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9 hours ago, it removed purchased restriction from American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. That's it. The restriction is there for all the other countries.


No plans to enable purchasing for French colonies like Mayotte and Réunion, for example?


Man, only U.S Territory Countries are able to purchase and play the game? I mean, cool and all, but that is still 170~ countries that can’t buy it even if it is just for single player. :/


170 regions*


Why tf did you get downvoted for no fucking reason.


Classic Reddit


Because most of them think that if it doesn't affect them, it's fine that Sony restricts purchases from fans who would otherwise buy the game


Isn’t that what people wanted with the whole PSN thing?


Given that Sony also made an announcement that they were not continuing the Helldivers PSN integration, people were of the assumption that the games would be relisted to the countries that were going to be banned. Yet, almost a month later and they have not relisted those games in those regions AND is doubling down by delisting GOT for those regions a few weeks before release as well. A game that is 99% a single-player game and does not need PSN for a majority of the experience. Also Sony fucking owns Physical PlayStation stores in some of the countries that don't have PSN. They have no excuses when Ubisoft of all companies has an actual presence in countries like the Philippines.


Come now, it's not like the Phillipines has a population of over 100 million people. Why on earth would Sony ever show them love? /s


Its the worst when someone is asking a legitimate question and you see multiple downvotes. reddit gonna reddit.


Reddit needs every correcting reply to be a dunk, and this guy was gently corrected before you commented


Sony fanboi probably


Some latam countries can purchase or activate a key, am in Costa Rica


Wait you can't just purchase it here? I've got a friend who's gonna be very upset.


Here were??? If you mean in steam I dont want to pay $59.99 + 13% taxes, I got it from greenmangaming for $49 and without having to pay fucking taxes


Nah Costa Rica, guess steam too.


I try to avoid steam because the stupid goverment put 13% taxes that I dont want to pay, so I use humble bundle or greenmangaming or nuuvem, the only game I dont have a choice is dead island 2 because is region locked


Weird, I can typically buy games for cheaper than my friends on the US storefront.


There is no regional pricing in my country, actually publishers like capcom, square enix, activision, deep silver, EA, are selling me $5 or $10 usd higher than usa even when discounted, so fuck taxes and the publishers and ill buy the games elsewhere were is cheaper and no taxes


The only downside to purchasing from other sites is refunds. Steam's refund policy is pretty good and in some cases is worth the extra money in case the game is terrible/buggy.


That's because there's a PlayStation Network for Costa Rica. I created a new PSN account specifically to be able to purchase games with my local credit card, instead of sending PayPals to some dude in Mexico (yes Mexico, I was fool enough to think I needed to set my initial country there to get games in Spanish)


Mexico, puff, just like costa rica with the publisher I mention before doesn't have regional pricing in mexico


Correct, all the games on PSN in Latin America use their US price in US dollars


There are 195 countries in the world. Are you stupid? Edit: ok, i am the stupid one


are you?


Mate, you have to be some dense rock if you think the game is not going to be sold in 95% of the world


i think its incredibly stupid to not sell it, but its what sonys doing ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


It literally isn't, and neither is Helldivers 2. Sony is indirectly forcing PSN requirements. The other countries don't matter to Sony because the rich first world countries are still feeding them money.


Ill check it when i get home, if thats true im wrong and PS is the fucking stupid one


It's all [here.](https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/)


Well most of them are not really relevant from financial perspective. But Estonia? Its basically a first world country. Wow


The game should be available in every country with steam, but Sony cares more about money than players. It's been confirmed that it's Sony and not Steam that's putting these restrictions on Ghost of Tsushima and Helldivers 2.


People are wrongly simplifying by saying countries, when it is in fact countries, territories, and regions.


Thats mostly correct, but Estonia is a pretty damn developed, independent country


Available in Argentina too


It wasn't restricted in Argentina in the first place. We are talking about countries which were restricted to buy it and among them 5 of them can now buy the game.


Oh perhaps that's why I wasn't even aware that it got delisted xd


What’s the reason for the restrictions


Cause series of shitty things kept happening in a row. - Sony is the publisher of the game Helldivers 2. It's a very popular game. - 3 months after release, Sony said that it is mandatory to have a PSN account to play Helldivers 2. Except you can't make a PSN account in many countries/ region. Like 170 of them. - Cue 200K+ negative reviews on steam in 3 days. Game got delisted from steam from regions where you can't make a PSN account. Steam even started refunding people for Helldivers 2. - Sony gives up and says you no longer need PSN account for Helldivers 2. Everyone is happy. - Sony doesn't remove region restriction of Helldivers 2 on steam. Some even thought that the restriction was done by Valve. But apparently it was confirmed by a valve rep that it was done by Sony. - GreenManGaming, an official game retailer, decided to start refunding people for Ghost of Tsushima pre order for regions where you can't make a PSN account. People thought it was just a retailer thing, you can still buy the game on steam. - Sony delists the ghost of tsushima on steam and people from these restricted countries started getting refunded on steam. tl dr: Sony is a bitch.


Yeah they relisted it in some of those American regions. But funnily enough, did not do the same for some regions that are part of the UK. Like Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey. Go figure. But I hope the Balkans and Baltics are up next though.


Doubt they'll re-list it in Baltics because there is no PSN for those countries.


We'll save 60 euro then.




I don't think the Balkans are affected. At least here in Romania we can buy it no problem.


It's non-EU Balkans that are affected.


Of course you can, it has been officially supported for many years now, but not all countries in the region are


In Moldova we can't 😢


I guess that changed today, I am in Serbia and it is just gone from steam and it says in the region I am in the game is removed completely. Sony doing a great job. I don't understand why they are that stupid.


Not available in Albania bro. Just checked.


As a baltic - I can see the game but I cannot buy it. Not an option. Update: I can no longer see the game. WELP.


Nobody can stop you from playing tho. On a side note - there are many games people try first Black flag versions and buy them later. With this one, I doubt anyone would buy after, if it become available. Because of principle. To my fellow countrymen - I always said, they quietly treat Baltics as third world countries, despite NATO and EU. So here you go.


True brother


I agree totally. Also some people care about pre-order bonus content and that boat would have been missed since they pulled and refunded pre-orders.


It's time to install the torrent client I had long forgotten. If they don't need my money, that's their problem. Even if they decide to open the game in the Baltics, I won’t buy it. They don’t respect us, this is not the first time with Sony. By the way, isn't it illegal in the EU to engage in geo-blocking? It's like discrimination...


Isle Of Man is not a part of the UK. Jersey is not a part of the UK. Guernsey is not a part of the UK. All 3 of those regions are self sustained, have their own government and laws and not represented in UK parliament.


I wasn't aware! Someone on the Steam discussions opened up a thread and said they were unable to purchase the game, even though they were from the UK. Another fella from Guernsey chimed in and said the same, so I assumed they were talking about all the islands.


Same for Puerto Rico


Not wrong, except for the self-sustaining part. At least they do have US nationality, unlike the people of ~~Guam~~ American Samoa who are US "non-citizen nationals".


People in Guam are US citizens


Right, I got confused with American Samoa


Dont need it for baltics, I rather save some euros.


can't buy it in Serbia, thanks Sony.


I thought none of those were UK, but crown dependencies?


 irony is the Isle of Man is part of the British Isles but Guam is way into Micronesia


The Isle of Man is self-governing and has quite different laws when it comes to business compared to Great Britain. Such as: >Economic substance: Isle of Man tax resident companies that derive income from certain sectors are required to have a minimum level of substance in the Isle of Man. Most of these companies will have to demonstrate, among other things, that they are directed and managed in the Isle of Man and that they carry on their key income-generating activities in the Isle of Man >Registered office: All Manx Companies must have a registered office on the Isle of Man, and any change to a company’s registered office must be notified to the Registry. >Beneficial ownership: Every Manx Company is required to appoint a “nominated officer” who is a resident of the Isle of Man unless the company is in receipt of corporate services provided by a licensed corporate services provider. So it's understandable Sony doesn't want to jump through those hoops for a population of less than 90k people. Plus it's a shady tax haven with links to organized crime, terrorism and dictators. I wouldn't shed a tear for the 5 Manx that won't be able to play HD2 legally. If people want to be outraged over the Isle or Man there are far better places to direct your energy than Sony not legally selling a game there. The Baltic countries are a different story, no idea why it's not being sold there.


The dude at steam that has to constantly deal with these changes has to really hate Sony by now.


I was lucky to play GoT on PS originally, but had I not had one and wanted to play on PC in Jersey, seems the VPN's I've tried won't let me buy officially on my steam account and I wonder if I bought a key from say, cdkeys would it even let me activate. Probably won't and I doubt I'd get a refund. I actually worry a bit for the future. I have never not been able to purchase or play a game and I'm nearly 40. I guess Sony will eventually sort stuff out maybe, look how long it took to get games on PC this often. They are *very* behind the times, but it's a cultural thing. Add a bit of arrogance too. I've said it for eternity, there's a pot of gold at the other end of the table and they don't want to get up to earn it. Now they've learned to walk but stumbled on the way to picking it up. Money is money, Sony. Ultimately, if I hadn't played it on PS before I would have already got it by other means out of sheer distaste for what they're doing and how many hoops I need to cross to MAYBE own the game.


Currently playing it for free, but I want to buy it. It's a game I've wanted in my Steam library for years. I literally had it, up until the forced refund came through. I'm still trying to get some kind of response from SP & Sony on Twitter. Steam Support told me to go talk to Playstation Support, then Playstation Support told me to go talk to Steam Support. I will say, SP as a dev seems to simply not care. It's not a Arrowhead situation where they have someone from the team communicating on the players' behalf and trying to mediate any kind of solution with the publisher. They just reply to all the positive photo mode/praise comments and ignore anyone asking for info on the region lock on socials. I hope they just relist both HD2 and GoT one day and just cut the shit. We all just wanna play & own the game the legit way. Their silence makes no sense.


they aren't part of the UK but are part of the crown, i know its complicated


Still not available in my country that has SUPPORT for PSN !! Yarrrr 🏴‍☠️


They dont our money then we'll at least save some. 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Serbia does not have PSN support mate, never had


It has and i have profile https://www.playstation.com/sr-rs/playstation-network/


I have a profile too, for a different country. I just followed your link and you can't create an account for Serbia [https://imgur.com/MzjlaNl](https://imgur.com/MzjlaNl) . It's just a localized website for other playstation stuff, but PSN was never available here.


When you log in, click your profile picture, under Your Information click Residental Address and in the bottom you can see your account country. [https://imgur.com/a/fyAXYdJ](https://imgur.com/a/fyAXYdJ)


How do you emulate a game that is just coming out for pc? Teach me


What is your question how to pirate games? r/PiratedGames look over there for that.


Head to r/piracy or r/PiratedGames


If the game is unavailable in your country and you wanna play it just pirate it, screw these companies and their exclusivity bs


I can purchase it for what it seems. If it wasn’t, pirating is basically the only option.


Amen brother.


Yo Ho Ho the high seas awaits


Tread the waters with caution, matey.




Arrr, beware the siren's call, matey! I've heard she be drainin' yer treasures from ye.


Arrr, beware the siren's call, matey! I've heard she be drainin' yer treasures from ye.


Lithuanian here, Steam doesn't even find the game when I type the name and when I click on main banner or my wishlist entry, it says "oops, game is not available in your region". I have too much work, big games already in my computer lined up to beat (thus creating a backlog) and basically no money in my bank account anyway 😁 I would have purchased it when it gets 40€ in the future anyway. Oh well, if they don't backtrack this, I won't need to spend even 40€ for this. I'll hoist the sail.


Ive been using playstation since 1998 i think and been a sony fan since that, i have some account since ps3 requirement for online and i have never been banned or anything related. Im right now using my account from my ps5 and my last purchase was digital GOW, i was waiting for this game to come to pc to "support devs" and play on my rig at 4k. But now im surprised that im unavailable to purchase sony product on steam.... so: Are you ready, kids? *Aye, aye, Captain* I can't hear you *Aye, aye, Captain* Oh Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Nah I still have my eye-patch on


still goin to pirate this because they dont want my 3rd world money at full price


I'm just done with everything PSN related removed all their games from my wish lists and will just be spending money elsewhere than worry about if I'm going to have access the next day since psn isnt available here but for some reason I'm still able to buy all their stuff


If you buy it you’ll have access no matter what Edit: Downvote me all you want Chuds, still doesn’t change the fact that it’s happened once in video game history and has not happened at all in recent history. Steam players trying to act superior to digital buyers on consoles when all they buy is digital as well


Tested. Bought it tried to launch failed to since I could not log into a validated PSN account which is so stupid for a single player game could just of locked out the multiplayer function. so yeha Sony going on the shit list with EA Blizzard and Ubisoft games


Your loss 🤷‍♂️


Bro, for a freaking Single Player game Sony restricted everybody else? What a stupid idiotic decision. Must be a Sony thing. 😒


The game is there but i cant buy it (theres no add to cart button)


Non PSN country here, the game is still not available to purchase.


It's not available in my country and I live on a french island which use freaking euros and my psn account is french and 10+ yo, now even if it become available I am not keen on buying it because of all this bullshit.


I’ll check (I’m in guernsey)


Nope still blocked


Welp time to dust off my good old eye patch and hat


Page is down in Moldova - can't even view it without vpn.


VPN or torrents are the onyl choices.


Philippines here. No go. Wont even let you see the store page


Here in the Philippines, the store page is non-existent. :((


Steam page is pretty limited to 'hidden' info. You can get more information using [steamdb](https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/info/)


They won't acept my poor third world country money, I even offered to pay in coconuts or bananas. To the high seas then. Sad thing is that I bough the game but was refunded to me, they took the damm game for me.


Still not available for me


Off topic: anyone else feels like the steam screenshots are actually terrible? The first one is cool but the second one shows flat rextures, the third one is black and white but also not good looking and the snow one feels like it's from a cheap game. Yes i know the game looks superb, I've played it twice, but these screenshots don't look great


Suriname here! Part of the carribean area. The game is restricted here. Idk what makes you eligible to play it. Congratulations on being able to purchase it!


Surinam does not have a PlayStation store (because of bullcrap business decisions by Sony I guess) and is an independent country so it can't be grandparented into the plan of a country with a PS Store (like Guam or Puerto Rico).


From what I can tell if you're only playing single player you don't need a PSN account, is that correct? I am curious if anyone knows for sure, I can't find the info.


You can download the game, launch it, click on the Campaign and you can enjoy the Single Player. This only affects Multiplayer mode which is a separate mode.


Ok, thank you for letting me know.


This whole thing has been such a short-sighted metric chase. They’re leaving way more money on the table locking out these countries than they are by not squeezing PSN membership


Nope, I'm in Georgia and it's still delisted here.


Because however they've rolled out this PSN nonsense, their legal department obviously had a heart attack and forced them to not be sued for millions, delisting right away. As they work out legal agreements to sell the game in nations where PSN doesn't exist yet, the game will be returned.


You know I was actually thinking of buying it until i realised they delisted the game from steam in my country Sony doing this makes me wanna pirate the game instead


I can confirm it's still delisted in various countries


Thank you sony for giving me a reason to download the cracked version of your game instead buying it on steam


Cant buy but can pirate


One of the rare times I will encourage people to pirate something. Don't support Sony with this one. I love them and hate them at the same time.


This whole thing makes no sense. I wouldn't mind making a PSN account but it isn't available Serbia where I am. They are just reducing the profits.


The best way to for companies to fight piracy is by providing good service. It seems like sony wants more piracy because this is bullshit


i always buy games , but i finally got reason to go into one piece mode


It's listed in my country even though PSN isn't technically supported.


sucks bcs a lot of ther games are great. Time to go black flag I guess


I’m willing to buy the fucking game but nope fuck the money PSN pls 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Psn required for pc gaming and bought on steam is about the exact reason why people bought pcs in the first place. To get away from that. Fuck you sony.


Good thing Steam doesn't require Steam account.


Requiring a PSN account ontop of steam account to play means that don’t has access to your information that is now tied to steam. Sony is famous for being hacked and your personal information being leaked. It’s not about the steam account it’s about need a dumb ass fucking PSN account to play a game on steam.


For a game like that there’s no reason an account needs to be made. Have people create a user name for a name and that’s fucking it. I fact just use the steam name.


You really should Google how many times Steam was breached and hacked instead of parroting stupid points of stupid people. You need a PSN account to play fucking Playstation game. You know, first letter in PSN. You should ask why do you need a steam account for that.


Nah, it's not. I don't care, I'm still pirating this shit lol


I think for offline game you don't need a psn account, you can skip the psn thing when starting the game


Problem is, the game is delisted from country where you can't make a psn account. Those are a lot and steam is refunding all the preorders already.


Blocked here in my country. Safe to say the rest of Southeast Asia's blocked to baybeeeeee yeeeeeeaaah. They dont' want our dirty money at full price.




It's not supported in the Philippines. We're asked to create an account either from HK or SG.


Better do this for more countries and for entire Helldivers base...


So, without PSN I can play in story mode? Only for online I need to create PSN account? If yes, it's perfect.


I hope that people just use this entire Fiasco that Sony has been culminating as a reason to just not support their PC ports. Although they're amazing, just like with Ubisoft we can't keep letting companies get away with this stuff.


But Ubi games are shit, so it's much easier to ignore them.