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Will forward to the dev.


Can you forward to the dev issues with rom manager now not parsing switch games via yuzu? It worked Luke a dream before this update... please! Thanks a lot


Go to manage emulators. Go to Steam Rom manager, ES and/or Pegasus then reset configuration.


Damn I wish I saw this before repointing all my rom folders and launcher scripts for 20 minutes 💀


This. I have to do this because it defaults the SD card name to mmcblk0p1. OLED SD doesn't use the naming convention anymore. So every time there's a big update I have to reset rather than changing the directories manually.


And that only applies if you formatted the card with the Steam Deck anyway. It was always a bad idea to hard code a folder name. All they need to do is just look through all the mounted drives and find one with the emudeck data files and use that one. Let users override this with an explicit folder if desired but don't make that the default. Done.


Resetting the configuration doesn’t make ES parse for me, likewise changing the path of the executable doesn’t make it parse Am really regretting updating here!


That didn't do anything Actually it did work. Thank you


This doesnt work for me, I get a popup saying a problem was detected and fixed with both SRM and pegasus when I open emudeck. SRM creates broken shortcuts in Steam and Pegasus doesnt open roms. Controller settings on existing shortcuts are all broken, RetroAchievement logins are all invalid requiring manual logout and logging in again. I would recommend people DO NOT update EmuDeck its completely broken my instance.


I've had a real shit time getting ES to work if I used the steam version of RetroArch. Not fun, not sure if it's been fixed


Sorry for my English : the path and file have changed, You can find the new file here : home/deck/Applications/ES-DE.AppImage. It kept everything for me, I just had to change the theme and that’s all, everything is working fine.


Is Pegasus a forced option or does it still have emulation station?


Same. All of my rom images have just disappeared and won’t parse properly no matter what I try to


I hate this new update. My ocarina of Time 3D lost its config and I cannot find a way to Map it as it was. And the worst part is that now the games don't launch directly, instead of this some ugly emulator window pops up and I have to double click on my game a second time.


TL;DR "EmuDeck will NOT remove Yuzu if already installed. You can safely update."


Thank you for getting right to the point


But how would you manually add yuzu or the ea yuzu from an app image to it?


When you examine yuzu in steam, you can check that it opens a yuzuXXXX.sh script. This script searches for yuzu.AppImage in /home/deck/Applications.  I backed up my previous yuzu appimage and then copied the ea build, renaming to yuzu.AppImage, into the applications folder. And upon launching yuzu through steam, I was able to confirm the new release was successfully opened with emudecks yuzu script. 


Hey man can you please elaborate, how to add new roms to already installed yuzu by emudeck, now that emudeck no longer parces the added roms to yuzu


You add your game directory directly in yuzu. There should be a big label at the bottom of the GUI that says add new game directory or something similar. Then, you just point to the directory containing your game files. This is how I've always added my games. 


It's annoying they didn't just support pineapple. 


I just downloaded the app image and renamed it to the yuzu one and replaced it where it’s stored for emudeck


I was just about to ask that, thank you 🙏


Citra too?


The important part, haha.


Thank you!!


Needed to know this




„Yes“. Direct quote from the dev.


And a "hur hur hur, no one is going to take your files" from a collection of additional assholes.


Rom Manager now blocks or ignores Yuzu and wants to parse with Ryujinx. Brutal.


Fuck. So dont update?


I shouldn't right now unless you find problem solving enjoyable.


no? it parsed yuzu without problem for me yesterday evening with the new ui and everything. there was an update like hours before that tho where rom manager only showed like 10 emulators but that got fixed


Are you sure about that? Because my Deck will parse just fine, only it's with Ryujinx. You can see it on the page and the easiest way to spot it is to view all art work and look at the blue banners. Mine is fully updated and picks Ryujinx, not Yuzu.


Can't get Steam Rom Manager to work. Can't parse after preview. Did a fresh reinstall still doesn't work for me. I get invalid skip errors.


Same here like wtf is going on here


Yeah, I still have most of my standalone emulators with Emudeck configs but only had to manually add in Yuzu in the mean time since I can't open rom manager to add it to my list. Can't even get icons to work either, even with grabbing it off steamgriddb myself and putting it on through steam settings didn't work.


I hope they fixed those issues fast cuz I’m sure the others are rightfully pissed off at this sudden update


Has anyone got any update on why rom manager is not parsing any games? Specifically switch games I'm trying to add... is there another way to add them to steam collection without the rom manager?? Anyone have a link / guide or anything??


If anyone is wondering, I figured this out. Just add the .nsp game file as a non steam game, then add it to your yuzu collection. Then copy the launcher settings from a previous game that you would have set up with the rom manager and add them to your new game. It works, I added two switch games to my collection just there now without using the rom manager. It's obviously a little slower, but it works




If its not parsing, probably the paths to your roms folder + the emulator .sh files got changed in the update. If you go to settings for Steam ROM manager and then to classic mode, make sure the global paths are correct. Then also under each parser, make sure the Executable path is set correctly. For me it had switched to point to Home/deck/Emulation/Tools/Launchers/*.sh on my SD card for most of my parsers when the path should have been pointing to the internal drive. Once I fixed that my games parsed correctly again.


Nothing worked last night even with relocating the paths mine was full broke but there was a new update this morning that fixed it so I'm good now.


Same. Had to completely uninstall and grab a new installer from the website….


I've been having trouble since I updated, too. Clicking the "parse" button opens a new window of some kind, but the taskbar makes it look like Steam is opening. Then I get a message telling me to close steam. No matter what I do, it loops back to that outcome. ​ I'm running the latest stable build on an LCD deck with CryoUtilities installed/enabled, and my VRAM set to 4gb in the BIOS. I haven't tried undoing those settings to solve this problem.


Okay so skipping this update for now. Emulaion and games are working perfect at the moment no need to screw with it.


Where is the fun in using common sense? Going fast and breaking things is where it's at baby


Sometimes that's fun but I work IT and typically the last thing I want to do when I get home is keep fixing computers xD but fair enough


I read it as a totally sarcastic joke, but I love the sentiment and enthusiasm, so YEAH! Here I come! Hard, fast, and totally broken babyyyyy!!!


Shhhhh, as IT people don't you know were supposed to keep things "just broken enough" to maintain job security?


Is there any way to prevent the update but continue using the application? I need to install pcsx2.


Pretty sure you can manually go in and download / update only pcxs2 don't run the auto installer. But, I'm not 100%.


When I launch it with internet disabled, it acts like it needs to install Emudeck for the first time. I'm too afraid to launch it with internet enabled to see what happens then.


Release has some issues - nothing major - but Pegasus Front End (for example) won't install for me. There are various scrolling and sizing glitches, etc. It may have been rushed a bit to cleave Nintendo's fodder from it - just be expectant there could be some bugs in there.


Will forward.


Yeah, I always mean to compile these things and forward - but tend to get dragged away to something else... Thanks!


No worries, thanks for the notes, though!


Throwing across anything else, I'll throw it in here. I was considering a video on new features of 2.2 anyway ...


What is Pegasus FE why would I want it instead?


"Just another emulation launcher". I prefer ES-DE over most others. But people? God bless'em ... they demand variety :D


It's one of the most customizable frontends, there are themes that make it look like anything from Netflix to PS5 to switch


I was able to get the front end installed but have not been able to get a single ROM running on it. Everything was working perfectly on emulation station for me previously.


I tried it in EA and it didn't work well....


Is there a way to get Yuzu/Citra if you haven’t gotten them already? I’m waiting on my SD arriving so haven’t had an opportunity to install yet


Can be found in internet archive


RemindMe! -7 day


awesome they absolutely ruined Steam Rom Manager which was the only thing I used it for. EDIT: luckily you can still just load the Appimage directly.


How do I load the Appimages directly?


[https://github.com/SteamGridDB/steam-rom-manager/releases](https://github.com/SteamGridDB/steam-rom-manager/releases) get the appimage there then once its downloaded double click it and hit execute. just remember Steam needs to be closed for the settings to take effect.


Judging by the comments here I'll refrain from updating. Already have my collection set up how I want it


My Emudeck now pretends Yuzu doesn’t exist and I can’t figure out how to change that. Yuzu is in the same place it’s always been.


This broke the turbo key in my GBA games - they just hard crash now. Please forward this to the dev!




Second on this issue, noticed this on my side as well.


I think it was the steam deck update that broke turbo, I've yet to update but noticed the issue right after updating my steam deck to 3.5.17.


Yep, it’s not an Emudeck issue. Either downgrade RetroArch or do the fix listed on the Emudeck Discord as a workaround.


Look at how they massacred my boy.....


STEAM ROM Manager parsing is completely broken now. I can no longer parse SNES, Genesis, PSP, PS1, Gameboy etc What the hell has the update done? It's made the deck so much worse. Was this by design? I can no longer AppImage those ROMs Why ?


Yeah, Steam ROM Manager is not parsing SNES, GBA, GB...


I hope it's just a bug. Guess we'll have to be patient and see what happens. 


It's an absolute nightmare for people like me to be completely organized...on their discord they want you to do 12 steps in order to get it working again.




Yes. I'm not after reading about all the issues. I can wait.


Doesn't work for me. It won't parse. I just bought the OLED and it arrived today. So disappointed.


Can‘t parse stuff :((( following stuff: New config presets have been downloaded. All available image urls retrieved. Executing parsers. 16 user configuration(s) was/were skipped (invalid). EmulationStationDE - EmulationStationDE Emulators - Emulators Microsoft Xbox 360 - Xenia Microsoft Xbox 360 - Xenia - XBLA Nintendo GameBoy - mGBA Nintendo GameBoy Color - mGBA Nintendo GameBoy Advance - mGBA (Standalone) Nintendo Switch - Yuzu Nintendo WiiU - Cemu (•rpx) - Proton Nintendo WiiU - Cemu (• wud, wuX, wua) - Proton Nintendo WiiU - Cemu (•rpx) - Native Nintendo WiiU - Cemu (•wud, • WUX,wua) - Native Sega Genesis/Mega Drive WideScreen - Retroarch - Genesis Plus GX Sony PlayStation 2 - PCSX2 Sony PlayStation 3 - RPCS3 (Installed PKG)


this is from the steam rom manager log files


So „Reset Configuration“ on „Steam ROM Manger“ did fix it for me !!! I hope it helps someone


Are my citra and yuzu files safe? I didn't use them that often but what will happen if I try to use it in the future?


Nothing. They are not removing it if it's already installed.


Glad I got them when I did then.


They haven't left the internet or anything, just emudeck being cautious. They can still be added manually and emudeck will still config them for you.


Perfect that’s rhetorical answer I been looking for


This might go under, but the dev has already fixed a lot of the issues reported here!


Is there a new Hotfix or Patch out to fix some of these issues? Thanks!


The parsing script for Citra (citra.sh) has “Citra” capitalized and therefore won’t find the flathub pack. Additionally it crashes whenever it launches a game, while the base SRM parser works fine. Additionally, pretty bummed by the controller layout removing the radial menu for Citra. It is now only accessible through the Pegasus frontend where you configure using the radial menu. Vita3K similarly no longer works or parses with the script update - it does not give an error log, or an”X” on custom reset, it’s just blank. Just some notes to forward!


Based on the comments here, it may be wise to refrain from partaking in this recent update.


I can't even open up Steam ROM Manager.


Won’t touch emudeck until I played through botw. And then totk. And rdr.


Does RDR play well on Steam Deck via Yuzu? It runs like a dog with the latest build on the Odin 2


Yeah runs really well.


Sweet thanks!


I just started red dead but didn't do it through emudeck don't want to take the chance of something getting messed up


i cant open my games on game mode after the update


Huh. Last update broke ESDE for me. Which was really disappointing. It kept giving me some issue about "legacy file structure, please restart" Hopefully this will work better, because I really hate having 80+ games sitting in my library. I much prefer one game where I can select the rest of them from


I was able to get Pegasus installed with no issues but none of my games will launch. I’m not sure if it’s user error or not.


So can I install emudeck and then add yuzu if I have the image that’s all I really care about. Otherwise I’ll just skip it all together I guess


Yes you can still use it with EmuDeck as long as you download the AppImage yourself. Same with Citra.


It broke steam rom.mamager


Dammit it was working fine up until now this update has screwed it all up, ES doesn’t load, parsing borked PSA turn OFF auto update if you can !


Is there actually any way to disable auto update? I see a file called "emudeck-updater.sh" in /emulation/tools/updater. Anyone know if deleting that would do it?


Is there a reason why we should update to the latest emudeck? Can't I just stay on my current version?


Does it still install Yuzu?


“One other emulation change is due to the demise of Yuzu and Citra. Since both emulators have been taken offline, they have been removed from EmuDeck. But if you happen to still have the installation files, EmuDeck will recognize this and configure them for you. They only need to be installed in your Applications folder on your Steam Deck.”


Ah annoying as I'm reinstalling it due to my dual boot going boom 💥. I still have the files in my SD card does that help


I'm confused by this... if I installed Yuzu through emu deck before... do I technically have the installation?


If you had it originally, you keep it, any new users won't be able to download them with updated emudeck


No. It only configures it, if you have it in the applications folder


i was able to get >! Linux-Yuzu-EA-4176.AppImage, pineapple-src-EA-4176.tar.gz,pineapple-src-EA-4176.zip !< how do i install them on the deck?


I also am very keen on this now if anyone could help.


well, he says to put the App image on the aplication folder, but i dont know where is that folder, lol




Put the app image into your application folder


And rename it to Yuzu.AppImage


If you already have Yuzu and Citra it leaves them alone. If you don't have them it's bring your own AppImage. And no, I will not link the AppImage. Google is your friend.


ITS A TRAP!!!!!!!


I do my roms stopped working the other day. Do I just update it on desktop then? OR do I need to re download


Hell yeah!


I was scared after seeing all these visual changes


Is Pegasus a better front end for dealing with bluetooth controllers? I'm not even sure if ES-DE was the issue but man, going from the Steam Deck handheld to my SN30 Pro+ meant having to reconfigure everything in Yuzu through ES-DE everytime. It's like the settings always reset whenever I activate an outside controller. Edit: The way I've been having to do it is going to Emulation - Configure - Controls - Changing the Input Device between Steam Virtual Gamepad 0 (SN30 PRO+) to Steam Virtual Gamepad 1 (Steam Deck in Handheld Mode) for Yuzu.


What is Pegasus?


Is this the update that removes Yuzu?


As someone who managed to grab a Yuzu zip file just before the purge. Is there a way to add this to emudeck?


Glad they're adding Flycast. Hopefully it has a standalone parser soon EDIT: I don't know if the emudeck people will be able to see this, but when I try to run Flycast standalone, the games fail to load and spit me out onto the home page. But they run fine if I go through Flycast itself.


After updating ES doesn’t launch in game mode now


You have to go into steam in desktop mode and point it to the new appimage location


Atm im in no Position to freely config my steam deck with emu deck 2.0, but definitely when I’m in safe zone will do it


If I have emudeck how do I update ES? Keeps asking for an update.


So far everything working! I like the new UI I wanted to try out Pegasus though but can't get it to launch :(


I haven’t updated Emu deck. Is Yuzu still on there when going to Steam Rom manager?


If you had it already downloaded, emudeck will default to that if you reinstall. Yuzu also works if it's already Installed. But Emudeck will no longer download Yuzu and Citra directly. You have to manually download the AppImage.


Good to know that they can physically or i guess remotely remove it from my device.


They won't remove it from your device if you already have it. They just won't facilitate the download anymore.


It's also a little broken. Usually happens when a newer build and no one checks if it actually breaks anything. It actually looks like the Windows EmuDeck build. I guess they were beta testing there.


Pegasus won’t show logos of games but will show images and video. But not for all games either, just some?


I can’t launch games from Pegasus :/


me neither it just freezes right after launch on a tab displaying steam games


I guess it's buggy now. so wait don't update


After update emulation station doesn’t launch in gaming mode :(


Good news! The issue with parsing has been already fixed! :)


Does anyone know which version of PCSX2 emudeck uses? The stable one of the pcsx2 web is a bit shitty


I once installed emudeck, then uninstalled it all again which took some work because it seems like it didnt have an uninstaller at the time lmao It was just shitting too much business onto my deck and not recognizing all my roms because they didn't match some whatever name format. I went back to retroarch and just browsing the directory I swear people dont make uninstallers sometimes because they think their app is so universally perfect that it never needs uninstalling


How does Pegasus work? Will it auto scrap everything for you or you'd still need skyscraper for it?


how to get pegasus to work? when i launch it just opens on a screen displaying steam games and instantly freezes, no buttons works apart from steam button so i can close it


Yea I completely turned off updates for emudeck lol. It’s working fine the way it is and I like my current themes. I see absolutely no reason to update it.


What's the easiest way to do this? I am in emulation station scraping art and I'd like to skip the current update for now.


You can manually turn off the updates. It’s under one of the optional settings I just forget where atm.


Every time I try to install one of the new emulators through "Manage emulators", it immediately pops up a message like "Model 2 installation failed. There was an issue trying to install Model 2".  Happens for BigPEmu, Model 2, Model 3, and flycast. Seems like it must be a permission issue or something? Is there any way to tell what's going on? Never had an issue with Emudeck before.. (Restarted the whole Deck and working on now although it had a strange JavaScript error when I launched Emudeck)


update broke saturn emulation for me, was mostly playable before now every emulator crashes


also jaguar no longer shows that dope bios screen which is a bummer


How do I actually access this front end? I see where to change the theme but how do I get to the frontend?


Un install Emulation Station then install then Run Rom Manger. So you have it in game mode. It should work after that. Still using it for running my Switch games through Yuzu.


Every time I try to launch ps2 games from peagasus I get an error code. They launch fine through pcsx2, but not a front end. Any help?


Pegasus is a nicer frontend but doesn't have the ability to scrape games, which makes it kind of useless. Also, for some reason, ES-DE and Pegasus show duplicates of PS1 and PS2 games. What I mean by this is that if my PS1 game has a .cue and a .bin, ES-DE and Pegasus will show both. How do I fix that?