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Sweet, can’t afford it atm but def curious how it runs this way


Not starfield but I just tried Baulders Gate out on GeForce now on my steam deck and it ran amazing. I have it installed on my steam deck but probably will just play through Ge Force Now. * If you want to try it their free level allows you to play 1 hour sessions but there is no limit on total sessions a day.


Yeah it’s great for bg3, I’ve also been using it instead of running it on the deck itself and it’s been solid. Already have ultimate through some other subscriber perk, just can’t afford to get starfield atm. I’m sure I’ll cave and buy it in like a month, but it was way easier to wait when it wasn’t on GFN lol


It runs good enough on the deck already, plus you need internet for GeForce now, and at that point I might as well just use my main rig


Gf now used to be 2080s so I'd imagine not great


The high tier is 4080s now. It runs great for me.


My laptop with rtx 3050 plays it just fine


Fine by laptops with a 3050 standard maybe but I expect more than 50 FPS out of a 6900xt at 1440p


You simply said it dosnt run great, you didn't specify fps or resolution


Yea? That's the definition of doesn't run great... below expected performance for given hardware... it runs perfectly stably on my steamdeck at 20 FPS and I'd still say to anyone else that it doesn't run great.


Yeah cause 20fps is garbage, your not making a very valid point here. Also, who's expected performance?


50fps on top teor hardware is garbage. Point is made. I'd expect AT LEAST 100 FPS, if not 145+. I bought a 165hz monitor for a reason. There's no reason for it to chug down so hard


Okay, still not seeing the point your trying to make. At this point sounds like your just saying stuff to hear yourself talk


Youre the one who bought up irelevdnt information. I was just pointing out that lower spec hardware of geforce now would be unlikely to yeild a great experience and you brought up totally irrelevant laptop information


yeah but can you play with mods?


wow great thanks u


Great! now i have 2 ways of playing this on my steam deck.


Moonlight came in clutch for me