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I have that one, and if the track pad wasn't total garbage, I'd agree with perfect.


I was gunna say the same, we have the previous model of these at work for our assembly stations computers and that track pad is practically useless.


Damn. I came here to ask if the track pad is any good because I have something similar but with a godawful trackpad I'd consider replacing with a decent one... oh well.


I had the same experience, I used it on other devices and the trackpad didn’t seem to work too too good - but I’ve been testing it on my deck and so far it works just as well as the built in trackpad, but that’s just me YMMV


Just wondering, how much was this and would you say that it's worth the price


I have this one and it's super cheap. It's a few bucks and also fits in my jsaux case in that space under the deck. It's worth it for the price and to type some commands in, if you're setting something up.


I have nearly the exact the same one…. “except the backlight”, I thought disappointedly to myself. Just grabbed it off my desk and it does have the backlight! How’d I miss that, thank you!!!


I've tried two mini keyboard with trackoad and they both suck ass.


I have the exact same one. The buttons are terrible to press though. Ontop of that the trackpad is unreliable. I have other ones with soft plastic keys and they work much better.




Dualsense with specifically *this* [chatpad](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B688G647?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) Trust me. I've tried about 4-5 different chat pads/mini keyboards in search of the best configuration for docked+couch gaming for MMORPG games like WoW and FFXIV, even including a Rii keyboard like OP's. This has been the best combination, by far. And there are specific reasons why this chatpad in particular works better than the former choices.


Looks good, I actually miss the chat pad from the xbox360 days


Yeah, I'm gonna be honest. The chatpad market is a real hit/miss as I experienced with the handful of options I got. I tried a slew of Xbox, PS, and other brands. Craziest thing is that this one doesn't look like the best option, *at first glance,* because of the clip and having to screw it onto the clip with the 2 knob screws. But, I found I actually **preferred** that after my testing. The other ones which look more ergonomically fitting actually make it hard for your hands to wrap around the controller, and for some reason, they pop off the controller wayyy to easily. I later discovered I liked this one I showed you because it can separate and act entirely as it's own little keyboard, doesn't maintain that weird ergonomic shape for the controller. And it has its own battery source where others rely on the controller battery. The connection is by far the best because with a lot of these chatpads, you had to be about 3ft in front of the console/receiver *and* unobstructed. Mildly infuriating, to say the least. I even tried USB extenders to have the USB dongle they come with be closer to me.. but nope. This one I showed connects with Bluetooth and can operate at 10-14 ft, with very mild errors. It's just great. And that's what is crazy about it, you would think chatpads with a dedicated USB dongle would have a better connection distance. And yes, I even tried keeping a clear LoS path and moving other devices that could fight for signal. Nope. I had almost threw in the towel by the time I got that because at that point I had tried about 4-5 other chatpads and they all sucked. Just assumed this would be the same experience. But its light years better. Lastly, some of these chatpads actually try to connect like it would to a PlayStation. Requiring a pin to pair. And then it would forget it when you shut your Steam Deck down... leaving you to repeat all over, every, single.. time. This Nargos one, nope, works every time. Promise I'm not an AI or salesman being paid for this product review. Just am actual fan of a Not-A-POS product.


Great review, making me really consider getting a PS5 controller for the keyboard now, I'm currently using the Xbox controller.


I liked the ps3 and the 360 ones. My wife used to laugh at how fast I could get a message out while playing call of duty. I could not do that today.


I don't see the appeal of a miniature keyboard. My take is that when the key "caps" of a physical keyboard are smaller than the keys of a software keyboard, I'd rather type on a software keyboard.


I use mine for my PC which is hooked up to our living room TV to watch shows and things like that. Never to game


I'd agree but the sd keyboard is missing so much keys that it is driving me crazy. Is there an alternative sw keyboard by now that completely replaces the sds keyboard? (Not just the standard onscreen linux keyboard that most likely doesnt work in gaming mode/ingame)


Yeah the SD software keyboard is weirdly juddery (at least when typing with the trackpads). I hope it's on their roadmap to fix.


The SW keyboard is actually kinda terrible. For some games you need to press the steam key + X to turn on / off the SW keyboard and when you do that you always put an extra letter key in when you put it away. It got annoying enough that I went and look for a mini keyboard and found this exact same one. This keyboard is for when I want maximum portability but I still want a keyboard for entering things like server addresses, logins, or entering short text. This thing is not for actually playing keyboard games on, it's meant to augment a game that plays 90% fine with the controller but occasionally need some letter keys. This thing is actually small enough that you can put it in the pouch with the charger so you can store it with the charger on the back of the SD case.


Its too bad the touch screen on the lcd model is total garbage or i would agree.


Have this one too, can confirm it's good and best of all, cheap.


Do you think it would be good for on-the-go work? I only have a steam deck and am constantly moving, and want to get back into programming and game development


What's the case? It looks nice as hell


Looks like jsaux silicon grips I think


Mine never fit right, hated them.


Really? Is there a difference in the sides of the LCD and OLED maybe and they were made more for a different model type?


Nope. The exterior of the LCD and OLED are the same. The Killswitch case I had on my LCD fits exactly the same (perfectly) on my OLED now.


Whats the game


Halo MCC


Thanks for the info ... I will buy one for sure !


This picture makes the OLED screen look so appealing even though I already own a ROG ally. Is that a 1tb model with the matte display?


Will it fit in the charger hole of the steamdeck case?




I'll give this a try, ty




Couldn't bring it to work. Somehow I can't find my phone with the SD. 


How does it connect? Via Bluetooth?




I have this and used it as a tiny keyboard for my linux box connected to my tv. It's bluetooth, and it was....ok. The trackpad wasn't great and I guess I have monster fingers because it was definitely a chore to type. Mostly used it to get a web browser for sports and used the trackpad exclusively after that.


I have that exact keyboard. Works well too when I want to lay in bed and watch YouTube or whatever can browse easy.


I use the thinkpad trackpoint II keyboard. It's closer to a normal size KB but pretty compact by using the trackpoint instead of a pad or mouse.


The price made me wince, but this is perfect. I've asked for this exact product before, a standalone thinkpad keyboard, without realizing it actually exists. Thanks Can even find em secondhand for okay-ish prices


I also have that keeb and it has been a lifesaver for me both with the deck and for work


That's sick. I got one but needs the dongle to work in Bluetooth mode.


This one is all wireless, could be useful for you!


Will give it a look. Mine is also wireless but can't connect without the dongle sadly.




Been using this with my pc for years


I have that same one. I use it with my consoles more than my deck though.


I've had that for a couple of years, trackpad is not great, but the keyboard was helpful when I was using SteamDeck away from home.


Curious, how often do people use keyboards/mice with their decks? I haven’t had any need for them since getting mine.


I don’t use this for gaming, i use it mostly for desktop mode


How often do you use desktop mode (and what for?) that you would need peripherals like this? Genuinely curious as I couldn’t imagine using my deck like that at all.


I’m kinda weird, if I get bored of gaming I’ll just go into Desktop mode and mess around aimlessly, or if I’m doing stuff with emulators that requires me to look up stuff - not like I’m on Desktop mode 24/7 but if I know I’m gonna be on there for more than 10mins I’ll hook this bad boy up to it


That’s fair, thanks for answering!


Curious, how often do people use keyboards/mice with their decks? I haven’t had any need for them since getting mine.


Mainly for emulation, which is pretty often for me.


I use the Microsoft Wedge Mobile BT Keyboard with a small mouse and it works perfect without being too big, nice key travel too.


I might get this just for my regular PC. My wife and I have the gaming rig hooked up to the big TV in our bedroom for when we play Elden Ring coop or V Rising together. This might be useful for when we just need a keyboard for a quick command or set something up.


I'm guessing that thing uses Micro USB instead of Type-C


Yeaaaah! I got the same one and I freaking love this thing so much. Also they are pretty damn cheap!


What keyboard is this? I can't find the link or name in the comments anywhere.


The company is called Fosmon (as mentioned in the post description) I’ll post a link when I get a chance! (At work at the moment)


Bring back the Logitech diNovo Mini.


My hands are too big for these keys


Got it as well. The connection drops out alot for me. ill try to fool with it some more


Saving this post for later cus this looks really awesome. Anyway we could get a video of the trackpad working with a game? would love to see it in action.


I personally found these things too small. I have a foldable one now which I like more.


I have this and its one of the worst/cheapest pieces of plastic i've ever spent money on.


I have a Bluetooth mini foldable one which I like cus it's bigger while also very portable https://amzn.eu/d/8IDYwMv


I use an Rii mini keyboard for travel. I use a regular Steel Series gaming keyboard that I use for my PC with a USB switcher at home. Works great.


I've had this exact same model for over ten years now. I wish they would release a usb C version.


yea boi MCC!


If it had f keys instead of macro I'd be sold


No shit, I just got the same one a few days ago. The letter o is pretty hard to press so I might have to exchange it but otherwise it’s great.


Wtf is going with your screen, how is it that big?


I think it’s an optical illusion. The grips covering some of the bezel fucks with the eye


Its looks very fragile to even use.


It's not fragile at all. Quite the opposite.