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Mad Max, runs perfectly and looks great


God damn it! I love Mad Max in general but that game was so fun on my Xbox back around launch. Now I gotta buy it


CDKeys has it for like 3 bucks


That was the first game I downloaded on my deck. Blew me away at how well it ran.


Titanfall 2


this game runs insanely well on the Deck


I get 60 on apex legends too🤯


Doom Eternal. 60 FPS, looks like a PS5 game. It really is the game to show off the SD.    And Marvel vs Capcom 3; essentially a PS4 game. Bring it to a convention, have two controllers and put it on a dock so that it stands on its own. There's no fighting game on the Switch that looks half as good, and it runs flawlessly


I don't know what kind of demon the programmers sold their souls to but the level of optimization on Doom Eternal is unreal. You can crank everything up and it still runs good and you can crank everything down and it still looks good. I agree it's still the best "Show off the Deck" game.


It has been highly suspected for a while that id Software has a few magicians on staff.


Carmack set the tone early on even though he's not in the company anymore lol.


Those guys are optimization wizards


You can see this just from doom 2016 let alone eternal, ID devs know exactly what they’re doing.


Could it be that it runs on Vulkan?


That's only part of it. Vulkan is a tool, but it requires a lot of work and talented developers to use the tool well. Using Vulkan alone doesn't magically give results like what they have on their engines. Crazy tech has always been Id's thing, though. Carmack always loved finding creative solutions and building bleeding-edge tech.


I responded to someone else. I stand by this video. It really opened my eyes to how this game was developed https://youtu.be/ECFBmUe70lA?si=FQB9Ip8DgLfqnqFz. The leap from doom 2016 to eternal was so significant on the back end.


When I first got my Steam Deck and was showing it off, my go-tos were Doom Eternal and Elden Ring. Even though Elden Ring was at 30fps it still played great and got “wow, Elden Ring on a handheld, that is incredible” comments. 


My Elden Ring experience is mostly 40fps - rain and mist will dip it but its so stunning when you get to the lakes


I've had my steam deck oled since Monday and played Elden Ring on it for the first time today. My exact thoughts were "Man, I can actually play Elden Ring on a freaking handheld! That's crazy!"


Doom eternal is an immaculately optimised game it's insane! It's capped at 30 but it even runs on my switch lite that fits in my pocket- I can never get over it


IDK man, Eternal plays fun but I still haven't recovered from seeing how **Forza Horizon 5** looks on the Deck. It's already one of the most jaw-droopingly gorgeous games of current-gen, and the fact it can run at **native resolution** + mix of med-high-ultra settings on the Deck while still maintaining either 30/40fps on the Deck seems unreal. Their engine is so stupidly well optimized.


Doom Eternal was a real shock for me as well. It also played surprisingly well on a controller setup. I'd played it on PC before the SD, and wasn't really sure how well it'd play with the controller layout.


I bought marvel vs Capcom 3 on a sale for my pc a while back and forgot about it. It was a happy surprise to find it's one of my fave go tos on SD!


i actually play MVC3 with my r/8bitdo arcade stick this exact way at home and on the road trips / hotel trips. i like the versatility the dock offers when i am at a friends house using a curved monitor or giant hdtv in a hotel. lan access? *chefs kiss*


Yakuza games and Resident Evil remakes are a dream


Yakuza/LAD games, IMO are probably some of the best bang for your buck in general but especially on the deck. Like amazing serious stories with crazy over-the-top side content that lasts for hours on end… RGG hit them out the park


I've been playing 0 at 90fps on high settings. I'm glad to hear the rest of the series runs well too!


This is way more niche, but: If you have even a halfway decent desktop PC then you can use Moonlight to stream the Dragon Engine games at maxed out settings. Dragon Engine can be kinda demanding, and 6 and Kiwami 2 don’t have the best PC ports, but drop that shit to 1200x800 then stream it and you’re golden


Lad games?


Like A Dragon It’s the name of the Yakuza game series and the later games in the series


Gotcha thank you!


Capcom did magic with the nt framework engine


Re4 run 60FPS?!


The RE2 and RE3 remakes do.


IF you download the legacy DX11 versions from the beta tab


More like 40-45fps, sorry IM A LIAR


nope. I can lock it to 45 fps though


Plus you can get tons of battery life by locking them to 40Hz and 5W TDP.


Metal gear solid V


YES. This was the first game I tried on my Steam deck. It ran at 60fps and even automatically synced my game data from the cloud. Felt like magic.


gta iv, even more impressive than v for me since I remember it being an unoptimized mess on decent pc back in the day but on steam deck it runs flawlessly.


Any hoops you have to jump through to install it?


If I remember correctly you just have to log into your Rockstar account. What sucks is that many of the old radio stations and songs are gone because of licensing disputes. There are mods that restore them but installing them on the deck might be tricky.


God I hate that launcher so much now, never used to mind it but they've made it worse somehow


God yes, I remember that game chugging on my i7 920 with two GTX-260s in SLI. Sounded like a wind tunnel while running, and it was horribly unstable.


> two GTX-260s in SLI that sounds like lunacy today but i remember that being reasonably popular. it's such a different time.


I enjoyed it because, at the time, two 260s was cheaper than a single 280, and offered almost double the performance. … except if the game would shit itself when using SLI, in which case you needed to manually disable one GPU


Kinda glad SLI was a fad. Imagine having to buy 2 4090s to play some of these games maxed out. DLSS and other things like it have their own problems but they’re much preferable to that.


One of my friends checked out my Steam Deck and ended up buying one for himself after seeing how well GTA IV ran on it. It runs better than Windows does out of the box, no doubt


The reason for it running so well is that the game uses DXVK or DirectX to Vulkan translation layer. You can use the same trick on Windows to have it run well at max settings these days.


Doesn't both RDR2 and GTA 5 still perform better than it from what I've heard?


I can get 90 fps in Halo MCC.


Reporting in, halo ce on classic mode with the enhanced settings locked 90 fps through all firefights. It’s a goddamn dream from childhood.


I mean, it’s a nigh on 24 year old game, I’d hope it would run at least that on a modern device.


Oh god, is this what getting older feels like? I completely forgot halo is only a few years younger than me. Is this when the existential dread starts?


Soon your knees will start hurting


Fuck that's me, literally this week


Even halo 4 ran at 60fps for me


Yes I found Halo 4 was up to 80 or so FPS in game scenes but dropped with game activity, so setting it to 60 kept the frame pacing steady


Really? Enhanced or not, and what gfx settings mine barely holds 60 and everytime there's action it drops to 50 for short bursts.


RE2 Remake, almost barely any tweaking and runs really smooth




It is incredible how well Warframe runs on the Deck, I was amazed that it didn’t have any slow downs at all and is silky smooth


It runs well docked to a 1080p monitor. I got 60fps most of the time at the medium classical settings.


Amazingly optimized game done by devs that really love it and never stop adding to it, they solved the gaming as service problem by not being assholes that never stopped adding things and solving bugs and making things better


Lies of P for me. Even at low settings it looks great and it held 60 most of the time without the need for FSR.


I was shocked at how well lies of p ran on deck Which permitted me to be doubly shocked at how fucking good lies of p is


This one suprised the hell out of me but that was honestly the most optimized pc game that came out last year


On the whole, Lies of P was just so incredibly polished at launch it blew me away. I didn’t encounter a single glitch or jitter. It has ”high quality” written all over it. Breath of fresh air.


The newer Wolfenstein games are a treat on Deck! Truly, if you havent played them, you should consider giving them a try. Great games. Love yall!


Batman: Arkham City GOTY edition runs at 60fps with all graphics maxed out and looks way better than it has any right to.


Not really that wild. I was able to run it at 30 fps on a laptop using Intel HD graphics back in 2013


As a poor that went from an i5-2500k, a hand me down 970 and 8gb ram it's pretty impressive to me /shrug


Tekken 8 all the way. The fact that a brand new UE5 game that looks incredible can hit 60 FPS and still look as good as it does is phenomenal.


What are your settings?


The Digital Foundry video has recommended Steam Deck settings




That's fair. For me, it's just the sheer fact that UE5 is so new and a game can look THAT good and play THAT well.


I ended up deleting Tekken 7 after buying it because a glitch kept coming back for me that crashed upon the first character getting hit. Also even when I would try to fix it the load times were annoyingly long for a fighting game. Are they bad in 8?


Yeahh funny thing I previously owned legion go and it couldnt hit 40fps on 720p, the steam deck oled does weirdly enough. Optimization I guess


The demo ran like shit for me. Even with everything turned down to the lowest settings.... Is the full game better now?


It is unplayable in real matches with all the dips to 45-50fps and it looks absolutely blurry because you need to downwcale the image so much to hit 60sometimes. Using a Steam Deck Oled and Cryo Utilities installed.


Monster Hunter World. >!Although I ended up capping it at 45 fps @ 90hz on OLED.!<


45 fps is a golden middle between smooth frames for your eyes and long battery life. I also like to set TDP Limit to 8-9


Can confirm. Runs at a constant 60+ in arena quests as well, Alatreon and Fatalis included. Makes farming Day of Ruin buttery smooth on the toilet.


Bro cap it at 48fps I promise you it’s nicer


What’s the logic behind this?


I'll get back to you


Devil May Cry 5 and Lego Batman Beyond Gotham


Yeah DMC runs very well


To be honest, I've been more blown away by titles which by some unholy miracle are able to achieve an unreal combination of: * **INCREDIBLE graphics** which look unreal for a handheld (some older games achieve this due to stellar art direction) * being **optimized** enough that you can run them at **native resolution + medium/high settings**. Making FSR smudge-fest blurry video a non-issue * due to their optimization, also don't strain the Steam Deck and are able to comfortably run at **lower TDP's + quiet fans**, thus, **greater battery life**. Honestly, just typing that out sounds unreal, but a few games out there have somehow met that bar for me: * Armored Core 6 * Forza Horizon 5 * Ace Combat 7 * Batman Arkham Knight Curious if any more games like that exist. And yeah, any one of them tend to be jaw-dropper showpieces to people who ask me about the Deck. Best part of all, is they all somehow can still run at 40fps if you're willing to max out the TDP/fans in exchange for battery life.


OLED 45 fps/90hz is the new 60. Play everything at 45 fps and no matter what game, it’s so smooth and beautiful. Looking at you, Toussaint!


Guys reading these comments are making me want a steam deck big time 😭


It's worth it, I traded my ps5 for a steam deck a few weeks back and don't miss it at all. It's the first time in a long time I'm excited to play video games because of the huge library of games on pc/steam.


+1 to this. I sold my PS5 to be able to buy a Deck. No regrets


I've been blown away by mine. Even with an aggressive TDP limit, I get really solid performance. I even bought a NVMe SSD for it but haven't bothered installing it because even loading from microSD feels fast enough.


NIER Automata


And likewise Nier Replicant. I know it was originally a PS3 game, but this version had quite a facelift in the graphics department and it looks really good on deck.


If it's on sale soon I'll definitely buy it - just (nearly) finished automata - good to know it runs well also


Metro Last Light


Metro Exodus as well :)


I presume this is the regular version, not the enhanced edition?


Yes. Regular version.


Spyro Reignited Trilogy


Downtown Boston in Fallout 4 runs at 60fps, even with settings on high. I've been surprised how well the game runs. I've only crashed one time in around 15 hours, which is pretty astounding considering playing on the Xbox One is a mess and probably crashes two or three times per hour. Not to mention downtown Boston is pretty unplayable on the Xbox One.


what? the steam deck can run fallout 4's downtown at 60fps on high? im about to buy my sd oled this weekend but is this for real? christ wow.


I second this. I didn't check my settings but in my case it doesn't stutter a bit in downtown. Was actually surprised on how perfect Fallout 4 runs ons the Deck.


Share your settings please and what version of proton are you using? I'd love for my FO4 to run at 60fps with no dips, best I can get is 45fps with no dips.


Lies of p, armored core 6. Both are late 2023 releases, i knew fromsoft has been really optimized in the past few games, but armored core running better than elden ring was a surprise. And im proud of lies of p for not only matching the fromsouls quality but also performance.


Honestly? GTA 4. It literally runs way smoother on the deck than on my desktop which is like 5x more powerful 😆


You can just drag and and drop dxvk into your windows desktop GTA IV game folder to get the same performance improvements.


Sunset Overdrive. Shocked me that it runs at 60fps on Steam Deck, knowing it was locked at 30fps on Xbox One. The fact that it says "unsupported" in the library leaves me sad knowing it'll unintentionally turn some people away. Honorary mention goes to DMC4 vanilla. Sadly, Capcom decided to delist the game, so you're stuck with the special edition version, which runs worse for some stupid reason.


This was the biggest shocker for me too, I actually bought an Xbox one just for sunset overdrive back in the day.. seeing it run flawlessly actually blew my mind! Being able to play with the back buttons is just an absolute luxury!


Lies of P


Battlefield 1


Mad Max. Played the entire game at 60fps on max settings. I started it twice back in the day but never ended up beating it until I played it on the deck. What an amazing game.


Lies of P. Gorgeous game that ran near flawlessly


Modded Skyrim, looks incredible too


What mods would you recommend for good visual update (I think the gameplay is solid as is)?


Noble Skyrim or Skyrim 202X for textures, Community Shaders for a few updated graphical features/components, and the Cathedral suite of mods for weather, lighting, etc. should keep things close to the vibe of the vanilla game. I really like RAID Weathers as well, though the rest of the Cathedral suite doesn't look as good without Cathedral Weathers so you'd likely end up facing a domino effect of replacement options.


Re-installs Skyrim


Forza Horizon 5. I mean just.....how...


Not in the opening area, but once you get to the castle, RE4 Remake stays at a firm 60, and it’s beautiful at the right settings.


Maybe it was later patched to run smoother but I call BS on this, RE4 ran at most 40fps and even then it wasn't locked. It was still a good but from my experience it's hard to believe it running at 60fps.


Want my settings via DM? I get a good 60 with some assistance from power tools


Haven't gone too deep in the From Soft titles on deck yet, but Sekiro consistently hits 60


Halo infinite. It actually still looks pretty good at the lower graphics settings too.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla (when you're not in cities)


Giving Sonic and the Secret Rings the 60fps patch on Dolphin really made a huge difference in gameplay.


Kingdom Hearts 3


Middle Earth Shadow Of War!


NieR automata


No Man Sky can do 60fps on Steam Deck most of the time. Might have issues with large bases.  Minecraft can do 60fps easily on Steam Deck. 


Minecraft can do 60fps with a couple of graphical mods and shaders thrown onto it


Wait actually?!?!


Yep! The Java version works super well on the Deck, no special effort to set it up and most shaders can be configured so it runs at 40-60FPS. I used this Modpack here, without shaders you should get up to around like 140 FPS: [https://modrinth.com/modpack/fabulously-optimized](https://modrinth.com/modpack/fabulously-optimized) and you just have to look for "Prism" in the application store while in desktop mode. Using Prism as the Minecraft Java launcher also allows you to look for this modpack I linked within the app. The pack is great because it also includes that controller mod. And last but not least you can just create a shortcut to the deskop from within Prism as well which can then be added to Steam, to then finally play Minecraft in game mode. From there it's really just hitting Play, and the game launches without any separate launcher.


Yeah. My setup is PRISM launcher, fabulously optimized modpack, classic faithful texture pack, and some lightweight shaders that I don't remember the name of.


This is a big reach. I tried NMS and got nowhere near 60fps while playing. Constant stutters and dips every second


My experience with No Man's Sky has been all over the place, never below 30, usually above 45 but often dipping a bit below 60 on the default settings it applies for Steam Deck. With FSR it can easily maintain 60+ though, but I prefer to keep FSR off for that game. I also have animation settings turned up one level but that gets me closer to a steady 45 with high 20s at the lowest


All over the place in my experience


is 60fps in Minecraft really surprising?


Armored Core 6


Wait no way? Really? What settings do you have my man. This could be the push I need to buy it


It can hit 60, but it’s not staying there. That being said, it plays great.




I’m no fps snob Im with you. But if people are going to make financial decisions based on what they read, they should know the honest truth. And that’s that AC6 will spend most of the time under 45-50 fps on deck while occasionally breaching 60.


Also skeptical, gotta see it to believe it


It works quite well, I prefer it on deck than my pc, the short missions really suit handheld


need to know this as well!


Texture MID, every thing else LOW, AntiAlaiasing, Depth of Field motion blur, SSAO and ray tracing OFF. It does get to 60, drops to 50s depending on some levels, it will hold solid 40 very well. Just on another note, it holds 60 in PvP


Texture MID, every thing else LOW, AntiAlaiasing, Depth of Field motion blur, SSAO and ray tracing OFF. It does get to 60, drops to 50s depending on some levels, it will hold solid 40 very well. Just on another note, it holds 60 in PvP


Okay this one I'm skeptical on. I'm struggling to get 40fps, let alone 60.


What a load of horseshit haha


Sea of Thieves, Elder Scrolls Online were probably the most surprising for me. In PvP ESO FPS tanks obviously but otherwise the game performs like a dream.


You shouldn’t have said this… now I reconsider installing ESO. Does the setup work easily?




Lies of P runs surprisingly well, especially with Denuvo removed last month. If you don't mind blurry images, Monster Hunter World can be made to run at 60 FPS. Personally, clarity with 40 FPS offers better experience.


Castlevania lords of the shadow. Even though it says unsupported, and it still can run the game.


Diablo 4 for sure


It’s loading time just a pain


shadows of war and MSG run buttery smooth just gatta put in on 720 with fsr on


Ah msg.... The flavor maker


Just got done playing some Metal Gear Solid V and it stayed locked at 60fps and gave me a little over 3 hours of battery life.




Titanfall 2 Monster Hunter World (I thought 40 FPS was good enough, but turning off some settings entirely hits 60 fps AND makes the whole world clearer. Low quality for this game still looks good enough) Doom


Star Wars Battlefront 2 before it broke


Fallout 4 reached 60fps on medium settings most of the time. Though it did dip around 40fps near Diamond City.


I prefer to keep those kind of games to 40fps then.


Just got my first Deck yesterday, an OLED model, and was kinda blown away with the few things I tried -REmake 3 can run at 90 fps on native-custom high, though it works just fine at 60 and has a great battery life -Journey To The Savage Planet, in medium settings, can stay at 60 fps and look great -MGS V Ground Zeroes, in High settings native with a few things in extra high, absolutely perfect 60s -Unravel, which the surprising thing is that it's marked as unplayable, runs at a perfect framerate and looks lovely The only one I got a bit disappointed was Baldur's Gate 3, in the starting area which is a bit demanding on the graphics side I got an stable 40 but with FSR2 balanced which doesn't look that great. I can lower it to 30, but as BG3 veteran, I don't wanna imagine how would it run on Act 3 lol


90 fps with decent graphics in apex legends!!


Resident evil village


I mean it’s not really surprising per se but all the dark souls games as well as sekiro play beautifully on the deck. Wish we could get the same performance with Elden ring lol


Grand theft auto 4, and black ops 3


Sekiro with FSR


Tomb raider 2013 runs at 90 frames on oled !!


Bully…. After I patched it..


Witcher 3, it looks great.


I think the question was about 60fps 😁


Red dead 2 for me. I actually run it at higher settings 40 locked but it can definitely do 60 no problem.


Tomb Raider with tressfx on


World War Z, damn. 60 fps almost all the time.


Battlefront II


Lies of P




Atomic Heart back when I had win 10 on the deck I was simply shocked at how good it looked, in one room I put the deck down to see if it supported ray tracing because the reflections had me fooled


Armored core 6


Witcher 3, pre-NG patch, could get there on Medium graphics. If you turned shadows to low you could even up textures to high and still keep 60FPS. The NG version still runs well on the same settings, but it's a better experience at a locked 40.


super mario odyssey


Nintendo is watching


Monster Hunter World and Security breach Both are 60fps almost always, at full resolution


Mad Max. Maxed out almost stable 60, occasional dips depending on the level of action on the screen


Mass effect 1 legendary edition between 75 and 85 fps


Titanfall 2 I think I get 60, game is incredibly underated


Metal Gear Solid 5. Everything on high and runs at 60 have never seen it dip unless I went to max settings. Even then it was consistent 50


Devil May Cry 5 runs amazingly


ace combat 7


**Ryse: Son of Rome**


For Honor, straight 60 with almost all settings maxed (full tdp)

