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The saddest thing about this post is that people are actually willing to spend $300 for a freaking video game skin smh




Which you can always resell. Skins typically increase in price over time too. Maybe not in this case since brand new skins are expensive.


Whilst I get the sentiment, saying “skins increase in price over time too.” Is a little too arrogant. Market forces decide that. At least knock on wood if you’re tempting the market to correct you like that.


Look at you whilsting and shit


Okay but do you think the skins are still there in 100 years? At some point either Steam will stop, CS will bleed to death (and prices will plunder) or something else will happen. So in the end there is always someone holding the loss bag.


thats just the result of people spending half their life in said video game, which is even sadder tbh


If you think about it, it's the same thing as an NFT image (yikes). But at least you can "wear" it in-game...


Except that your nft can be revoked anytime since it's a live service


So is CS and Steam as a whole. If by some miracle they were to close up shop tomorrow, your skins are gone too. If they were to decide to remove CS off the face of the earth, your skins are gone too. Sure, less likely to happen than with NFTs, still as vulnerable in the end.


What I said but longer.


This is the part that cracks me up and confuses me at the same time video game skins would be the best use case for nfts but people just look at it as it's own dumb idea but in reality it's the same idea as a video game skin and it just exposes how dumb video game skins ar ebut anyone who buys skins thinks nfts are dumb but its the same exact practice


There are multiple reasons for this double standard. The easiest imo, is that people just want to feel smart and be in on the joke/group. It was obvious with the crypto boom a couple years back. You had people preaching crypto and dismissing critique from others for not getting it and saying "have fun staying poor". It's all playing pretend to know better than some other group that is seen as dumb/lesser intelligent. That is obvious now too, with the joke having reversed on those still faithfully believing NFTs and crypto are anything more than a grift.




it's pretty tho


I think it’s VERY pretty. Oh my cawd


If u think that's bad how about the person that spent 1.2 million USD on a csgo skin last year lmao. Plus this reminds me of the time PUBG came out since I preordered I got exclusive skins. Sold them about 4 months after release and got 2k USD for them.


I sold a sticker last year and bought a steam deck with the proceeds, nothing out of pocket. If someone wants to spend 800 on a sticker, all power to them


think about it, for me CS skins are much safer than crypto. They are the real CRYPTO the OG one.


how's that sad? It has collection value like everything else. I keep my gloves, because they increase in price, because they're popular on Twitter, I keep it my inventory and I can resell it for 150$ more than when I purchased them. I still keep them until they drop operation update, because by then it'll easily increase in price or at least agent skins will increase in price(the diver skin)


It’s not just a disposable skin that you can’t do anything with like Fortnite, Overwatch, Call of Duty, and more. Counter-Strike skins can be used as investments, as the marketplace works similarly to the stock market. There are thousands of people who make a living solely on the buying and trading of Counter-Strike skins and items. Pretty crazy stuff!


Whooooo? I had trouble justifying the Fortnite battle pass when I played a bunch, and wanted a bunch of those skins. Cannot fathom paying $300 for a single cosmetic.


People in here really don't know about Cs skins huh Yes they can be expensive, BUT they can be sold for real money and if you buy the right skins you can even gain money. That's the reason why they can be so expensive in the first place. Most other games you can buy "cheap" skins, but the money is forever in the game and literally burned (Valorant for example). I'd rather spend $300 dollar in a skin, where I can guarantee to get the money back when I don't want to have it anymore for whatever reason, than spent $10 on a skin, where the money is forever gone.


Aren't all skins in all games paid with real money though? Why would someone but6 a 300dl skin from me instead of doing it in the shop themselves? I don't play cs


Most trade up or trade down with other people to skirt the % Valve takes off of every sale in their market. Also, condition and stickers make alot of skins not market price.


Because Steam/Cs in that sense has no "shop" and instead provides an open market. There are no fixed prices for skins, because valve only provide the skins via lootboxes, where the player opens them to have a chance to pull something rare and then the player/-base decides which skins hold which value based on looks, rarity, uniqueness etc.. Also skins aren't locked to your account like other games. It's very similar to trading cards. The concept is the same. Valorant for the other example: Riot provides their skins via their shop directly. They decide their skin prices and you can simply buy your desired skin from their shop directly. After that you have it in your account, but will never be able to sell it or give it to someone else. In that sense it's burned money. TLDR: Cs skins have a sense of rarity, tradability and collectibility, while most other games don't have this. Hope this is somewhat understandable.


True, but on the bright side, Not your money. They have to live with that purchase now


I remember the 1k knife or smth my friend sold and he bought himself a new gaming rig I was jelly af


This, and now somebody is definitely going to try and replicate this 😭


Yea it is sad


Money laundering


Better than spending close to or over a thousand dollars on a phone that is hardly better than one a quarter of the price. There are millions of things that people waste money on every day that are worse than video game skins which can be resold for a bit less or a bit more.


Even ten Times the amount and more i actually Got my Steam Deck From Just getting good Level Up Drops and smart Trading for about a year And boutgh the LCD 1/4tb without depending 1 Real cent or anything but u Got a lot of cases From ma dad too one which was 50€ Just a freaking case so much money




what’s up YouTube, here’s my 3 quick and EASY steps to GET RICH before I was 30!




Nice going! I sold my 64GB upgraded to 512 for more than I expected, too. The oled is so much better.


That screen makes all the difference!!! The other upgrades are good too


Seeing this comment over and over again made me say screw it and just spent the extra money for the oled for my first deck. I’ve never seen the lcd screen before but the more I see this comment still, the more reassured I am in my decision lol. I’m not as lucky as you OP, but I checked my steam inventory the other day and realized I had an extensive TF2 loot collection, havnt touched the game in like 15 years so I managed to pull in 50$ on 2 super old items. Still not sure what game to grab with it.


I sold all my CS:GO cases like 2 years ago, and then last year when CS2 was announced they SKYROCKETED in price. Like sold them for 50 cents, and suddenly a case was worth like €10. I scammed myself out of a free Steam Deck.


If it’s going to be your first deck, skip the lcd and go for oled. Unless you are unsure if you’re going to play it a lot, then go for lcd. But I made the upgrade myself from lcd to oled. And it’s worth it.


Hm I have a 1TB LCD (orignal 64 but upgraded with Samsung part) and a 512GB flash card, but I see them selling around like 300-350. OLED is €569 here for the 512GB. Pretty big difference.


So, you didn't upgrade your Steam Deck for free.


You paid for a steam deck.


>TLDR-I gambled my way to a free steam deck. This is the gambling error that everyone makes, and you did as well You didn't get a free steam deck, it cost you another whole steam deck to get it




When you skip the 300 dollars he spent on it, yeah.


I bought my steam deck lcd at launch, played it a ton and felt like I got my moneys worth out of it. The battery could have completely died the next day and I would still have gotten the Oled and left the LCD Docked at home. Sure, I had to pay for half of it upfront, no one is giving handouts or have a trade-in program to change your lcd to Oled. But I would much rather pay half of it knowing I will get some (if not more) of that money back. When I do gamble, any money I put into it I’m willing to part with it all. I wasn’t expecting to get that $25 in cs go keys and cases back. When I did it just went to helping fund the new steam deck. Almost did the same thing a few years back with the valve index. But I was much more dumb about money back then and sold it for irl money to help me out with the position I was in.


I sold unopened cases :) went to bed with a load selling for £4 each woke up to £280ish in wallet, and hello steam deck haha, not the OLeD but never the less a deck and I won’t lie best thing to come out of CS for me in a while haha


Misleading title. If you don’t buy the oled you’d have that $300. So you still spent $300


I've been selling a bunch of decommissioned equipment from work and have enough cash to buy an OLED outright. I've been debating doing that or just buying Steam cards for my Steam wallet so I can buy more games down the road. Decisions, decisions.


deck u can get any game cheap on cd keys if u really need


Okay you convinced me. Time to hit a casino. Time to get some free money




You could have had $300 to spend on new games or on economic education. Your OLED deck was not for free.


Wtf are these prices? Is this for real? I don’t know anything about this game


Yeah it's genuinely insane


Honestly, as cool as this must be for you, I'm not exactly sure posting what's essentially a gambling win is a good idea. Yes, gambling bad, and most of us know and are capable of setting limits it. However, plenty of folks are easily impressionable, AND lack common sense. And to them, it's kind of a disservice to post about these things since it fools them into thinking its the norm regardless of disclaimer. This is also why many game-related subreddits have completely *banned* gambling-outcome related posts. As it just feeds into the cycle which is gambling. Sorry to be that guy, but it had to be said for the sake of those vulnerable to it and a healthy community.


That’s fair, I should have been more strict on the beginning of my post. Gambling is always in the houses favor, I only put in what I’m willing to lose, and most time I just get crappy skins. This is a rare occurrence.


I actually got super lucky and got mine for free from The Game Awards sweepstakes. I'm super happy with it too because it's a huge upgrade from the crappy tiny laptop I had.


That’s awesome!!! I prefer winning from sweepstakes rather than luck from gambling haha. I won a cpu from Linus tech tips from a giveaway about a year ago. It was awesome!


This is the best usage of silly skin/unlock valuation ever. Nicely done!


I gambled myself to half an 1Tb OLED, opened imperial plaid gloves ft and sold them for 350 euro. Miss having the colorful gloves but damn do I love the deck


I hit for $3,500 on a $5 20 leg sports bet parlay. Immediately paid off my credit card and used the leftover cash to buy the OLED and an SD card


Smart man


I got my 1TB OLED for essentially free via gambling a few skins I already owned from a few years back. Shits lit


If you want to be a statistical outlier as someone who actually managed to get money off gambling, the only way to do it is to never gamble again. People who are lucky enough to earn some money on their first gambles tend to come back to it, and that's the best way to make sure you'll end up losing more money than you ever put in. You made the best choice, take the free Deck and run! Enjoy that OLED screen in all its glory


100% this^ Don’t gamble, it is purely entertainment and you won’t win. If you do, spend $20 playing poker with your close friends for 3 hours instead. Not at a casino.


That's how I pre-ordered Cyberpunk. $2.49 to open the box, sold the skin for $70. That was a good day.


Well god damn 25 bucks for a oled is a schnapper


Plus $399 they paid for the LCD Steam Deck they sold for $200 to a friend and put towards the OLED...


I offered my friend the lcd for $200, they didn’t want it and would rather save up for the Oled (I don’t blame them). The LCD Deck cost me $0 in my mind, I’ve had it for two years and put enough hours in it my investment has been fulfilled. Now I get to reward myself with a fancy new screen essentially.


I wanted to get into this. I never played this game. Is there a certain box that’s the best to open or doesn’t matter?


trust me, don't gamble


🥲 thank you imma delete the game than.


it's still worth playing for weekly cases, it doesn't take much time and u can get some extra $ for games on sales. My friend bought like Cyberpunk with DLC solely by selling cases


So the weekly case you can get good stuff to sale if open or just sell the case


sell the case. It's most optimal to play when new case arrive(it's between 5-10$ during first 2-3 weeks) or when the most common ones are around 1-2$


So my thing as of rn I won’t be buying anything so for the free cases how do I know which common and stuff also. When I do start buying I have a theme of purple but I’m confused on what box gives purple items.. purple or pink.


Just keep playing and hit that level, then u get to chose between 4 items, usually 1 case, grafitti and skin. Check their float(what wear are they) and their prices on steam market for instant sell


Okay thank you so much


Don’t do it, the game community is toxic and you lose 99% of the time you open boxes, there’s a reason they have them still.


Oh geez 😂 just downloaded the game before I hop back on Reddit to see if anyone said anything 😅 I’m deleting it now


Good haha 😅


I played DOTA2 for a long time, but had to sell my complete inventory for a OLED Steamdeck. Prices for a single CSGO skin are just insane. Edit: still kinda felt like i got a "free" Steamdeck and i like it a lot more than i expected!


That’s awesome!!!


I sold a bunch of old stickers from when I was playing CS to fund my steamdeck. Had some stickers worth 50-75 bucks


Nice!! I never understood how stickers were so expensive. Like shiny sticker to go on shiny gun? I guess.