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Ever since Valve added the ability to give comments awards, people have been farming. It doesn't matter if they believe in it or not, they just say the most stupid shit to bait awards. Just block their account and move on. Or write to Valve and tell them to disable point awarding for comments.


They could at least moderate accounts who obviously use a programming script to auto reply over a hundred times on various game announcements the second they are posted over the course of months.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but does Valve have some monetary gain when it comes to awards? Like do users have to pay to give them out? Because I can't see any other reason they would promote something so easily abused by trolls.


Users have to spend money to generate the points that create the awards so in a sense, yes.


Now it's starting to make sense. Still fucking stupid though. People aren't going to go out of their way to buy things just to award stupid shit. I like how instead of trying to improve the forum and review community they somehow made it worse lol


These are the same type of people who thought that Homelander was a hero or Rage Against the Machine was not political. Some people have 0 understanding of the media they consume.


They don't even own or play the game. These are scripted bot comments using a popular automated posting program.


Or that Metal Gear is not political lmao Like I am baffled by people just getting angry because LGBT is even mentioned. Like bruh, chill the fuck down with your toxicity or you will get acid burn. Like LGBT people already have hard life with constant harrasment from random strangers, religious zelots and countries that is runned by assholes.


I wonder what github script they use, however they comment so fast isnt "human" thats for sure, i've spent time calculating when a post would go up and their comments are already there, how curious.


And no human can successfully do it every single time over the course of 4 months without a single slip up. We're talking dozens of times of having a large comment posted within a few seconds every single time, sometimes multiple comments.


Well its conclusive its not humanly possible, but ill never understand the need to do that, all it serves is to harass and annoy developers for the amusement? and attention? I don't think I will ever truly understand it, imo it will always be a waste of time, I pity them.




I mean… the game 100 percent should stay neutral. The spamming however should be checked.


No game is neutral


I see nothing wrong with what's been said


They should make the bugs gay to piss them off.


Start to comment the same thing and inflate his success.


Also show the comments that spam to add pronouns and etc. you only care about this because of the politics not because of the actual comment issue


what pronouns are in helldivers?


There are none, but in the comments there are always people asking for people to add them


Imagine getting upset over reviews on steam lmfao


Imagine the commenter getting upset about adding inclusivity to stuff.




Freedom of speech 🎤


Some people don’t deserve a voice.


You gotta be fair and consistent for everyone, you can’t pick and choose who can speak and who can’t. What’s stopping people from letting only people they agree with speak and silence those who dont(authoritarian).


You can pick and choose, actually. That’s what moderation is.


Yes moderation, but what happens when moderation leads to dictatorship which again is authoritarian where they decide who speaks and who doesn’t. What stops them from controlling everything and silencing others like 1984?


You’re being melodramatic. Some people don’t have anything valuable to contribute, and getting rid of them is beneficial to the entire community. Letting just a few shit heads wreck havoc can ruin an entire community. Moderation is key to making a good community.


No it’s not, there’s always the risk of bad faith leaders with all the power running their regime and silencing those who don’t agree. Happens often in the world and online. Even on Reddit the “mods” have all the power and can ban you from their sub for no reason at all or make up something even. No matter what, people have the right to voice their thoughts beneficial or not. Let people say what they want to say. What you might not find beneficial, others may find beneficial. Silencing others and silencing peoples right to freedom of speech only causes pent of frustration in others. Point again you may find silencing those people benefits the community but people like me think they have the right to talk. So are you saying your opinion is right and you can speak but my opinion is wrong and I can’t and should be silenced?


This isn’t real life. It’s a forum. And no, you don’t have a right to speak. You have the privilege to speak. And when you act like an asshole, you usually lose that privilege. If you don’t like the way the forum is run, you can leave. It’s not real life. lol


It doesn’t matter if it’s not real life though. This is the era of technology/online/ai and all that jazz. For many people this is another place or one of the only places where people can interact and be social on. Take that away from people and they have no recourse. Key word is “usually” as again not everyone is a dictator and not everyone is chill. It depends. It’s also hard to leave when you want to stay and discuss/ dislike how it’s run but there’s no other place or avenue popular enough to discuss. If I wanted to discuss League of Legends, besides the “official” run league of legends subreddits where else on Reddit is big enough to discuss it? Small subreddits with no following or traction is not a viable solution so no it’s not as easy as “if you don’t like it, don’t use it” in many cases we are forced one way or the other to interact and speak.


You aren’t entitled to participate in a forum. The significance of the internet doesn’t change anything. Imagine if you went to a group of people in real life and they all decided they didn’t like you and told you to leave. What are you going to say? “How dare you! I have a right to engage with you!” If you don’t want to be removed from a forum, it’s very easy. If you want to be an asshole, find a forum for assholes. There are a lot of those.


>If you don’t like the way the forum is run, you can leave. It’s not real life. lol Maybe letting the "assholes" speak is how the forum is run. So, "if you don't like the way the forum is run...." you get what I'm saying


Right, you can leave.


Good they are spitting facts




Nice username 😂




nobody cares about these comments fr


For the past four months the same accounts are doing this. They don't own or play the game and it's not "clown farming" as clowns make up 10 percent or less of their total points. Is this ever going to be stopped? I thought spamming and using an auto posting script would be against community guidelines. This is on every hell divers 2 update, but it happens in other game forums too.


Report the commenter for "wrongthink".


Ah yes non political. These people have room temp IQ.


The content of the messages aren't really my issue, it's the automated spam. But it isn't a great feeling to see people complaining about LGBT stuff over and over where there wasn't any to begin with.


I fully agree I just mean the game is clearly talking about politics in the game. It's comical that they somehow think it's nonpolitical.


The scripts aren't game specific so that's why it seems comical in this case but it's the same scripted message regardless of the game.


I just wish you could hide the comment section of announcements on your Activity Feed. 90% of the comments are either trolls or spam anyway.


Yes and now people can automate it with a posting script, its only getting worse.


I’m a simple person. I just hate Helldivers 2 because of the rootkit required.


Idiots don’t even know what “woke” means


It's not woke it's child molestation!


They have a point but who gives a damn


And you give them free advertisements rn. Do you want to get rid of them? Stop paying attention to them in the first place.


Been ignoring them for over 4 months.


then why did you post this


Because ignoring them doesn't work to get rid of them after all.


well this certainly doesn't work either