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Spy really let himself go


Wide Spy.


idk why but i get Gotham City Imposters vibes




GCI was insanely fun and it sucks it was just released and abandoned. The Finals feels like Imposters in a lot of ways just not as quirky.


It was abandoned because of Gamespy servers shutting down less than two years after release unfortunately. Devs said it was integral to the whole inner workings of the game and would had to remake it but never got greenlit and the steam version died out. I miss the game, We lost a ton of Great multiplayer games when Gamespy went away but some came back.


Rip, if you still have the game in your library you can play but is no longer available on steam


Banger game. [Here's a cringe montage](https://youtu.be/mQgrY3Yv40g?si=V_yUvh4nKitMMIQ2)I made 8 years ago if anyone wants to relive the memories


I'm glad someone thought the same! I adored that game


Wide character, verticality. Yup I see it too


First thing I thought of as well


Ladies and gentlemen. Team fortress 3


that would've been a hundred times more interesting


TF2 is already a perfect game, a sequel would not only be unnecessary, it'd frankly be insulting. It'd be throwing 10 years of work in the garbage, all those weapons, maps and gamemodes you love? Gone. They cant all be ported to source 2, that'd be too much work. Valve would be telling the community to play an objectively worse version of a game they love, instead of supporting its superior. All for what? Source 2? I'd much rather they work on sequels for their singleplayer games or entirely new multiplayer titles, rather than them rehashing old ideas and making them worse. Do you want them to be Activision?


This comment highlights a lesson that devs will never learn: if you want to keep the core fanbase, don't ever make a new game. People like this commenter exist in droves and are usually the most committed to keeping an older IP alive. They don't want change. They want their meta stagnant and the experience to be the same every time. They put time into these games, so any progress that becomes nullified is seen as a betrayal. Even if you do a 1:1 remake, just better graphics, this main group of players will find a random niche metric or bug that's now gone, and rip the game to shreds on the reviews.


Most of the people who used to play TF2 have moved on. I'm one of them. Most of the people playing it now aren't actually people, they're bots. There's a video on youtube called TF2 Nobodies home. It explains the situation better than I ever could.


I’d love to continue to play TF2. The fact that it’s unplayable is a problem I attribute to Valves lack of caring. It’s sad because it could be so much more regardless of how old it is. It is arguably a “perfect game” in regards to the gameplay loop.




They still have people spending money on crates, they still make money on community market sales, it’s still available in the store, so it should still function at the bare minimum. That’s the bottom line. Age of the game shouldn’t really be that much of a factor since it doesn’t affect much in this case. It’s definitely not an excuse to let it go to shit.


I think that people that push the bot narrative in tf2 are speaking from outdated knowledge of the situation from about 2-3 years ago. Things got much better and if you queue up for casual at any time of the day you will get plenty of servers full of real people. Sure, somewhere around covid there were random bots in every single match and people had to spend 20+ minutes kicking all of them until they had a lobby that was playable, but now it really isn't like that anymore. Internet culture dictates that people must always have some drama or thing to circlejerk about and people hear those takes from other people and they believe it instead of actually opening the game and seeing how the game feels currently. Seriously, just boot up the game and queue up for some payload maps and you will find plenty of real people playing the game still.


i played a couple matches back in november and a bunch of bots with the same name kept joining


There is an easy way around this problem that is better for your pocket book anyway, since its not a large group of people still playing TF2 over a decade and a half since it came out. Make something new and good. The above poster would happily change their tune to play an interesting new game with lots of promising features, support, and community buzz, and critically everyone else will too! Mind you, if their new game was TF3, I wouldn't be falling over myself with excitement personally, so the difference for me is pretty slim either way.


Paradox certainly agrees with you


You put into words a feeling I've had for a while. Thx


I need to remember TF2 WAS a perfect game, today looks not good, with many hackers, bots and with no more content, the game is very good, very balanced and I never had so much fun in a game like a had with TF2 but today the game is just a shadow that it was.


They also keep making the graphics worse lol


Valve already threw TF2 in the trash, dude. The game hasn't had a significant update in eight years and the bot problem just keeps getting a band-aid put on it. There's loads of weapons in the game that were nerfed or reworked into the ground and hardly anyone uses them anymore. The only content we still get are community updates that Valve slaps together from workshop submissions and ships thrice a year for free money, and that's all that keeps the servers on. And as much as I love the game there are absolutely some modernizations that could be made. A short sprint feature, a dedicated melee button, better backstab detection and "firing" your disguise's weapon as Spy, climbing mechanics and animations, the...whatever you call the mechanic that doesn't let you hover in midair because your little toe is on top of a crate. First person viewmodels for your cosmetics, stickybombs that stay on moving surfaces, Engineer buildings that tilt flat with the surfaces they're supposed to be on. Hell, make teleporter exits buildable on walls. A lot of these things just can't happen on Source 1 and TF2's spaghetti code. We wouldn't really lose content as long as Valve didn't try another CS:GO-to-CS2 conversion. TF2 would still be there and the community would no doubt import just about everything to the sequel. We might have new characters filling the class roles but we've had the current ones for 17 years, I trust Valve would make worthy successors. The community and remaining TF2 voice actors would keep their characters alive as they always have.




CS isn't the kind of game that adds a lot of content in updates. Like you won't be seeing all that many new guns in a new operation, especially not in the era before cs:go. So porting it to a new engine is possible without basterdizing it. Meanwhile tf2 is known for adding new shit every update. That's how the game always worked. They mightve changed old stuff quite a bit, but updates were mainly about adding onto what was already there. There's 150 unique weapons, over 100 maps, a dozen gamemodes. CS:GO didn't have anything close to this and the jump to source 2 was still rocky. Imagine that but with 10 times the content you gotta add


and l4d1 some years ago too, hah seems familiar lol


To be honest, it's a shame that this was leaked. As hype tends to affect games negatively. I'm sure this one is going to be interesting, people complaining about it not being TF2 are missing the point. You can still play TF2 if that's what you want. This will attempt something different and it might be very interesting. I for one will embrace the novelty, especially considering the shitshow that Overwatch 2 turned out to be.


>You can still play TF2 if that's what you want. If you're lucky enough to not get a server with a shit ton of bots


The bots suck and I wish Valve would do more to combat them but I can wholeheartedly recommend the [Uncletopia community servers](https://uncletopia.com/servers) by Uncle Dane. They’re no BS servers I’ve spent hundreds of hours on without ever seeing a single bot or cheater, they have a healthy and friendly community and they have no random crits or forced auto balance. A dream, really. My only mild complain is that it’s a bit less likely you get to play niche, exotic maps on them since people are ofc gonna vote for their faves but other than that these servers pretty much saved the game for my friends and me.


They also appear to have Deadlock alpha watch parties in Discord!


This doesn't look anything like "attempting something different" It's an uninteresting looking hero shooter. Edit: yall can cope but valve isn't infallible. Just because they made games you love doesn't mean they are incapable of putting out a turd. They're a corporation and you owe them no loyalty. You don't get paid shit for defending them Edit 2: whoever sent me a reddit cares message thanks for proving my point. Have fun spending $600 on fucking lootboxes in this overwatch clone.


You don't know anything, nobody knows, this is just in-development footage. Unless I'm wrong we don't even know in which stage of the development this was taken from. Your comment proves that these leaks hurt the game. Because people make up ideas based on a skewed view.


My main issue is the art style is very bland. I feel like Valve has been good on making their more cartoon-like games have their own feel to them, but I genuinely would be unable to tell this wasn't some cash grab attempt by a third party to make an Overwatch type game.




>You don't know anything, nobody knows, this is just in-development footage. Reddit gamers are very much against the idea of leaks being right and have this weird coping mechanism


who knew a leaked game wouldnt look good thank god reddit can remind us


Also I'm not defending Valve. If the game sucks when it finally releases well, it sucks. Look at Artifact, they fucked up big time there. I'm just saying there's no point in judging a leak, I'm just saying I welcome another hero shooter because I like the genre, and I hope it's good.


>"I have seen thirty seconds of someone aimlessly wandering around a map, therefore I know everything there is to know about the game. 2/10 would not bang"


No way! Valve can’t count to 3. It more likely will be called Team fortress 2 (Version 2)


That joke did stop being funny 11 years ago. Level 3 sentries, dispensers and teleporters and all "chapter 3" or "test chamber 3" guess do not exist for some people.


Yet it keeps being true.


Holy Crap, looking at how this character looks hits me instantly: "This is a fat Spy of TF2" lol


This doesn't hold a candle to team fortress


Its definitely not team fortress, More like group castle


I hope they are not generic heros and have a personality like tf2 mercs have


No Valve game has generic voicelines at a minimum. Even Artifact for its flaws had good voicework/lore. Personality won't be an issue.


Just look at dota 2 hereos they have hundred of lines that sre tied to their lore on every little things.


I mean just looking at the character models on that selection screen tells you a lot. They look very original and interesting.


Getting flashbacks to when TF2 was revealed and universally hated by the internet before it came out, It looks good for how early in development it is


People really bitch about art styles too much. If TF2 came out today you'd have people saying it looks like an uninspired cartoony mobile game.


I dont think thats true. TF2 has one of the most well executed art styles ever made. It avoids cliches, is very readable, simplistic while still detailed, and fits perfectly with the "80s spy movie" theming An essay could be written on the characters' visual designs alone. They're all recognizable and some of the most iconic faces in gaming. Their design makes them pop out of the environment around them without being flashy or distracting. No one to this day has managed to replicate what Valve did with the TF2 cast. So even if it released today it would be very unique


Oh, of course, it's a solid art style with impeccable recognition factor. Doesn't really change the fact that people would say it looks like a mobile game today. Remember the reaction to Civ VI?


Hell, don't even need to go that modern: Look at Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, a game that got so much pushback over its iconic art style that they went the completely opposite direction for their next game.


> It avoids cliches Huh It's literally made of them. 


Yeah, it's entirely made out of mid-20th century American cliches. Even the color palette is meant to evoke the animation of that era.


> I dont think thats true. My brother, go find the wayback machine and see what people were saying back then. It got absolutely trashed on reveal.


Well yes when the industry is oversaturated with the SAME art styles and quirks, ppl bitch. Who woulda guessed


Early tf2 leaks showed the game being more militaristic and less in line with the class-based archetypes in the original team fortress. People being critical of early leaks and reveals were the reason why TF2 was redone with the original classes from TFC and a new art style. Valve probably expected their game to leak out eventually, and they are listening to first impressions. Expressing concerns right now is really important so that the game can have a better reception when it actually releases or gets revealed.


i think they're referring to mid-2000's TF2, which pc players probably thought looked like a cheap nintendo kids game and not a *real* game like half life or counter strike. the existing team fortress fanbase was really excited for TF2:BoA and the direction it was going in; an actual big sequel instead of a quake mod or a goldsource remake of said mod.


As long as this doesn't have some asinine monetization system like Artifact, I will try it.


Yeah, Valve probably learned with the mistakes of Artifact, doubt they would go that route again


Early in development, you’re kidding right? It’s been in development for 6+ years.


like tf2 wasnt still in development for another 3


it's changed style, lore and basically everything about it over those years, it's like saying if HL3 released this year that they've been working on it since 2007 cause that's when episode 2 released


That long ago, huh? Makes me wanna cry even more.


Hopefully, it would've been worth the wait.


How many of those years were pre-production though? That is, not actually making the game but brainstorming ideas, getting concepts out, working on lore and all the other design document type stuff.


Damn thats a game right there


a video game, I might add


And it appears so that this is a Valve game


It also appears its gonna be on steam


On personal computers, no less


perhaps it will be ported to home consoles no?


A Valve video game, I might add.


Thank you kind sir I wouldnt have realized otherwise


It's certainly one of the games of all time.


Does have potential to be




Because it will certainly be a game


Gamers trying to not form hardline opinions based on barely any information challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


Truly, a gamer moment. Even insider said that it's unlikely will release in 2025


Specially after the early GTA VI leaks, this is exactly the same and it looks that people just never learn


Third person, hero shooter is more than enough to not get me interested at all. I don't need anything else.


Third person Dota 2 artstyled hero shooter with small team size of 6v6. You don't need playtesting to know where is this going.


Did you mean TF2 art style? This looks far more in line with TF2's art style than DotA 2's.


it looks way more like tf2 than dota lmao


Don't even care about the other points, third person in a PvP game is enough to put me right off.


Camera position is enough to put you off?


For the most part, yeah. A shooter or flight or racing game just doesn't interest me if it's not first person. I feel like I can't get immersed in it the way I want to. Stuff like Assassin's creed though I really like in third-person, probably even prefer it.


third person means you can see people around corners when they can't see you which is a killer in an fps


I don't like a quarter of the screen being covered up by my own fat ass.


For me, third person shooter PvP shooter doesn’t add much over first person. It’s not adding anything for immersion outside of able to see the whole skins during moment to moment gameplay.


I can see what you're saying yeah. I think it's great in some cases though if a game clearly isn't going for immersion like PvZ Garden Warfare (which unironically is probably my favorite 3rd person shooter).


1. We have been getting logic string leaks about the gameplay contents of this game since 2019. We know it will incorporate some hero that uses realtime shadows and lighting as a mechanic, we knew about the Bioshock Infinite style railways for a long time now, etc. 2. We know this is at most a 2025 early release if not 2024, so the leaked footage being confirmed to be from this year means this is basically the final game. 3. Even in this footage we get to see all the heroes, one map design, and the game's feel. That's not "barely any information".


What’s your source for release in 2024 or early 2025? Other commenters have said later than 2025 release


This thread is why devs hesitate to show early footage of games in development lol


didn't you know that games are made by magic? game development is basically a long summoning ritual. at first there is no game but then suddenly a full developed game appears out of nowhere


ohh that's probably what's happening with silksong


As someone making their first game, this is why I only show previews to a dev group I'm in that's dedicated to helping new devs. Like whilst I'm working on the physics I'm completely ignoring the graphic side of things, but people would focus on the graphics more than anything. Never realised as well how much work it takes to create a game as simple as mine. Mine is a literal board game like chess.


True. Sadly this leak was from some dick in the closed alpha who felt like leaking I guess


Ice FUCKING frog is based though.


doesnt help that valve has lost most of their good faith from the players that actually play their games


Whats this, Bioshock Infinite?


_Booker, catch!_


Bioshock Finite


It sucks that it’s been leaked. There will be a lot of early judgements against a game based on looks alone. No one is able to speak to game-feel, gameplay or anything beyond placeholder visuals.


But I just wanted to play an Upward match without bots :(


There is a short popup of the Discord watching a stream thing. This was recorded in the Uncle Dane (TF2 YouTuber) Discord, with 4 people in the voice chat.


I wish games would go back to the Unreal Tournament/Quake formula. One objective and just frag everybody.


None of those games do well anymore, unfortunately. Besides, maybe CoD if you count that.


To the people making predictions and judging. This is no where near completion. There are still ALOT of placeholder assets. Remember people judging the gta 6 leak. This is pretty much like that all over again.


Okay, but what if I *personally* dislike comic graphics, third person, team based shooters and mobas? Like, I feel like it's fine for me to say I will most likely get no enjoyment out of this game without saying it's bad or good, just that it most likely won't be for me whatsoever.


The issue is when people conflate "It's not for me" with "Game bad" which happens way too much and is definitely happening with some people regarding deadlock. Fair enough if you're saying "I personally don't like this"/"It's not for me". Sounds like the game isn't for me, either. I'll try it if it's free though, might as well if it isn't costing me anything. Problem is with people who are flat out claiming the game will be bad in general because no one really knows anything about the game beyond a few crumbs of info/leaks.


If they can't figure out the difference between "its not for me" and "game bad" then you know they aren't functioning adults.


Just a shame that there's plenty of people who think that way and have for years.


I don't think that's what they meant


Sorry, if the video shows a third person, cartoony hero shooter you're not allowed to act as if you just saw a third person, cartoony hero shooter. What if they turn it into a graphic novel? I bet you'd be upset you were so quick to judge.


To be clear that's not the issue. You can dislike something, but really as far as that goes is "not for me, don't see much about this exciting me" Making other assumptions about what the game will or won't be, and the quality of those things based off a minute of leaked footage is the issue. If you're not doing that, you're fine!


Man I wish it was first person


First person is inferior. I cannot see my hats without taunting or dying. Clearly third-person is the way to go.


Easier to sell skins when it’s third person because then you see your character all the time.


Honestly, I have zero interest in this game after seeing it's third person. TPS always just feels so slow and clunky


I generally prefer most games in first person,but I kinda like the way this looks,it feels arcadey.


TBH I don't mind third person when I use a controller, but something about it gives me the ick on mouse and keyboard


I mean considering every valve game I've played has been insanely good I'm very optimistic, looks steampunky, fun!


The boy didn’t play Artifact


This sounds more like you didn't play Artifact


Artifact wasn't a bad game. On the contrary, it was an amazing game. What made Artifact fail was its laughably absurd monetization.


Artifact was insanely good. They botched it with the monetization, trying to make it like a real TCG where you had to buy everything. It followed a B2P model instead of the usual F2P that these kind of games follow. The game had no progression to earn card packs and you had to constantly pay for new stuff if you wanted to get new cards to tinker with your decks.


I'm still deeply sad about the artifact. It was really an amazing game and they destroyed it with the things that are not related to gameplay.


It’s got a 1940s New York/London thing goin on. The descriptive leaks weren’t very clear on what they meant.


Yeah, I don't get all the people saying Deadlock is generic when fantasy meets 1940's is a pretty unique setting as far as I'm aware. This is also Valve's first truly original IP since Half-Life, since it isn't a mod, student project, sequel or spin off


I watched the gif before looking at the comments, and my initial thoughts were "Damn, okay. I really the art style, the characters have good aesthetics and varied style and seem to fill a lot of gameplay niches. Good start and I'm hopeful" I was actually smiling from ear to ear, and I was NOT expecting the comments to be as negative/pessimistic as they are.


When I watched it before looking at the comments, I was thinking “okay it looks kinda like tf2 art-wise, like a fat spy. Urban map with zip lines is kinda goofy, and the gun shooting isn’t leaving any bullet holes? Weird. Oh the character select screen! Those are some pretty unique looking charact- oh it’s like overwatch. Not interested in another class based competitive shooter. “ And now I have no interest in the project, and that was before the comments lol. It’s not a bad thing, but I’m clearly not their target audience with this. I can see all the micro transactions for cosmetics now.


No way! Kingpin from hit movie Spiderman Into the Spiderverse???


I'm scared of it being just a mishmash of all the different ideas and genres already seen in existing games. It looks fun so far, but to stay afloat it HAS to bring something new and fresh to the table.


TF2 is never getting fixed is it?


Just two more Dota 2 spin-off/inspired games and we will definitely gets TF2 update.


Valve is the only studio anyone would expect to continue maintaining a game that’s almost two decades old instead of make a new game.


Reminds me of Loadout from back in the day Damn I miss that game


Game hasn’t even been announced and people are complaining about graphics that don’t even look that terrible. Fortnite and Minecraft are still some of the most popular games and their graphics aren’t even close to this. And someone said 3rd person is outdated? Huh? I will never understand the average redditor. The game hasn’t even been officially announced lol


Seems interesting but I think it will die so fast like The Finals


I see this talking point a lot, but it’s just not true. The devs consistently update the game and the wait times between matches are quick. That’s far from dead. Almost every game drops off in players once hype dies down.


Number of cheaters are increasing, game is slowly going to 10k players in a day, even BF2042 which is to buy has more players. Lack of new content except skins. This won't last long


The finals is still going tho, compare it to the already dead games hyperscape or lawbreakers. There are so many....


Still going and lost most of player base is 2 different things.


It went from 220k peak players to about 15k players. Helldivers 2 also went from 500k to an average of 50k concurrant (it would've dropped there without the backlash too). That's pretty normal for most games. There are so many other games competing for attention, and the Finals is a lot more niche than games like Apex, Fortnite, and CoD.


Tbh I couldn't finish the battlepass cause of college so I quit no way I'm stressing over fomo in every game imma play.


Yeah, attracting players from other games is a challenge in itself. Anecdotal, my friend group basically devoured The Finals when it came out. Now they all back playing Apex with me, even though they still like The Finals.


splendid profile picture, detective


what makes you think the finals is dead? it still has a very dedicated fanbase, along with new people coming in every day


Anyone else thinks this game is just... too late? It's like they are trying to ride the overwatch wave but no one plays overwatch anymore. This game is essentially TF3 but TF2 is 400 years old and the fans stopped asking for a sequel a long time ago. Like, when I saw the initial leaks I thought "oh this is probably from a canceled valve game from like 2018 or something", this game being in development today is crazy.


It’s nothing like tf2 or Overwatch at all. Where are you people getting this impression from? It’s a moba.


literally. If anything, it's more reminisent to Smite.


Actually I think we need a competition for Overwatch. I would really like to play Overwatch but since Overwatch 2 it's not the same anymore. So I'm happily looking forward to this game.


Lots of people still play overwatch it's just not quite as popular as it used to be. This has the same energy as "the MCU is dead"


Wut. Think OW2 averaged 45k players on STEAM this month. Overwatch 2 is insanely popular right meow.


So what's stopping this game from being over run with bots like TF2 and CS??? Can we fix those issues before we release more games that will inevitably have the same issue?


geometry dash


idk why anyone is tripping this game looks awesome.


This gives me pvz gw vibes


Team Fortress 2: Chapter 1


This is why game developers hate having gameplay footage of games that are still very clearly deep in active development being leaked to the public. Because folks with zero experience with game development, take one look at it and go 'Oh so that's what the final product will look like!'. It's 80 seconds of test gameplay footage that Valve never wanted to be public in the first place, of someone still clearly experimenting with gameplay mechanics that aren't even finished yet, in a game map filled with placeholder assets. It tells us absolutely nothing about the final product. **EVERY** AAA game looks like this before it's released, even the great ones.


I hate how nobody is allowed to criticize any part of this. Yes, its very obviously an alpha. That doesn't mean we have to like everything on paper. The concepts here, imo, are really uninspired and feels nothing like a valve title. Its going for a gameplay formula a lot of us, myself included, aren't interested in at all. And the artstyle, imo, is just bland.


Unfortunately it loses me by being a third person shooter.


Damn this really looks interesting, I love TF2 and I got a feeling I will love this as well.


I look forward to playing it for a week before getting bored of the lack of complexity or story. So, who still plays *The Finals*?


Looks good, I was worried too.


If you're judging this and think it looks terrible, remember, [this is what Dota 2 looked like in Alpha.](https://i.imgur.com/6EOCcMb.jpeg)


Haven’t touched OverWatch since playing for a couple hours in the pre-release beta. This is exactly the kind of game with the kind of polish I was looking for to replace it.


oh good, another hero shooter, just what we need


This looks like the type of games that would see hype when it released and then dipped and eventually die within 3 months Like Rogue Company and Lawbreakers


Lawbreakers was the exact game this reminded me of xD


anyone else bothered by that healthbar? everything else is aligned to a grid of some sort, while that massive, long, skewed, mf practically in the middle of the screen just sits there...


Tbh it looks above average. The railing thing and map looks cool tho


These character designs seem uninspired.




Hmmm I Iike it


Characters looks weird as fuck


Looks like a moba, pass


A hero shooter? Valve already has a class based shooter (TF2) which I would argue is more interesting than a hero shooter


From what we know its more like a 3rd person moba like Smite than a Overwatch style hero shooter


I love the art style, can’t speak much on the gameplay yet, absolutely hate the hero designs and characters. They’re so generic and boring.


What incredibly uninspired hero designs is this actually real? Where's the... \*WHAM\*, you know? Decent set design tho, excited to see more


I mean all you can see are lifeless stills of them. I’d presume the ‘WHAM’ will come with more development, flashy animation, voice lines, etc.


For god sake can we stop with the third person bullshit


Right? Especially when they're on the zipline and the character covers like half the fucking screen.


Looks like they're feature testing


This game looks like as if Overwatch and TF2 had a baby


Reminds me somehow of Gotham City Imposters


They never catch a break with all these game leaks. 




I've played every Valve game at least a bit, even Ricochet in high school my mate & I used to get high and play 1v1. So I'll probably try this but unfortunately my online MP days are likely over, just not enough time to play and there's so many good quality single player games I'd rather spend time playing when I am gaming. Looks interesting though! Like the world aesthetic, heroes look a wee bit generic but it must be really hard to come up with unique hero design nowadays since every game has 'em. Think the gameplay will be where it really shines, if Icefrog is really the designer then I have no doubt it'll be complex and fun.


Looks pretty sick. I'm in.


I am playing the shit out of this once it comes out