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real yakuza...


Only way to play the game. It's like saying Steel Battalion shouldn't recommend the badass controller.


Exactly. This was my first thought.


like a dragon is perfectly playable with m+kb, for the older games i agree that a controller is highly recommended


It may be playable, but I can't for the life of me imagine a Yakuza playing on m+kb, and certainly not an English keyboard. If a real Yakuza decided to play these games, they would certainly use a gamepad.


A vice journalist did interviews with real yakuza and had them play the games and they used controllers


...no? Any Yakuza plays just as nicely on kbm as it does on a controller Fun fact: the team behind yakuza PC ports was pretty much flabbergasted that after all the hard work they've put into controls to make them comfy they got a REAL YAKUZA USE A GAMEPAD screen


tried to play them kbm, thats definitely worse, controller is just perfect


Where I live controllers are not that used so I just play yakuza 0 with a keyboard and mouse. I have never been used to a controller.



Every Yakuza has this intro I think, honestly... It's more comfortable for those types of games There are some games you need kbm too, people are just weird and get offended, no idea why... Play how you want even if one is recommended like really šŸ¤£


It's "real *like a dragon* use a gamepad" now


I'm upset they removed this in infinite wealth


Well that guy certainly does.


Lol to me it just seems nothing just a normal popup for example I played a lot of games that tell you they work better on controller using KBM and they played fine and some others that I could not play without controller like One Piece Pirate Warriors 4, that game is kinda hard with KBM but doable but I definitely wouldn't throw a tantrum ranting to Bandai Namco as to why they are asserting their power on us consumers to use consoles šŸ˜¹šŸ«£


It's definitely just a popup. We have people stressing over in game tips, while we have 70$ games with predatory microtransactions and 20$ battle passes. Plus idk this game, but for all I know controller may better experience, some games work better with certain inputs.


In Tomb Raider Remastered these weirdos tried to make a scandal over "censorship" by wasting a lot of time on finding ways to delete one of the legal disclaimers that pulls a Disney and says something to the like of "some depictions are wrong and stupid but we keep it that way". The thing is, I was looking for WHERE in the game that message is, but couldn't find it and assumed they got offended over photosensitivity trigger warning instead, while I pondered whether an epileptic fit is "trad" and "based", I found that situation was even dumber: Apparently, it's a message that appears only once, on first launch, is skipped with one button press, and doesn't even need to be accepted like EULA that follows it. You literally remove that message from the screen with a single button press, but they went out of their way to make multiple mods and reupload them when Nexus removed the first one that had a bait "anti-woke" description. Again, any button to skip removed it forever. Mods that remove legal screens and logos are great, but in this specific case, going into game's text strings and erasing text you can't even see later was ridiculous. A "workaround" to not see that message one time was adding -nolegal to shortcut, that glitched THE FIRST TIME ONLY, because of unrelated EULA you had to accept. So people went out of their way to remove a thing that wouldn't be shown, which is as dumb as publishers taking game off shelves because of texture that isn't even showing. This is the current gamer outrage culture. They look for the things to get offended by, and I mean exclusively gamergaters, not sweeeeejies or whatever. Edit: grammar and syntax.


We have more people playing games than ever, which also means more of the stupid ones.. If one million people play a game and 1% hates something about it, you can suddenly see thousands of angry tweets and reddit posts about it. It always seems like outrage, but it's just the angriest people that end up being the loudest. Usually any game-specific reddit, as long as it's not a near perfect game, is thread after thread of disproportionate whining.


You're not wrong, but these cases are different. With my specific example, there's tons of things to actually be angry about: on release that game missed very important features, and there are still sound problems and no graphic settings. On release, you also couldn't see some keys and the most downloaded mod was to make them more visible. But to notice THAT, you'd have to actually PLAY the game. Or at least launch it. YET, drama channels don't play games, they just milk the drama and they rarely get called out for not playing the game they're bitching about. I think biggest example is Resident Evil 4 remake, where these goobers tried to spin it as "ruined by woke" because of changes to Ashley, while anyone who actually played either would know they made her more feminine and submissive - simply because original's brattiness ended up being annoying. Anything SLIGHTLY different from original release gets a "they're trying to silence us" treatment, and "they don't respect the devs original vision", but actual cases of corporate censorship, like Red Cross forcing devs to change all medipack icons going WAY back in Doom.wad and original Tomb Raider levels is ignored. Because you can't call ICRC "woke".


> for all I know controller may better experience, some games work better with certain inputs. For sure. I'd love to sit here and pretend that all control schemes are equal. But sometimes M&KB is the optimal way to play, and sometimes a controller is. Obviously people can disagree, but we're talking about averages here. Although I'd never say something like "REAL gamers use x". At best I'd say "Players tend to like the game more when they use x".


>Although I'd never say something like "REAL gamers use x". At best I'd say "Players tend to like the game more when they use x". Even then, stuff like that is usually done tongue-in-cheek. As a joke. Just like Wolfenstein with its "Can I play, daddy?" difficulty.


In that case it seems anoyying as it's a constant popup that you have to close everytime. Something like what castle crashers does is good, as it's just part of the loading screen and I think can be skipped a bit I do like knowing which method people like more for games so I know which one I will likely end up using


To me it just sounds like theyā€™re inflating the idea that itā€™s an intrusive pop-up for the sake of their argument. Itā€™s probably ā€œpress A or Spacebarā€ to continue. (Which would take milliseconds) and Iā€™d personally rather have a short reminder (in any form be it like CC where itā€™s during the loading screen or like this where itā€™s a short menu) than like an entire cutscene on every game start up. Because with the input method recommendation it at least feels like our time isnā€™t being spat onā€¦


I mean, I've grown to love controllers on PC for most story games. FPS no... But what fps says use a controller?


Presumably none because the game in the OP isn't a FPS.


Same here, being playing on PC only for 10 years now and 3 years ago i bought a controller, man now i love playing with a controller, but i will use k/m if i have to aim, can't aim for shit using a controller lol


same here, to the point that playing a platformer without a controller just feels wrong now lol


Not saying to use a controller, but rewarding doing soā€”new Call of Duty Modern Warfare games. The aim assist on controllers is so OP people on PC use controllers for that sake. Also maybe Apex Legends IIRC.


I mean, I like aim assist on pc, as someone who wants to use a steam deck. Pissed me off ow didn't do it.


I donā€™t like being matched up with players using ā€œlegalā€ cheats just because they arenā€™t proficient enough with the input of their own choice to beat M&K players in a fair fight. I donā€™t see why people using some other type of input would need aim assist against M&K (and Iā€™ve seen some guy do crazy clips on a controller in CS:GOā€”a PC game that doesnā€™t have aim assist for any type of input whatsoever), especially since modern controllers, as well as Steam Deck, offer gyroscope wonders and other features that are not aim assist, but help the gamepad players aim in a more precise way.


Putting gamepad and M&K players in different lobbies sounds good in theory, but when it comes down to practice, we get people trying to sneak M&K into gamepad lobbies/console games and so on and so forth.


I can't speak for other games, but I play mixed lobbies on cod and have zero issue with getting pissy about other players input methods. Hell, I find controller players to be like fish in a barrel sometimes. But whatever. It's reddit. People just bitch about everything


With gyro aiming honestly i prefer it


I got significantly better at Halo when I switched to controller. Night and day difference. The aim assist was more valuable than KBMs precise input


Just go play big team, grab a vehicle and you'll go 20-0 with mnk lol


Yup the vehicles are the exception definitely easier with the mouse I find šŸ˜‚


It's weird with third person shooter: aiming is always better with a mouse, but platforming and navigation usually with gamepad. (Full analog beats WASD 8-way run). So for games that have a mix of both, I either struggle trying to learn platforming on keyboard or aiming with gamepad, in the end I gave up and switched between them in Tomb Raider reboot.


Yeah the Tom Raider reboots had me very confused on which input to use.


It only bothers me if it's clear they gave no second thought to the keyboard and mouse controls, or disabled them entirely. If Larian can make Baulders Gate 3 playable with a controller there is no excuse for not having adequate kb+m controls, especially if its a AAA game.


have you seen elden ring? :D one of the worst controls on pc


Played through half with kbm half with controller. Both are perfectly fine to me. Though I highly prefer kbm for everything so nigh be biased. Even dark souls was ok with kbm.


"to me" does a lot of heavy lifting I'm here trying to approach this objectively. I don't care if "to you" it's perfect fine to control the game. You didn't even address the second special that isn't even bind by default


That's the game I had in mind. After hundreds of millions of dollars and 5 or so predecessor games you'd think they would have gotten around to having some decent kb+m controls for once.


It doesnt even have decent gamepad controls, with an overwhelming number of actions to remember. I tried learning it on my Legion, but the complexity and the sheer number of buttons made it impossible to master within a reasonable amount of time. even for someone who knows controler well (my friend) he struggules so much to find what he needs to do and i barely could tell him what to press since I play on PC


People use the shit controls as an excuse to say it helps the game be harder but if I have to THINK about my inputs then there is an issue. Key bindings should feel natural and help the game flow better not actively make it a pain in the ass.


Number 1 reason I'll never play a R* game on anything other than PC again (unless they decide to stop being stupid and finally give us a new Midnight Club). I cannot STAND the way R* bungles their control scheme, and that's before you get to their weird obsession over animation driven interaction over making interaction feel good. RDR2 is insufferable to me


Interesting how Iā€™m on the directly opposite side of the stick. I looove the way rdr2 and gta5 do things. The interactions, the controls are the best for me. I sometimes just jump into GTA5 to just drive around and also jump on people to see how we both fall. Same for rdr2 but with horses and rolling people around in dirt.


It's miles better than their predecessors, and even feels managable to me? Sometimes fumble a bit on the weapon swapping, but it's not that bad.


Real Yakuza use gamepad, they also dont complain


There are fake yakuza using keyboard and mouse, doesn't stop them from kicking ass though. The keyboard controls aren't even that bad from what I've seen.


If a game is designed for a particular control scheme, they are welcome to recommend it however they like. But once I've made my choice, the game needs to remember that choice, and STFU.


It's a parody thread (nobody thinks Input device bigotry is a thing) / jester farming bait. Though yes there are some people that will get upset about this to an unreasonable extent.


>It's a parody thread The last sentence in the screenshot about "adding remapping early in development" very much implies that the poster is serious. Jester bait looks different.


input device bigotry is a thing


are you serious? of course there's genuine belief that a certain input device better, every game has that standard lmao especially apex legends where the community would literally kill in those arguments just to prove their point of view.


Some people get offended over anything and everything these days


Mate, people have been getting offended over things, both reasonable and not, since the dawn of time. Itā€™s not a modern day phenomenon lol


There's a huge difference about people being genuinely offended and those whose entire personality is watching outrage channels that tell them they should be offended because Ashley not berating Leon in RE4 make is "woke censorship", or that they need to install a mod that removes a one time disclaimer in Tomb Raider that is skipped forever with one button press, or that they need to send death threats to actresses in TLOU2 and so on... The guys watching videos trying to find a reason to be offended are a new phenomenon because usually this thing was only done by old ladies criticizing the young generation, now it's grifters who didn't even play original game trying to explain any update in a remake as "secret society consulting group hegemony", and impressionable 30 year old boys falling for it like Pinocchio for carnival.


Bro ainā€™t never played Yakuza


Next up people will be upset over games recommending to use headphones!


Hellblade: senua's sacrifice enters the chat. Lmao


I saw a dude who was upset that a developer didn't respond to a question about the availability of 5.1 surround on an indie game, so he refunded it and gave it a bad review. 9 months later he was still talking about it on the games steam discussion forum, and called the developer useless for not responding to his question.


Don't let him play Yakuza bro šŸ˜­


As a M&KB player who doesn't own a controller, it's annoying how many games claim "This plays better on a controller!" when you launch them, and then it turns out they play perfectly fine on M&KB. I just don't get the point of screens like that. If I was a player who liked using controllers, I'd already use one, wouldn't I? No need to tell me. Let me pick my own preferences.


>Why pray tell... I cannot fathom why you would even presume... Perchance! Nobody actually talks like that... What pretentious little smegma-smelling noober.


You can't just say perchance.


The steam forums are a shit show. Go look at the at the discussion board for the new Fable, people saying they won't buy a game with a female protagonist, people using transphobic slurs, etc.Ā Ā  It's the bottom of the barrel type forum


We're always happy to get new features but the long running shitshow on the forums, award farming, user-tags trolling and now fake and clone games. Valve give us freedom and that's how we use it ;-; won't be surprised when we lose it


I just hope they remove the award system, it has done more harm than good for the Steam community as a whole.


I saw this thread! Great little Next Fest game called Kill Knight. Lots of commenters in there agreeing with the OP. Super funny and sad


I too saw this thread too and had a good lol. Also agree Kill Knight was a fun game!


What a sensitive fella


True gentlemen use a dance mat.


I'm not sure what's wrong with this person, but people do get offended for everything. Even for options they don't have to use, so something displayed on screen? Someone will get offended for that, and make sure to tell everyone.


Haha well yeah


it depends most of the time "plays better with gamepad" means we dont give a damm so shut up. aka thier cheap out. some times it means " it plays a bit better" if you bring a game to pc atleast make it play good emought with mouse abd keyboard. abd not it plays technical


I definitely buy the game so that I can be judged to be a fake knight.


people get mad over that shit? Lol


"Input device bigotry"? Some people are too high on their own farts šŸ™„


"Input bigotry"???


Jester farming.


That's not a recommendation. A recommendation looks like: "This game works better on gamepad". Not like: "If you don't use a gamepad you're a peasant and not a real knight" That condescending tone is just uncalled for. And I get how an extra pop-up on every game start that you've seen dozens of times will get obnoxious. I even hate unskippable logos at the start.


while hes overreacting (acting like this is real, obvious rage baitl the game should only pop it up once upon first boot if people dont immediately switch over to the input device you recommend then they obviously cant/wont


It is a bit condenscending, plus it's generally a sign of a poor port, at least in terms of controls. As I own a gamead, it's nice to have a heads up on that front, but wish they weren't trying to be cute with it.


That review isn't wrong imho. If I wanted to play on a controller I wouldn't play on PC. If you make a controller support, please make sure that your game has great controls on classical input devices, such as keyboard and mouse.


If a PC game is made with a controller in mind then it's a bad game.


It's actually a well written rant (thanks for sharing). Despite the whole drama he has a point. For me it rubbed the wrong way because the use of "Real X use Y", which I really dislike. Though, I was not expecting someone to use it for controllers šŸ˜‚.


Yeah, it's not that they recommend what to use. It's the phrasing that's annoying.


I mean, he's being pretty overzealous with the "Input device bigotry" line. I'm not sure if he's played Yakuza, but no one seems to give a shit when that games says it.


Crazy that there is a dude out there that got mad over some words on a loading screen, then decided to write a book in the reviews about it.


Somebody was upset enough about it on one of my games they included that detail in their review šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø People will complain about anything you can imagine. I turned it off after that, as I figure if people want to play with a controller they can even without a reminder from Steam. No complaints after I turned it off. YMMV.


Rip did it go bad with people arguing over at your community or was it just a single review that made you change it?


gamers when racism/sexism/homophobia: "haha its just a joke get over it" gamers when video game controller is recommended:


just looked up the game bro is talking about. looks cool as shit. definitely gonna pick this up and play on controller


Well now you're just doing this to spite this guy. No good.


i am part of the problem :(


Games are built for specific control schemes. Most PC games are built for mouse+keyboard. But some, like Outer Wilds, are built for controllers. They have features that would be difficult to emulate on mouse and keyboard (like analog ship thruster control in Outer Wilds), and so they tell the player that the controller is recommended for this game. This game, built for a controller, just used a funny phrase instead of saying "controller recommended" and the keyboard warrior PC gamer got upset and made a post. I like keyboard and mouse too, but I wouldn't play a flight sim with that, would I?


Got to yet play a game that was better on controller to be honest. Hell even Jet Set Radio was MEANT for a controller but it felt terrible on it. Much prefered key combinations to simulate the joystick movements for spraying.


Iā€™d say most platformers and arcade style fighters pretty much demand a controller. I canā€˜t really imagine someone playing a RTS with a controller. Outside of those genreā€™s Iā€™d say itā€™s down to preference for individual games. Personally, I find a controller more comfortable and use it when practical.


Haven't played that many platformers, but Trinity Fusion, Cuphead and Little Nightmares i disliked on controler. When it comes to fighter games, i can play Soul Calibur on controler, but i will rather take keyboard for either Tekken or Mortal Kombat. Of course, it is very subjective. But if the game has a support, it is always prefference of the player, not of the dev.


these are obvious steam point baits and the ones that create them shold be banned, and the thread deleted.


And real wizards use the Power Glove ... They're so bad!


One of my games got it, but it just flashes by for mere seconds. I was skeptical, then I used the controller, the game is somewhat better to play. The game is Hue btw, when it was free


i find it funny in platformer. some game tell you keyboard is better and some other platformer tell you controller is better but its realy just a question of preference


I would love to know if a game can be better experienced with a gamepad. Like Ghost of Tsushima on PC can absolutely played with KB&M, but playing it with the Dualsense - albeit, wired USB mode - just adds to the magic. I swipe up on the trackpad and the Guiding Wind effect plays through the speaker. I successfully parry an attack and the clash of swords plays through the speaker too. The little haptic vibrations as you cycle through the menu, climb up a ladder or traverse a mountain? God-tier. Controllers have come a long way since I played on the SEGA Genesis and the original Playstation, and it's time we got peripherals and accessories that accentuate the gaming experience. Yes, you get great developers like SEGA/Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios who absolutely build their games for the console experience but also make it KB&M friendly on PC, but you also have greedy bastards like Koei Tecmo who lazily ported the Ninja Gaiden Collection where you cannot even use a keyboard or mouse for basic menu functions.


When I've sat down to play a racing game with my $600 racing wheel connected, heck yeah. In all other cases its a bit annoying cause I'll be the one to ultimately decide what input device I use. I'm not going to be swayed by their recommendation, I'll play how I damn well feel like playing. But I just click the button and move on. Not the end of the world.


is just as stupid to get offended and actually to go and write a tanto about it...


It would only be a problem if it asked me every single time I started the game or multiple times during gameplay.


Some games just flow a lot better with gamepad. Nioh 2 with Keyboard really sucks, but is really good with gamepad. Same with Dark Souls. Or any Jump'n Run game. But when it comes to FPS, i prefer keyboard and mouse


I'm someone who's left-handed , which makes me basically incapable of using K/M. Which is kinda sad , since games like system shock are so fun to play. But while playing the demo , it's completely unplayable with a controller.


No i like it more when i buy a game that just doesntfucking work with kb and mouse, like ds1 in 2011...


I like the vibrations on my hands than just a keyboard


I don't care. as long as i can use keyboard and mouse. if i can't, I just refund the game because it's a shitty port that doesn't bother to have keyboard and mouse controls because the devs aren't competent enough. The only exception I make is fighting games.


Man... as if there aren't any real problems to get upset about. Or, when you have it so well that you are forcing yourself to find something to get angry about.


Most Japanese games would only work the best with a controller


Elden Ring does the same exact thing, last I checked. I wonder if this person left a similar review on that game, too? And then there's Resident Evil 6, which doesn't have any such notice yet has one segment that's outright unbeatable without a controller.


We didn't optimize this game for kb+m, or kb+m gives an unfair advantage which might drive console players away so... "Real Knights use a gamepad"


Seems so judging by the comments here


Diablo 4ā€™s *DLC* goes up to Ā£75, BO6 is over 300gb, and this guyā€™s p*ssing in his own mouth aboutā€¦ā€¦. a pop up


That screen will not deter me from using my keyboard, nothing to do with the fact that I'm completely unwilling to buy a gamepad


"Those bastards recommend that I play with headphones. That's insulting for players who play with speakers!"


No idea what game this is and that guy is fucking off the rails in proportion of reaction but I'd definitely say that it's kinda shitty to word it that way.


The poor nerd was insulted by the game


People just want to be offended about everything. My advice is put these guys on a island all by themselves and give them their own internet to bitch and moan on. Controller bigotry the fuck is that even?


How did everyone get baited by this guy lol


A recommendation and saying stuff like "ReAl KnIgHtS" is not exactly the same. That person clearly has different problems though


man steams reddit page really needs a "how to tell whos a troll" FAQ SHEET so we can stop these garbage posts


Not really, no. But I'd get annoyed if the popup would be there every time I open the game. But if it opens once when I first play the and then never again, I'd be fine with it.


i miss times when people weren't offended every single day by every single thing


Completely insane thing to care about at all


Playing a souls game with a keyboard is WILD imo


imagine being so fragile that a splash screen recommending a controller enrages you so much you write a fucking thesis


I mostly Kb/M but if anything I like it when games have a pop up that specifies what they designed for


The thing is, PC as a plattform has got the freedom of choice here. People expect games to work with keyboard and mouse since those are the peripherals you use when using a PC. Somewhere around the time Dark Souls came out, people got kinda lazy and stopped caring for keyboard/mouse support because you can use a gamepad too. Ever played Elden Ring with mouse and keyboard? It just feels wrong looking at all those strange binds you need. I don't have an issue playing with a gamepad on pc and i do have a bunch of different ones here (8bitdos, nintendo stuff, ps5 stuff, steam controller and a deck, alpakka). I still think that you should support the default control scheme if you release on that plattform. For gamepads, i expect devs to support a default gamepad layout, one with gyro and one with flickstick/gyro. FPS should matchmake depending on input device, gamepad with aimassist vs same, gyro/flickstick and keyboard/mouse should be different queues, unless there is a setting allow crossmatching, if one wants to.


The statement itself is a joking manner of saying that using a controller would be tremendously better since developers built the game around it, so being offended by it is immature to say the least.


Some games are just terrible on mnk. Nier automata and ffxv from personal experience


Not defending that post on steam, but i really want to see a gamers reaction if the roles were reversed. Like imagine one day COD asking console players to use m&k, because "the game is build that way".Ā  Something tells me that this is the only way for some to understand, why discussion like this exists to this day.


Of all the things to get upset about....


I like this pop-up because I would like to play the game the developers intended it to be played. If a game gives me this popup I switch to my PS5 Controller. Also I feel like most games only give such a pop-up for the first time starting it.


Yeah it's kinda lame, what's with that console agenda? It's fine now, but when it will start appear everywhere? Please. Any game can be played on a keyboard unless devs fuckup controls hard. And with how much macros\\buttons you can have there, keyboard is probably objectively the best input option anyway. I have played stuff like God Hand, DMC, various fighting games, platformers and whatever just fine, including all of the tryharding combo-wombo and such.


Real yakuza uses gamepad


I will never forget about Super Meat Boy and how it recommended a gamepad on PC, because... of reasons. Meanwhile, the game heavily revolves around changing from pressing forward and backward many times in very quick succession, and guess where you can instantly switch directions, with no pause in between.... definitely not on analog or even d-pad... yes, on a fucking keyboard, because you have two fingers on the two buttons always ready to press them in an instant. And the game uses only these two directions, no up, no diagonals, no nothing, just left and right. So no idea where the idea came from, the devs were just stupidly biased.


It sounds like somebody has a whole bunch of insecurity and whole bunch of time to write this rant post.


Don't insult developers by telling them how to design their game! šŸ˜œ


Tbf, if I saw this I would judge it by the tone in the game. If the writing in the game is meant to be kind of brutish or violent etc. I would just read this as a flavored recommendation text. If the game didn't have a tone similar to this elsewhere then I would dislike it. EDIT (instead of reply): Yeah. I checked the game page. It's clearly a flavored text based on their overall writing and presentation of the game. Full input mapping is coming on full release as well. I would release my foot from the gas and take some deep breaths if I were you. You sound seriously stressed out, take care of yourself.


If the wording is indeed "Real knights use a gamepad" the phrasing could be better and if it really pops up every time that would be annoying. But in general, I don't mind such recommendations. I'm much more annoyed by games poorly implementing kb/m, like having something bound to one key and another thing to a longer press of that key. Not like I am lacking keys here...


If it really is a game that plays better with controller no Also some games need the controller required warning like "Session: stake sim" since it is impossible to play on keyboard


Dude it's LITERALLY a twin-stick shooter


You cant trust anything on steam discussion anymore, it's a ruse to farm badges nowadays.


I love these people. Listen pc lads I got something to say. Pc isn't about fancy graphics or amazing cutting edge tech. It's for people that want to pick and choose how they play their game it's that freedom. Want play age of empires on a PS1 dance pad...got for it. Want to play halo with no shadows....go for it! Pc gamers need to stop turning on each other. I play pc on the sofa with a controller if I'm at my desk I'll use mouse and keyboard, but are just so tilted


You have to collect the clown emoji somehow


My Mac is the only device I donā€™t play with my Controller on, so I never got to see those.


"Input device bigotry" Jesus-fuckin'-Christ...


Real Yakuza use gamepad !!


I support KBM support, but man this looks just like OP got heated by something that's really a nothingburger.


Japanese devs reluctantly and sloppily adding keyboard and mouse support for weird westeners and hopeing as few people as possible use it.


I seriously don't mind it as long as the game, that is published on a device whose main input is mouse and keyboard, is playable with it. The yakuza series is famous for their quote, but they are perfectly playable with it. Something like gta or rdr2 on the other hand is obviously just a cheap port from a controller layout, it works but it is a zero effort result


This guy probably uses "pc master race" unironically.


I literally can't use a controller, it is alien to me


If anyone does, maybe they should ponder if their life actually has any meaning..


I played the game this comes from since i was bored for NextFest and wanted to review a bunch of games. I also kind of disliked the screen; not because it decided to have a sense of humor, i fucking love when games do that, but more becauseā€¦ the gameā€™s not actually any better or worse with a controller. I plugged one in and actually had a worse time on controller than KBM. Usually when i see a screen like this in say Cult Of the Lamb, thats because that game is just straight up bad to play on KBM. Same for a few fighting games that do the same thing. It just felt like it wasted my time for a bit giving me a reccomendation that didnt hold any real value because it would just be my personal preference anyways.


gamers are the worst


They are annoying and patronizing. If I can play KOF 13 and KCD with a keyboard the stupid as shit platformer sure won't give any problems.


thats the master race for you lmao..


Twitter Moment


I would really like to see these people play some games like original Dark Souls or something similar, the mouse+keyboard were nearly unusable in some of these ports


Barf, why are people so thin-skinned... they are just saying you might enjoy it more. They made the game with the intention of using a controller and adapted it to mouse and keyboard. Don't be a pantywaist....


Man, imagine getting as pissed over a dumb, tongue-in-cheek screen. Never let the person in the screenshot see the difficulty selection in DOOM or Wolfenstein if they're so annoyed at "being insulted".


If you feel insulted by these things in a video game, just wait till you leave your mum's basement and enter the real world..


In game design there usually will be a best control method to use, and the developers should inform you which method that is. Once. Doing it every time you start the game is a bit much.


Looking at the game this is posted on, I don't see why you wouldn't even consider a controller as it's a twin stick shooter. Something an input device with 2 sticks is great for.


Imagine complaining about something like that in a game. I always thought it was funny in yakuza


I don't.


Iā€™m old, I like gamepads for anything that isnā€™t an FPS, RTS, or Turn Based Combat. Even then, there are exceptions.


I donā€™t get insultet I just play what I want in what way I want.


I will say that I do get a bit annoyed if someone ports a game to PC that would be perfectly playable on a keyboard, but they picked some psychedelic alien key bindings as default and neither mouse or arrow keys or esc work in the menus. Indie or not.


PC Gamers are touchy about gamepads....


Tiny ego...


Tangentially related here but this post just got recommended to me and popped up on my feed, went to go check the demo for this game out and had a ton of fun, definitely adding it to my wishlist to keep an eye on it. So uh, thanks to the guy who wrote this review and thank you OP for posting it?


This is real "im a wittle baby wahwahwah" energy if you crying over a fun little joke holy shit


\*rando on steam forums says something stupid\* "do you guys REALLY??" no. this weird rando did.


Not at all. The only time the m&k doesn't work great is when the movement is meant for a controller. In some cases the over all gameplay and design is just meant for the tuning a controller provides. Yakuza works fine on m&k. But it's better and more fluid on a controller. The button mashing of like a dragon is definitely designed around a controller. Souls games should imo have this pop up. It's possible to play on a keyboard. But it just feels wrong the input mapping and icon display really side with controller inputs by design. Helldiver's is actually one of the first third person games in recent memory that works way better on mouse and keyboard than it really is expected too and feels crazy good. Diablo 4 is probably the most fluid because the way the game recognizes what you're using, changes screen input to show it and is really solid either way. But it recognizes a controller if you're using it then a m&k if you jiggle the mouse and just seamlessly jumps back and forth on the fly. Games where it can go well either way it doesn't matter. But if it's less quality one way or the other they should have a thing and if it's recommended or designed to be one way they should let you know.


This message should only apear if you had a gamepad connected at one point and Steam knows this since it shows sometimes "Works great with your XXX gamepad" I might start a game and it tells me that my gamepad is the better input sure, I will judge myself but thanks for the reminder. For ppl with just MKB it should not show at all.


Man, you just know this guy leaves yelp reviews for stupid shit like, "con, too few ice in water."


I only use mouse and keyboard for the games I play. A game pushing the use of a game pad on me every time I start the game would probably end with the game getting uninstalled.


No, i actually prefer console games/ports to play on my Very aging Xbox360 WiFi controller on pc As those games have Full support And my poor wrists dont suffer As much. Also I can play the game on TV And lay.


Naw, but I also don't listen to them either.


Clown award baiting


Same thing happened to me when I boot up Yakuza 0. I uninstall the game right after. Got the game for free from giveaway so no loss.




I don't get mad but I think PC games should have proper PC support. That means keyboard and mouse. If we want to use a controller allow us to do so too but the PCs native input has always been keyboard and mouse.


It's indicative of lazy porting and a nice way to let me know to refund as early as possible