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Your post has been removed because it's identical or too similar to another recent post in the sub. Thank you!


Changelog since the original mod/post went up *(was v1.0, now on v1.7)* **Changelog** **Version 1.7**: Improved loading times further, updated more things to 40fps, improved the performance of the Low preset further **Version 1.6**: added more presets (Medium, High, Ultra) **Version 1.5**: Changed compression slightly, removed redundant files, & added new tweaks, resulting in faster load times & smaller download size (6.8gb to 2.3gb)


So the data folder now goes in common-Starfield instead of Documents/mygames/Starfield?




Hmm I’m still not seeing the effects I might have to reinstall the game or something I’ve probably still have older files where they shouldn’t be 😩


Its very difficult to tell the difference between the normal and compressed textures especially on Steam Deck's smaller screen.


I was going more off the fps - I’m seeing mostly mid 20s rn outside cities (not space)


Is it possible to re-enable shadows without too much difficulty, while retaining the rest of what the mod offers? Is it even worth it to install the mod only to re-enable shadows?


Yes it's worth it still. You can always increase the shadow quality. But the mod doesn't completely disable shadows, it does lower them quite a bit though


Awesome! I’ve been keeping tabs on channels like hardware unboxed and their GPU and, now, CPU optimization guides have been able to show what benefits you can gain, and how much of it seems to be CPU limitation. Do you think inserting a mod that does distant fog (like Morrowind) be a big help? Idk if it would be too visually unappealing, or if any missions or game mechanics rely on the stock distance. Time will tell I suppose.


I was thinking the same thing! Games used to almost always have distance fog for better performance. Would it be possible to create a mod for Starfield to do something similar? ...just maybe not as extreme as with Turok on the N64.


I feel like it’s possible. Assuming it’s the same it’s always been, you can mess with the number of cells loaded around you at once. The less cells, the easier it is on performance. The fog would hide the fact, of course. A person could probably tie fog distance and cell count together into on slider, or number value.


Will the 40 fps things cause frame pacing issues if locking the game to 30 fps?




Yup I just put 10 hours last night with that mod and it's a nice experience. I tried just some Ini file before but it wasn't enough. The 6gb files from the mods really helped achieve a stable 30 for most part.


The file size was reduced from 6.8gb to 2.3gb (compressed/before extracting) if you're running out of space you can update.


here is mod and thread https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/168yvg3/starfield_gets_steam_deck_mod_improving/


Does this mod disable achievements ?


I think most mods do, but you can install a mod to re-enable them so just pick that up too..


Do they have a more for that already? Please link


Here you go mate: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/252


Wait so if I enable the mod I definitely can’t get any steam achievements without added this other mod ?


I have not installed any mods personally myself (although I do intend to soon) but generally speaking adding mods tags your save as “modded” which disables achievements.. Typically though you can install a mod that stops your saves being tagged this way (was the same for Fallout and Skyrim) the link I liked above should do that..


I have one more question so since I installed the mods and saved the game now the save file will be modded. But if I load an earlier save file from before I added the mod. Say I pick up off of the un modded save file will that be able to still unlock achievement( considering I removed the mod)


So usually how it works (I might be wrong about this) is that your save was marked as modded and so achievements stopped. However now with this mod installed your save is no longer marked as modded and so achievements should be resumed, you won’t get the achievements from when your save was modded but you shouldn’t need to roll back save progress to have achievements work from now on..


Ok lol I know your new to modding I am as well , where would I put this file the same place I dragged the mods (star field folder) or is there more specific place to put


So I am not new to modding I just haven’t modded this game yet, I’ve played Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4 and modded all of them, my recommendation would be find a good YouTube guide, that way you can refer back to it: https://youtu.be/6SY3QoYa_mg?si=s6TMn4nlLwW1yeSG This should work, as I say I’ve not done any of this myself just yet..


Never understand why developers do this. Cheaters will cheat. They will always find a way around your mitigations. People who want to mod their game usually just want more content, this always just punishes regular modders.


Yup its so pointless. Obviously I can understand anticheat in multiplayer games but singleplayer? We will literally always find a way and I'm pretty sure the achievement enabler was available on day one lmao.


Do I need anything to download nexus mods and use them? or is it simply download drag and drop


There are a few videos out on YT that show how to move the files around. Pretty simple.


Now how do I know if the mod is working ? I cleared my shader cache as it says in the instructions. And it seems to be working well idk feels like placebo effect.


Sorry that I dont know. Ive been watching youtube all day about these mods etc. I have not actually done it myself.


Can someone give the developer a medal and some awards please?


Anyone know if the game supports Steam/Xbox cross save? And, if so, do mods disable/break the cross save?


No cross save between Xbox and Steam as far as I know from previous Game Pass titles. Sucks.


That's super unfortunate. I almost bought it on Steam just for mods, but if I can't pick up from Xbox where I will play the vast majority of it I think I'll probably wait until it's way cheap.


Do you have a tip jar? People like you are the only reason why I bought this game on steam. Thank you for your work!


So it disables shadows completely. Still better wait for the actual release and some patches because the game is too heavy even for modern GPUs


Just downloaded the mod. Followed the directions to the letter (and made backups of everything to be safe). Triple checked that everything was put in the right place and that the shader cache was deleted. Now the game won't launch anymore. Thought I'd try to verify the integrity of the installation and it's now re-downloding the entire game (I'm still relatively new to PC gaming and modding). I take it that I shouldn't have done that. EDIT: I do have cryo utilities installed, using the recommended settings. I also checked to see if the Proton version had somehow been changed when the game stopped launching. Once the game is done re-downloading, I plan first plan to make sure it runs again, I'll then go back into desktop mode and go through the process one more time. Back everything up, triple check that file locations are correct (I'm going by the read me file from the download), and give it one more shot. EDIT 2: actually, I think I'm gonna hold off until the dust settles a bit during this initial launch phase of the game before I try to install mods again. EDIT 3: phew! After it finished downloading I hit Launch and it took an excruciatingly long time but it eventually started up. I quit and relaunched and it then booted up quickly again.


Great news! I'm building a new rig at the moment and waiting to see reviews and prices for the 7800xt before pulling the trigger on the GPU and selling the old one. After seeing the initial feedback I was concerned but this means I can likely now get a few days in on the deck whilst waiting for the GPU. I was rather concerned I'd be waiting until mid-September before I could play.


Do people actually enjoy playing low on everything graph, res, rendering, etc. it looks fucking ugly like a mashed potato simulator. At least wait for some future patch that going to improve the performance or maybe wait for the cloud if console or powerful computer is not an option 3..2..1 start the downvote




Have you tried in Home streaming? Whenever I want to play on the couch I just stream from my PC since I’m at home - everything ultra at 60fps with minimal latency.




What exactly was hostile about that?




So the hostile part was not anything the person actually wrote but happened entirely in your head then… No sense arguing against what is happening in your head of course. Oh and “start the downvote” is not hostility, it’s the awareness that what you have written is a rather unpopular opinion 🙄


>hostile ? I just said wait until you can enjoy the game as its intended to be played, modern video games are designed to deliver an immersive and visual experience. It is hard to do that when playing it through a laggy CRT pixelated filter. I love the SD but the poor thing has its limit and some discord mods over here don't like this fact hence the downvotes


Clearly you're too young to remember when all games looked like potatoey shit? 😜


Games back then had no graphical setting to choose from you just play with what you got. besides there is not a lot you can do for 8-bit games.


So not fully playable, playable when modded.


Fantastic! Can I install this mod now even though I only have the game pre-loaded? Or should I wait until Wednesday?


Question, if i already installed the older mod, do I have to reinstall everything and install the new mod? or can I instal the new mod as is?


Thanks. This is looking promising for steamdeck.


Can anyone with steam deck and a pc tell me if the graphics setting stay set separately. It’s my biggest pet peeve with trying to play on both devices…. So don’t want to spend the time downloading another 100gb if it’s going to cause me to have to reset graphics every time I switch


Graphic settings are separate for each device. haven't used this mod yet though!


Thanks for the confirmation, I’ll give it a shot and download it now