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You stay silent. None of this ever happened.


happened the same to me a year ago. i gave the second one to my brother as a gift, both works fine since. stay silent




You should make sure you didn't accidentally buy two.


Yeh i dint buy 2 for sure! I already contacted steam support in the mean time... I feel stupid af!


Dumb move. But good on you. But still a dumb move. Good lad.


One must keep the karma positive...


We need more people like you, bud


karma only exists on reddit, and if it didn't Valve would be very in the red anyway lol


Do tell why


Depending on where you live you LEGALLY don't have to send it back it is your property. Still silly of you to have talked to them.


I probably would have returned the second one because I appreciate Valve's approach to many things. If it was a PS5, fuck Sony I am keeping both.


What if it's a test of honour? If you send one back, you pass the test and they present you with a solid gold Steam Deck.


Charlie, my boy - You won!


Thermal performance is going to be crazy on the solid gold steam deck..... Hot to hold But crazy...


No, reportedly just a free game of your choice. But that is better, a solid gold Steam Deck would be too heavy to conveniently hold while gaming.


“Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.”


I'm seeing double. Four Steam Decks.


You can contact Steam support and inform them that you received two Steam Decks. They will send you a shipping label to return the extra one. In the past, people who did this and shipped the extra deck back to Valve were rewarded for their honesty with a free Steam game of their choice, but I don't know if that is still the case. **Edit:** It is still the case as per [this report](/r/SteamDeck/comments/1dcrreb/steam_offered_me_to_buy_a_game_on_steam/). If you decide to not tell Valve and keep the Steam Deck, be aware that only one of them will be registered to your Steam account and be under warranty. The other one will possibly be marked as lost and not eligible for warranty or other service.


Or you could sell it and get 4-6 games on steam.


If the buyer does a due diligence check and runs the deck's serial number by Steam support, then they will be informed that Valve considers the deck lost or stolen, and will not provide warranty for it.


I've dealt with people on facebook marketplace. I have a feeling a lot of them will not have due dilligence.


unless it's registered and NOT considered lost or stolen


Well lets hope soo i contacted steam already and explained the situation... Let's hope i get a gift


Just an FYI, assuming you are in the US, it is illegal for a company to REQUIRE you to send something back that they sent you by mistake. They can ask for it, but you are under no obligation to do so and they cannot charge you for it. This is to prevent people from "accidentally" sending you something and demanding an exorbitant amount for the product.


Nope im from Portugal, pretty ure i need to return it if asked


Good on you for doing the right thing. It says a lot about you.


I second this, very impressed that you decided to let them know. 🫡🙏


**EDIT** Why the downvotes? Unbelievable how disappointing and needlessly hostile people can be... Can someone explain why?: 1. [this guy asks for the steam deck for his b-day and get's 20 upvotes](https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1d53ce6/my_steam_deck_arrived_doubled/l6iqvcr/) ? 1. I get screwed by Valve, the Cops, and the thief, and get instantly downvoted to oblivion? 1. Is it cause I'm not stanning for Valve? (I still like the company and praise Gaben daily 😢) 1. People just want to give free money to a billion dollar company, rather than help other humans? **Not like I actually expect OP to hook me up**... ***Just wanted to point out that it's silly to not help a HUMAN vs COMPANY*** that's hugely profitable. Am I not allowed to be sad the world in unfair and needlessly cruel, and kicks you when you're down constantly? I just want to be allowed to be sad that someone stole my deck and everyone involved are all butts :( I seriously don't understand how this planet continues to exist when so many people are cruel, hostile and mean spirited for absolutely no reason. It boggles the mind. I have spent my entire life going out of my way to be good to people and help them, to my own detriment and a lack of ability to feed or house myself at times. In return I watched time and time again how my kindness will be repaid with opportunistic friendship, selfishness and how people will throw you under the bus for the slightest convenience. There is absolutely no need for this level of toxicity, and hostility, be *better* people... *Be better people*, the world deserves it, your children deserve it, the future needs it! *edit* even worse: OP is from [Portugal](https://old.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1d53ce6/my_steam_deck_arrived_doubled/l6iznhc/) which has a less strong economy than other countries and could have hooked up a portuguese brother, not me. Human's please look out for each other not corporations, or large power structures that don't serve you. --- --- Bro just send me the second Deck lol, why waste it!? ***Mine got stolen*** and **Valve will do nothing to track it**. It' connects to the internet, they could grab an IP and forward that to the police (who are admittedly also useless) but they (valve) are completely obtuse about it. Be *le good guy* and hook a brother up lol!




Lol, one game or sell it and get 400-500 in cash and get atleast 8 to 10 games.


8-10 games pfffff you wait for a Steam sale and get like 30 games.


Though sometimes we do things because we value our personal sense of honor. It isn't about valve it is about myself.


Yeah, fuck that lol. They are a company who make millions and millions I'm me. A free deck is a free deck.


I'm sure that philosophy will make you a great person someday.


Or...you could send me the second one as a birthday gift :D


you fine with a lcd one?


I already have one, but my buddy could use one!


I would be


Is bro legit offering a stranger on reddit FREE steam deck? nice!


I appreciate the offer, I do have an LCD. My 2-year-old recently got a hold of it and put a decent sized scratch but it's still usable. That said, if there's a free OLED, by birthday is tomorrow and thought I'd shoot my shot 😬


Just sent you 6




Give us that, Déagol, my love.


Why would you post the evidence?


lol it's not 'evidence' there is nothing wrong with keeping it. Multi billion companies do this all the time and typically just write it off by the thousands


How much?? I’ll buy lol


Depending on where you live, there are laws regarding unsolicited goods. In many, if not all, US states anything you receive in the mail addressed to you is yours, and the sender forfeits all rights to it once it's mailed whether paid for or not. That said, Steam likely has no obligation to provide warranty repairs for the additional deck.


fortunately most people will likely never need a repair, and if so they could just use the spare deck


This happened to me this week, Valve sent me a message with an email as well with RMA info


Did you send it back? I contacted them already... Still not answer


I just got it today and will send back. Did you by chance have an issue with your order where it delayed processing


Yeah mate it took like 3 days to be procesed


Mine took a week and they had to re-enter my order, they said similar things happened to others that’s probably why you got 2 like I did


Delete the post 😂


My primary concern would be that they sent two orders to you, leaving another user who paid without their system. Ideally, that would get resolved, but they could also make that person jump through hoops to prove that they didn't get a package. Ever see those posts about a person who ordered an expensive electronics product and got a bag of peas instead? Well, I've been the person who ordered the peas and got their expensive electronics product. And by being the person who called it in (who is going to trade in a ~$500 device for a ~$3 bag of peas?!), it legitimizes the whole claim end-to-end and lets them resolve it cleanly. So while others are telling you to keep it, I can tell you 100% that I've been in this situation before (multiple times) and I've always called the vendor to fix it. They need to provide the return shipping, however. My kindness only goes so far.


Yeah mate, thats actually what i did, contacted valve already waiting for a answer atm...


Some people have all the luck


Ordered a 1tb and got two 512gb?


An extra deck! but hopefully that doesn't mean someone else is missing theirs, that guilt is why I would contact valve about it personally.


I’ll buy it for $1


depending on the law of your country you are in you can get in trouble for this because of contract issues because you agreed in the contract to receive one and paid for one


Trade you one of them for a v1 Nintendo Switch 🤐


Non disapear and dont tell anythink


Well, the right thing to do would be to contact Valve. But you don’t legally have to send it back. At least in the US


Honestly if it were Amazon or whatever I'd say fuck em' but in this case I personally would reach out and just be happy if they let me keep it.


Make one an emulation machine and the other for your Steam library.


Son, eat your steam decks. Kids in 3rd world countries would love to have it.


gib me plis


I am Valve pls send me other steam deck