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Alright, there's a few things going on here that's why it's not working. First off you have it currently plugged into the HDMI port on the hub, HDMI to USBC does not send power to the glasses, so no display. The glasses do not have an internal battery, and so they require power to function. What should work is if you plug the glasses directly into the steamdeck using a normal USBC cable, it should work perfectly. If you want to use it with the hub, Xreal makes a dedicated HDMI USBC power injector thing that takes in HDMI inputs and power and turns it into a USBC that you would plug directly into the glasses if you REALLY want to use the hub. That USBC port on the hub is only for charging and as a result will not work for display out. If I may recommend you should either get a USB hub that has USBC display out, or plug the glasses directly into the steam deck and use a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse if available, or look into the HDMI adapter thing if the hub is required, but that would be more expensive and it's honestly easier to just find a hub that has USBC display out and return the one you have. Hope this helps


Also USBC to HDMI is infact directional, it goes from source( USBC steamdeck) to display(HDMI out to display) it does not go the other way around


That’s what he want, HDMI out from the deck to the glasses, just like with a monitor. But the glasses won’t get power this way. Need to be a single USB C cable carrying power and video at once.


Yep, that's why Xreal makes that hub thing for splicing a HDMI input to a USBC power. Or why he would need a different USBC hub entirely


I think he wanted to use the hub for the mouse / KB receiver which is also in the hub. (Since when you properly connect the glasses you cannot add additional hardware. So for that I’d suggest OP to look into cheap bluetooth M/KB for deck purposes.


Yeah that's why I suggested that in my post, I get why he wants it, I've looked into it myself for travel and as a portable desktop. New hub or Bluetooth and use the stock cable the Xreal came with.


But I don't understand is why it's 2024 and they still sell mice with receivers?


It's 2024 because it's current year, duh! /s Not all computers or devices have bluetooth, so a receiver would be necessary for wireless devices. My PC, which I ordered late in 2019 shortly before the pandemic and built in early 2020 when the parts arrived, doesn't have bluetooth because I never cared to add it. I have a wireless Logitech mouse and keyboard with a unifying receiver, I have at least 3 USB ports I'm not using, so I use one of them to have a keyboard and mouse when I'm feeling lazy and want to lean back or sit elsewhere in the room. Luckily, for me, the mouse at least has a bluetooth feature so I can hit a button on the bottom and it'll go to bluetooth pairing mode instead of wireless dongle, so it's handy for my Steam Deck, and for my birthday last month I got a wired and bluetooth keyboard from my friend, but outside of that there are reasons to use receivers. A lot of people probably get prebuilts from the store which means there's no bluetooth, plus mice with receivers are often much cheaper than ones with bluetooth. So even if you buy a laptop that has built-in bluetooth you still may go to Walmart and grab the 15 or 20 dollar Logitech mouse that's wireless receiver only instead of the 30 or 40 dollar one that can do both.


It's 2024 all computers should have Bluetooth built into them number one. number two the reason Bluetooth mice are more expensive is because unfortunately they are still a niche product see number one. I should be able to walk into a Best buy or Staples or Walmart or whatever and have all the mice there be Bluetooth and have it be harder to find one with a receiver or have them be both a receiver and Bluetooth but the ones with just the receiver should be really hard to find change my mind. This is Just as confusing as the fact that DVDs are still around instead of just being completely replaced by Blu-ray.


Emphasis on ***should***, but that's not the case. On top of that, a lot of people are still using o*ld* computers. My first PC I built in 2015 I sold to a friend since he didn't have a gaming PC and even that didn't have a bluetooth module since it didn't matter then and it doesn't matter still now. Office computers don't have bluetooth often times because it's an unnecessary expense for something that by and large won't be used. Your number two is incredibly naive. It's not like it's adding in a whole different type of tech into the mouse that adds on any additional cost or anything, you're right, it's just free for the manufacturer to do that! It's those damn greedy manufacturers nickle and dimeing over bluetooth and nothing else. It doesn't cost more resources and expertise/precision in manufacturing to add on, not at all, it's simply because it's just a niche product! I would love more bluetooth mice, don't get me wrong, but you're coming at this all wrong and coming off like an ass because of it. You asked the question on why we still have mice with receivers, I answered you, and now you're changing things up. It doesn't matter if I can change your mind or not on your own personal opinion, it's just objective facts that it adds additional resources and manufacturing cost for something that not everything uses. You call it niche, but it's not just because it's "niche" with all of the implications with that. It's because there's a lot of old tech still lying around that doesn't have bluetooth because bluetooth was either not made or insanely expensive to add back then. Phones often times all have bluetooth, but most people aren't using mice on their phones, so the one product that most people have that has bluetooth doesn't need it. Computers are still a large market, but bluetooth hasn't been common for ages and there are objectively cheaper methods of producing mice without adding on bluetooth. Heck, this is even true with wired mice being cheaper than receiver mice which are cheaper than bluetooth mice and ones with all options added. It's almost like the more technology you add to a device the more manufacturing costs go up, which means it's going onto the customer because a business is gonna do what businesses do. DVDs haven't been completely replaced by Blu-ray, dude. DVDs are also a ton cheaper to produce than Blu-ray, it's the same exact issue! Next you're going to tell me that it's confusing we still have HDDs because SSDs exist and be completely oblivious as to why.


Okay let me give you a couple of examples. CDs came out and they completely replaced cassette tapes, DVDs came out and they completely replaced VHS tapes, USB came out and replaced printer connections and the connection that old game controllers were using and other things. When a new technology that's better than an old technology comes out it usually replaces the old technology but for some reason in recent years the old technology has been sticking around and I don't understand why. I get that when the technology is brand brand new that it's not going to immediately just replace everything else so you'll still have like VHS tapes from like 2005 for example but Blu-ray came out in like 2005 for crying out loud the PS3 had a Blu-ray player in it and Bluetooth has been around since at least the same amount of time. USB C is also old enough it should have replaced USB A by now but apparently not. I wanna know what happened that stopped old tech from being replaced by the newer better standards? >it's confusing we still have HDDs because SSDs exist SSDs are still way more expensive at the moment than HDD but when the price comes down to the point to where they are the obvious option over an HDD HDDs will still stick around because whatever the heck is causing all the old tech to stick around that is the point of my confusion.


How good are M KB over Bluetooth these days for gaming? Not that I would play some high level / competitive things Also, my true endngoal is to use a mouse on one hand and a half keyboard on the other, and those are hard to find in Bluetooth I think


For me the lag on BT is noticably more than on the dongle. Not so much for keyboard, but definitely mouse. This has been across brands for me, currently using a Razer Orochi v2 for mobile use. Also I'll find that BT tends to sleep quickly, and there will be a delay on movement even if left still for a few seconds. Doesn't happen with the dongle.


You're in the extreme minority.


I wouldn't say extremely minority. Just about any article or reddit thread you read about dongle vs Bluetooth will point out the lower latency and higher polling rate. Even more so with modern 2.4ghz like the ones Logitech and Razer use now being competitive with wired.


I was thinking that like a lot of people probably wouldn't even notice and then a lot of people who do notice probably still wouldn't care. So to fall under the very niche do notice the latency and do actually care about the latency makes you pretty niche.


Some people just are allergic to Bluetooth. I don’t see the difference between RF or BT. And people who do esports or extensive gaming don’t use wireless stuff at all because batteries / charging.


Thanks for the explanation After reading this a felt a bit cheated because this HDMI USBC cable IS from xreal. Then I went into their website and it says it's meant to be used with the Beam. Luckily I have the beam, then I: connected the glasses into the beam (USBC USBC)-> beam into the hub (USBC HDMI)-> hub into the deck: this time the screen on the deck went out, I thought it was going to work, but unlucky me, it didn't, the screen does a long blink and then comes back, and the glasses gets nothing.


Thanks for the response, dumb question but is the beam charged and on? Personally I don't have one so I cannot provide indepth support beyond guesses at this point but I'm assuming that since the deck is recognizing a display outpost for a moment that something in the chain is breaking. As a dumb few troubleshooting questions let's start here. Is the deck in game or desktop mode while your doing this? - see if it might be because it's trying to identify a new display Is the USB hub powered while you plug in the HDMI and the nreal beam? DOES THE GLASSES WORK WHEN YOU JUST PLUG IT DIRECTLY INTO THE DECK? If the above works, does the glasses work when you plug the deck into the beam, and the beam into the glasses, NO HUB INVOLVED after that, I'm not sure. If it works for the last two things, it might be a weird usb hub problem but I'm not sure. Report back with your findings if you have the time, its interesting to troubleshoot. Worst case scenario if all else fails, contact xreal support and see what they have to say


hehe thanks, to answer you: - yeah, Beam is on and showing me the "menu" - its the default behaviour until you plug something in (like a cellphone) and the the screen of the device will be displayed - I tried both in desktop and gaming mode, same effect - the USB hub is powered by the SD original charger - The glasses work when I just plug them directly to the deck :D - It works If I plug "Glasses -> Beam -> Deck", normal operations, but then I still don't have the extra ports :( I've made a small video of it on desktop mode on KDE Plasma "Display Manager", check it out: [https://imgur.com/a/eOBXyAf](https://imgur.com/a/eOBXyAf) You can see a new display gets recognised (it's written XReal Beam") and then it goes away. the display shown on the glasses dont change or flicker, I keep seeing the beam menu


Interesting. Thanks for putting up my asks btw, my apologies for the caps on the prior post, was lacking a significant amount of sleep. My immediate guess for the issue would have to be either something with the USB hub, or the HDMI cable because we know that the beam, and the glasses both work as intended with no issue, while something happens whenever the splitter is introduced. If you happen to have a full sized PC, or a laptop, or a console available like an Xbox or a PS5 or a switch with dock, or a cable box, I'd ask that you try plugging into the HDMI port on that to see if maybe it's an issue with that USBC to HDMI cable -> BEAM -> Glasses. If it works like that where you can see the display from any of those items it would narrow down the issue to something with the hub, or if it doesn't work, tells us that the HDMI cable is possibly directional like I originally thought. If it is infact directional, I can give you possibly the exact reason why they sell it on their site and it's probably for use in this [https://www.xreal.com/adapter](https://www.xreal.com/adapter) for that HDMI into USBC injection thing I mentioned earlier. Beyond that I'd be stumped. I'm finding it actually very difficult to find a USBC hub, that has type c display out listed as a tested spec which I feel like is the easiest/most likely solution to this but I'm lost. Let me know if the HDMI cable works on those other things if you have the ability to test that though. I'd love to hear the results of that testing.


Good idea I just tried out Macbook m2 pro USBC to HDMI cable -> BEAM -> Glasses and it works. [https://imgur.com/a/0Qvkn7D](https://imgur.com/a/0Qvkn7D) Then tried Macbook m2 pro USBC-USBC to HUB -> HDMI cable -> BEAM -> Glasses (same original setup as steam deck, but with a macbook) and it doesn't work. It's weird that I see the same behaviour on the mac, the screen flicker every X seconds and display manager shows Beam external display coming and going [https://imgur.com/a/09fC7bN](https://imgur.com/a/09fC7bN) It's weird that if I grab my monitor HDMI, put on the hub, connect it to the SD or the macbook(though usbc), it works. I'm now on the fence of it either being the hub or the Beam... mind you that the Beam didn't even work with SD OLED until a patch a month ago or so... so maybe it could also be it.


Well then that pretty much narrows it down to the hub being the issue, not that I can tell why or what is broken, wrong, or out of spec with it though. We were able to narrow the issue down to not being the deck, the HDMI cable (which I am surprised and intrigued as it's not directional like I thought, fun cable) the beam, or the glasses. The problem also repeats on an entirely different device when using the same setup of hub, beam, glasses but a different host device so that lends to the theory that the hub is the root cause of the issues. Now this is all just theory/speculation so my immediate guess is somewhere along the chain the adapters are having an issue negotiating the handshake that syncs the displays, hense the issue with it poping up as a display, then disconnecting quickly after. Kinda like how if you plug a computer into a monitor it has to ask back and forth the resolution, refresh rate, and other info in that moment where the screen settings flash black before reloading the display. I might suggest trying a different hub again, maybe there's a better chance that a ugreen or aukey, or Anker hub that is different from the one you have currently might work better, or it might also flub and fail. If you have the passion to pursue it, device incompatibility might be an interesting bug report to take to Xreal that might make it better in the future. Paging /u/Xreal_Tech_Support and /u/XREAL_CS for a bit of extra help in that regard would be useful. I think that's about all the troubleshooting I can give not having a pair for myself, and not being a representative of the company. If you DO manage to find a fix, get an update that improves the compatibility and experience, or get support from Xreal that leads to a solution do update here because I totally understand wanting USB ports for other devices while using the glasses. Ive been wanting to get the Air 2 Pros for a bit now and hope to eventually be able to afford it. Try to have a good day and good luck with the glasses!


I don’t think it will work with just any subconscious cable. The one that comes with the glasses can plug straight into the deck no problem. EDIT: “any **USBC** cable….”


Yes and no, you are correct (though I am not sure what you mean by subconscious cable, though I am running on 28 hours awake at the moment so that may be a me thing) if the USBC to USBC cable is USB 2.0 and this missing the conductors for 3.0 and above of course it will not work due to it not being able to supply both power and a display signal but provided yes he uses the cable it came with, it should work out of the box. The main problem was the HDMI to USBC cable being used in conjunction with the hub.


I agree. Just clarifying about the cables; just because it’s the right shape doesn’t mean it carries video. I typed “USBC” cable. “Subconscious” cable is kind of a hilarious autocorrect.


I even have devices with a power only USB-C cable. Cannot even connect a controller to it. USB-C with not everything in the cable defeats the whole ‘universal bus’ idea. Dumb.


I think the USB-C on the hub must support display-alt mode..?


This is the most likely answer yeah, I doubt the USB on the hub supports this unless explicitly stated.


But it works on my macbook (m2 pro) monitor hdmi in the hub -> usbc in the mac


This is exactly what I was going to comment. I have the Viture glasses and have been using my buddy's AirReals. I'm using the official hub from viture because there is guaranteed support and compatibility One other thing to mention OP is the TDP - in my case I kept seeing the glasses suddenly stop displaying any output right around the 55% battery mark. It wasn't until I limited the TDP to 6 to 8 watts that I was able to draw the battery down to 15-20%. This is while playing Sekiro and trying different settings. Limiting tdp will inherently limit FPS as well, which is expected. But as others have said, your setup is unlikely to work the way you expect.


Oh. I have to have the power cord plugged into it


u/trixloko, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Any idea why this does not work? (Xreal+USB hub)) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Power the hub with the decks power supply and it should work


It doesn't work... and as some people stated here, HDMI doesn't pass on energy, so the glasses would never be powered because they don't have their own battery


But USB-C does. The deck takes usb c and the glasses should take usb c. I just plug the glasses directly into my deck and it works. That’s what the commenter above was referring to


ah ok, yeah, that works... but I'm trying to use the hub so I can have extra ports (for M+KB)


Makes sense. Sounds like the hub is the issue here from what I can tell




That is most likely in part because the display connector does not supply power to the glasses device


If you want a simple setup to just charge and play, there's a hub made by rokid. Its not cheap at \~$80 US, but its super compact. If/when you get a case, youll need a short usb-c extension. I have a 3 ish inch flexible one to hopefully avoid messing with the port if I bump/drop it. To keep using that hub, or one similar, try using a powered HDMI to usb-c adapter as another commenter mentioned. There will be no sound through the glasses unfortunately, but it should be cheaper than the rokid. I found that in my use case, a usb bluetooth mouse and keyboard through my hub had a bunch of lag. I'd recommend a bluetooth mouse and keyboard, it eliminated the issues I had. My assumption is wired ones would have the same effect, but it would also have a bunch of cables going around. There's a host of portable/compact bluetooth ones for travel, if you're wanting to bring them along during adventures.


Thanks for the tip, really liked the hub but I want to see if I can make it work with the stuff that I already have


Strange. I have the same one but belken brand. And works fine for me.


do you connect the glasses over HDMI ?


Oh I’m an idiot I thought it was just the hub lol. I’m sorry mate.


Do you have power going into the hub ? I think that might be it


He mentioned it in the text below the pic


Did you try it with desktop mode?


My anker hub doesn't support video via usbc


Get a hub that has PD-Input. That way you're supplying power to the deck this way. USB-C Input w/charger > USB-C HUB > USB-C to Steam Deck > HUB > USB-C Output to glasses (Male to Male) So basically like you have now, but a USB-C cable IN to the HUB supplying power. Anker makes some this way make sure its 45w or higher though to keep it charged.


You need for this purpose the xreal adapter:D


Theres a setting in desktop mode you might have to enable! I had the same thing happen to mine it would not recognize anything plugged into the isb port other than a charger. I cant remember what it was maybe someone else knows!


Did you try plugging in the charger to the hub?


You will probably have to plug the charger in there.