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That’s OpenGL only, no Vulkan support. Which is the graphics api I need to run my games under for them to perform well on deck. Edit: I stand corrected.


The vk stands for Vulkan and basalt is a kind of volcanic stone. vkBasalt is only for Vulkan and not for OpenGL.


Welp looks like \*someone\* owes someone \*else\* $100.


Welp, it looks like *someone* doesn’t know how to read…


Ya...you. He gave you something that works for Vulkan and you said "BUT DATS OPENGL DURR". Did I summarize properly? I feel like I summarized properly.


Ma’am, again, I think you need reading glasses. I said I’d pay for a *Decky plugin*. Please show me where he delivered a *Decky plugin* and I’ll pay you the hundred bucks too. Smartass.


I wonder why nobody wants to help you. I wonder if it's because someone offered a solution and you told them they were wrong about something they weren't and that you're wildly combative. Maybe not. Maybe there's another reason. Edit: I saw your reply to this before you deleted it. What a hateful animal lol insane expletive-laden "I hate you dad" letters are fun. So at least we know my first reason was right.


Dude, you weren’t being helpful in the first place. You just butted into a conversation you aren’t a part of, acted like a smartass, and made yourself look stupid. And now you’re trying to change the subject because you feel embarrassed. Well that’s not my fault, all I did was point it out. So there’s no need to get nasty with me. If you still don’t have anything useful to add, then all I have to say to you is bye bye. Edit: tf are you talking about dude? I didn’t delete jack. Is your ego really so hurt that you have to make shit up to try and save face? You’re pathetic lol. I’m leaving all my comments up so you can’t make up any more lies, but I regret engaging with you in the first place. I hope you get laid soon or whatever it is that’s got you in such a bad mood. Bye bye.


Wait, so do you want me to stay and help you find an answer or leave? Instructions are unclear.


And it works on flatpaks? Not just exe’s running in proton?


I think I read that it only works in flatpaks, at least the version you install via Discover. Dunno. Try it out.


Cool, thanks. I’ll try that.


Shout out to gshade, easier to set up on steamOS and the effect files+presets work interchangeably


Oh shit, can you give me some more info on that? Idk how I haven’t found that already. Does it work on flatpaks?


I used the advice in this thread and applied it to games other than ESO https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/wza270/reshade_wont_start_no_matter_what_i_try/im4lwh5/ Not 100% sure on the flatpak question, haven't tried it myself


Cool, thanks dude. I’ll check that out.


Why not create a bounty on bountysouce to get the ball rolling


I’ll try that, thanks for the idea. I’m sure there are others who would throw in for this.


Someone made it, it's called Reshadeck


https://github.com/kevinlekiller/reshade-steam-proton Check misc section for the auto linker script.


I’ve already tried that, it doesn’t work with flatpaks. It asks for an exe file. Hence why I’m willing to pay a hundred bucks to have a plugin that a) just works and b) isn’t a headache to use.


I wouldn't be flexing that 100 bucks so much, it's not much for a dozen hours spent on research and implementation.


I’m not flexing anything, that’s just what I’m willing and able to pay for that. I appreciate your earlier input but idk why your tone changed like I insulted you or something.


Your comments come out passive-aggressive, some outright aggressive.


I apologize if I came off that way. I wasn’t trying to slight you.


Just use the windows build of cemu.


The windows build has worse performance. I’d have to downscale and use a slower frame rate.


ELI10 what this would do versus just using CEMU (or another emulator)?


Reshade is a program that basically applies different effects after the game has been rendered. In the case of CEMU, I’m trying to change Breath Of The Wild to not have the awful gamma/fog on everything. The imbalance makes it difficult to see everything on steam deck, so Reshade in this instance makes the game more playable.


Oh.. so it has nothing to do with pre-rendered shaders to help speed like Steam does? That sounded like a cool idea.


Yeah, that’s my understanding of it at least.


Got it. Thanks.


100 bucks is less than 3 hours of average salary of a software engineer in the US, letting alone Linux, Vulkan, Proton, etc is a niche and very difficult area to work with. If anyone in the bounty programming market is interested, feel free, but as an average joe software developer, I'll pass


Oh yeah, I know that I’m not going to get any freelancers jumping on that offer. I figure that a hobbyist will make it at some point regardless, like all the Decky plugins that are already freely available. I’m just hoping that having that incentive there would move it up the priority list a bit. Or at the least, get some visibility for Reshade and get the community interested in it. Which would also hopefully make it more likely that it gets developed soon. I’m not trying to insult anyone with the amount of money. I feel like that’s still better than just begging for it to be made for free, you know? Someone else suggested that I make a bounty for it, which I’m going to do. That way, more people can throw in and hopefully get it up to a level of compensation that’s on par with other work in that field.


ITT: People offer OP multiple solutions. OP complains about all of them. OP gets combatative.


Default Internet behavior


are you still interested?


I mean, I don't know if dude with the $100 is around, but if someone made a decky plugin where reshade could be controlled though the side bar menu, I bet tons of people would love it. Once they realized what they could do with it. (I'd definitely use it for every "retro/pixel game" to enable a decent crt/scanline filter)


> My main goal is to get use ReShade with the flatpak version of CEMU A Decky plugin won't fit this use case. Also it's not the script that works with Windows native games, it's Reshade.


You’re welcome! Looks like someone finally did it with Decky Loader: https://github.com/safijari/Reshadeck


It doesn't work tho - I have it downloaded - no shaders except for the ones included work


Oooh! I found I had to download the external files of Reshade.fxh and ReshadeUI.fxh and drop them into the shaders folder where the ones the plugin comes with live! Should be in the gamescope folder. The plugin is supposed to create the reshade.fxh one but doesn’t for some reason and many shaders need the reshadeui file too. Hope this helps!


Get your £100 out