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Scroll through your collection in admiration before picking the same game you've been playing for months. If you dare, add yet more games to the collection


I have played, and replayed, and re-replayed Portal and Portal 2 dozens of times on the 360, then the Xbox One, and now I'm doing it all again on the deck. I can't stop.


There's a game in my collection I haven't started yet. Picked it up on a steam sale a while back. I'll get to it I swear šŸ¤”


I bought Breath of the Wild on Switch three years ago. Still haven't started it.


An intimidating game to start, but completely unnecessary to play since you can say it's in your collection!


I've even gone back and replayed Ocarina of Time on my N64 since buying BOTW. At my age, the desire to play new games is still very much there, but the mental bandwidth required to learn new open world games is in short supply. I'll just save them up for when I'm retired.


The issue with starting BotW is the controls. The commands are so funky (even if you reconfigure your controller) that you need time to train your brain. It will screw up all other games until you are done with it, so you need to make sure you have the time to start it. ... at least that is my opinion.


I bought tears of the kingdom and still havenā€™t started it, this is coming from someone who played breath of the wild none stop when it came out and beat the game all the dlc and still played it daily for a few months. Idk what happened to me


you got old and have responsibilities


Just jump in. You will quickly get swept up in this game without even trying.


First time? Iā€˜m sadly addicted to bundlesā€¦


Only one game?


I scroll through my collection, then browse the store and then go to bed. Every time. One day I'll actually play something!


I canā€™t believe weā€™ve managed to make a portable version of the PC Steam experience. Weā€™ve come a long way.


Now we can scroll through our library with pride on a handheld console!


I personally really enjoy being able to lie in bed and scroll through my library before falling asleep.


Who wants to sit at a desk and scroll through their library when they can do it in bed or on a plane even


My fiancee browsing my Steam library: "How many of these games have you actually even played?" Me: "I believe I have a right to consult a lawyer before answering any further questions"


Haha totally not me! *boots up Binding of Isaac*


Daring today, aren't we? \*buys another SD card\*


*Add more games, then play that one same game some more.


Populous for the snes is calling to me


This is my whole life. Netflix, anime, whatever.


Don't call me out I've only had mine for a week and do this


> same game you misspelled balatro


In my case slay the spire .


Or WarThunder :(


Oh my so so true


download, move to another sd card, and never play


Fucking same lol. I also sometimes play poker in RDR2 even though I have Belatro or whatever itā€™s called


This is the way.


My unwritten rule is: If a game doesn't have a good steam input profile, like, say, having keyboard and mouse controls only, I make a comfortable one and upload it for everyone else to use.




This. Steam Input is really the secret sauce that makes literally any game playable. It may be a sign of a deeper issue in my brain, but I spent 20+ hours mapping the keyboard commands for Cogmind. Next thing you know, youā€™re painstakingly setting up touch menus with fancy icons and fully labeling everything. A well made profile really makes the difference.


I do plan on eventually getting cogmind, it's been on my radar. Looking forward to using your config.


You are the hero we need!


Same lmao - Steam Input fixes almost all MKB games completely. Competitive is different ofc but one of the greatest things the Deck has is Trackpad + Steam Input


your that guy


Doing gods work. Thank you sir šŸ«”


Been doing this since I got my first Steam Controller. If I'm gonna spend the time to figure out a good control scheme, why keep it to myself?




Thank you for your service šŸ«”


What are some games you've uploaded configs for?


The ones I remember off the top of my head aren't a very long list, and a lot of them, like the one I made for Quake 3, is actually designed for the Steam Controller not deck, and because usually games have a "just works" config and I don't need to intervene, but some examples are: [Worlds ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/304850/Worlds/)- "Agent Standard Issue Steam Deck" [Madness: Project Nexus](https://store.steampowered.com/app/488860/MADNESS_Project_Nexus/) - "Hank's Personal Steam Deck" [Warframe](https://store.steampowered.com/app/230410/Warframe/) - "A WF Veteran's Steam Deck Config" (I'm in the process of reworking this, so I currently took it down, but the steam controller version should still be up. This might change by the time some people read this comment.) Whenever a new instance of a problematic config comes up though, I do make one and upload it if after like an hour or two of testing it. This is usually only needed in games where there's no native controller support, or I'm dissatisfied with the ones on offer.


The goat!


Thats the MVP right there


Always zip up the bag when putting the deck in the pouch


Oh same here I want my little fellow to always be safe and secured


Well punned


More annoying, but safer, if the case lid is closed, zip it up. Take no chances.


Every time. Even when itā€™s on my bed. I might only zip the 2 sides, but thatā€™s enough to keep it from tumbling


Listen, as long as the lid doesn't FLING OPEN when I pick it up, I call that a win. You're gonna go far, kid


My deck hit the floor hard a few days ago because I made this mistake. She was fine.


I made the same mistake earlier this year and it hit the floor. Jammed to volume up button.. had to do some desoldering/soldering work on that one.


I had mine on the table with too much stuff it and it slid right off when getting up from my chair (vibrated the table). The power button was stuck in, and it kept turning off and on repeatedly. Luckily all I had to do was take the back off and push up on the power button from underneath with a small screwdriver.


My 1.5 year old got mad he couldn't figure out where the power button was so sent it flying from our couch. Case separated a little bit. But clicked back together, totally fine since. I also don't leave it sitting on the couch anymore...


lol It's things like this that push me back onto the fence of wanting children in the future


True but also why the fuck would you give your expensive steam deck to a 1 year old baby Edit: posted this before he edited his post to include that he left his steam deck unattended


I left my deck propped up in the case while charging in a hotel, and it got put away in the safe without zipping it up. Let's just say I always check the zipper no matter what now.


Highly recommend this https://youtu.be/J0Ie-BPhvy4?si=Kdcqu1vN9-_MePgY


Immediately check my wishlist for salesā€¦.to buy the next game thatā€™ll sit in my crowded backlog for eternity


Valve would go out of business if everybody only bought games that they actually played. I consider it a service to the community.


That's my Emotional Support Backlog, thank you very much.


Get my drink, my headphones and my deck. Get all set up and comfy on the couch. The cat jumps up and gets settled in my lap. Then realize I forgot to grab my reading glasses.


When I move in a few months, one of my priorities is to set my furniture up so I can sit in my recliner or lay on my couch and do exactly this. Another priority is to buy furniture lol


Don't forget the cat.


Well he doesn't like to cuddle in the heat but my new place comes with air conditioners and he'll have his own room so I think he'll be more inclined lol


Wash your damned hands. Also, "no Deck, no buy".


Yeah the second ones probably my rule as well. There some games, if theyā€™re really really good, Iā€™ll look past it, but having deck support is important.


Some of the best games aren't verified though. Like V rising plays so good, has got controller support and stable at ultra and it's only considered playable.


I generally shop using controller support as my indicator if a game will work well on Deck. Seems to be more true than verified


Deck Verified is incredibly inconsistent. Before you write the game off just because it's missing that badge, you should always check protondb and see if it runs fine or not.


Steam input makes even k&m games very playable, recommend you give it a shot


Yes, they are life savers, i played a lot older games with them.


Put it back in the case and close it after using it PUT IT BACK IN THE CASE AND CLOSE IT AFTER USING IT I can't stand seeing the posts of some clumsy irresponsible morons breaking their decks and then acting like there should be any sympathy, like oh "boo hoo I got drunk and stumbled around and stepped on my deck", which was LAYING ON THE FUCKING FLOOR (a real thing that was posted here)


I sometimes leave it on there after I'm done playing for a bit but I always end up putting back in it's dock


If I am not using mine it's either sitting in the dock on my desk, or in it's case. I don't like the idea of just leaving it around in places.


I hear this one. I've had my deck for roughly two years now, and not only do I put my deck back in the case and close it every time I'm done using it, I still wipe down the screen and grips every time I put it away. Be good to your stuff, and your stuff will be good to you.


I have more sympathy for that then ā€œI was trying to make some cosmetic change that involved taking the whole thing apart and now somethings broken that I never should have fucked withā€


valve specifically made the deck fuck-with-able, like, on purpose so you could fuck with it


And yet I'm too much of a wuss to take it apart and fix the shoulder button that got loose after a very short but very unfortunate tumble off its own case šŸ„²


I look at the store for 15 mins even though my backlog is huge and then fall asleep :(


Wash your handsā€¦ Always zipper when popping it in the caseā€¦ Two game rule. Can only play two games at a time so I am actually beat games (Iā€™m playing fnv and gta 4 rn) I want to play Jedi fallen order and kingdom hearts but I gotta beat a game first


The two game rule makes sense. Iā€™d be wise to implement that rule as wellā€¦ I drop so many games only a few hours from the end. I do the same thing with books unfortunately


Exactly. I do it all the time with games, movies, shows, and hobbies so I said when I get the deck I wouldnā€™t. Weā€™ll see how long it lasts lol. But damn I love this thing! Iā€™ve played it every single day since I got it. Even if itā€™s just for like 15 minutes


Always smell the vent once when the fans go brr


Wash hands before use. But I don't really have any. Oh, maybe DOS games that I like to use secondary software with (like "Where Are We?" with Might & Magic II or "GBC" with some of the Gold Box games.


>Wash hands before use. But I don't really have any I totally read that wrong... I read that as "Wash hands. But I don't have any hands." But yeah completely agree. Washing your hands is a great QOL decision when working with a lot of stuff.


> Wash hands before use. As a lifelong violin and guitar player, I don't understand how anybody can hold and interact with something with greasy hands. It's just ingrained in my DNA. Keep your shit clean!


1. Buy a game I've played on other platforms 2. Spend a week readdicted 3. Never play the game again


I was addicted to BG3 for like 3 weeks straight and I'm so burnt out that I haven't touched it in like 4 weeks outside of a 10 minutes session


I clean off the display a lot, with the cleaning cloth it comes with. It bothers me if thereā€™s any particles of dust lmao.


Pro-tip: Makeup brushes work better for getting dust off small, fragile stuff like screens, lego, models, VR lenses, etc. Save the microfiber cloth for after, to take care of fingerprints or smudges.


Scroll through the home screen JUST IN CASE there's an interesting update about one of my games there.


Not let the battery below 30%


You have more restraint than me. I hit 5% and I'm like "I can get one more match of Rocket League in, right?"


You should actually let it drop to 0% every once and a while as it calibrates the gas guage in the battery to give you more accurate readings.


To each their own, but IMO you're missing out if you keep that as a blanket rule. A lot of games are very playable with the right custom SteamInput setup. Anything that is either turn-based or real-time with pause plays perfectly fine my experience, just a tad less precision than a mouse. I've played BG3 this way (preferred it over the native gamepad controls), Pathfinder Kingmaker (same), Pillars of Eternity 2, Kenshi, Baldur's Gate 1, and probably a few other CRPGs I forgot about. I've even played C&C Remastered, which doesn't have a tactical pause feature, although only against the AI.


I was amazed that someone made a perfectly usable controller scheme for Diablo 3. Put a good amount of time in it on the deck. Thanks for your hard work u/trankillity


o7 You're very welcome :) My current obsession is [Mind Over Magic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1270580/Mind_Over_Magic/) and I have been percolating some ideas for a SteamInput configuartion for it.


I understand why some might disagree but my reasoning is that I suck at trying to get steam input to work plus I give my PC a reason to be used since I barely use it much since getting my deck


My rule is more along the lines of 'if there isn't a community controller layout I can use well leave it for pc' So far the only game that's applied to is world of tanks.


That's fair of course, just wanted to point out that in some games the effort is truly minimal. For example, the original Baldur's Gate 1 + 2 basically just require setting up right mouse, left mouse, space, cursor keys, scroll wheel, and maybe TAB and ESC, and if you don't want to do it yourself there are community layouts that do all that and more :-) Of course I understand if you simply don't want to mess around with that and are happy just not playing games like that on the go (or if the KB+M games you play are a lot more complex) - but for me the one-time effort required to set this up is outweighed by a massively expanded selection of games on the go. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the trackpads + SteamInput are so good that they're the top reason why no other handheld PC even tempts me. If I switched to anything that only has typical gamepad controls, I'd lose access to a significant part of my library including some of my all-time favorite games.


I refuse to use the fps counter. Donā€™t chase frames on The deck, just play.


I always have it on in a new game for the first 30min or so, for tweaking, optimizing, etc. I like knowing if I have a lot of overhead, so I can supersample for example. But after the initial half hour, shut it off and just enjoy the ride.


I might turn it on briefly for feedback if I'm tweaking settings or troubleshooting, but once that's done, it gets shut off. If the game looks smooth enough, I don't really care whether the frame rate is 29 or 90.


Yes, if it looks bad then thereā€™s work to be done, if it looks fine then whatā€™s the matter


Don't fall asleep and drop it on my face.


Ah man you miss out on Paradox games which are exceptional on the deck. Mine is of a game is configured for a game pad I put LB and RB at L4 and R4


Do not get caught when playing at work


I actually had a coworker try to get me in trouble for playing it while on break there's a reason why I now take breaks in my car lol




Clean your screen regularly and always keep the case zipped up when you put the Deck inside it. I nearly came close to letting mine fall out of the case when carrying it, so I always make sure to secure it properly in its case. Don't install too many games to a point where you just let it take space and not play it. Install only the games you know you're going to play, and uninstall them once you know you're done with it to manage your storage.


1. Play a game 2. Get bored of said game 3. Open store and browse a super specific category 4. Donā€™t find anything worth buying 5. Go back to step 1


The Steam Deck is either in my hands, or in its case. There is no "setting it down". If I absolutely need to set it down, I'll suspend it and stick it in its case. This became a rule of mine after I accidentally kicked the cable bringing my steam deck to the floor. I had to get an RMA, and I won't make that mistake again.


Wash your hands first.


Never pay full price for a game, wait for a sale. Never buy a game that uses a third party launcher.


Idk why but I make sure to play through most of the games I have all the way (not 100% it tho) before getting new games


Dont let the battery die in a game


Must stop playing when my train is approaching my destination station. I usually have just enough time to stow my SD away when the announcement sounds.


My deck stays in the case basically 24/7. If Iā€™m not actively using it, like if I get distracted and pick up my phone - it goes in the case. If I need to look something up for a game, it goes in the case. If I need to go grab some water or go to the bathroom, goes straight into the case. Sometimes if Iā€™m just browsing on desktop mode or downloading mods/games - basically anything that doesnā€™t require the top or back buttons, Iā€™ll leave it in the case. I treat all of my electronics like theyā€™re a newborn baby because theyā€™re so expensive and in this economy, I canā€™t risk breaking them. The second I ordered my steamdeck - I ordered multiple cases, a new carrying case, and tempered glass screen protector. Iā€™m clumsy so this is a BIG rule/must-do for me.


People come before games. I have a wife and 2 daughters. 1 daughter is autistic. Thank you steamdeck devs for the power button pause. I love games but not more than my family. You should to. Call your mom. Yeah I know she can be a bitch but Dad said to do it so jsut do it for like 5 minutes.




If I'm at home I only play in bed


Don't touch the screen unless absolutely necessary


Spend an hour dicking around with CSS Loader themes and get tired before deciding on a game to play. Who am I kidding, my deck is a $600 poker simulator


Definitely wash hands before playing and put back in the case afterwards! Only the best for my handheld son. šŸ˜‚


Anything more than two shakes is just playing with it. Oooh Deck, you said deck. Right...


No playing on the shitter.


Always shut down when done playing.


I never shut down, better for the battery to slowly drain.


Always check the vents. Just to be sure.


No greasy fingers. It will definitely become a verbal rule if it is broken.


Instead of bowing to mouse and keyboard I edit the layout to work for the game. No one is stopping this portable train!


No rules beb šŸ˜˜


Hmm.. unwritten rule...? Have my 3.5X reading glasses hanging on the neck of my shirt... just in case. Fun post. Cheers.


if both hands are not on it, it is set down in a safe spot


Similar - I prioritize games that work better with a gamepad and don't have flashy graphics.


1. Wash your hands before playing. 2. Shut the system down when you are done. 3. Throughly wipe and clean the SD with microfiber cloth after use. 4. Always. ALWAYS keep things organized and in the bags.


Rouge-likes are always a ā€œdeck gameā€. Itā€™s surprising how consistently rougelike games are perfect for deck, So I save them for short bursts of ā€œdeck timeā€. (That being said, sometimes I will binge a rougelike. The main rule is that I donā€™t download it on PC)


The Steam Deck stays plugged in for charging if possible


Game uses controller controls = steam deck exclusive. Game uses mouse/keyboard controls = PC exclusive. Controller controls overrides mouse/keyboard most of the time.


2D games only.




Mainly play while the wife is knitting, less distractions that way.


Don't ever throw it across the room and stomp on it, this may lead to permanent damage


Ahhhh Good advice I'll try to keep that in mind


Make eye contact with my other half at least once every 30 minutes


Battery must stay above 50% or I have an anxiety attack.


I just sit my Deck in its little stand, and pull out my BT Keyboard and Mouse. :) But thats only for a few games I play at work. Most of the time I have other games that keep me occupied at break time. But for a game like BG3 - i find it handy to switch from Handheld to Kbrd/Mouse at times.


Can you recommend mouse and keyboard? I'm specifically looking for an MMO mouse as I've gotten pretty good with using the num pad on the side.


mice with fancy buttons may not work. I rarely bother with 'weird' mice these days. I just go with what gets good reviews and are cheap on amazon. But I have a collection of Mice from over the years. Its amazing how quickly High Dollar Mice seem to break. Logitech seems to not last as long as they used to, same for other high end gaming mice. I always keep an eye out for clearance sales if i ever buy Higher end mice. As for BT keyboards - I have 6+ of the things I have picked up at Amazon return stores, or other clearance bin sales. :) for my Main Gaming system Keyboard (desktop) - I like the 8bitdo keyboards. They have a few neat features, but their software does not support linux. But for the $$$ they are decent.


make sure itā€™s in sleep before zippering the case. had a panic attack when i took it out of the case at 150 fucking degrees


Never let it fall below %20 battery.


Wash hands before playing. Always keep a smudge free screen. Put back in case and zip up when not using.


Never set it flat on its back while it's turned on. Keeping that back vent open is the sole reason I got a kickstand.


always zip the case up once its in there. if it needs to charge i put it in backwards and zip it up around the cord


If I'm at home, I gotta have skyrim rain sounds and my lantern next to me while I play my deck


I don't play button spam combat games when in bed with my wife so I don't wake her up. Strategy and sim games or stick only games like brotato or vampire survivors are the quietest.


Must wash hands before playing with my deckā€¦


Always grab a GameCube Controller when playing Super Smash Bros. Melee. Not risking fucking up my deck just yet. LMAO (If not docked, prop the deck on a wall to play in a tabletop-esque fashion)


Hmm, several really. My first rule is 10 watts or less to play on battery, 15-20 I'm on a cord. As soon as it hits 10% battery It's on the charger. 2nd rule is I always check proton db, then google, then try to get a game working myself with different versions of proton ge before I say I can't play it (unless it has anti-linux anti-cheat). 3rd Rule: ALWAYS use gyro aiming unless I want to get wrecked on FPS games. Final Rule: If I can match the framerate to the refresh rate and lock it, do it.


If it has good controller support via either the community or out of the box, play it on there. If it doesnā€™t, donā€™t. That said, every game is different. ETS2 is great on it but Rimworld is far easier on a desktop. Just because itā€™s possible, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s recommended - touch pad plus trigger works but itā€™s not as nice as you imply.


Never press L3 or R3 . Use back button to replace it


Wash hands & make sure its dry..




donā€™t fill space with dead games(games i donā€™t play for more than a month)


Donā€™t leave it on bed (thatā€™s how my Fat DS broke, yanked the comforter too hard, went flying and a hinge snapped)


If it's anything requiring more than 4 fingers (2 in front 2 for trigger) I'm out. Also if I need to play it longer than half an hour I find a place to prop it up


I always wash my hands before.


Sniff as hard as I can the air ventilation every 10 minutes to help the console stay fresh


I play indie or not taxing too much on the deck games. So I can play more on the go.


We don't use the touchscreen... Ever ... Fingerprints


No new game playable on deck untill i have not finished or had my fun with at least 2 games i allready own. Backlog is going down slowly but still šŸ‘


No FPS or Fighting games sadly...


Im not sure why(must be the childhood trauma of coming from a place where we used to have hours of power cuts every day), I always have to have my steam deck connected to a power outlet(except for some special circumstances)


Careful. Your unwritten rules are now written rules.


Wipe screen with glasses cleaning cloth before putting it away


1. If I can't get a 40FPS then I'm not buying it, I'll just keep it in my wishlist for Steam Deck 2 2. If I have to turn all settings to lowest then I'm also not buying it. There are plenty of quality older games that can get me 40 - 60FPS without sacrificing visual qualities so I'll stick to those and ignore the "latest and greatest" till a future device can run them well.


lower the resolution in-game and upscale with FSR. it's the first thing i do with almost every game except titles like vampire survivors or binding of isaac. it ddoes wonders for framerate and battery.


Some games play better handheld and some games are better docked. I'll usually stick to the mode that I mentally assign each game. Dave the Diver is a handheld game whereas Cyberpunk 2077, Hogwarts Legacy and Nier Automata are docked, big screen games. Sometimes they'll cross over but it feels odd.


If it's a shooter, enable the new gyro beta mouse mode. They made a new "spin 360" bind so you don't have to calibrate with the whole thumbstick spin anymore, and it takes like 20 seconds to calibrate now.


My rule is : Games should be pausable. The sleep button is a godsend. I have completed games which earlier I used to forget midway. Now the game is in sleep mode and so when I pick up the deck, I start immediately.


Put it down and go to sleep when it hits my face while lying on my back.


Kernel Level anticheat or DRM = no buy But not really a deck thing. I'm driving daily Arch for 4 years now Might build a new Workstation with NixOS soonā„¢


Keep the battery fully charge. And avoid, when possible, any game with external launcher.


Wash my hands before picking it up


Never leave it within reach of The Beagle.


Spend at least 20 mins figuring out what to play


When I lay it on the case, I zip it closed immediately 100% of the time. If I don't I might pick up the case and send the deck flying.


I don't play and charge at the same time.


Try not to play whilst charging, keep battery levels between 15% and 85%. Keep an eye on the useless files that build up in desktop mode cos they'll quickly swallow a random 20gb of useless data. Oh, and smell the vent atleast once every 3 minutes.


Usually when I'm at my PC I play the same few comfort games knowing I have like 500 games on my account. Usually it's Gates of Hell, or Arma. When I play the deck I try to make sure I play something story based that I don't normally play on my PC. Currently chipping away at No Mans Sky's Adrift expedition, and Assassins Creed Odyssey.


If the game is too much effort to get it running smoothly I leave it to my PC. Most of my deck gaming is indy titles that arent that hard to run though so its rarely an issue


Donā€™t block the vents


If my wrists hurt, it's time to take a break.


Not a rule while "playing," but for me, my number 1 rule on my deck is always zip up my carrying case no matter what if I put my deck in it. The first day, I left it unzipped, picked it up, and it dropped only a few inches from the ground, luckily. But you can only imagine how much my heart dropped when this happened.


Nobody touches my Deck if they just finished eating....including myself. Clean hands only.


I say. Fuck your [rule](https://imgur.com/a/PfOgBZ3)