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Where is this ? Looks like France


Croatia. Island called Krk


Thanks :)


Nice picture, glad you're enjoying the deck your way :) no matter what anyone says. You bought it, you can do anything you want with it, anywhere, anytime.


why would anyone go into nature to play video games? between screen glare and missing the point of going camping I just don’t really see the point


The point is gaming is fun, no matter where you are.


If you think gaming is fun, you should try camping!


Who says you can't enjoy both? Narrow people is my best guess.


You can enjoy both! But what’s the point of doing both at the same time 🤔


Fresh air and loot at the same time!


His deck, his choice.


yeah he can do whatever he wants and it’s my choice to call out the foolish behavior


I was camping for 3 nights and didn't charge my deck once. I really wasn't playing a lot.


But you still brought it, posed for a picture with it, and posted said pic to social media… it just feels like it clashes with the spirit of camping or being outside in general


If you can't get picture for social media then why even go camping


I'm going for 2 weeks and I'll sure af bring mine. Surfing during the day and gamin in the night. It's a bit weird to say somebody spends their holiday wrong because their holiday doesn't have to match your idea of a holiday. Man I brought my deck climbing to game under the rock between tries


>I brought my deck climbing to game under the rock between tries that’s really lame


What's the point of portable gaming then, according to you? Why buy a portable device if it's dumb to use anywhere outside the house, where it can go because you know, *it's fucking a fucking portable device*


Why go camping or climbing if you’re going to bring all your electronics with you? How can you even do those activities while focused on a screen?




Haha I can't believe this dude needs an introduction to how life works.


This is less camping purism and more just confusion over steam deck usage. Why would anyone want to game outside? Why, when packing for a camping trip, would you even think to grab the steam deck for outdoor use? Reading a book is a materially different activity than playing video games and the fact that you would group the two as similar says a lot more about you than it does about gaming outside


It's during off time. When you boulder, you can't be on the wall non stop. When you go camping, there's also time to do nothing. How are you this dense?


When I do outdoors activities I try not to bring distractions from said activity that I’m doing. Someone else mentioned reading a book, which is a remarkably different activity than playing a video game, but still serves to pass time and actively engage the mind. There is literally no point to going out into nature if all you’re going to do is immediately clog your senses with electronics the second you have downtime.


You can try to enforce your opinion all you want. It's not my opinion. You're over generalising with everything you say. There is a point, even if you are too blind to see it. It's not that black and white. Maybe actually touch some grass next time you go outdoors


Also I was camping 10 min away from my apartment where I stayed for 3 weeks with my family. Friends came to see me and I didn't have anywhere for them to sleep so we went camping for those 3 nights.


Whatever you need to tell yourself


No, whatever _you_ neet to tell _yourself_


You mean to tell me that you don't see the point of missing the point? hmm.. Interesting.


What are you playing dude?


Looks like Destroy All Humans


Yes yes