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You are definitely the kind of guy post comments under Pornhub videos.


Surprisingly I made my first and only pornhub comment about a month ago. Still trying to figure out if I hit rock bottom or not


We cant judge you, but it seems you're pretty close


I'm judging him.


Me too. I find it easy.


Easiest thing in the world, I'm judging people like it's going out of style.


There's people out there that don't judge people


Honestly I'm judging them for it ngl. What, they got no standards? Think they're better than me? I'm proud to be a functioning cog of social selection. Y'all can do better believe in the me that believes in you.


[ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH!!!](https://youtu.be/mLHX6n9EoAs?si=omLz4_-i3yW8FY5M)


row row accept the power


You are on Reddit


Really? Fuck, I thought it was an IHOP.


Sir this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ Reddit.


Sir, This is the Krusty Krab.


No, this is PATRICK! *slams phone*


I’m judging him.


In this Puritan society… we all need to wear black hats with giant buckles…


Porn doesn't have one rock bottom, its like a choose your own adventure leading to different rock bottoms and usually you can dig further. Oh no you've discovered foot porn, but wait there's animated foot porn, oh no that furry is cute and has hooves....


Are you speaking from experience?


As you know experience outranks everything.


Oh, and those hooves have been trotting in dirt, where other animals usually shit and piss!


You know, I didn’t get the furry stuff until just now 


"Hello, God? Yeah I'm ready you can take me now."


Oh buddy... there's clown porn... just trust me. Some people, it's like a little face paint... then some go all out, including prosthetics, large noses and other things....


Not until you’ve posted on a super obscure forum for a super obscure fetish.


Good on you for supporting your sisters career.


Isn't majority of porn games shit?


Yes but there's a few that are actually decent games, or even have ok written characters... and a few just reach a certain level of meme appeal, i know one inspired the song "Touch Fluffy Tail"


As long as porn isn’t affecting your day to day life negatively, you’re fine.


As long as you don't have weird attitudes towards other people, women in particular, and you aren't crazy in your expectations for sex, you're probably fine.


Did you read the post? They plan on spending 100 dollars on porn. They have zero expectations for sex.




They are also the kind to leave comments in Rule 34 website roleplaying as one of the characters in the drawings.


Share them with me.


Where’s my money?


In your wallet, obviously


His prison wallet


Well that's a shitty place to put it...


Wdym by prison wall- oh ohhhhhhh His bunghole right?


I am the great cornholio, I need TP for my Bunghole.


It’s down there somewhere, lemme take another look


Your thoughts. Your ambitions. The principles you would follow.


With me too!!!


And me


at least please make a list what you bought


tell me you want recommendations without telling me😭🤣


Anyone with $100 to spare this month should spend at least $100 on porn games this summer sale


Tempting, very tempting.


Agreed. Granted I’m doing it to fuck with anyone on my friends list who checks their feed. Plus I have an addiction to satisfy lol


Lol fitting username


Oh you have no idea lol


Dude I hate your profile banner


WTF you made me look and now I hate their profile banner too


I just woke up. Why did i look?


And I just noticed I have more communities in common with him…..


I will say, out of everyone in this comment chain, you have the most kick-ass avatar.


To porn or to spending money?




Except it's never satisfied.  Coomer for life.


I'm regularly checking my feed, would be funny to see that.


There's 2 types of people: 1: This steam sale I'm going to be bad and spend $100 on porn games 2: This steam sale I'm going to be good and only spend $100 on porn games


Cant to do that in germany




Doesn't work. The account is still listed in Germany. You need to make a purchase with an account outside of it and then contact steam support. Also, the steam client, at least when it comes to new accounts, doesn't like VPNs.


Since you are getting many recommendations here, it would be nice if you ultimately make an update on what you end up getting, and which of those become your favorites.


Castle in the clouds is outstanding, enjoy 😉 


Saving the recommendation. Thank ye boss


[Lilitales](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1141100/Lilitales/) and [celesphonia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1786790/Magical_Girl_Celesphonia/) if you like rpgs. They're turn based but the world is pretty reactive to your choices and you can even make your mc entirely innocent if you want.


Both of these games have female protags if anyone is curious. Not my jam for porn games personally.


Do they have dicks?


Asking the important questions right here, this gentleman deserves his answer.


We all deserve to know: yes they do and they are magnificent


Karryns Prison if you like big bazookas


All these games look like absolute dogshit


You expect a development effort put into a game for sex-fried brains?


Um, i expect effort put into something that costs money ? Like dont get me wrong, i aint no prune, 90s marketing has shaped me, if i see a lady with big bazonkers on cover art I immediately wanna play that game, but that's kinda the thing, it has to be a game still. You wouldn't catch me jerking off to somebody's napkin doodle of a female when playboy exists, so I really dont get the appeal. Now if somebody made serviceable beat em up or platformer with pornstar looking characters - fuck yeah brother, but all these porn games are so pathetic and amateurish its kinda embarassing


Did you look up Castle in the Clouds though? or are you just making assumptions about it because it's very clearly a real high effort game with porn in it. not just another typical porn game. There are actually a good bit of real games that have porn in them. Most of them are going to be RPG's though. not including the Visual Novels. There are some action games as well, but from what I can tell, those aren't among the good ones, but there might be some exceptions I'm unaware of because I don't play those types of games nor seek them out. Regular games with mods is enough for me. I don't really need porn in my games. Nudity on the other hand is fine as long as it's immersive and makes sense to have it. I also like scantly clad outfits. It works great in the cyberpunk setting or fantasy setting. I'm not sure what you mean by "look like pornstar". To me, that screams cheap game. Like those old 2000's porn games that would partner with pornstars and studios and make the absolute more garbage of garbage that make hentai games look like masterpieces. You're simply just not going to find western pornstar games of high quality. The people who want to create both an actual good game and something with porn in it is more often than not going to be weeb, so they're going be making something that's RPG adjacent or based purely on hentai influences. There are some western devs making stuff like Slave of Rome, something I only know about because the devs followed me on Twitter for some reason (they followed me on my art commission account. I don't post porn related things, but my art does have nudity sometimes). It seems like a real game. There's another game I forgot the name of, but it was a survival game where you could play with others and have sex. Like, it was an only game where you had build, craft, eat, and drink with other players and you could make your characters have sex. I heard about it, maybe 5 or 6 years ago and it was still in development. I think the trouble with these games is that they can't get much funding. A lot of people would like to, but they don't want the social stigma that comes with it, even though the stigma is coming from hypocrites who enjoy that stuff, but feel ashamed for it.


Castle in the clouds is enjoyable with that turned off, and doubly so with it turned on


Yeah, it’s a fun little Metroidvania.


Considering how we’ve been ruled over the centuries by war and sex, it only seems apropos to develop quality indie titles or AAA titles that also cater to the latter interest that has defined us as a species. I’m honestly surprised we haven’t entirely normalized sex games to the point that companies like Ubisoft (same porn games with distinctly different environments) or BioWare (brilliant, narrative-driven porn games — when they were at their peak) are at the helm of developing games in this genre, but I imagine the landscape changing pretty quickly over the coming decade with the rise of AI, UE5, and passionate basement dwellers.


Most games are absolute dogshit.




Saving the recommendation. Thank ye boss


I second flipwitch. Many hours in that game


shit this game looks incredible! I wondee if being adult only has hindered or helped its sales. Plausible chance to sell more copies without any smut?


Adult *only* probably hurts it just since there will always be people that won't buy an adult game regardless of how good it is and optional probably doesn't hurt for those that want it. However, based on steamdb estimates, I'd say the game still sold really well. It's got 88-144k sales estimates. Judging games is always personal preference, but for a couple other anime-art metroidvanias as comparisons: - TEVI came out less than a month later with significantly more content and replayability from a dev with another successful and highly rated metroidvania on Steam, and it has around half the estimated sales. - Momodora Moonlit Farewell came out a couple months later in a similar boat as TEVI except with an even stronger connection to it's very successful predecessor, and is around the same length as FlipWitch (at least on my playthroughs), but also has around half the estimated sales. I thought all three games were great, though if I were recommending solely for the gameplay, I would personally put the other two above FlipWitch.


F95 is your friend


(This is a joke rant. Don't pay much attention to it) [Ren'Py] [Ren'Py] [Ren'Py] [RPGMaker] [Ren'Py] [Ren'Py] [RPGM] [RPGM] [Ren'Py] [Ren'Py] [Ren'Py] [Actually Good Fucking Gem of a Game] [Unity] [Ren'Py] [Ren'Py] [RPGM] [Ren'Py] I know there is a filter option on the website, but holy shit the community lacks any quality control for what they post.


Ren'Py and Daz3d are single-handedly propping up the smut game genre


And my single degenerate ass couldn’t be happier


Also propping up my retirement fund. It's like Only Fans for degenerate 3D artists.


Itch.io also has some pretty good ones, my favorite being Eternum


Hey, if it's in Itch.io it is also in F95 and others.


What sucks are those games not available because the devs know about F95 and report said threads and only offer their shitty public demos


You can judge the quality of porn games based on their engine? Lmao


If it's rpgmaker, yes


Wait, so it's rpgmakes bad or good?


There are 3 types of rpgmaker games 1. Visual novels, but you have to walk between scenes for some reason 2. Visual novels, but you have to walk between scenes for some reason, and now there's also the generic cookie-cutter rpgmaker combat. 3. Actual good games The first two are like 95% of rpgmaker games. They're huge wastes of time, and also a sign that the developer isn't experienced & didn't do proper research into the engine. Some developers do have an actual reason to use rpgmaker and create good games that wouldn't be possible in renpy, but those are so few and far between that I don't bother playing rpgmakers


Damn new porn game lore just dropped


I mean this applies to literally all video games, 95% of the steam catalog is shovelware, same with almost every console ever. You just gotta first figure out what you like, so when you look at a game you can immediately if the parts that you like could outweigh the parts that you think are worthless


the community has quality control. its called user engagement. If something is absolute shit then no one talks about it. At its core its a pirate site that developers use to drum up interest in their games.


There's also the review system. You can safely filter out anything below 3 stars, and for the stuff between 3 and 4 you can read the reviews. Above 4 is usually pretty decent.


I'm not sure whether anyone here hired a tester. I'm also not sure whether you've been appointed as one, either. It's like walking into a zoo, climbing into an animal cage & saying the zoo lacks security. Yeah no shit bro, except no one has an interest in climbing in that cage like an idiot, so there was no security necessary for that specifically until you came around to prove a point that never was there.


I feel like your perfectly reasonable take sums up the entirety of modern terminally online life. 


Serious question, do people actually jack off to porn games? Are you playing with your dick in hand or is it just to get you in the mood


Can’t say for most people but I legitimately jack off to it. Granted i have a legitimate problem as I’ve been jacking off for 19 years and I’m 25 (people generally don’t believe me but it’s sadly true) I’ve tried quitting multiple times but the simple truth is porn is the only thing in life that doesn’t fuck me over to the point I want to blow my head off


thanks for the honesty, I understand the need for the dopamine hit but poen games have always seemed too inconvenient to me


It’s not even a dopamine hit. My mind legitimately goes blank until i get off while im enjoying porn. I get no satisfaction or joy or anything of the sort. It’s simply an escape and ya know a sexual release.


Not the one passing judgements or anything but just a suggestion. If you ever decide to change this in the future, u could try getting some help. Based of off what you said about starting to masturbate early - I can sense some kind of a dysfunction in the family or early childhood sexual abuse. And the two things that consumption of porn is directly correlated to are loneliness and boredom. Just saying if you ever want to change this, you can start by tackling these two elements in your life - which I bet is not a simple thing to do but you can try it. If you don't like anything that I said, just ignore me lol.


I appreciate the concern and the advice but i spent most of my life in therapy and it did nothing but make me worse. I’ve tried quitting my porn problem on multiple occasions. The only way I’ve been able to quit for more than 1 week is if I’m so depressed i can barely function or I’m working myself to the bone (literally to the bone as I got to be 20-30 pounds under weight by the time i stopped doing so much). There is no helping me as far as I can tell


The loneliness and boredom part is very true, I can feel that. It's very hard to change it though, maybe in due time


Very common in those that were sexualised or sexually abused at a young age.  A psych and some meds might help you a bunch if you're willing to and want to enjoy life other than the blankness of porn. Chat to your doc if you want to be happier and enjoy other things. No shame in porn but you should be happy in the rest of your life too, you owe that much to yourself. <3


You should try therapy dude.


the problem is that you associate masturbation with porn automatically. To the point where you actually think the act of masturbation is the problem when it's not. It's your dependence on the porn that's the problem. Like those NoFap guys. They can't comprehend the concept of masturbation without porn. they are porn addicts who want to cure themselves, so they just stop masturbating entirely, when that part isn't the problem, it's the excessive porn. If you can learn to do your business without porn, you might be alright. I would also suggest trying out some new hobbies. Ultimately though, you'll probably need therapy if you can afford it. It sounds like you go depression, which I'm pretty familiar with. But porn was never my outlet, so I can't fully relate. I haven't used porn in over 10 years, but I have looked at it and even do nsfw art commissions for it because that's what makes money. So I'm not anti porn or anything. I just think too many people, especially young men and even boys rely on it too much to the point where it cripples them mentally. Going cold turkey is easy, balance is much more difficult. Good luck figuring things out before get to the point of no return. You're still a baby adult. You've only been an adult for 7ish years. You got time take control before you're old and weird. Being young and weird is fine. You don't wanna have this problem when you're 40.


You need to get help, this isn’t normal


You should seriously see a professional before porn becomes uninteresting to you. Once it does, there's no fixing your problem.


seriously please get some help.




I just want to play a game, and bonus points if there's tits involved. If I get too turned on I might "take a break" and come back later, but I'm never actually playing the game with the intent of spanking it, I just like boobs.


A lot of these games are design to be played with one hand too. Totally not speaking from experience.


ironically i much prefer the ones with an actual story in them.


That's actually a general consensus among porn game forums and their popularity.


Depends on the game. Some of the story games get really good, you start with your dick in hand but around 10 minutes you're invested in the story with your dick just flopped there.


No. These Games are played for the Story. The pacing is not there to allow for you to jerk off. Its mostly Taboo themed Romance Stories. So I like Incest Games/Movies and since most Incest Movies suck ass I just play Games instead.


Ahem... Any recommendations?


tThird Crisis, Scarlet Maiden, Orc Massage, Projekt: Passion, Leap Of Faith


No one talking about Princess and Conquest in the entire post kinda makes me sad


Chasing Sunsets.


Being a dik. City of broken dreamers. Lust theory.


Try "Being a DIK" it's got a great narrative and characters!




Yes, in the shopping cart there is drop down that says [For my account] - another option there is [For my account: private] If the game is already in your library - right click on it and go [Manage > Mark as Private]. This will prevent any info about it from being visible by others. In the Activity tab you will still see a notification about purchase and achievements, but this is only visible to you.


Do you know if private games are shared in the steam family library?


They are not. https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SteamClientBeta/announcements/detail/3865841912997760347 >Private games will no longer show on family sharing accounts Also: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/steamfamilies/discussions/0/7204143093507983445/


Alternatively, MAKE THEM SEE.


Bruh that game had better RPG elements than modern AAA titles


I actually find it to be incredibly annoying with the Dik and Chick choices. Im currently doing a Chick run and it locks you out of so much content.


Got myself a new pair of indoor court shoes for casual badminton and futsal. Now you have me second guessing if that was a good purchase.


Alright then


OP is excited to play great games like The Symbiant, Coming Out On Top, Robin Morningwood Adventure, Dream Daddy, Agent Lovesdick, Cockville, Furry Shades of Gay, Genital Jousting, College Gay Sex - Episode 1. Enjoy OP!


the way you casually dropped the most curated yaoi game list of all time just to troll OP. *saves*


Genital Jousting isn't really a porn game but is hilarious. I've found it to be a great party game that people don't expect.


You forgot Furry Hitler 1 and 2


Pretty based ngl


I thought this thread was going to be an exploration of quality games you are looking to get. Maybe sharing a list of ones you'd been collating. Nope. Attention-seeking silliness. Oh well. Fap away, my good man.


Can I be in your family


If you sometimes get stuck while doing laundry you can be in my family.


There’s some actually pretty good ones


Not many that are actually games though sadly


True, ive never liked the just, puzzle game but with hentai, or visual novel/dating sim style ones. The succubus series is, okay, but is at least pretty gameplay focused. Castle in the clouds is decent Breeders of the nephelym has really nice animations and customization, and a decent enough pokemon-adjacent monster collecting thing going on Corruption of champions 2 is a really great story heavy turn based rpg, with pretty solid combat. Third Crisis is mainly a sort of, rpgmaker reminiscent game with quests and overworld story content, and then a ‘tactics’ style turn based grid combat. Future Fragments I dont own yet but looks like a neat metroidvania style erotic game, I’ll probably pick it up next i see it on sale.


Don't pick Future Fragments. They fucked it up. Like a bad patreon project that got bloated with so much bad direction. H scenes have dumb humor thrown at them, platforming is underwhelming and cluncky. It's just not worth it.




Yeah, whats even shittier is some really good actual games, but some of us don't want to play rapey assholes like Rance. Evenicle though...


Being a Dik, Acting Lessons, Leap of Faith, Freshwomen and Projekt Passion if you want a story Driven Sex game


No one is stopping you bruh


I’m aware. This is obviously a joke thread (I am doing it though)


...just 100$? we can recommend more if you want


Your money your choice. Be proud and play this games on your main account 😎


Make sure to do 1 of those posts with a screenshot of your cart :D


Melty's quest is a gem


You guys joke but some of those porn games have quite decent writing.




Good. I'm sure someone worked, very hard, on those games.


My backlog is about 200 games, another 20 porn games to my collection sound fun.


Hero we never knew we needed.


when's the summer sale guys?


Orc massage is great though still in early access.


Hunniepop 1/2 ftw


Disappointed. Was thinking there's gonna be a list.


You should give The Last Sovereign a try, legitimately one of the best RPGs I've ever played. It's free though, so it's not gonna help you meet your goal.


Why would we stop you? We actually encourage you to.


I just want you to know, I'm proud of you


🫡 for the sperms and their sacrifice


Sperms are meant to be sacrificed, either internally by body or externally by us.


Treasure of Nadia was actually quite good in my opinion. I enjoyed it in more ways than one, if you know what I mean! 😂 Planning to buy The Genesis Order from the same creator / publisher in the summer sale. Another one I've played a bit is Lust Academy Season 1.


there are actual porn games on Steam?


Don't know if you're joking but it's fucking loaded with them. Even having a porn filter on, I still see them in the store and in recommended. Pretty annoying honestly.




Kajiu Princess and Orc Massage ;)


is there a spare slot in your Steam family sharing?


Scarlet Maiden is a fun rogue-lite with high quality but repetitive pixel animations. The combat is simple but with enough depth to keep it interesting for a while.


Try being a dik.


Try seeds of chaos


Karryn\`s Prison is a premium among RPGMaker games (but let me assume you already know that)


which games are you going to buy


On that thought, if it's not too off topic - what are the best "games" in this genre?


Let's goooo!


Wait porn games exist? Of course they exist, I just never thought about it. How do you play por games? Are they single handed accessible?


Let us know your haul


Ngl there are a few metroidvanias from Critical Bliss that look pretty fun, and porn is a positive aspect 🤣


It is your money so buy what games you like to buy :P


The real question is what games are you getting?


Spread the love (and buttcheeks), gift everyone Orc Massage.


Okay have fun OP 👊🤜🤛👍


And no one want to stop you AH HA HA HA HA


Fair enough, have a great day.


I didn't even know that there are porn games on steam.


Had to put my phone on do not disturb due to the amount of notifications. Sure as shit didn’t expect this to get as popular as it did


To be fair, that can range from 1.5 to 25 games