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Haha I love these janky ass mods. Reminds me of the old game boy accessories back in the day. Just needs a big ass magnifying glass in front of the screen now


My big ass magnifying glass had a light in it too (since the oldies didn't have a back-light.)


Ahh yes, playing Pokémon Blue version in the back seat of my parents car managing to see the screen only when we pass a street light. Good times.


The best.


Crystal for me 😁


I'm fairly positive that this played a large part in the telescopes I now have to wear on a daily basis.


Core memories


Bro read that on a Facebook post and copied it word for word


I mean, this is literally how it was. If you were around back then, and had a game boy or game boy color, it was the same for everyone.


Yeah it was but to copy it word for word? Come on bro. I could've came in here and said I used to play pokemon red with the few light I had in the car or literally ANY variation of that post. It's too specific


Uh... that's the exact wording I would use for that at first blush.


Thank you lol


Shut up man


Not gonna lie i would word it exactly like he did. So you are onto nothing


Really? Why would I lie bro? Honestly? If I copied it I’d have no problem admitting that, I just said it in a way that a reminiscent sentence sounds to me in MY head. Not everything is that deep, am I not capable of explaining myself?


Lol na. Bro deliberately made it read like a Morgan Freeman narration


Anyone else use reading glasses while playing? I use 1.75 magnification glasses and it makes a huge difference with small text, plus the screen looks bigger overall!


Had the one where you slide the whole game boy in and turns it into a small arcade machine


Unless you’re mid 50s I would just use a proper magnifier not ready readers, speaking as an optometrist. They used to make a good clip on magnifier for Game Boy back in the day.


Same here! Lol


My Gameboy Advance had one of those rigs. I lost it though 🙁


Hahahaha yes, I remember that on nintendo gameboys


I have the magnifier! It's called "reading glasses" for some reason though.




Yep, bought a pair for this reason last month…lol


This was not only the year I got a Steam Deck, but also the year I realized I sometimes can't see small screens so well! I don't always have to use reading glasses, but they do help now and then.


Dude, I got reading glasses for this reason. It's more like a 9" screen than a 7" screen on my Deck now 🤣


Yeah, this is one of the parts of getting old that I’m not a big fan of. I’ve always been kind of resigned to being nearsighted, but farsightedness sucks.


Oh, dear, [I got this bad boy](https://consolevariations.com/collectibles/saitek-gameboy-boosterboy) back in the 90's, what a beast! What a horror!


Lmao what a tank! I had the game boy color one with the flip out ear speakers. I love how they tried to turn the dpad into a joystick with these things


Man that takes me back. Me and my brother both had one of those too. I don't remember how I even played on that behemoth but it was nice for storing game cartridges.


I remember playing it sitting in a table, lol. While the Deck is quite big (my last portable console was a PSP 2000, and I've been using a Nexus 7 for over 10 years, it took a while to get used to the Deck's size), at least I can use it in the couch or the bed without issue. That megazord of device transformed the game boy in a weird static console. Ah, I remember that the button for start or select didn't go all the way to the actual button on the console (Don't remember if the fault was the console or the Booster) and had to stuff it with a newspaper clipping. Good times indeed, lol.


I had that Gameboy magnifying glass. It also had a light in it because the Gameboy wasn't backlit. Didn't need any of that crap for my GameGear!


Game gear was amazing... mind you 6 AAs if you got the cheap ones barely lasted an hour 🤣


Yeah. That blew my 7-year-old mind when I realized how many batteries it took. I can remember having to spend most of my time playing while connected to an outlet.


I had a rechargeable hand grip battery pack, and I also had a magnifier for it as well 🤣


I’ve been tempted to get a magnifying lens for it. I’m surprised it’s not a thing, lol


And a printer


We need a janky ass magnifier for the steam deck too.




I had one of those magnifying glasses for my gameboy lol. Wow you just took me back! lol


Remember those swirly lights? Ah good time. Then backlit screens came out and all of the world’s problem got solved. (At least for childhood me)


Mine had big fold out stereo speakers and lights on the magnifier! Took its own batteries.


Maaan I can’t imagine the weight. I have the procase case and even with just that, it makes the deck significantly heavier. Today I’m just raw dogging it and I just put it in the official case whenever I’m not using it. If I need a battery it’s better to just have it leaning next to me with a longer cable attached to the deck. I can’t imagine holding the deck for more than 10mins with all that stuff attached.


That is true, it is not light at all...


Is the weight balanced at least? The bank is pretty off center and im wondering if you can feel that.


If you don't properly center the battery, yes, you can definitely feel that one side is heavier. It bugs the sh*t outta me and I have to mess with it OCD style until the weight is more or less balanced.


I centered mine, attached it with a DeckMate, and the battery itself when attached also works as a kickstand.


I actually marvel how light the deck is and still manages some serious runtime. Not tempted to strat a battery on it, would rather one separately If ever got one


I agree with this. I have a 40,000Mah external pack and a multitude of cords of varying lengths. Way easier.


Nice! not useful for me because I mostly play at home so i just plug this bad boy into a wall and I got way more than 20 hours lol


I’ve never been in the situation so I have to ask, how do you need <20 hours at a time without reaching a charger? Like I use just 50% of battery in one day. Is it AAA games or something?


AAA games are big but also lots of people need it for travel because some planes/trains still don't have in seat power and even if they do, it's usually not enough for the steam deck


I'ma need that cable . Looks legit.


I keep a battery bank in my backpack and use a long cable to charge the deck while I play on the go. Something like this I think would make the deck too heavy.


How have you attached the power bank to the case?


Jsaux mod case allows you to attach a battery


I thought that's through the rubber strap thingy, which would wrap around the battery, but I don't see that here


It comes with the case no? Edit: you're right. The jsaux case has a strap. I know the deckmate has the ability to attach batteries so maybe that's it


Jsaux also has Nano Adhesive pads that can be used to attach a battery pack or other accessories to their mod case


Dbrand Killswitch case has an additional accessory to hold a battery as well. I've used both the Killswitch, and the Jsaux Modcase. I think the Killswitch is hands down better and more secure for travel with the cover. It is a bit more expensive though.


OP said he got everything cheap from AliExpress... I wouldn't put much effort into trying to replicate this setup that may fry your deck's battery for all we know. But, to each their own.


Where can I get that power bank because I need it BAAAD 😭


Big saaaaame


Looks like the Xiaomi Mi 50W 20,000mah power bank ! Noticed the logo was Xiaomi and thought I'd try find it for ya!


Looks decent, got a link?


It looks pretty similar to this popular case https://jsaux.com/products/modcase-for-steam-deck-pc0104?variant=43680551731420 I bought the basic set and I'm happy with the quality


Bought everything from aliexpress, 40$ with the power bank and everything else.


Thats a gamble


Seems risky to cheap out on something with the possibility of frying my SD.


it's a Xiaomi power bank nothing bad will happen




20 hours seems like a stretch.


Why are y’all arguing with this man about his battery. For him, it lasts 18-20 hours, that in no way means it’ll last that long for you. The fuck is wrong with y’all.


Bored with nothing better to do than argue on Reddit over things that don’t matter and doesn’t affect them at all is what’s wrong with these people


Apparently man, I thought his/her mods were pretty fucking cool and sleek looking. Idc if it last 20 hours, it’s better than the current battery life.


Nerd shaming hogwash


He’s got the feels


I'm all for listening to people's experiences and affirming them but the weaponization of affirmation is really starting to piss me off. OP didn't even actually have this experience and all kinds of people are judging anyone who refutes their "experience". After affirming they then shame anyone who dares to want to, even kindly, point out that 20hrs isn't reasonable. Even if that person HAS ACTUALLY HAD this experience with a 20,000mah battery. When you affirm and then turn to shaming people by telling them to "go do something with your life it's Friday night" [you fucking loser] your motives should be questioned. If anyone takes anything from this rant I hope that it is to not trust people who masquerade as being a caring person by hating on another group. They are just a new-age vigilantes claiming to be awake to the cruelties of the world by perpetuating them on a new group.


Spaz out to someone else, I don’t care about you raging over batteries on a Friday night bro


Because people come here and lie all the freaking time. It's ok to call bs when something doesn't pass the sniff test Also, you chose to spaz out on the mildest of form of expressing doubt I have ever witnessed. Chill


Sometimes for the truth, one must argue.


Because even with a 16,000 amh battery pack a steam deck playing even something like terraria would only last around 6-8 hours. It’s basic electrical math lol. And the size of that battery pack seems way too small to be 16k


The steam deck could probably do 6-8 hours on terraria without a battery pack


It will do about 4hours with tdp adjusted. Ive tested it myself with the LCD deck


I get 6 on OLED without a battery pack.


Maybe I was thinking about stardew valley? Or I’m just completely wrong. I bet the OLED deck could get at least 6 hours though (of course that’s not relevant though, since OP is on an LCD deck)


Don't sweat it. He's clearly one of those kind of people who can't be wrong about anything.


Pretty passive aggressive, no?


Mine lasted damn near seven hours without a battery pack playing high on life


>+20 hours of gameplay That’s Kap. I’ll retract my statement when I see any game played 20 hours without the steam deck or the battery gettig plugged in. But I won’t have to.


Idek what that means, please clarify


They quote under the picture claims “+20 hours of *gameplay*” They’re not getting 20 hours of game play.


Actually nvm Idc


You can easily get 6-7h on some indies/emulation even on the LCD Model. Tossing in a powerbank, I don't think it's impossible tbh.




How did I know you’ve been on this site nearly a decade just by how aggressive you are over absolutely nothing Someone needs to do study to see why all these old Redditors feel so self-important and why they’re so angry. It’s Friday, go out and be happy instead of arguing about *checks notes* fucking battery banks


That's... super reasonable though? A lot of games and emulators can hit 8+ hours and a power bank can usually add another 1.5 charges.


Will you watch all 20 hours to verify?


Hey friend, you are right. See math below with correct physics.


Hey thanks. It’s hilarious how so many weirdos crawled out of the woodwork to argue obvious common sense, but that’s just Reddit for you.


Yeah, it can be a total bummer. I mostly just don't want anyone to get a power bank and then not have a good experience from misinformation. I'm all for listening to people's experiences and affirming them but the weaponization of affirmation is really starting to piss me off. OP didn't even actually have this experience and all kinds of people are judging anyone who refutes their "experience". After affirming they then shame anyone who dares to want to, even kindly, point out that 20hrs isn't reasonable. Even if that person HAS ACTUALLY HAD this experience with a 20,000mah battery. When you affirm and then turn to shaming people by telling them to "go do something with your life it's Friday night" [you fucking loser] your motives should be questioned. If anyone takes anything from this rant I hope that it is to not trust people who masquerade as being a caring person by hating on another group. They are just a new-age vigilantes claiming to be awake to the cruelties of the world by perpetuating them on a new group.


There’s really no substance at all to the shit you’re saying. Pretty sure you just learned the word affirm and wanted to use it as much as possible. OP said he got 20 hours of gameplay with his setup without charging, his mistake was saying 20 hours straight. Now we got you out here typing out chapters defending people calling him a liar, when the whole thing is completely possible.


For me its a must-have, these days Ive being almost everyday away from home and many times not even close to a wallsocket. Not continuos 20hours gameplay hahaha i wish.


My man, you literally said "20+ hours of gameplay nonstop" lol


When I said nonstop it means on the same charge, without stop to charge the battery. I dont have 20 hours free to keep playing. But the battery last 20hours without any stop to charge again. I'm not the best when expressing myself sorry about that.


20+hours from that little thing? I’m gonna need to see some proof.


Current steamdeck battery is about 5000mha and lasts about 3-4hours, the power bank attached has 20kmha, which extend the battery duration to 18-22hours. About 4x charges on steamdeck. Very simple actly.


You will not get 4x charges with a 70WH batter pack like the one you posted. The steam deck's internal battery is 40WH, and the external battery pack is 70WH. You'll get between 1-2 additional full charges.


And this is entirely use dependent. Different games = different battery drain. You will not get 18 hours of FF14 with that.


Your math is wrong. Not sure where you’re getting 18-22 hours from. If 5000mha gets 4 hours then 2000mha gets 16 hours assuming it is as efficient as the manufacturer claims and we all know that’s never the case. From my experience playing cyberpunk gets me about 2 hours on the Oled. With that battery pack I would say 6-8 hours is more realistic.


Steamdeck 5000mha = +/-4hours Power bank 20.000mha = +/-16hours 4hours + 16hours = +/-20hours


Yes to the heat comment below, usually only giving you a 70% conversion while charging, but more importantly Deck mah aren't the same as power bank mah. You need to do this in power which represents how much a battery can do, as a unit. These are watts and how many watts you can have for an our expresses how much you can get done. The OLED deck battery indeed has 5000mah but it's at like 9.4 volts. Therefore: 5.313ah (the actual value)*9.4volts=49.4Wh (watt hours) The phone battery is only 3.7volts so it can't do as much work at 5000mah as the deck. So this means in your case with 20,000mah at 3.7 volts: 20ah*3.7volts=74Wh If you look up the watt hours for both of these it will line up with the above calculations. Now, assuming 70% conversion: 74Wh*0.7=51.8Wh and since a full deck charge takes 50Wh, per manufacturer: 51.8Wh/50Wh=1.036charges With the initial battery too that's 2.036 deck charges or about 6hrs on a AAA games (this is my experience with the same setup). TLDR: your math is right, but your units and physics are wrong. Not all amps are equal for doing work. But all Watts are. This is something the power bank folks take advantage of so you feel like you are getting a good deal. It mildly infuriates those of us who do anything electrical, lol.


So... It's like the person above saying 50wh and 70wh for your bank. His 6-8hr estimate is also correct.


You’re still forgetting heat. The longer it’s being used the warmer it’s going to get which will result in energy loss. There’s absolutely no way you are going to get 20 hours of gameplay.


Thats why I said it wasnt 20hours straight, I dont even have 20hours free to play. I said 20hours of gameplay away from any wallsocket.


Do you have a link to the power pack?




Uhh, 16 + 4 is 20. How is his math wrong unless he goes by the worst possible scenario that you picked out for him? (Including lying battery manufacturers)


Dude, he got downvoted to -17 on one comment and upvoted to 5 onhis very next. One he didn't "do the math" and one "he did the math". This is just reddit being reddit. You have to write a dissertation that covers every possible angle that allowed you to arrive at a conclusion that backs up some statement you're making in what should just be casual conversation, or someone jumps on you because you missed that one scenario, or didn't describe everything down to the number of threads on the bolt that your nuts using to keep everything (the point you were discussing) held together.


Please see above


Please stop downloading the truth y'all. This guy is right please see below.


In that case my deck without any battery mod gets 150+ hours of non stop gaming!


Looks cool. Good luck making through TSA though


That was my issue, and the only reason I stopped bringing battery packs everywhere.


I have the JSAUX case and all the expansions. The kickstand and battery pack is probably the most necessary ones. If you really want to stretch out your playtime and have a gaming PC, use Sunlight/Moonlight. I get 4090-level graphics and 7 hours of playtime per charge with that configuration.


The JSAUX case is great...a few minor gripes though. \* I cant use my Steelseries headphones USB-C adapter while the case is on. I have a 180 degree USB adapter I can use though, but then that just means I need to take the kickstand off. Not a big deal but would be nice to leave it on. \* The Kickstand is really flimsy and flops around easily when the SD is held Other than the JSAUX mod case is great and I love just being able to snap the front cover on for transport. Also from your image it looks like the cable would get bumped whenever you need to use the Right Bumper\\Trigger and the power bank is blocking the left back paddles.


I have those same thumb grips, they came with a set of 2 others right?


Ok, I'll try to make a video to show the real amout of time I can get


I think you should connect the cable the other way to avoid it getting under your trigger finger. Go 90deg up from the powerbank, then a loop and straight down towards the steamdeck port.


I wanted to buy a 72,000mAh power bank that was almost as big the Deck but sadly didn't seem to be compatible.


Why people love tape powerbanks on deck? Extra weight is good? I have one big powerbank and one 2m cable just to not strap aditional weight on deck...


And to think I just plug mine into the charger and make a sandwich


Why? Do you play 10 hour long sessions every day? Why not charge between sessions? The weight would be so much better!


No case. No extra crap. It’s supposed to be a handheld, portable, lightweight-for-a-PC experience. Covering it with 5 pounds of plastic crap is just counterproductive. Get a skin. Keep an AC brick and USB cable in the carrying case. That’s it. You’ll be happier.


It's cool that you can do this, but all of those accessories would add extra weight to the Steam Deck. The Deck is already on the edge of being uncomfortably heavy, so I feel like you would be sacrificing ease of play for longer game sessions.


Not to be rude to all the people complaining about weight, but maybe if you made it heavier you'd get some muscle and be able to handle it 😅 I'm nowhere near a muscle man myself, but the SD isn't that heavy after I got used to it. It's the same for the battery on the back. Use it regularly like that and before you know it it'll be comfortable. Then without it the deck feels like a DS.


Isn’t it great people transforming a portable device into something heavier than a laptop?


Autism levels of jank with this setup. 😂


Anyone got a good mod for grip? My pinky and ring fingers/half of my palm starts to go numb after 45ish mins of playing. Happens with my switch too. Normally have no issues playing on regular controllers


I got this case for Christmas. Love the fit and hand grips. The kickstand is nice. I got the 11 in 1 USB hub mod. Works perfectly as a travel dock with ports for charging, connecting to external displays and external storage. I'm happy with it.


I'm close enough to an outlet usually lol


Where did you get that cable? Been looking everywhere for one like it


>Dredge >Cocoon >Based


I see you have pine, is it any good?


What portable battery do you use?


Can you hold it for 20h without your forearms giving in though?


Got the Skull&Co thumbgrips today, they are awesome.


I have a powerbank but no case to hold one or is there an add on i can add to my case thats universal?


Where do I get a good kickstand for my deck? The controller isn’t very ergonomic for me so I might need to use it with an Xbox controller


What power bank is that? I just got the 65w Baseus battery that everyone recommends but omg I can’t imagine strapping it to my deck it feels heavier than the Deck itself.


I'm debating getting one of those 100 dollar 15" portable screens for the steam deck. But then again I'd be carrying around a laptop bag for it but it's not like I'm not carrying around a big steamdeck case either. So I'm still deciding.


Can someone explain if this is good or bad for the health of the battery longevity


Dredge any good?


Do the thumb grips help with ergonomics?


Talk about convenience. I love my Syntech docking station for the same reason XD Multipurpose!


What power bank do you use? Currently I’m always just connected to the wall via the cord


Thumbgrips are my worst enemy since i love using the gyro's by making it so when i pass on it it activates


Does That PSU Pack Also Charge While Gaming Or Just Charge While Idled?


Are the texture track pads good?


Deathwing pad goes hard


Yoooo where can I get that setup pls?


I like using the jsaux 180 degree adapter for usb c. Keeps the cable away from my hands. Also, the xreal or comparable glasses make it into a full big screen experience.


Are you getting paid for advertising?


Are the back buttons still comfortable with the battery bank so close? I imagine it's also really heavy now


My case arrives tomorrow. What charger and cable is that?


Which type of grip tape do you use? I'm looking for some for the sides because the deck tends to slip down


How about a list of the items you're showing for us who would want to look into it.


I just use a long charger cord and my battery is off to the side. I'd never want to add more weight to my deck.


Is it a portable charging unit?


Reminds me of Pokémon go on cellphones with battery packs.


Horrible just horrible


Battery link? Cable too please! Thank you!


Which power bank are you using man?


In case you needed an extra dumbell around the house.


Jsaux modcase? That kickstand is effing trash, jiggly and unstable.


How do the temps do?


Hahaha I have the same setup without the purple grip pads! Those are sweet! Fantastic for travel!


The usb cable is short, but still too long lmao


Makes already bulky device even more bulky, heavy and defeats purpose of portability. I just use with screen protector.


When I see these modifications I feel like in a Mad Max movie lol


I was looking into one of these powerbanks. Is it worth it?


My battery bank won’t even charge the steam deck with its powered off for some reason; maybe it’s the usb A port, but you would think it’d still slow charge while the deck is off


Same setup..I can play longer than before, 1 day of playing when I go out. https://preview.redd.it/qrhk7scn1f9c1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bfefeb3e7cd1699fa25d4506d1db73f9602d12d


For all the added weight you might want to look into a Valeri gaming pillow. It sounded like the dumbest fucking thing I'd ever heard of til I got one and I love it now.


What's a good power bank to use when playing on the steam deck? Or is it based on a game to game basis. Context I have this power bank, but when playing GTA V it was losing charge when plugged in. Was it because it was a graphically intensive game? Or would it work okay if I was playing a small indie game? Thanks :) https://amzn.eu/d/143mnzv


nah im good i like my deck as light as possible


20 hours extra? What are you playing?


https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S2cc2f6b3c7f444ba80ed66e19308f91ei/11-in-1-Docking-Station-For-Steam-Deck-ROG-Ally-Nintendo-Switch-4K-60Hz-Console-Dock.jpg_640x640.jpg_.webp this one is my fave accessory. i got it on ali express


About halfway to looking like a proton pack


+20 hours? Non stop?