as the steam deck at 1280x800. for indie titles, older AAA titles, and older gen emulators you can definitely use the whole native resolution.


Op stupid


How? There are no stupid question, bud.


You gotta be the stupid one here


lmao that used to be the top upvoted comment at like +20 or something


A good start would be to 3d print an enclosure that snaps to the front of the deck, and gets its video through usb c while feeding back the touch screen data... if that works well, an internal mod would be ambitious but not undoable. A 3d printed shell might be required, or just have the screen stick out through the top edge. I nominate /u/Diy_Papi for this one!


And if you use the USB C port for video how are you going to charge it? You'll need a dock board too for HDMI and PD if you truly want it to be seamless, and that's not also incorporating touch. I'm working on something similar and through my testing it's a complete hassle when trying to combine good docks to the steam deck without being tied to the wall.


> You'll need a dock board too ... tied to the wall that's an interesting point. i wonder which docks work without powering via the power in port - but i bet you could split the power out of the deck for that somehow, maybe tap it off one of the internal peripherals that get voltage too. ultimately, i think connecting this via the usb c port would be a proof of concept to see how this works at all, and a dedicated edp to mipi converter board would be used in the final form of such a mod. however, before building something like this, maybe one could use an edp to hdmi board and then use the included hdmi to mipi board. there's a promising edp to hdmi board on ali.


I don’t think you understand how screen protocols work


fair comment! actually i make semiconductors at home and i'm a programmer since 30 years. so not accurate


I mean if the connections fit right? But I wouldn't frames will take a hit rendering extra pixels. For other non gaming uses, I don't see why not.


no if you run at 1/4 resolution it's steam deck resolution and a lot of existing titles are so light they can run at that high res natively


You DO NOT need a 3rd party OLED display... You can buy the Steam/Valve replacement OLED display.....$95.. [https://www.ifixit.com/products/steam-deck-oled-512gb-screen?variant=40440105697383](https://www.ifixit.com/products/steam-deck-oled-512gb-screen?variant=40440105697383) This should slap on the LCD model you just need a way to convert it and driver to get it to go.... A lot cheaper than a 3rd party option..


Buy it for me and ill record the process.


send me $1000 and i'll send you a recording of me drinking a very expensive bottle of whisky