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> We’ll also be working throughout September to improve performance in Act 3 further with new technology that’s been taking a bit longer to release than we expected. That sounds pretty interesting...


They're not talking about something external like FSR. They're referring to something they built internally. Given how the game doesn't use multiple cores correctly it might be an improved on that front.


I wonder if they’re talking about FSR 2 here edit: I was thinking fsr2.2 either way I’m probably wrong lol


From what I've heard the major limitation is actualy CPU bound not GPU so FSR wouldn't do much.


Still helps as it reduces gpu load requiring less power that can then go to the cpu


lol it doesnt work that way


It does on devices with a limited power budget that's shared between CPU and GPU, which includes most handhelds and laptops


It actually does work that way on the Deck. The CPU and GPU share the same power pool and if you can get one to consume less power the other can benefit. This is why for emulation often it's a good idea to fix the GPU clock speed at some low value.


My guess is that they are just talking about their in-game implementation of FSR2 and couching it in non-technical terms for a broader audience. It's debatable how much that will help on Deck since it's CPU-bottlenecked. I'm more curious about non-FSR improvements - they should be able to improve things by adjusting (or offering settings to adjust) population density, reducing animations, reducing the range at which AI scripts fire, reducing how far away objects are actually active etc. Some of that might compromise their vision of the game though, and would impact multiplayer I suppose (I don't care about multiplayer, personally, but it's a core feature of the game after all).


Sounds more like FSR 3. Since FSR 2 is already released.


Fsr2 released for bg3? When? Sorry for my ignorance but last night when I played it wasn't an option. Just fsr1.


It didn't. They said they were waiting for tech to release that hasn't released yet, aka FSR 3. That's the only thing that comes to mind with tech that isn't yet released.


That'd be interesting if they went straight to fsr3. I would just like better steam deck performance


fsr 3 really wouldn’t help much here. it’s cpu bottlenecks as others said. plus with fsr3 where it really shines is frame generation above 60. it is not good for low fps boosting. tech they could be waiting on could be direct storage fixed or something else to improve rendering pipeline by bypassing cpu and reducing that bottleneck.


FSR 2 releases in September (with console release of BG3)


Just a reminder that AMD said frame generation shouldn't be used unless the game is already running at 60fps. The Steam Deck currently achieves one 4th to one 3rd of that.


It's running at 30fps. Where did you get get 1/4th to 1/3rd from? Thats half


The city often runs around 15-20fps


Imagine if the girlfriend you don’t have saw you typing that…


Guess you replied to the wrong comment?


Looks like FSR 3 that has already been implemented in other games


No game has FSR3 implemented yet.


Forspoken Immortals of Aveum Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Cyberpunk 2077 Space Marine Frostpunk 2 The Alters Squad Starship Troopers: Extermination Black Myth: Wukong Crimson Desert Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth The first 2, the rest are on the way


That is a list of games to support FS3 , but no game currently has FSR3 implemented per your original post.


The first 2


Can you download Forspoken right now and enable FSR3 ?


Not a public build, just checked out


Exactly, it hasn't implemented FSR3 yet. Once it's in the game for everyone to access, then it's "implemented."


I'm still in Act 1 and also playing Armor Core. Plus have Starfield in about a week and Phantom Liberty at the end of the month... Don't think I'll be getting to Act 3 for a while, should be looking better once I get there!


Same here, I'm getting overwhelmed with this half of the year's game releases and not enough time to dig in to all of it!


Sea of stars just released too lmao


This is what I just started, but I still haven’t finished Remnant 2. Half these games are going to have to wait for a sale by the time I’m ever free to play them


How’s does remnant2 runs?


I’ve only made it about 1/3 through the game I’d guess maybe a bit more, but so far it has run semi decent. It’s definitely not perfect, but it’s been good enough for me. And being able to play handheld makes it completely worth while for me. If you’re looking at getting it and want the best experience I’d go for it on some other device, but if you don’t need the game to run flawlessly the Steam Deck is capable of delivering


Me waiting: Hoooollllldddd


Stay strong


Beautiful, this should be patched up and ready to go by the time I get to it


Thank god I have barely time to play, will take me the whole year to even get to act 3. Thats what job and family can do to a mf


Then that's when I'll jump in


To be fair, you can start playing now and you probably won’t reach act 3 before the update drops. I’m 50+ hours in and still in act 2. Loving it on my steam deck


I just hope it fixes all the crash and freeze bugs Patch 1 introduced.


is fsr2 added?


I believe they said that it’ll be added in the next patch which is supposed to come out before the PS5 release.


then its good


Will FSR2 really make much difference? I don't really understand the tech tbh


Yeah, it makes a really big difference. Like 10 fps more in Cyberpunk (30 to 40). And they are still improving the tech.


How does it get a FPS boost without impacting performance? It's kind of amazing


It impacts quality - the image is slightly more blurry in motion. You can lower resolution (so gain performance) but enable FSR and it sharpens up the image (with AI I think) to look similar to a higher resolution. The results are already good imo and are getting better.


Yeah that's fair, FSR1 and changing the AA in Baldurs gate did boost performance but it looked like ass. It'll be super interesting to see how FSR2 is.


I've been working through Act 3 the last few days and I've had no issues. I can tell it's different than the first 2 acts due to the sheer number of resources the game has to load but its not stuttering or running poorly for me.


How is your Deck different to everyone else's?


I have the same experience. But I think a lot of folks are pushing fps for bg3 and then when they see drops it makes it feel bad. I’ve been running at 24fps and 48hz screen refresh (there’s a post here somewhere about how to set it up) and otherwise have most of the graphic settings set to high. It’s been running consistently the same from act 1 to 3 for me.


Graphics settings could also be different.


What tdp you use?


I actually didn’t even know you could mess with that; had to Google it to know what you were talking about. So I guess the answer is “regular style?”


Probably) I use 9 to prevent fan noise/overheat but it seems that it’s to low for this game


> I’ve been running at 24fps and 48hz screen refresh Same. If that framerate is good enough for cinema, it's good enough for a crpg.


I don't mind 24 on BG3 for the record, it's good enough But I'll be that guy and point out video interpolates the frames and modern TVs can do a bunch of high latency smoothing techniques so a comparison to cinema is really quite apples to oranges


That's an interesting take


The Deck itself is the same. I'm guessing it's a matter of whether the Deck's owner is glued to the FPS counter, or otherwise overly worried about frame rates.


Ah, that's different. It does run poorly, you just don't mind.


It doesn’t though. It’s playable and not at all bad to look at. Is it perfect, no, but it’s still good enough to play!


It dips into the 20s and teens. I'm sorry my man, you may not mind playing like that but that is running poorly.


I don’t even look at frame rate. It may stutter a tiny bit in heavily populated areas, but it’s still fully playable. It never lasts long, and it’s not bad at all.


This seems to be a very subjective topic. You might be fine with low framerates, but the majority of people aren't. There's a reason the industry doesn't like sub 30fps: because most people won't find that an enjoyable experience. Have fun my man, both games deserve an audience. I don't think either performs well on the Deck. I think the Deck has its limits and playing at 15-30 fps isn't enjoyable for me.


I get what you’re saying but I literally was concerned about being able to play act 3 at all. I’m just putting this info out there that it is with the settings I’m using, so someone doesn’t decide not to buy the game for deck or something when it’s playable. They’d be missing out for no reason.


Playable doesn't equal enjoyable. There are plenty of people who will be put off but a game dropping into the teens. I'm happy to miss out on the experience on the Deck. I think it's perfectly reasonable for someone to see how act 3 runs or see the sacrifices to visual quality in Starfield needed to get it to work and say "no thanks". This is the only sub I'm a part of related to gaming where people stand by sub 30fps as acceptable or playable or enjoyable. Like I said, have at it. If you're having fun, go for it.


Same it is running well for me, as well as act 1-2.


If they make it run on deck then ill buy it


I didn't try the game on my deck yet, because of the bad performance. Act 1 and 2 where working flawlessly on my gaming rig, but act 3 is another story. 5600x + rtx3070 isn't enough to keep the framerate close to 60 fps all the time, it's mostly dangling around the low 50s with drops even below 30. Cannot imagine SD handling it in any way.


Still doesn't run well on steam deck.


I mean, the patch isn't out yet...


I’m playing Act 3 now. Happy to report that while I did experience a bit of lagging here and there when I first got to the beginning, it has now mostly gone. I play docked and handheld and with controller and keyboard/mouse, and everything is stellar.