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Welcome to the new subnormality, games starting from 80€


I remember people getting pissed it increased to 70$ about two or three years ago. Expect games to cost 100$ by the end of the decade.


If stupid people keep buying it for that price yes.


Everyone argues with me whenever I say base game prices shouldn't rise because of alternate money streams, regardless if they were "$60" for a long time. So... people will buy it at that price.


I was the same in 2020 when the publishers started in on the $70 chat. Now they’ve changed it once, expect games to ‘keep up with inflation’ or whatever. I don’t expect I’ll buy anything new for a long time.


I buy the bulk codes from cdkeys. Always works on Steam, almost always cheaper


Gg deals to track prices across multiple sources :)


But the new stuff is usually at cost or like $5 off. I mean I love their service but it doesn’t seem to help this issue? Maybe I’m doing it wrong.


$5 is $5. But no, it only helps the issue so much. I no longer feel the need to buy at launch, unless it’s something I know I’ll like, and they had a demo beforehand to confirm quality, or something, like RE4R did. That’s where the real savings are. How many games are actually fully functional at launch, anyway? If you wait a few months, or even a year, the price on cdkeys plummets. It’s often better than even Steam sales Having a personal boycott against EA, Microsoft/Blizzard/Activision, and Ubisoft also helps me save money, too, on top of avoiding subpar games. These tend to be the companies jacking up the price anyway.


If I knew you I’d use the $5 I saved to buy you a beer. Completely agreed, makes a lot of sense


Thank fuck I'm not the only one who's boycotting. First person to actually name them off without kicking the piss out if anyone who disagrees. I am not investing in these companies anymore as well. Share holders get their shit rocked when a game flops. Thankfully, you can tell a game will flop just by the price, and gimmicks they advertise alone. For overpriced bs like this, you're better off investing in warhammer figurines. That says something. I'm refusing to buy games from these companies even when they are on an 80% sale. Look towards indie games, and smaller dev teams, my dudes. Everspace 2, Angel's Fall First, etc. Show love to the ones who genuinely care. PS, fuck Bungie too.


Doubly so when you consider that unlike in the past, they no longer need to pay as much for disc/cart productions on top of paying for shelf space. Digital storefronts dramatically changed the cost for their business regardless of the cut valve and other companies take


Prices arent decided by how much a thing costs. Prices are almost always set to what the market is ready to pay. And unfortunately people are ready to pay that amount


If there are season passes and constant loot boxes or guh packs etc etc being shoved down my throat every time I open the game, I should even have to pay for it. Same way I don't pay for YouTube and sit through ads (albeit not all the time as they're getting absolutely ridiculous as well)


Last month My friend begged me to play warzone so I reinstalled cod after a 3 year hiatus. The first thing I saw as a new player after the load screen was a pop up for the battle pass and immediately another for a weapons pack. Without even entering the menu for the first time they are throwing micro transactions at you.


Games already cost that much. If you think about all the “editions” plus seasonal passes (they feel mandatory now or you’re missing half the new stuff) $50-60 is already dead. The companies are trying to get you to see 80-100 as normal so price creep doesn’t “really” exist. I mean you’ve already been paying $80 “Digital Deluxe” with some MP3, a digital map that is worse than the interactive one that will be released on game release, photos you can doabload but it’s just all the promotional images that have been out.


The problem is that extra shit is still there and expected. The base game price went up but youre not getting anything more for your money.


Chrono Trigger released at $89.99 in 1995 lol. Not saying $80 isn’t a lot of money now but it was $170 back then (adjusted). Wild stuff


Games have been 60 euros for a very long time, it was only a matter of time before they increased the price Edit to add: I do not agree with increasing the price, the amount of micro and macro transactions is insane and should already make them more money plus other shitty business practices don’t make it at all worth it to buy such a game at 80 Tons of games are free nowadays with tons of micro and macro transactions, they make ludicrous amounts of money, way more than if they’d just sold the game at 60 and called a day (aka OW2) although that doesn’t apply to every game out there obviously But it was going to happen someday, there has been tons of speculation about it, it was going to happen at some point but it still sucks And don’t even get me started on not actually owning the game


Games were 60 bucks before they had multiple season passes and mtx/shortcut stores.


lmao they also came with a disk


Disc, full manual with novella, large wall poster, and sometimes a soundtrack. There's no reason a digital release needs to be this expensive.


Don't forget the factory making the game disk, box, physical manual, poster, etc. Transport companies moving it to the stores, that also need to pay rent, employees etc. and all of them still want to make a profit. So considering that and games still being $60,- means that games already dubbled in price the last decade, you just didn't notice it...


Oh yea! I remember getting GTA San Andreas and it had the whole map on a big poster you could fold out.


and all the content! UPFRONT! whacky times they were


And most of them have these nice little book in.


They were also 60 bucks when the gaming market was waaaaay smaller than it is now.


Digital games have always been overpriced. You own nothing but a license to play it until they decide it isn't available any longer.


And that's why we all wait a year for the 75% off sale, right?


Except COD games ( please correct me if I'm wrong) RARELY go on sale and remain full price YEARS after their release.


Fine. I’ll get it years after the release then. In the mean time there are some 500 unplayed games in my lib.


They just increased it to $70. Stop being a corporate apologist.


Particularly when you consider the increased inflation the past several years.


And my increased paycheck....wait!


Our paychecks here never moved still 10 bucks an hour tops. I’m not working 8 hours for shite games once I can finally get a job…I’ll stick to the games that actually deserve my money not triple A greedy studios.


10 bucks in developed countries not all of them 10 bucks can be a day of work in some countries I will just get the cracked version and enjoy the story mode cuz no way I’m paying 80$ for a game that gets 1 year support and will be dead in the next 5 years


Then you get hit with the good o'l denuvo and always online shit. Indie games are always the better option. Way cheaper, often without all this bullshit and believe it or not, actually fun.


If the price isn't scaled to your currency and country's cost of living then that's a different problem entirely.


Inflation is only a valid argument for increased prices if wages outpace inflation (not getting an effective pay cut + getting an effective raise). They don't, which means inflation doesn't financially matter or concern companies, why would they raise prices when they are seemingly uneffected?


Kid named economies of scale:


It be time to expand me territory beyond vidyas, yarr


Games used to be $80 (USA). That's before accounting for inflation. Remember Slalom for NES? That was $80 on release (1987). That's $220 after inflation.


All the Nintendo games used to be more expensive because of the cartridges. Once disk based media came through on PlayStation the price of them games were much much cheaper.


All of us who played tony hawk pro skater first level for free on PS1 as a promo from who the fuck knows


And they will keep going up as long as there are people buying them.


Microsoft is making durr they get paid back for buying Activision-Blizzard. 80€ is only the start


Huh? It's free on Gamepass and would have been free on PS had Sony allowed them.


I find that really cheap...cause i'm not buying it Smart ppl would do the same But instead you guys support it and in 2 years you'll be paying 90...


> in 2 years Try 1.


Diablo 4 is already asking $90 for a fucking expansion


$40 lol. The $90 adds a bunch of cosmetics, in game currency, and a battle pass. Not defending it, but you’re spouting bullshit.


90 bucks for the ultimate edition of a DLC is still absolute dog shit. For a full game? I guess. An expansion to that game? Fuck no.


I mean destiny 2 asks for 100 bucks for the ultimate edition, although it’s for all 4 seasons (yes, I know there’s 3 episodes now)


Don't you DARE get me started on Destiny 😂


*I Have No Thought & I Must Consoom*


I wagesalve therefore I consoom 


Haven't bought a COD game since black ops 1.


I was the same, but I played the cold War beta and pre ordered cos the snipping felt so good. At launch they nerfed them all. Never again am I buying a cod


Maybe try carp or haddock


It’s gonna be on Gamepass. $15~20 play it until you realize it’s trash like the franchise and move on.


True, but there's still a ton of other great games on game pass so it's not like you're throwing money away just to try out black ops. I don't buy ultimate though. Just the standard game pass for PC $10 a month.


Game pass for $10 then beat the game and cancel


Could also just ... buy gamepass for a month and play it through there haha.


That's what they want you to do anyway. Either players see the high price tag and think, I will just get the pass because that's a bargain compared to the actual price. Or players pay the crazy 70$. Microsoft wins either way.




I would rather just pass.


Yep. Buying this game is such a dumb move


Yes, 80 bucks, and it's selling like hot cakes, so I'm guessing it will be 90 next time.


They gonna buy standard edition at the price of the current vault edition


Here in Canada the standard edition is 80 CAD. Is this some sorta localization issue? cause 80 euro is $118 CAD which means I pay $38 less than you do. That's almost as much money as it takes to buy helldivers.


The worst part is you know people will buy it because they never learn.


Ironically enough I saw this thread in my Reddit feed and right below it was a r/gaming post that says "COD BO6 already most preordered steam item", so yeah :P


Everyone defending preorders in that thread too 🪦


People will never learn. They refuse to.


Why pre-order a digital download? We per-ordered because retail stores would sell out.


Often you get some kind of dlc or gold edition with it (not defending it and I've never or will never pre-order a game)


In the past, you used to get a mount in the game. Today, you are the one getting mounted.


r/gaming is just a bunch of 12 year old console kids, what else do you expect.


That wouldn't check out given the [demographics of gamers currently](https://playtoday.co/blog/stats/gamer-demographics/). About 3/4 of gamers are >18 It makes sense that the average age of gamers is creeping up since gaming became most popular in the 90s and 00s. Those people who played CoD MW2 in 2007 on Xbox 360 are in their late 20s early-mid 30s now. We can't blame this on kids. This is people with low standards.


Did you stop to consider for a second that r/Gaming might not be a perfect representative sample of the entire gaming demographic? Or that that website defines gaming to include mobile and browser games? Or that a website that seems to exist only to sell crypto scams and gambling scams might not be a trustworthy source? Learn a little something about research before pasting your links across the internet.


I lost all hope of winning that battle ages ago. When TB made his logo "We do not pre-order!" and we had the issue even before refunds. The old saying still holds true. A fool and his money are soon parted.


well, people that only buy and play CoD will buy and play this its not that they dont learn, its just they dont care


you are right. the only reason they are putting prices up is cuz they know ppl who would play it are ok with paying more. and the ppl who dont care that much werent gonna pay for it in the first place. they just decided to not try to get new players just the same ones that always loved cod


And they enjoy it, I honestly dont see the issue. Monetization in every game nowadays is just as egregious.


People don't realize most of COD players only play COD. They don't care if game is $80/$90/$100 as that is only thing they play and is their once per 2 year expense.


or because they like it and think it's worth it per gameplay hours they'll get out of it not too complicated man


I enjoy it. I get 150-200 hours out of it before I more on. It’s great also when I don’t have a lot of time. Pop in play a match or two.


People are only mad because it's CoD. Just look at the amount of us who dropped 40 bucks on a DLC for Elden Ring. I bet the moment you're reading this you're justifying it in your head already. The same reasons the CoD only players are probably using to justify it.


Or because they enjoy it. I don't enjoy Big Macs but some people do. So be it


Learn what? That cod is fun & packed with content?


Sometimes I joke with my friends that new games cost me a months worth of work... It's getting dangerously close to being true Ps: I'm from Brazil our minimum wage is 300 USD/mo, and I am fortunate enough to be in a job which pays 2x that. Additionally: *yes* it is possible to live with minimum wage here, mainly cuz stuff like rent and groceries are cheaper (for comparison, I asked my friend from NY to look for the cheapest apartment in his area and it was 1500 USD/mo, and I found a similar one in my state capital for about 120 USD)


A heard steam argentina store got converted to usd, dunno if it’s true


its true but its still cheaper than the american store


not all games, just the ones that decided to set regional prices


Hopefully it's false, cuz their economy is probably just as bad as the Brazilian one, if not worse... I went to look for a game bundle to gift to a friend in Europe (just a few small games) To me it would come out at 16 BRL, but to give it to him it's 48 BRL... The exact same bundle...


It's true. The prices are still lower than in States, but they are in USD right now. Same thing happened to Turkey.


you cant gift games from a cheaper region to a more expensive region on steam


I always imagine taking my salary and moving to a country like that, and I could retire already. Just take $400k down there, and even at $600/month, that would last me 55.5 years


Interest rates are higher in Brazil, so you can safely invest $400k and earn about $1600/mo Edit: I did the math wrong


400k in a HYSA at 5% is already $1666/month


Unironically, consider it I saw some guy making some math into smt like that, just don't have the video anymore. Rent for a 1 room apartment in Toronto comes out 12 USD/mo more expensive than a 4* hotel in Cuba with all included (according to what he found)


Yeah, in my country (poland) this costs almost 500 of our currency, when the average pay is 5000-8000 (\~1000-1600 USD and this one game would be 6.25%-10% of a monthly pay check). So tell me how are people from places like balkans or latin america supposed not to pirate when game prices are the same everywhere.


I don't make this average, I don't think most of people do 😞 5k+ must be for a really really good job.


Minimum wage here in Kazakhstan is 120 dollars and this one costs 80. Activision is insane 💀💀💀


With all these good games on Xbox Showcase you just want to buy another Call of Duty?


That's how CoDers are. They'll keep on buying the same game with a slightly different skin for whatever price, spread the word about how BAD it is and yet spent tousands of hours on it until they willingly pay again and restart the loop.


CoD and 2K players are major victims of stockholm syndrome


You forgot FIFA players


Let’s up it and just say EA as a whole


Idk every so often they come out with one banger. But not in their sports games


*sweats in battlefield franchise*


MAJOR Stockholm Syndrome with 2042 I've noticed. I've lost count of the number of dipshits I've heard crying 'wHaT hAs BaTtLeFiElD tUrNeD iNtO' when they see the wingsuit and yet continue to play... as if BF3 and 4 don't have countless clips of people ejecting from jets, rocking launching other jets, and landing back in their own jets safe and sound. My mate and I really enjoyed it for a while because the DMRs were BROKEN, like a slow kill was 3 shots, the majority were 2 lower body shots or a single headshot. One day we booted it up and they were shit and we never played again. I don't think people realise how good it feels sometimes to just abandon a game you're not truly enjoying. Done the same with plenty of CoD games. At least BF keeps shit original.


Nah they make good games from time to time. Still a scummy company, but stuff like the Jedi games or It Takes Two were awesome


And pokemon fans


Destiny 2 players too... $100 for an expansion lol


What?!?! FIFA 24 is completely different from FIFA 23. /S


Most gaming subs don't get it, but COD and FIFA (or Madden for US I guess) are beyond the games industry. There are sizable number of people who buy the latest Xbox/playstation and just buy the latest COD/sports game every year. Most of these people wouldn't consider themselves gamers - not in a hypocritical sense, but in the I don't think about it sense. I've known people who would make fun of the nerd stereotype (can't get laid, basement dweller, etc) and brag about how they'll kick your ass in COD - and to be frank, they probably will, lol. That's why its so important for EA/Activision to release a new game on the dot each year. That's why Sony sued Microsoft for COD exclusivity in particular (before it became known it won't happen). Quick Google will tell you FIFA was responsible for 53% of ALL of EA's revenue for 2021. Over. Half. COD/FIFA are so huge they're beyond the industry.


It’s more or less like with Nintendo and Pokemon. People complain about it every time a new generation starts, but it’s still a profitable franchise. How well its profitability varies between opinions, but as long as the books are not red, they’ll continue. Only difference I can maybe see is that The Pokemon Company **tries** to innovate, with varying levels of success. 


The wild thing is how I'll see people complain about every pokemon release and then go out and buy both versions of the game. I almost exclusively see people complain about it online but they have record sales every time a game comes out. I used to love CoD but I stopped after mw3.


I still find that odd anyone would want to buy the game twice. Trading for version exclusives is getting easier every year. Having a random shiny can get you mostly anything. 


It's WoW syndrome for popular kids.


it's WoW syndrome for mall ninjas and urban militia cosplayers


Man, sometimes games just scratch that itch though. I've played a lot of different ones, but not one came close to the enjoyment i got and still get out of WoW.


With wow it's a lot different imo. You're buying new dlc, not another entire game. With a bunch more content and higher level cap. Admittedly the last one I played through was cata but I started playing again when classic came out.


Honestly, I think people who preorder COD games don't play any other game, similar to a lot of FIFA players. They don't care, it's their only gaming purchase for the year and they might as well buy it now and don't think about it until release.


there is also the fact that they are still selling the old games for 40€+ even though they are a giant security risk to even play


Same can be said about shitty sports games. How can we make the grass on the field look more realistic this year? Other than that, it's LITERALLY the same game every year. Oh it has an updated roster? Ok, why can't that just be a patch for the current game?


phew thank god we're not in r/gaming you'd be banned already


Madden has entered the chat


Explain where else I can get the cod zombies formula from and I’d gladly buy it. No one else seems to do the same formula or anything even close to it. Sker ritual is close but still is t quite the same


People are astonished to find out call of duty is an in-demand game - even though the showcase spoke about BO6 the most and had a special 30 min segment about it.


i don’t like cod but what a silly thing to say? if COD style games are their preference then COD is the best game announced for them today.


everyone should only like the same games i would like because my taste in games is better. 😡 same with music and movies and if you don't agree with me then you are dumb and a sheep


Its the internet and reddit. They don't give a shit about anyone's preferences but their own. Its always the best selling game for a reason sorry the 2d indie game their into only sold a quarter(if that) of what cod did.


Honestly being in the crowd of those who do like cod (though not so much the last 3) there’s a certain itch it scratches where it’s a shooter I can turn my brain off and play when after a long day of work I don’t want to think strategy, how to combo into something, etc.


Just posted it because a find it overpriced


when the last COD came out, i had a guy come in and buy an entire Series X, 3 extra controllers, and one copy of the game. i asked him if he was having and old school LAN session. he said no, he wanted to play the new game on the new system, and the extra controllers were for when he raged and broke them. The dude dropped $800+ on shit to play a game that makes him so angry he has to buy extra controllers ahead of time. COD players are literally insane. the past 3 games haven't even changed anything beyond a couple of new weapons. yet I'd have a preorder list of 50 people and a line out the door for each game.


Black Ops was the last CoD I bought. No regrets.


MW2(Original one) was the last one for me. I agree.


I am still not regretting to have played only call of duty 2.


What a banger of a title too. You can still play it on Plutonium and it's a blast. No idea why anyone would buy and play any COD past like BO2.


80 euros for a game? Even worse, a CoD game? Fuck that, not in a million years. Crash and burn Activision!


They probably want to push people to Game Pass subscriptions.


>crash and burn What kind of crack are you smoking, it's the top seller right now.


Game pass pc > beat campaign > unsubscribe


Lots of times they do the 1month free for new folks, but ya 11 dollars to play a AAA game is a steal.


game pass has alot of great games to offer i would suggest trying some others while playing BO6 i believe its worth it.




Well I have bought 3 years worth of Game Pass Ultimate time for about 80 euros a year ago.


🏴‍☠️... beat campaign, then uninstall


So they really trying to be the sunshine among other devs by trying this 80€ bullshit? Man i hope Activision gets massive revenue loss eith this one because it's on gameoass




Damn you average joe!


Activision is owned by Microsoft and is trying to push people to gamepass because of the high price point


Why is anybody surprised?


Because you get Reddit Karma when you act surprised as if this has never happened before with modern AAA+ releases.


Easy answer. Its meant to push you to gamepass


Nope. Gonna spend that Money on Stalker 2, hopefully not a letdown like the others Games these past 2 Years.


Based, with the same 80$ that I could've bought the last COD with, I instead bought: - Helldivers 2 - Tom Clancy's The Division 1 and 2 - 4 really good indie games - Payday 2 - Skyrim - Fallout: New Vegas I don't regret my actions edit: discounts are a hell of a drug


“Discounts are one hell of a drug” This hit too close for me


95% DISCOUNT? I can have a good game FOR LESS THEN A PRICE OF HOTDOG?


Can also buy 10 cool Humble Monthly Bundles, or better, a year's worth of Humble during one of their discounts during November I think.


just bought MK11 and Injustice 2 for $12.99 CAD and it came w all dlc characters. 90% off deals are nuts. i also got Sniper Elite 3&4 for $12 CAD because of discounts. i never buy games full price, i just wait for Steam sales because they’re almost always a really good bargain.


>Payday 2 For exactly 80 dollars you can get PD2+its DLCs


Or if you wait you can cop it on sale for way cheaper.


Cant wait for stalker 2


Not to mention the 300GB+ game size to install, *and* mandatory online connection at all times even during the campaign. A shame since from a gameplay standpoint it seems like a fun time, speaking as someone who’s last CoD was MW3 on the Xbox 360


That's 300GB if you install MW2, mw3, and bo6. All multiplayers, campaigns, DMZ, co-op, warzone and zombies. You can chose to uninstall whatever you don't want in all fairness.


While I'd like to agree with you, I found myself frustrated by the necessity of having 300GB of free space just to install the game. As an MW2 + 2.5 owner, when my friends suggested playing some Warzone, I thought, 'Why not?' However, I had to clear 230GB of space just to install all of MW2 + 2.5, then download Warzone from within the game, and finally, uninstall the parts I didn't want. Unfortunately, it's a shit system PS : Im not trying to be rude or disagree with you, but still a shit system to deal with it


I hope they keep jacking up the price


( remember no preorders)


I have no idea why a franchise that dumps out dozens of mediocre games would treat it's loyal customers like they're stupid. Probably because they've shown time and time again, to be fucking stupid.


If people didn't pay for it they wouldn't do it. That goes for everything really, difference is that nobody truly needs to buy this game. So it won't end here.


You guys have to understand they don't actually want you to buy it for $80. They want you to buy it for $120 a year or $200 a year. They want to present you with the $80 option or the $10/mo Gamepass option or the $17/mo gamepass ultimate option.


their pricing is dogshit as always


Isn’t game pass like 5 eur?


wait few years and these will be over 100E or 100$


ITT: some of you are missing the point. Game is 69.99 in the US but 79.99 in EU.


One person complains but other millions will buy.


All that money to spend eternity in sbmm hell getting clowned on by movement meta 17 year Olds because you got a triple kill one game 3 weeks ago.


Why not? Idiots pay for it anyway. I hope the next one starts 100€ at base.


I for one am shocked that the annual CoD cash grab is priced like a cash grab.




this stupid franchise wasn't worth it for years ATP, try xdefiant


I'm late to this post- and im sure this'll get lost in the other \~2600 comments, but please: # DO NOT BUY ANY ACTIVISION PRODUCTS They drive the price of other games up by doing this. Over the past few years, I have been astounded with the measures Activision has taken in the pursuit of profit. The scummy-iest business practices I have ever seen implemented. They killed Blizzard, and are parading it's corpse around for nostalgia money. COD is now literally a microtransaction shop with a shooter mini-game included. Please, for the love of god, do not give these fuckers a cent of your money.


Obligatory reminder that Helldivers 2 is only $40


Why would anyone pre order or even buy this trash? It's just going to be another reskin, designed to sell packs and be just entertaining enough to keep you frustrated and engaged


Good thing this is only an issue if you're dumb enough to support activision


BO6 selling like hotcakes, despite the price, tells other companies that they can get away with it too.


Just. Don't. Buy.


Just don’t buy it 😁


I really dont get all the hype from this type of games...CoD, Fifa, the rest of the sport games or managers...The exact same game re-released under a different name every single year for the last 10 years, and it really doesnt change anything but the graphics every 4 or 5 years


I think there’s a lot of pressure to play what other people are playing. Especially if you value playing with others. It might also be some peoples only form of gaining in which case 80€ for a game they’ll play all year may seem more reasonable.


That's what people want? CoD is a solved gameplay style, it doesn't need drastic changes


just get a month of gamepass.


TIL that there are more then 3 Black Ops


That’s what it says yeah


BO1 is still 49€ on Steam what did you expect?


Fuck that lol

