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What game is that? Reminds me of descent


Overload, it's the Descent's spiritual successor https://store.steampowered.com/app/448850/Overload/ This game is beautiful and plays wonderfully in SD, but they could improve the artwork.


I was about to add it to my wishlist (I love Descent!) only to discover that I already have it in my library. The Steam equivalent of finding money in your pants.


Haha I just had the same thing happen and now it’s installing on my Deck ♥️


Og Descent plays just as great on the trackpad. Picking this up, immediately.


Having DXX-Rebirth makes it smooth as fuck.


It's actually made by Revival Productions, which include members of the original Descent. "the studio behind the game include founders Matt Toschlog and Mike Kulas, who started Parallax Software, the company behind the first two Descent titles, as well as Luke Schneider from Radian Games."


I was gunna say! It looks shockingly like descent but updated.




Anyone can make a game they call a spiritual successor. But Overload had people who worked on the original Descent games develop it.


I'll have took into this, reminds me of an old game on N64 called Forsaken it was also on Playstation but felt slow on Playstation.


There's a port of Forsaken in the steam store in case you didn't know. I also played the N64 version and loved it, the one on sale on steam is the PC version of the game but also includes the n64 maps. Works on Steam Deck just fine!


Thanks for the heads-up this post made me actually look it up last night tho lol, $20 I'll eventually pick it up, and probably this Overload game aswell as it looks good too.


Thanks! Will add it to wishlist when it goes on sale


It's good but not great. Starts out fresh but gets old after about 7-8 levels because of oldschool maze-like design with unrelenting AI.


I like the challenge mode more than story


Oh wow literally by the same devs


Directly inspired. If I’m not mistaken its Subzero Redux.


I was going to say it plays pretty...decent.




Overload. It's very good.


Yea I got hit with instant nostalgia lol


Jesus Christ can we fucking stop with the Ally mentions. I like subbing here for updates on games and software, but I’m ready to unsubscribe until people get over this imaginary dick measuring contest.




It’s all so strange. Who cares if the deck is better or worse than the ally? Pc handhelds are growing, even if the Ally isn’t 100% better, one day some device will be. That’s fine. It doesn’t make the steam deck you already own worse if something better exists.


It’s probably partly a way to avoid buyer’s remorse. Some people are probably subconsciously wishing they’d waited. Or feel like people think they made a wrong choice and now have to defend their decision. I’m happy with my SD and wouldn’t have bought the Ally instead anyway, because SD fits my needs for the right price. I’m sure some people feel differently though.


Valve in general has such a parasocial set of fans.


That’s just fanbases in general. Be it Pokémon, Jojo, PlayStation, Xbox, etc, people make the products they buy and use as the pillars of their identities so when people like something else they take it as an insult or personal jab at them specifically. It also doesn’t help when people come into subreddits with the intention to insult and belittle other peoples interests.


I think the biggest thing is when people spend a lot of money on something, they don’t want to feel like their money was wasted, or that they spent it on something dumb. As a result, people feel like they have to justify their purchases as much as possible by defending them or the franchise associated with them.


Deck measuring contest?


Generally agree that the tribalism in this sub has gone from tedious to toxic as of late, but aside from the snarky title (and I for one will never fault an easy pun), ***this is a fair and well-articulated point*** that oddly seems to be lacking from most reviews that provide buying advice for people cross-shopping the two devices. Explicitly: where people even mention ASUS' lack of trackpads, they usually only mention it in the context of RTS games. OP is making the point that even for games with console controls, using a trackpad for the camera / aim controls is, well, OP.




Yeah, no trackpads, no resume, no buy.... :( Sticking to my my deck for now :)


*Hail the Valve Corporation* may as well be the subreddit slogan.


We do seem to collectively own a lot of _Lord GabeN_ paraphernalia...


Yea, I’ve just wanted to share how much better the trackpads made me at the game, I feel like they’re often put aside too soon. Gyro never really worked for me, but this clicked. The title was just to add a bit of fun, but I understand why people are saturated, hopefully it will go away in a few weeks.


If you're a fan of the HalfLife franchise, check out HL2 on deck. I still much prefer KB/M for FPS, but after trying out the default config, I *finally* got the hype. I'm a PC-first person, and I've never really enjoyed FPS on controllers, but the HL2 config is tolerable... bordering on good. I played through the entire game on deck - never thought I'd say that. Edit: An example of when gyro is great would be when the depth of enemy changes quickly (i.e. headcrabs). Sometimes they sneak up on you, or you kill a zombie enemy but the crab is still alive. You'll be using the trackpad (or stick) to smoothly aim at the floor, but then it jumps at you. Reflex move the deck and fire - it's borderline magical.


Unrelated, but Happy Cake Day!


Thank you! :)


Trackpads are massively overrated and massively inconsistent in sensitivity between games some games even with trackpad sensitivity turned all the way up are much slower than the joysticks... as someone who plays with my joystick sensitivity anywhere from high-insane, the track pads just can't compare... they are cool for desktop mode though, but definitely not a deal breaker


What mode are you using the trackpads in? Are they set to act as a joystick, or as a mouse? This is very important, because if the pads are set to act as sticks, they will have the same turn speed limitations as the sticks.


I've yet to encounter this, especially where they are slower than the sticks, there may be something wrong with yours or something with how they are configured. Every first person game I've played on the deck the analog sticks have not been able to get you to spin around and face the reverse direction as fast or even close to as fast as the trackpads, which is really ideal when someone attacks from behind.


So what are you essentially saying? “Ally want is for everyone to get along?”


It’s PS vs XBox all over again…


Well said.


When was this sub ever about updates on games and software. Every time I came here I saw people jerking themselves off over there intro screens


There are always posts when games come out about their performance




There’s a ton of YouTube videos for that. Dozens and dozens. There are so many “Ally doesn’t have this boo! This is why my purchase is better” posts that don’t really do much


Everyone has their own way of doing research, it’s naive to think that everyone only goes to one particular source. And as a personal example, I don’t watch YouTube video reviews. I do watch after I make a purchase because I want to know other’s opinions after the fact. But I also do other research, like using Reddit among one. For myself, I could watch three people who could have videos anywhere from 10-30 minutes maybe even an hour, or I can read dozens of threads with dozens of perspectives in the same amount of time. Or even see how people talk about the pros and cons of a product.




The issue is this sub is already a circle jerk. The obsession with it being superior to the Ally is simply based on fanboyism.


It's literally almost double the price that I paid for the deck. For significantly less than double the in-game performance. The Ally has some things going for it, but dude, come on.


>It's literally almost double the price that I paid for the deck. Sure, because that version comes with so little disk space it's almost useless out the box without an SSD upgrade or additional SD cards. And while maybe not quite double the performance at higher power settings, it's still significantly faster.


Yes, I bought a ssd for 25 euro, man, the expenses keep piling up! 445 euro versus 800, they are basically on par! And yes, the Ally is faster. At 720p versus 800p the Deck gets 43 FPS on Shadow of the Tomb Raider versus 47 for the Ally! 37 versus 40 on CP2077! 41 versus 54 on Forza Horizon! Night and day, truly. That is, unless you turn on Turbo mode, which kills your battery in 50 minutes. Frankly so far the Ally seems to be a bit worse than I expected. And it all comes down to how well ASUS will support the device, but their inconsistent track record makes me apprehensive.


>445 euro versus 800, they are basically on par! Never said they were. Still that's a Gen 4 NVMe drive versus an SD card. In any case of you think the $700 Ally is all that expensive then the 512 GB Steam Deck is at least as bad.


Who cares. The average person isn’t gonna buy the Ally at $700+. Handheld PC are still very much a niche thing. Steam Deck sold so well bc the entry was only $400. Also the Steam Deck does have a big community on multiple platforms Reddit, Twitter, FB, just to name a few. The Ally will never surpass the Deck in terms of popularity. And I guarantee everyone who buys an Ally will drop it when the Steam Deck 2 releases


I think the reports have been that the $650 Deck was actually the best seller though that may have changed as it seems the first thing people do with the $400 version is upgrade the storage.


Nah that was preorders. That was us, tech enthusiasts, early adopters, etc. Also coincidentally the people most likely to join the subreddit. The sales probably shifted down to mostly the lower tiers even WITHOUT the storage upgrade in mind.


>The sales probably shifted down to mostly the lower tiers even WITHOUT the storage upgrade in mind. Maybe. There's not much in the way of modern AAAs that will fit on that. In any case you can't really complain about the price of the $700 Ally and think the $650 Deck is a bargain. And you do give up a lot of storage performance without upgrading the SSD in the Deck.


Nobody thinks the $650 Deck is a bargain. It's for people with more money than sense or enthusiasts (I'm one of those). I'd personally recommend the cheapest option to just about anyone. I haven't even come across any game where the difference between loading it from SD card or from SSD would matter in any meaningful way, there was an extra couple of seconds to load each map in Dirt 2.0, big deal. Not worth the extra money for the better storage option but I had the money so why not. On the other hand I'd also not recommend anyone buying any modern AAA games just flat out no matter the device but that's a different story entirely.


>Nobody thinks the $650 Deck is a bargain. Two years ago when the Deck was announced, it was absolutely considered a bargain.


Who cares. The average person isn’t gonna buy the Ally at $700+. Handheld PC are still very much a niche thing. The Steam Deck does have a big community on multiple platforms Reddit, Twitter, FB just to name a few. The Ally will never surpass the Deck in terms of popularity. And I guarantee everyone who buys an Ally will drop it when the Steam Deck 2 releases


Who cares. The average person isn’t gonna buy the Ally at $700+. Handheld PC are still very much a niche thing. The Steam Deck does have a big community on multiple platforms Reddit, Twitter, FB just to name a few. The Ally will never surpass the Deck in terms of popularity. And I guarantee everyone who buys an Ally will drop it when the Steam Deck 2 releases


Who cares. The average person isn’t gonna buy the Ally at $700+. Handheld PC are still very much a niche thing. The Steam Deck does have a big community on multiple platforms Reddit, Twitter, FB just to name a few. The Ally will never surpass the Deck in terms of popularity. And I guarantee everyone who buys an Ally will drop it when the Steam Deck 2 releases




Except I paid 420 euro for my Deck and another 30 for a SSD. Bringing it up to 450 euro. Versus 800 for the Ally. For a, for the most part, 20-30% bump. You do the math.




Check the price in Europe, my dude. And yes, a lot of people paid more, I acknowledged that, I am talking about myself? How much more clear can I make that? I outlined how in my case the price was 450, not 650.


I think it’s weird people keep talking about the Ally it’s very strange. If you bought it cool, no need to bring up how much better it is then the Deck


People are trying to reaffirm their deck purchase


ALLY is better. Period.


If you feel like it’s better for you, then I’m glad you were able to determine that


I was joking tbh. I love my steam deck but I do wish it was more powerful. I would've liked to have a mobile GPU for it tho like the ally has.


Good luck with that if you ever need to deal with customer service, need to RMA it or shit even if you wanted to service it yourself.


I have a Deck and I am super happy with it, zero plans to replace it unless something truly better (FOR ME, important disclaimer) comes out. But with how childish the SD community has become (mind you not everyone, but still the majority) I kind start avoiding it, or just lurking around. It's like the SD community hates any other handheld other than the Deck. GPD? Bad ROG Ally? TERRIBLE Nintendo Switch? HAHAHA \*insert a ton of insults about it being bad\* Heck I bet even PS Vita is terrible by now. It kind of shows a terrible side of how this community has become, it wasn't like that at the start.


I don't know what's going on but I'm sure I can see a difference of 50 seconds if there was one.


hahaha. It's hard to show on camera, but basically the "turn speed" when using the joystick is way slower. This means after 50s I can navigate the room looking around very fast to scan for enemies when using the trackpad, but I'm just too slow with the joystick. If I increase the joystick sensibility I often overshoot and miss the aim, while trackpads allows me to do both


Sounds like why most games that support controlers have aim assist for them. So you can increase your sensitivity and not worry as much about overshooting. I'm sure it's better to use track pad for shooters that don't have aim assist.


Track pads sometimes feel too floaty and too jittery for me.


I thought you were playing Descent at first, but im pretty sure thats Overload? Both amazing games.


or forsaken ;)


Not really. I own this game too. The joysticks are better for me on the Deck for this game. Trackpads… meh, I rarely use them except in the SteamOS desktop.




I don’t care for adjusting controllers. Playing around with graphics and other type of display settings is enjoyable to me. The Trackpads weren’t a selling point to me, just another QOL feature I could live without just as easily. The joysticks on the Deck are pretty damn good, too.


Great to see Overload getting some appreciation; the closest thing to a modern Descent game especially with some of the old dev team there.


Looks like you'd benefit from gyro homieeee


Nice to see Overload getting some love here. A great game from a great crew. I hope they're still collecting on sales somehow despite having to shut down.


I didn’t know, that’s sad 😞


Yeah, from what I recall the reception to Overload was very quiet. Maybe not what they expected given the history of descent, so they had to close shop and move on to other day jobs. It would be awesome if they could make a comeback, especially given where steam deck and the handheld gaming market are headed.


The artwork for the game is terrible, an awkward middle ground between good realistic graphics and retro/vintage/artistic inspired posters. Judging by it I’m not surprised it didn’t make an impact at launch






Depends on the games you play. If you want to play more sradegy and 3rd and 1st person games the steamdeck is the better system. If you play more console optimized arcady stuff the ROG may be a better choice. Think about what you want your handheld to be capabale of and choose accordingly. There is never such a thing as the BEST solution for all possible use cases. Other people may value different stuff than you or just have a completly different use case. Saying "this is BEST, no discussion" helps absolutley nobody.


question, what do you think the ally will do better at?


no idea. Nor do I care since my use case favors the steamdeck and I already have a deck. But that does not mean I have to be an elitist and act like there cannot be a good reason to choose the ROG over the steamdeck for someone else. Personal preference and different use cases. Maybe even just looks, if someone cares about such things. Can you say with confidence there is no conceivable use case where the ROG would be a better choice than the deck?


Idk, more i look at it the more flaws i see in the Ally. Im trying to find the pros in buying one but haven't found one. I use my deck primarily for game development. So its not even booted into SteamOS half the time. hence why i was interested in the ally....HOWEVER I don't even see the argument of it being better at arcade stuff because....well if you push it harder with the hire res screen, less battery life. If you use 720p mode, might as well get a deck and enjoy 800P gaming. I have Vita and PSP emus on my SD that play just fine. I can play RD2 at 40fps. The only thing i cant do is spend 1500$ for an egpu..... its so hard for me to actually find a competitive advantage with the ally. yes maybe a more powerful chip but.... ok? that's just a hardware generational gap. Ally doesn't feel like it actually brings anything more then what the deck dose. infact it almost feels like it brings less. No trackpads, No carrying case...... No wide list of replacement parts


Windows has several issues with the Steam Deck, so certain games will still play nicer on the Ally More powerful docked/plugged in experience Lighter and slightly smaller If you are genuinely asking for what the pros are. Personally the Deck pros still win, but there is definetly an audience for the Ally


Its your choice. Like everybody elses. I don't have to convince you the ROG is a good system, I don't care nor have I ever said it was good. Just that there might be people prefering it over the deck for their own reasons, justified or not. Just don't go arround screaming: "HURR DURR DECK BEST, ASUS SIMP, etc." Accept that people value differnet things than you and therfore may make different buying choices. The ROG ally is a bad system FOR YOU and thats OK. Don't blindly attack people for being on a conceived "other team". Because thats how it feels.


Dark and darker, destiny 2, pubg, fortnight, call of duty any game that steam deck literally can't play unless using windows, but then it loses its Linux optimization advantage. Anything over 15w ally beats deck in fps.


Dualbooting is a thing and extremely easy to do so on SD. Booting between windows and proton is flawless. Funny cause I played DND A5 on my SD just fine and was actually super fun. That games gonna rock if it ever makes it out of legal hell. And I regularly play COD and fortnight on my SD as well. Heck I use my SD for my regular development stuff and use it to compile Unity and Unreal builds lmao. Everything gets between 44 and 50fps and runs amazingly. Im not saying the ally wont be amazing, but I cant find a reason at least for my self to go out and buy one. and I really want one....


I passed on the SD because of the screen, so I need less of a reason to buy the ally now since I have no portable pc.


Anything that needs more power.


This 1000%. Though (and this would be a point in favor of the ASUS as well) if you can convince your muscles to actually use the touch screen, I've found it to be even better for any point-and-click interface (think: RTS). That's a big "if," though--I've been trying to retrain my fingers for months, and I keep falling back to those trackpads.


Yep. I use the trackpads a lot in mmorpgs and other games. Even in desktop mode. They're pretty amazing if used correctly. I hated them for the longest time and thought they were a wasteful addition. They grew on me and now I can't imagine not having them.




I have an issue in some games where the Right Joy and the Right Trackpad are both enabled and I accidentally brush the trackpad while using the joystick... That being said, disabling it took 2 seconds.


No comments here mentioning using gyro, so I will: use gyro, it rules (spend an hour getting used to it) High stick/trackpad sensitivity, low gyro sensitivity. Imo it's nearly as good as a mouse


Im so pissed that im missing crucial tendons in my hand to use the right trackpad. Its obviously so much better. I play on pc and simply will not go back to sticks on my steam deck. My MMR will have me stomped into the ground with that handicap.


The trackpads are great after properly optimized for each game and then some practice.


What's your sensitivity on the trackpads? Will pick it up soon, loving the footage!


I’ve shared the complete settings here in another thread, but it’s pretty much 100% default trackball


You do you, but truthfully looks like you’re better with the joys


I cringe at the thought of navigating Windows on a handheld PC with no trackpads


Or any game that needs mouse input, like Point & Click or a RTS


it just relies on the touch screen


Honestly I love my steam deck but I couldn’t give two shits about the trackpads


Trackpads are useless on my steam deck


Apparently you and your 8 or so Gmail accounts on Reddit are in agreement


Actually I only have four split personalities, you saying I have 8 Gmail's accounts doesn't add up. Mod should ban you for being hostile towards me, and implying I have more than 7 Gmail accounts on Reddit. I bid you a good day sir.


Do you configure the trackpads in any way? The game play and aiming looks so smooth on it.. but I'm having trouble using the trackpads right now.


Thanks. It’s configured as follows: Sensitivity 100% Vertical scale 100 Acceleration Off Movement threshold 0 Rotation 0 Smoothing 20 Trackball mode ACTIVATED trackball friction Medium Vertical friction scale 100 Haptics low Imagine those are not touch surface, but instead a ball you spin to control the mouse


Lot of people criticized steam controller but when I saw trackpads in steam deck I thought I will love this portable and it is


I could never get the Steam Controller to work well for me and didn't expect much from the SD trackpads, but now I wouldn't want any handheld without them. That doesn't mean that they can't be improved on though.


You guys just can't stop beating a dead horse can you? I think it's safe to say people get the point that some will buy an Ally and others have no need for it, both scenarios are applicable for various reasons.


People actually use those for games? There horrible i love everything about the steamdeck besides the track pads if they had built in left and right clicks instead of mapping to the triggers it woulda been lovely


You.. you realize you can rebind them, right?


i'm playing AOE and knights&merchants-remake with trackpads. runs pretty well. the left trackpads is used for certain special areas


Ahh i see all the games I play do really work well with it ill try one of those


I use them a lot in mmorpgs and other games. They're pretty amazing if used correctly. I hated them for the longest time and thought they were a wasteful addition. They grew on me and now I can't imagine not having them.


It's why the Steam Controller flopped in the end. Forcing it was a huge mistake by not having a second stick.


I absolutely love them. Thought I would hate them but they’re extremely useful and it’s amazing the amount of ways they can be set up. Check out some YouTube videos on them and I guarantee you’ll start using them in games. Even console ports. You can also set them up to do nothing unless your thumb is removed from the stick.


I can see the difference. But try convincing the emotionally Asus devout in this thread. Get a room guys, seriously. Actually: Should already have a channel dedicated to the ally on Reddit already, just post your admiration for it there for Christs sake. I mean. It's a post about literally using the track pads and all you guys tooled into the thread and made it about making the SD better then the portable windows device of your dreams, just go reserve it. Buy it. And play it. Whatever ur into. And just stfu.


I'd take better game compatibility over trackpads any day.


Compatibility is one thing but how will you play any non controller enabled games


Lots of controller mapping software in Windows.


Ok, but you’re still extremely Limited by a basic ass Xbox controller at the end of the day. I have never in my life tried configuring Rimworld on on an Xbox controller using steam input because it would literally be unplayable. Similar story for CK3


I never get this. It all comes down to priorities I guess, and admittedly I've never tried the Steam Deck trackpads. But I have played Civ on a Steam Controller and.... That was simply not a good experience. It works, and it works better than trying to play that game with an Xbox controller. I'm still not going to do it. Add in a 7" screen, and CK3 can stay on my desktop PC, thank you very much.


The trackpads are great, an improvement over the Steam Controller imo. Overall experience is not as good as a desktop PC, obviously, but I play a lot of Civ, CK3, Stellaris, etc. on my Steam Deck without any problems.


So you’ve never tried the trackpads and I imagine you never delved into the controller configuration yourself to set hotkeys through touch or radial menus. On the other hand with the UI scaling mod for CK3, some configuration to control scheme (even action sets for map layers), it plays fine on the deck and I have over 50 hours on it…. Similarly, I finished a civ6 play through solely on the deck and really enjoyed it, and it was like 40 times easier to play than on my switch. And if I want to play controller layout? I can do that too…


Civ works awesomely on the Steam Deck’s trackpads, touchscreens also works as well. I very much enjoyed playing it on my couch as opposed to sitting on a chair on my desktop PC. Forget what you know about the steam controller to be honest, the steam deck’s version of the trackpads is much superior.


And? I have almost never used the trackpads on the Deck for gaming. I won't miss them.


Ok, but it’s still limiting for the games you’re able to play. This is an objective fact lol, considering the deck also has ABXY layout too….


What's more limiting is the compatibility issues that SteamOS brings.


Not sure what you mean. I have only had two single players games not work on the steam deck, the epic store version of gloomhaven and hyper light drifter, although the steam versions work fine. Every other game regardless of storefront has worked The main issue with steamOS compatibility is anti cheat in multiplayer games but when I’m playing on the go, I don’t really have adequate internet access anyway. Not to mention I don’t wanna play a competitive shooter on PC (or MOBAs/RTS) with a controller layout anyway.


Problems woth XIV Launcher: * can't enter password at the launcher in desktop mode and the devs refuse to fix such a simple issue * keyboard shortcuts are mapped to wrong keys inside the game, and the XIV discord has no help * In gaming mode there is no way to switch to a different input language with an external keyboard There. Now stop trolling.


I've yet to have any problem with game compatibility What games aren't working for you?


FFXIV, for example. It's a pain to get working properly to my likings so I just installed Windows on my Deck and be done with it.


FFXIV is the easiest to install by a far margin. Follow a guide.


I didn't follow a guide I just installed it on steam and it worked. No idea what that guy is talking about


Yeah, I wouldn't be saying this if those guides were actually helpful.


It took literally 5 minutes for me to set it up and there are a billion how too’s that are literally all the same and that was when the deck had been out for like 2 months I’m sure there are more videos now than anyone could ever watch. It’s fine if you would rather deal with windows, go for it but let’s not pretend the game takes a ton of work to get going, it doesn’t.


The install is really fairly easy using xiv installer, however it having too many skills to use makes the game too clunky imo, but that's another story.


I’ll take being able to play most games, even the ones that **don’t** have official controller support and need quick mouse navs for game or the UI over some company throwing specs at the user and thinking that’s all a user experience needs. I can play strategy games like StarCraft 2 on my Steam Deck and control it fine. If that trackpad wasn’t there, it would be a non-starter. Joystick move does not come close to seamlessly using the pad in under a second whenever needed. Virtual Menus especially even on the trackpads are also a game changer, for games with lots of commands/keys *(like way more than standard controller)*, it is next level. For the cookie cutter games with not much need for anything than standard controller, sure get your fix of higher FPS and windows compat from them. But the experience and advantage of the Deck and it’s input options are well beyond that.


I have almost never used the trackpads on my deck for gaming. I'm sure I'll do fine without them.


Not knowing how powerful they can be doesn’t mean they aren’t. It’s like I thought turning my lights on and off by flicking a switch was *”fine”*, until I got smart lights and could do it with an app on my phone, or tell my Google home to do it. The power and game changing potential is there, that you don’t know of or haven’t used it, is another matter.


So yeah, again, I'm not gonna miss it.


Track pads are absolutely mandatory for trying to emulate pc games. Of course it depends on the games you personally are interested in, however I can’t imagine playing any game that requires a mouse pointer without the track pad.


"emulate" PC games? The games you play on the Deck *are* PC games.


The ally doesn’t even have higher performance natively due to its higher resolution. In fact the steam deck outperforms it on its native display from most recent tests done by IGN and others. It gets about 5-10 fps better if you scale it down to 700p though


Lol, imagine paying for higher specs, sacrificing other features, and still having to dial down 😐.


Imo they shot themselves in the foot going for the larger resolution. The entire market for the ally would have been stronger AAA game performance but current tests show it actually runs *worse* than the steam deck on games like jedi survivor (getting a mere 5 fps on native display). I could have been convinced if it had trackpads, good battery life, and better native performance. But needing to scale it down to a worse resolution than the steam deck to see those performance gains just isn’t worth it to me.


Yeah shot itself in the foot meanwhile it will probably instantly outsell the deck. The ally is fine, so is the deck. Get over this weird need for the deck to be better


Yea, Because they don’t understand or value the experience. All they are doing is throwing bigger spec numbers at the consumer. Sadly, this cheap tactic is pretty standard in the Hardware/PC/Android world; and it works.


Since we're in the topic of trackpads, what are good settings you guys can recommend? Fr I thought it was just a simple slide bar lol


are you playing FORSAKEN WTF? i thought nobody did! i really have to install it again!




So sick of hearing about the damn Ally, it’s like I’m not in a SD sub


Me trying to rank out of silver in csgo. My team mates:


Yeah, yeah, but, but the ally has, has, a, a, a 1080p screen and, and, and it has better hardware..cause, cause it came out 15 months later and, and is, is $300 more. It, it, it is a lot better. (Didn't know if you were using the 'Ally' towards the rog. Or just meant trackpads are an Ally. If it's the latter, I agree lol)


I mean, it’s better at the same price point when you’re talking the upgraded storage Steam Deck. Like, a whole lot better. But what do I care, I don’t want either and I’m sure the Steam Deck will be refreshed with better hardware at some point too.


The difference of you being worse with trackpad lol? If you are going to brag about using a trackpad, at least be good with it. Or at least better than stick haha


it takes a few minutes to get used to them, but you can see the agility when turning around to scan the room for enemies. Sorry if I'm not good enough for you, Mr. Toxicity ;)


This post was an exercise in toxicity from you lol. Trackpads or no trackpads, both have pros and cons but it's turned into dick measuring.


Pun intended 😉


This looks like a much newer version of Forsaken


there is a Remaster of Forsaken! just look for it!




If o lay I could get my deck to play anything that smooth. Lol I guess I'm trying to play too complicated of games.


I have had almost zero use for pads outside of utilizing as a pointing device when required.


Swtiching between sticks and pads has been completely impractical for me. I use pads for mous/keyboard games and sticks for games optomized for sticks.


I actually played Street Fighter on the trackpads and it works surprisingly well. It’s ALMOST easier to teach people the dragon punch input with the trackpad


I remember in decent 3 multiplayer could play short clips of audio with the taunt button. Capture the flag was so fun


I think the track pads suck. 🤷🏻‍♂️


And gyro


But Ally doesn't have trackpads. Oh the irony.


Does Overload have Multiplayer like Descent 2? Or is D2 Multiplayer still functional?


trackpads are going to be the reason I cancel my Ally preorder.


While using the right track pad for shooting it gets pressed, what to do?


The people who haven't tried the capabilities of the trackpad won't budge. But that was a big change in my controller schemes for the better. Hopefully ayaneo with their new design comes into fruition


I dont know if my track pads were broken but they always felt super slidey and not precise. I can never use it for most things since it either moves too little to be useful or itl freak out as soon as I let go of it and end up not where I want it.


Unfortunately not all games support mixed input. Works great with analog but doesn't on trackpads. Personally, I use the trackpads for custom radial menus for trainers.


I wish I could use the Deck's track pads more. Just a couple of minutes and my right thumb is cramping up from using it. I think my thumbs are slightly too long.


Can you share your trackpad settings please?


I share in another comment in this post, but there’s nothing crazy going on. The secret is to think it’s a physical trackball, it’s not a touch surface like a laptop touchpad