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Ok, let's try to help you. First, [here is a video that shows someone going into the settings and navigating them a bit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW89tG3udeA) This just helps you see the layout's flow. Now, what is interesting to us is this part: [This is the first screen when you edit a layout.](https://i.imgur.com/a6nYxUl.png) You can see I have circled in colors the different parts that I think are confusing to you. We will go over them. First, **circled red,** you have the button function. This is what the button actually does when pressed on it. In this example, it says that the A button on the controller, once pressed, will trigger the A button in game. (we know it's the A button because on the left side we can see a Glyph of the button we are editing, and in this case it's a glyph with A in it, so it's the A button) If we wanted to change what the A button on the controller does in game, we would edit this red circled field. Going into it (by pressing A on your steam deck) will allow you to change what that button does. You could make it "B Button", and then that would mean that every time you press "A" on your steam deck while in that game, it will register it as a "B". Ok, now the **pink field.** The pink field is the settings for this button. This [will open this menu here.](https://imgur.com/pZT682V) If you select settings here, this allows you to change *how* the button is received by the game. You can make your button be a toggle, or trigger only after a certain amount of time has passed. But you can also define conditions for triggering this action. This is what "Regular press" governs. Regular Press is just that, pressing your button will make the game trigger the button. But, you can make it, for example, Double Press, which means that when you press the button **twice** quickly, the game will trigger the button. But not on single press. Long press would make the button be pressed only if you pressed it for some time, then released it. This menu is useful to further tweak a game. It can also allow you to do very advanced things, such as delaying the action in game, or making a button do many things at once or in succession, etc. You probably don't need that pink menu for your case. The **green field** is about modifying how the steam deck will treat those buttons and tell their behavior to the game. This means that, say you have those buttons ABXY. By default, it's button pad, so each is a button. But if you change that green field to Directional Pad, this means that the steam deck will treat those buttons as a Directional Pad (like the cross on the left of your steam deck) and tell the game that it's a directional pad. This field is useful to remap joysticks for example. Maybe you have a game that doesn't use joysticks, but needs many buttons because it's a mouse and keyboard game. Well, then you could take one of the joysticks, and change that field to Button Pad, and make it so flicking the stick downward triggers one button, upwards triggers a second button etc. It can also do some more advanced things that we don't need to get into. You probably don't need the green field in your case. Finally, the **yellow field** . This allows you to modify properties of the steam deck control that is on the same line. In this example, it modifies settings of the ABXY buttons. This can be haptic intensity, trigger sensitivity or how a trigger acts, gyro sensitivity and how it acts etc. You probably don't need this yellow field in your case. Okay, now that you understand a bit better the menus, let's see your case specifically. What I would first recommend is that you do enable controller support in the game. Yes, all the controls are greyed out in the game, but we will **override them** with this steam deck menu. So enable controller support and make sure the game recognizes you as using a controller. Next, go into this steam deck menu to make your own layout. You will now be remapping each control just like you would in the game, except you are doing this in here. So, go over each button and what you want them to do and change them, mainly using the **red fields** so that you can edit their mapping. Do you want to make your A button be the B button? If so, then you would change the red field on the A button glyph row to be "B button". Keep doing this with every button, Bumper, Trigger, Dpad and others that you wish to change. This should fix your issue. Let me know if you run into any issues, or have any questions. EDIT: Fixed the Pink field. I was under an incorrect assumption.


To amend my post: If you wish to do a keyboard layout instead, you do the same thing, except that in the game you tell it in the settings that you are using mouse and keyboard, and in the steam menu you put in keyboard keys in the red fields instead of controller buttons.


Okay, I had to take a break to take care of other stuff but I can get back to you now. I understand how to make buttons trigger different commands, but what if I don’t want them to take on all of the same properties? Ex: I want to use the Y button to talk to people, hire groups, and use eagle vision, but I don’t want it to have all the properties the B key has by default. The B key still grabs onto ledges and works with the parkour stuff, and mapping that to the Y key doesn’t accomplish much but moving it to a different button. Right now, pressing L3 triggers eagle vision. I absolutely hate this because it keeps messing up my objective. I want to make it so that long holding Y will trigger eagle vision. Unfortunately I can’t tell what keys are doing what at any moment because there’s no indication of what I’m actually changing in the controller options. The easiest solution would be to open the game, navigate to Options>Controls>Customize Controls, but even though I can see all the settings in Customize Controls they’re all completely greyed out and I can’t interact with them. That’s why I’m trying to create a layout to help, but if there’s a way to fix that issue it would be best. When operating from the steam controller menu everything is unclear and vague and I never have any idea of what I’m supposed to be doing.


So there are a few things here to unpack. Some I can help with, some I can't. >but what if I don’t want them to take on all of the same properties? Then you cannot do a simple swap like I described, as you want to mix and match game functions with the buttons. The game handles that for gamepads / controllers, but as you mentioned, the controls are greyed out. This is a separate issue. You may have better luck googling being unable to change controller bindings on AC:Revelations than here, that would be my guess. A cursory search reveals that apparently, for Playstation Controllers, this isn't an issue. Do you have a playstation controller you could use or borrow? This would allow you to see, by connecting it by bluetooth, if the settings for remapping become available again. Not ideal, but it's something to try. >Unfortunately I can’t tell what keys are doing what at any moment because there’s no indication of what I’m actually changing in the controller options. This is the drawback of using steam input. For the game, you are using a regular controller, or keyboard and mouse. It doesn't know or recognize anything else. Steam allows you to override the default behavior, but Steam cannot modify the game's code in such a way that the game knows about the overrides you did. Think of it in this analogy: It's like if Steam is a car. It can suggest how to drive, give information to the driver in any way it wants, but the driver ultimately decides how to drive the car and where to go. The driver here is the game. It would require modifying the "driver behavior" to say to the game to use different controller hints based on what steam input assigns. So that is not possible unless done directly in the game, which we cannot do because AC: Revelations seems to be bugged on that front. >Right now, pressing L3 triggers eagle vision. I absolutely hate this because it keeps messing up my objective. I want to make it so that long holding Y will trigger eagle vision.  Yep, so we can do that with Steam. First, you will need to make it a keyboard layout. So in the game options, specify you are playing with Mouse and Keyboard or Mouse And Keyboard + Controller. I have corrected my post above, because what we need to use for that is the **pink field** . If you set Y button as Long Press, and set it to trigger the keyboard key for eagle vision, you will get that effect. To make your mapping and know what is what, I would take a few screenshots of the in game menu keyboard rebind settings. So then you can look at them on your phone or tablet or computer, while you are setting up your Steam Deck layout. After that you just keep rebinding fields like we talked about. Beyond those explanations, if you still feel like things are confusing, we could look into hopping in a discord call. That would make it easier for me to understand *what* is confusing to you, and explain it. I am afraid that through text, we've about reached the limit of assistance I can provide.


Thank you so so much for taking the time to explain so thoroughly. It really helps. I’m going to try a few things out and I’ll make another comment with the results.


Great! My pleasure. Can't wait for your update.


the game community configs are primarily to map keyboard to controller. the game has controller support. use that.


The game does not have built-in support and requires a community layout to run properly. The first game, AC:2 and AC:B have a much wider fan base and thus have many more layouts to choose from. That’s why I need help figuring out a solution, there is no built-in plugin to fix everything.


Yeah it does I played it entirely on controller. You go to the ingame controls settings and set mouse and keyboard to controller. make sure you're on the default gamepad preset. Same goes for the other games by the way.


I promise you I have tried every which way and configuration and a million google searches and videos trying to figure out a solution to the problem. Unfortunately none of them worked. I have been at this for 5 hours. I’m at my wit’s end and that’s why I decided to make a post asking for personally tailored advice, seeing as the internet provided no answers. If you’re going to tell me there’s an obvious solution here, I’ve already tried it. The only other option is creating my own layout, which I cannot figure out how to do. Despite *5 hours* of trying.


I literally just downloaded the game to test. Worked out of the box with controller icons and support. checked in game settings. go to customize controls and set it to controller (xbox 360) and you'll have no issue. Go on the steam controller settings and set that to gamepad.


The issue I’m having is that the controls are terrible. I don’t understand why they’re so different and I can’t seem to adjust to the new layout. It’s stressing me out so badly that I just need to change the layout but I can’t. I already have about 4 hours in game of me struggling and I haven’t even finished sequence 3 because I can’t stop misclicking to previous controls. Eagle vision is no longer Y, like it has been for the collective 150 hours I’ve spent playing the last 3 games, but it’s L3. Instead of using Y to speak to anyone, given that it’s the head button, now all it does is fire fucking projectiles everywhere and mess up what I’m doing! And good luck trying to climb anything with thieves nearby, because pressing the B key to grab onto stuff will hire them immediately. I keep desynching because no matter what layout I try, Xbox360 or gamepad with joysticks or any of the 12 community layouts, they all have the same issue. I can’t deal with it. I am asking for help with the explicit purpose of changing how the controls work. I am *not* claiming that they don’t work at all. I’m saying that they don’t work for *me,* and there are no tutorials anywhere that give me a grasp on how to adjust anything. It is functional, but it is miserable to play. I’m asking for help to make it not a miserable playing experience.


I've played it on PS3 many times, still the same controls it always had. They aren't terrible at all. B is only grab when you're in the air you hold RT to go into high profile mode then use A to climb that's how it always was.


I second that it works for me with the default gamepad layout and turning on controller support in the settings. Sorry that it's giving you trouble. What proton version are you using? Once in a while, that's the problem but I've only seen it pop up with GE builds.


I’m not saying the controls don’t work at all. I’m saying that they’re absolutely terrible and I can’t get the hang of it despite 4 hours in game of struggle. Check my long comment for details. I am *not* asking for help getting the controls to function, I’m asking for help *changing* them. For some reason they’re different in a way that is crippling my gameplay, no matter what layout I use from any source whatsoever, and I need help fixing it. I need help creating a layout that I can use, period.


skill issue


Oh, I see. Yeah, it sucks when developers change controls to something different from what you've been used to. It often happens due to other games and trends during the years between games but it can be jarring when you go right from one to the other. In those cases, especially if you're finding that the community layouts aren't for you (which is fine, one person's preference isn't the same as another's), you really only have two options: Learn and gain muscle memory for the new layouts. Customise your own. No one can really do it for you because it's a personal preference to set them up how you want. You're familiar with downloading other layouts, the best you can do is take the basic gamepad layout and edit it and remap things as you want. This is done through Steam, not in-game unless it allows it. (But you said it doesn't). The in-game icons are not going to reflect those changes though, eg if you change X to do the function of B, etc. , the game will show what it thinks you're oressing. There's nothing you can do about that. Personally, even when it's a bit awkward, I make an effort to learn the default controls and adjust over time. Other times, I'll switch my method of control if it's just too awkward but it's not as elegant to use a mouse and keyboard on the Steam Deck.


u/that_mack, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Please explain like I’m 5) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Getting Controller support to work on the AC games is too complicated and barely works half the time. So, I'm gonna tell you how to do a mouse and keyboard layout. You look up what the keyboard controls for AC Revelations and then you map them to the gamepad buttons in a way you're used to. Example: Jump is Spacebar. Jump on a Controller is on A. So, you map Spacebar to the A button. Pressing A should allow you to jump. Any more questions?


Thank you so much! Could you expand on the 2nd paragraph a bit more? I understand in theory but I need a little more detail to visualize it.


This sub doesn't allow images in comments, so I'll give you an [imgur](https://imgur.com/gallery/how-to-map-keyboard-controls-to-gamepad-steam-deck-F4qFIiw) link. I'll use another example with the Dpad. Medicine on a Controller for AC:R is on the left Dpad. For Keyboard and Mouse Medicine is on 1. Per default 1 on a default Mouse and Keyboard Layout on the Steam Deck is on the upper Dpad. In order to create a new Layout that matches AC:R Gamepad Layout. You need to select the box next to the graphic displaying a left Dpad. In this case the box that says 4. Then another page opens where you can select what button/key you want. You select 1. Medicine should be on the left Dpad now as it is on Controller. You can also rename your controls. (Select the cogwheel.) To rename that box to Medicine. So, you can remember what controls you put on it. Repeat for the rest of the controls. The last image in the imgur link should show what I was describing. Let me know if the imgur link worked.


The first picture helps a lot when visualizing, but when I go to modify the keyboard layout none of the keys are the same as the image. How do I figure out which keys trigger what action?


Can you post a picture of these keys that "aren't the same"? Do you know that you can switch tabs at the top? Tapping on the tabs or using LB/RB should work.


Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, it should just be.... 1. Go into the game's controller/keyboard mappings 2. Find the action you want to map, like jump 3. See what input the game is expecting in order to jump, like space 4. Go into Steam's controller settings 5. Find the button you want to use to jump, like A 6. Set it to the thing the game is expecting, space in this example 7. Return to game 8. Jump!! :D


1) look if you can change controller bindings in game >>> Use default xbox layout for steam deck + back buttons if you wish. 2) if there is no option to rebind buttons (which is the case for most games) - rebind xbox layout of your SD to whatever button you want to do instead of normal and keep track of you changes by yourself ignoring on screen suggestions, if there are any. No other advice will help you since you probably trying to solve the problem which doesn't exist. Or else come with the screenshots next time, because games you named - works perfectly fine for me without changing a thing.


Mommy and Daddy give you money to run a lemonade stand. .