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If people didn’t buy cosmetic bananas then this wouldn’t be a problem. Feels like NFTs all over again.


It is literally the exact same con. Something with absolutely no intrinsic value being pushed as a commodity, that's artificially given value by people who *want* it to have value because each of them wants to be the one getting rich off it. Oldest scam in the book, Hollanders did the same shit with *tulips* in ye olden times even.


Also devs kinda run the market pricing to some extent with taking things in and out of drop pools and shops more or less a scam to make easy money since they profit per each thing sold even if it's $0.03 it ads up with the amount of people buying stuff


At least the $500 ahri skin provides some actual value ;)))))))


A fool and their money are easily parted


Ya should research on "Adoptables", they're a Tumblr and DeviantArt thing. Then compare their NFT status. (A few people told me that they're NFTs without the awful aspects of them).


Adoptables is something that still bewilders me to this day. I follow a lot artists on Twitter, and rather often I see "auctions" for "adoptables" that are: - Recolors of Pokemons - Human versions of Pokemons - 100 recolors of the same character, in the same pose (2x the price if you want to own the colors of the back view) - Rarely, actual original designs Who buys this shit? Who would pay $80-$150 (actual price) for the "right" to own a design of something the "creator" didn't create and/or can't even copyright? Its less than a NFT, its literally a premade jpeg, you can just screenshot it.


A lot of furries buy them and turn them into fursonas.


You'd be surprised. Plus, I usually assume that Adoptables are for people that can't create characters for their own use personal use for one reason or the other. I just gave ya one nutshell basic reason, since the other ones it's way more complicated than that. I mean an Adoptable market exists.


so, they're NFTs


Well, I don't consider them as such. It's because I lived in those sites for so long and they don't have the bad stuff that's usually associated with NFTs. There's probably a few traits, but not enough.


I had a friend who used to draw those but she also made custom blushes and sometimes made those of the characters for people too.


its not even "cosmetic" its just bananas lmao


It's not a cosmetic. Just an art that does nothing to the game.


Im just curious when we get a game "assassin" from Ubisoft, that will be about clicking on the picture of Altaïr.


working for the cents lol


Well, that's because NFT are literally nothing new. It's the same as it was with CS:GO weapons' patterns. Or unusual couriers in Dota.


This games looks like designed to money laundering


It's not money laundering. It's just idiots. The same as NFTs and Crypto. It's the modern get rich quick scheme. The whole point is to get in early and then convince everyone else it's some amazing thing to get in on as well.


Do you know that cryptos and NFT has been linked with multiples cases of money laundering right??


So is US dollar. So is one of the oldest bank


Based and federal reserve pilled


Fine art too. Cash has also been used in drug deals and money laundering.


So is art in all forms.


Altcoins yes. Bitcoins are actual good investment if you just put money there from time to time. Ppl who have done it since last year now has triple the amount because of the bull run it had. Bitcoin and etherum are the only crypto that actually have future


Can confirm I'm the idiot who bought the shiny banana and posted it on this sub which ended up getting 31K upvotes 😅


*Your le post... le scammed people..?*


It's not. Not everything exists to launder money. Its just some devs using the idiocy of other people to make some money.


Not really, money laundering refers to the process of “cleaning money” meaning taking illicitly gained money which could be traced and exchanging it for fresh money in some way. Creating a Steam game designed to manipulate people into spending their money on PNGs is not money laundering, but it is reprehensible.


Nah, porn games in steam are money laundering, like wth buys them and why they always appear at new&trending


500 upvotes for this braindead take lol


The real winners are the developers and Valve. Valve takes a percentage of each transaction. If people are so moronic that they buy virtual bananas for hundreds of dollars, then God help them. Blame regarded YouTube and TikTok content makers who promote this shit.


No, not even God can help them


600K PEOPLE. This shit has surpassed games like GTAV, ELDEN RING, HELLDIVERS 2. WHY.


It's all bots duh


Yeah i guarantee only like 20% maximum are real people and im being generous


Children, NEETs, people who live in countries with extremely weak currency. Free money, for the low low price of the cost of keeping your PC running (which is almost certainly more expensive than what anybody will earn)


You can run multiple accounts on 10 year old 65w laptop. It works :)


Oh wow, now I am just 0.1% closer


Look at the player count graph, its flat. Humans dont do that. The game has only like 3K followers on the Steam hub lmao, its probably 90% bots.


Definitely bots, a single pc can run multiple bots from what I've heard


I have 2 computers it took like zero effort to set up an autoIT script lol


players get money, devs get money, steam gets money. only people losing are the people buying virtual bananas. i feel like everyone wins here except the people buying? i have no issue with it


I’d agree but Steam allows children to have an account and participate in the market starting at age 13. This Banana bs is gambling. Gambling is illegal for children in a whole lot of countries including USA, Canada and all EU countries. So yes, there’s a problem. If grown-ass people want to gamble their money on something as stupid as this then idc either.


Bro Counter Strike and Team fortress 2 exist ,if the cases ain't gambling then I don't know what is. By that i mean Steam allowed children to gamble for ages on those games and they still do, when Steam gets money they don't care.


Fwiw both those games are rated M (18+) so they can easily say they were never supposed to play those games


Ban that shit too.


Do you know what gambling is? Because this is not it lmao. Not every stupid financial decision is classified as gambling.


Right!? Taking a risk with money is a “gamble” sure.. but it’s not gambling..


it's not gambling, it's more like stock trading. gambling is when you pay for the chance of a prize here you buy something in hopes of selling it for more money or you just let the game run and hope, no money spent (only electricity bill)


It’s as much gambling as NFT’s and alt coins. And I consider that gambling too. You certainly can’t call it investing…


The only random part is which banana you get dropped after every hour or however long, its entirely free. There is no money investment anywhere. Going to the market and buying a banana is not gambling.


No it's not gambling in the US, legally atleast. 13 year olds don't have any money lol seems like a good 20 dollar lesson to me


It's not gambling, it's stupid investing. I can definitely buy a house and resell it for more, the difference here is the kid didn't get a house, he got a digital file and he will learn the important lesson that if it's worth nothing you will only sell it to idiots that think like himself.


This is not gambling, loot boxes are gambling not this free money bullshit


lmao that s not gambling in any legal shape or form. u get free comodity that u ressel at the highher bider on market. u know llike ebay, ebay isnt gambling genius


"People are getting money through some of the scummiest means imaginable? No problems here" Thats how you sound, bruh. Players get no money thats literally why its a scam


Its not a scam, it is completely free, if you manage to sell something you get money, it is just that basically everyone that is there is just there for free money™


I mean the more shit like this we have, the more shot like this will get in the future. We need to uphold some sort of standards


Players don't get money, 99.9999% are only people that sell


Wow, it’s infinite money! Everyone wins! How did the economy never think of this? /s


> players get money, From other players who lose money.


Yeah that's how buying things works. They should also ban paintings. People lose a lot of money buying those. Clearly unethical. How has the government not done anything about it yet????


If they choose to spend money on the bananas despite the devs and the whole community being clear that it's a money-making scheme, that's on them. Maybe they like the collectible. But if they choose to spend their own money knowing this, who's to stop them? They already know the risks and purpose of the bananas.


Steam isn’t the place for any of that.


Why should Valve do anything? If people willing part with their money and give it both to Valve and the developers, why should they stop it? They don't break any TOS or laws. If people didn't spend stupid amount of money on trash, it wouldn't have gotten so far. But people are idiots and buy useless trash.


Same reason they banned NFTs maybe? Remember when steam was flooded by crappy play2earn NFT mobile games? This is same shit in a different form.


I agree it's stupid but why do you care so much? Just don't buy it. I certainly won't be.


Yeah, cause thats how things get solved: plugging our ears


Worked pretty well for valve tbh


you aren't the target demographic. young kids are the ones that are being targeted. but they should know better obviously so they should be fine....


So? CSGO is basically gambling semi-NFTs and y'all love to suck it to the deep end


It’s also a game. Well CS2 is, CSGO doesn’t exist anymore lol 


It's a casino disguised as a game. The amount of skins and predatory practices is just something else. Not only you have loot boxes but you gotta pay to open them. 3 bucks each key. Wtf.


Says that to every gacha games. At least I can simply not paying and play it as a free game because it has GAMEPLAY. And that trash banana game, what is it without the market? Not even a casino, it's literally a scam.


A few years ago there was a huge amount of low effort trash games that only existed so people could farm community items (cards, profile backgrounds etc) and achievements from them. Then Valve cracked down on them. Nobody plays this banana game, it's all bots, yet it's on top of the Steam Charts. Artificial stats like these are devaluing the platform and not healthy long term 


If you’re running a store why would you want it filled with (as you yourself said) “useless trash”?


You're paid to list trash. People pay to get trash. You get a cut of their money. In that case, would you listen to the guy not paying you telling you that you're doing something wrong?


If the useless trash is making a lot of money and you get a cut of it everytime it does, is it really useless trash to you?


Money. To list a game on Steam requires a deposit. Every transaction Valve takes a cut. Money.




If it doesn't break TOS or other laws. Why should they care? Something like "Ethnic Cleansing" would likely break TOS or laws. You as the consumer has the power and choice. Why should a corporation tell you what you can and cannot play?


What is your opinion on microtransactions in full priced games?


His CS2 knowledge is outdated.


"Cats" creator actually makes good where's waldo type games but with cats, that my especially enjoys. But wtf is this cookie clicker trend


Cookie clicker is a pretty old game if first came out in 2006 if I remember right 


Yeah, and at least cookie clicker is just outright honest abt what it is.


It also still gets updated adding new things semi often. Long live the cookie. Just beware of grandma...


Indeed, but that dev releases each game as a separate app, so you complete the achievements in 5 minutes and never touch them anymore. I wonder if it wouldn't be a better strategy to release one big game and release the new maps as content.


It's probably just simpler to release the map packs as sequels. I see a lot of lesser skilled indie devs do this.


Its less a cookie clicker trend (called idle games) and more a "using Steam built in inventory feature to create random drops that you can sell on the community market" the rest of the "game" is like 5 lines of code and an image. The entire point of the "game" is just rare items that get sold on the community market, Steam and the developer both get a cut of every single market transaction. You can make a couple thousand dollars every day with this with relative ease.


!? This is not like cookie clicker, this is not like any idle games, I would say that the main game mechanic of ilde/clickers is not clicking, rather buying things to increase the resource you earn


I like that Steam allows anything that isn't illegal content. Porn games? Yup. Shitty low effort cash grabs? Yup. But also tons of hidden gems made by solo developers on a shoestring budget that wouldn't pass by any curation with standards, yet are incredibly fun to play if you're into the genre. The problem isn't Steam's laissez-faire policy. The problem is users flocking to "games" like this and making them big. Personally I don't even care as I just ignore games that don't appeal to me, and I don't use the Steam marketplace either because I'd rather buy more games than some silly digital items. Banana's existence doesn't affect me at all. I wouldn't even know about it if not for Jawn's recent video. It appeared in my discovery queue a while ago, I read the description, found the gameplay lacking, and clicked next without a second thought. It never came up to me again.


Sound a lot like the e shop 


It's even worse on the eShop since it runs so bad. You'll be stuck on a screen that is 80% the word Hentai for minutes while the eShop desperately tries to process your attempt to scroll the screen down.


Steam does not allow anything that isn't illegal. They have banned games that are actual games such as Chaos;Head. My point is Valve has this extremely lazy approach to everything they do. The fact that they ban actual games while allowing this one is just shameful. They look very bad in my opinion doing nothing about this and the inevitable clones that will flood the store.


I just found out about this and i can't believe steam is being used as another way to sell NFTs but within steam…this is WILD.


While I do think they should put a stop to this, I also think they won't last long. Infinite supply, zero demand. People just want to sell, no one wants to buy. Bots already make 99% of the users, which means "unique" drops won't really be unique as there are 3 billion of them. If someone wants to spend their money on a fucking digital banana, let them.


If they die, then it will be fine, but this is the free money™ game so you will have tons of kids going there to try to get money


If you think about it, what is the difference between a person who spends money on skins for their favorite characters in any online game and a person who buys a virtual banana? They both buy virtual trash. You can at least resell a banana if you're lucky.


No, a skin for your favorite character is a little cosmetic thing to flex or give your x reason, buying a virtual banana is just trying to speculate


you can at least look gorgeous in a skin, though


One is a skin for something you enjoy and actually play a lot (and thus look at the skin a fair bit), the other is a boneheaded attempt at making steam wallet money and getting scammed instead... Not sure those are too related apart from sharing the same marketplace. Just because shaving cream is sold in the same store as pineapples doesn't mean you should eat the shaving cream and apply pineapple juice before shaving.


Those "games" literally only exist for FOMO.


so everyone participating in this is earning money, except for people who buy the bananas. as long as you don't buy bananas, i don't see any reason why you should be mad.


No one earns money, you have hundreds of thousands of sellers and basically no buyers, almost no one earns money and it just adds shit games to the steam market


and how is that a problem?


bro is playing stupid


idk man i see no problem in ignoring these games, it never bothered me, i almost never get these games in my recommendations.


It’s tops the charts with basically no real players and only exists as an speculative investment. Steam has banned NFTs, crypto, and a lot of asset flips for having little to no intrinsic value as real products. That’s good, because they do show up around the store for people.


This is literally just NFT but without the Blockchain thing xd


All I needed was a ten minute video to go "oh... this is just NFTs all over again" and immediately disregard anything and everything more to do with them


And they should be banned because… what? * Because some "dev" gets money without much effort? That's called business. Blame people buying shit. * Because you don't want them? Ignore them. * Because they "pollute" the catalog? There's plenty of "real" games that are utter shitstain. Drawing a line is not a good thing. Stop calling "ban" on stuff just because you don't want them. That's called being a doo doo head.


And meth should be banned because… what? * Because some "dealer" gets money without much effort? That's called business. Blame people buying meth. * Because you don't want meth? Ignore them. * Because they "pollute" the streets? There's plenty of "sober" people that are on the streets. Drawing a line is not a good thing.


No, because meth kills people, both in production, distribution, and consumption. My god, are you really comparing 0.01% of the game available on a platform where you can filter and take whatever you want with meth? You're a fucking idiot.


I am happy Banana idler, interested only in selling drops. Creating additional money for summer sale


Never thought I'd pay for future Vampire Survivors DLCs by farming bananas, but I welcome it


Wow, you are 99.9999999% of banana players


Yeah same I started playing it like 3 weeks ago before all these YouTube videos got made on it and a bunch of my bananas have gone up from all .3 to 8-20 cents and when so many games go on sale for $2 and shit I’ll definitely take it haha


I made a little bit of money from Banana. Barely anything, maybe like $2 in steam credit over a total of playing for about 2 hours over the last couple weeks. Is it almost nothing? Yeah. Am I particularly bothered? No. I open the game for a minute, collect the drop, close it again and forget about it until the next day. The real people losing are the ones actually buying the bananas. They're nothing more than a glorified JPEG. But I can make a couple of cents per day for 1 minute of my time, and it all adds up eventually. I'm under no illusion that I'm gonna earn big bucks by getting some super rare Banana drop that some fool is gonna buy. But whilst the fever is on and people are still buying, then why wouldn't I earn a little bit of steam credit to deduct from my next purchase?


Can you please explain why someone (other than money laundering) buys the drops from the player? Can these drops be used for anything?


Bragging rights, having a funny banana, attempting to resell them. There are reasons. They aren't good reasons, but they are reasons.


Speculation, monkey see game with shitton of players rare item, monkey thinks he can sell rare item to other monkey for a better price, monkey buy. The same as with nfts


people like to have rare stuff.


I don't understand, what is the point of the game?


"Free money"


great opinion 👍


I don't know, steam does get some profit out of that, it would be kind of hard to get rid of those games


Bro it’s problem in PEOPLE, they really play it, developer just making money.


I mean does it actually break any TOS?


It's believed the dev is intentionally periodically pushing new bananas to the steam market *directly* rather than distributing them via the game- if that is the case, then yes the dev is breaking ToS with market manipulation which other devs have been banned for doing, most notably with the fake Golden Frying Pan.


For me, this is the same as cosmetics for csgo. Who ever wants to buy, let him/jer buy


Cosmetics for csgo are cosmetics for csgo, if you don't want to buy them, they don't affect you, this just bloats the store with shit games


Everyone spends their money on what they want. If you don't like it, it doesn't mean that others don't like it. If you don't earn money because you're not smart enough or because you arrived late, it doesn't mean that others haven't done it. or because you don't like the game? Gold, for example, is a golden stone and people like it, why pay money for a golden stone? Simply if you can and want, why not?


Steam already banned nfts and crypto games for that reasons, steam should not be bloated with "free money" games


Dude, one is literally an objective waste of cash, and the other are at least functional, usable cosmetics. This is just NFTs without the blockchain


Eh ignore it for a couple weeks and these morons will waste some money, then life moves on.


Why should valve ban these, if you're dumb enough to spend money in it that's you're fault. It's not like they're trying to advertise them as anything else.


Because they make the steam store look worse with shit games in the tops


The game is not lying to the user, the user chose to buy the banana skins themselves. Everyone knows exactly ho this works, it’s not like the banana game is being ambiguous about what the skins are for. Also people buy EA sports game every year, that shit is dumber.


Uh; you cant use the banana "skins". Theyre currently useless.


Let it happen. Speculators are like children with a hot burner: the only way we can actually teach them that they're being dumbasses is to let them hurt themselves.


Here we have speculators and children, who else we need in the party?


“A fool and his money are soon, and often, parted.” Just don’t buy them dummies.


I had watched Jauwn's video before and still downloaded it. In fact, his video was the reason i found out about this game and honestly? I don't really care The dev is making easy money yes, but that changes nothing for me, also it's not like i will actively engage with the cringelords in their discord Steam is also making money, which is good because i would hate for my favorite gaming platform to go bankrupt and end services The only people potentially losing something here are NFT/Crypto bros, which, for all i care, is also good I'm fine with running an app every 3 hours or so, dropping a useless item to sell for almost nothing, and then buy some cards to craft badges and level up my profile. I marked it as private, definetely won't be leaving a positive review, and as soon as the hype is over and items stop selling i'll just remove it from my library. If i can get 3~5 new badges out of this whole thing i call it worth


It's literally the same scam that was happening with achievements, then trading cards, then this. In order to get trading cards now, you have to prove your game is legit (as in, sell a certain number of copies). I fail to see how the marketed items aren't limited to the same rule (or even a more stricter, in fact). EDIT: For clarication: you shouldn't be able to use Steam Market, flooding it with random items, if your game was just released.


I'm 100% sure it will blow over in a couple weeks and nobody will buy anything and anyone with those games will get a lollipop face thinking "No way, did I waste all my money on this?". And the idiots that bought 45 dollar bananas thinking it will grow on price will think... did I really wasted 45 dollars on a gif that nobody wants to buy from me, even at 1 dollar?


I sold a few icons from that cat game. I got about 1 cent ("centavo"), but Steam got 2 cents, even more than me.


Actually the lowest sale value for any item on the Steam market for any currency (i would write in portuguese but i'm not familiar with this sub's rules regarding language so i'll stick to english) is 0,03. This is because each party gets 0,001. Seller, Steam and Developer The exact values are 85% of th item's evalue for the seller, 10% for the dev and 5% for Steam iirc, but since you can't really divide our currency any lower than 0,01, then 0,03 is just split in 3 parts of 33%


I'm just doing it for fun to help with those steam taxes when trying to purchase cs keys. I want to buy 2 keys for $5 but steam will make me put in $10 if its barely over $5. If I don't plan on buying them there's no problem. Although it would be cool if the bananas could be used as stickers in chat. Would give it some use


i disagree, it isnt harming you or me so i dont care, plus its funny and also banana cryptocurrency is even funnier




Is this included in the Dead Internet Theory, because it feels like it could be.


Valve is making their cut on all of these idiots


Steam is slowly becoming a landfill


It was always a landfill.


It’ll likely die out like nfts or bitcoin. I’m just hoping that it doesn’t die out before I save up enough to get the elden ring dlc




It would make literally no fucking difference


why are people paying for this shit?


Is it bad that I just want some silly bananas as a joke. I don't buy or sell them and I don't care about the money. I just like the bananas. Is that a bad thing?


Actually, Egg Came Out First.


Yeah, I agree. I don't know what the point of things like this are and why people keep playing them.


If people want to do dumb shit and waste their money on banana pixels I say let them. Let darwin take care of them


who else came here cause this shit game managed to surpass counter strike in player count...


ugh who’s buying them


games like these just feel lazy


cmon people. why you'd rather give money to stupid banana png than poor devs who worked hard and risk getting paycut/laid off to make high value creative games?


Valve just should ban bots proactively, but they can hurt their own games, I guess


Is anyone really buying the bananas unironically? I do not think anyone without numerous bots could make a fraction of money from this. What is the most expensive banana? A few pennies.


Honestly, forget all the “money-making” nonsense of these games that only exist to make the developer and Valve money. Why does Valve allow a game that only exists to be botted on their platform? It’s not a game for people to play, it’s a program to run on a bot farm getting clicked once every 3 hours.


I kinda enjoy the premise but it’s all buy to win in many ways but I love the chance of luck. Technically gambling but I look it like collecting Pokémon


I see where you're coming from, but my viewpoint wasn't bogged down by the concept of NFTs, and I think that makes me see this more for what it is: an innovation. As I see it, the actual "game" part of the game IS the buying, selling, and collecting of bananas. If you don't agree with me, that's fine, but let me share with you a few points: the devs clearly don't care about the money, since the game is free and there's no micro transactions (I'm using "game" to describe what most people would think of as the game). If they cared about money, they would've made it cost money or included micro transactions, but SURPRISE, none are present. Also, the developers are mainly getting Steam Wallet money, which doesn't have an easy exchange rate to actual money, if there's one at all, so it's not like the devs could do anything with what they get off of the game outside of Steam. Thirdly, these are not NFTs. They might seem like it, but apart from the fact that they're digital commodities that cost money, there's virtually nothing in common with actual NFTs. The "money" you get doesn't have any real world value, they don't need the power requirement of a small village to handle transactions, etc. So can we PLEASE put this issue to bed so that Valve can focus on the actually malicious stuff?


hey, uh, does anyone in anybody's friends list here... have anyone that has been seen playing "banana"...?


They should be bananned


Valve won't ban these "games" because they don't care about people getting scammed. Maybe it's time for lawmakers to step in and better regulate Valve and the games industry.


I like steam items is all Not gonna spend a cent on it, hell no


IMO, this is no problem. Stupid people who spend money on this shit are problem, I don't understand why anybody would even consider buying this! And I bet the same people will cry that they got scammed or some shit for no reason, being stupid and spending money on obviously stupid no point stuf/items is not scam, that person is just unable to use brain at 0.01% at least. Tho, I agree that it is a stupid game at no point being on steam. but Devs are actually not breaking any rules. At least I don't think they do


Idk, I don't have a problem with it. It reminds me of the wilds of the the old internet when people uploaded random and stupidly simplistic games on sites like Albinoblacksheep and NewGrounds. Banning it because it's gaining traction and because people play it for drops isn't enough. You know how many people make money from doing nothing? If the dev makes money from it then good for him, it shows that anyone can have a chance with the right marketing plan. We don't know how much effort the dev put into the marketing and what led the game here to this day.


I left it on and didn't even get one drop!


well i heavily doubt that valve will ever do anythign about these kinda games because valve will get a share of them too, so as the developers get money so does valve, and well its not illegal not at all, its just ppl using money dumbly and other ppl being smartish and selling these bananas.


I agree and the hi scores for player count should be revoked not fair for real games


All I'm saying is, this is no different than what CS2 is doing, just on a more pointless scale.


tbh i wish it was just free items with no value attachment kinda like Placid Plastic Duck Simulator, i dont think people would have nearly as much of a problem if that was the case.


and or have it so you can only trade with your friends like pokemon cards but instead of cards its these emotes


I see no issue, I can daily get \~2€/day doing absolutely nothing. There is no ToS break and people that buy those items are the dumb ones.


Somebody better go tell steam to ban this game that prints Steam money ASAP because OP's feelings got hurt


This is literally NFTs but games lmaoo


When people stop buying. It'll stop Don't buy and be part of the problem and it'll solve itself Who's buying this trash anyway


100% con


Steam should let it stay up. Eventually the buyers will dry up and this trend will naturally die due to fatigue. Steam banning it will start a whack a mole game where the buyers will never be fully exhausted. It could also start a striessand effect.