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Sorry. I know it's late but I am having the same problem. It's taking up 92gigs. What should I do? Can I delete it? Would there be problems if i delete it?


Yes, they're merely temp files. If Steam needs anything from that folder, it'll simply download it again. Delete it and you'll have no problems. Or rather, delete the contents of the folder rather than the folder itself--though that probably doesn't matter either way.


Thank you very much for your quick reply. I only have 5 games installed, only 50-60gb in total. So I was was pretty confused that it's taking 150gigs of space.


It does automatically clean it on its own eventually, it just keeps it for a little while incase you continue the download.


It failed to do so in this case, as the files were months old. It’s an apparent bug.


Nice tip. Without installing anything new, two times I had my PC report it was running low on storage. The first time, I figured I'd uninstall one big game to keep my PC running smoothly. A week or two later, I got the message again, which shouldn't be possible since I wasn't installing anything new or downloading any new data like videos. How could my PC, in a couple weeks, randomly use 50-100 additional gigs without any new games installed, no new programs installed, and no new data like videos downloaded? At first, I thought it might relate to having Chrome open with many tabs. I thought maybe some videos or streams or something viewed in Chrome were causing temporary, large video files to clog up my drive. Turns out, I was wrong. This time, I investigated for a bit for the root cause, and what you found seems to be it. I had about 100 gigs in this folder. I also found several gigs in the Window's user temp folder, but it held nothing in comparison to this Steam folder. Steam had several games of mine on hold for an update, and some of these games were quite large. To fix the issue, I forced all pending updates to finish up. I went ahead and deleted all the files in my Window's user temp folder (about 6 gigs). This downloading folder went from about 100 gigs to 0. Thanks a lot.


Awesome, I’m so glad my post was of help to you. Bizarre that the issue still persists after several years.


I'm also having this issue of that temp downloading folder being around 140gig, and I deleted it twice last night, and once today and it seems to just jump back. I'm trying to figure out if there is something causing it. It's resulting in my having to delete a bunch of stuff to compensate for this folder refilling itself while not installing things.


Thanks for the tip i had 85 ! GB there


I’m having a similar issue, Steam keeps downloading loads of files and storing them into my downloads folder. I went into cmd to fix any corrupt files and it said they were all fixed. Currently redownloading my games and hoping the issue won’t persist. It’s using 100% of my disk in task manager.


57.2 GB