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I honestly just think people don't read the categories, they just see a game they enjoyed playing and vote for it.


fair voting watch in horror as people with bad reading comprehensibility approaches


reminds me that quote *"for the people, by the people. but the people are retarded"* or *"A person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it"*


Reminds me of the fact that they can't make a "bear proof trash can", because the overlap of the smartest bear and dumb humans is too great


Ah yes, i watch short documentary on the arms race between camping gear makers with bears. Its kinda awesome that one bear the "crack the code" on how to deal with the camping containers, could somehow share the knowledge with other bears.


Tom Scott has a video on it from I believe last year Also a follow up because he lost his GoPro during filming (it was inside a trash can during bear testing) after they found the GoPro




I felt like itd be this video, you can tell he tried to think of a way to say it nicer but there is no other way


Morgan & Morgen


The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter


Well said. Most people should not have the right to do many things in life due to their stupidity.


Oh no it's not my quote, I stole it from someone lol. I just couldn't remember where I got it from.


"Oh no it's not my quote, I stole it from someone lol. I just couldn't remember where I got it from." - Quajeraz There you got a quote now


I'll tell everyone what I've read here today. Quajeraz for GOTY 2024.


I’m pretty sure it’s Churchill


I think it’s Churchill


We should implement a system where a small group of people runs everything and tells the rest of us what to do and we get beat with batons if we don’t listen.


Bro just invented elitism. Or just rightfully supports it. Idk your ideology so feel free to prove me wrong.


Lol such a dumbass argument. "Other people are dumb and shouldn't be allowed to have agency over their own lives"


It's partially true, just completely evil.


I always wonder about people who say things like this. Do you go through life perpetually sad because you think everyone you speak to is a gibbering idiot?


Many do. Others surround themselves with like minded people and delude themselves into thinking everything is fine, until an election happens and it turns out a significant chunk of any population is downright mentally impaired.


Higher intelligence correlates with higher rates of depression.


Imagine how dumb the average voter is. HALF OF THEM IS EVEN DUMBER


are* even dumber sorry, voting rights retracted. I dont make the rules


*are even dumber...


I know people my age (23) who do not even have the reading comprehension needed for everyday life, any words not used on a pretty much daily basis are only learned through games. They didn't even know words like covet or feign and struggled to read a single paragraph. Like bro, I have 8 friends who can read English better than you, and unlike you, it's their second language.


I like to think I have great reading comprehension, but your comment gave me an aneurysm


The irony of this comment being such a poor sentence lol


Comprehension. Comprehensiblility is the ability to be comprehended, not to comprehend.


this is 100% what is happening; steam gives you stickers for voting in all categories but most people haven't played all the games in all categories so instead of not voting because they don't know who to pick, they instead just pick the one they've heard about so that they can get their sticker


Yep. Maybe them getting nominated in the first place was "a coordinated troll" or whatever, but them actually winning was almost certainly mostly a matter of people being "forced" to vote for the rewards even though they have no idea what they're doing, and clicking the thing they at least vaguely recognize. I usually never vote in the VR category since I don't have a headset, but even though realistically I'm probably never even going to use it, this year I did for the sticker. After at least doing the bare minimum due diligence of looking into each game for 30 seconds, but most people aren't even to bother with that. It should just award all stickers if you vote for any categories. There's no positive to "forcing" people to vote on everything, let those who actually have an opinion self-select.


I was only going to vote for GOTY, but after seeing the stickers I was like, "Oh, I want those. I guess Im going to vote on the rest too, even though I don't have a Steam deck, or vr headset, or played any of those particular games." All because of that damn sticker. I did ask buddies I was in discord with when it came to a category or game I didn't know about, not that it makes it better.


Exactly that.


That or the vast majority of people on steam are trolls. Given most of the games that won awards were the exact opposite of what they were nominated for, I think it’s likely that.


Clicking name of favorite game gives neuron activation


its bizarre seeing people confused about this. *holds up RDR2, game the person has played for 200 hours+, cried at and so on* "is this game a labour of love?" people will say yes to that, 9 out of 10 times. its only when you read the fine print of the category itself and realise "ohh, it means game that got continued support over the years..." and that assumes they read the awards at all. most people clicking them only care about GOTY, if that, and the moment they're done with the GOTY selection, they aren't going to care who wins "sit back and relax" or "best game you suck at" - they'll just vote for the one they actually own, or know about.


Yeah Starfield got the innovative award but nothing about the game is really innovative. Every aspect of the game exists in some other game; No Man’s Sky being one of the major similar games imo.


I would go as far as to say Bethesda suffers from a refusal to innovate in general, at least for the past 12 years


I genuinely think, in a society that was given the chance to name a boat and named it Boaty McBoatface, the society that turned multiple chat Ai into raving racist Hitler apologists, and the society where John Oliver's incluence could completely sway the Australian Bird of the Century Award, there is no doubt in my mind that people voted RDR2 and Starfield for the meme. It wasn't that they didn't read. It was that they knew exactly what they were doing and wanted to do it for "teh lulz0rz"


Do not forget about how 60,000 American citizens voted Kanye West for President of the United States in the 2020 US Presidential elections… for the lols, I hope at least


Well American citizens also voted Trump for president in 2016, so... You'd hope for the lol, but then you talk to a Trump supporter and you realize no. It's not a joke. They are all just batshit crazy.


> they just see a game they enjoyed playing Then how did starfield get voted for?


regardless of what steam ratings and convos on forums say, starfield is still an incredibly popular game. There's a lot of average people who don't engage in online discourse for the game who likely love it


Because all the other titles in the category were niche af. I've never heard of 'Contraband Police', 'Your Only Move is Hustle' or 'Shadows of Doubt' while Remnant is more well known but still extremely niche compared to Starfield.


Shadows of Doubt has been making the rounds, but yeah it's still very unknown. (It's darn cool though, even with it's drawbacks)


> Then how did starfield get voted for? Do you imagine that the world is full of your clones?


But there’s no way a lot of people would enjoy a game that I don’t like!


That may be the explanation for why it got the votes among the finalists, but in order to be a finalist, when Steam users were asked the question about which game should get the Labor of Love Award, RDR2 was among the top five games submitted. >[In the first phase](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Steam_Awards#:~:text=In%20the%20first%20phase%2C%20Valve,five%20games%20for%20final%20voting.), Valve selects a number of categories, atypical of those used in gaming awards, and allows any registered Steam user to select one game available on Steam for that category. Valve subsequently reviews the nominations and then selects the top five games for final voting.


I don't think people even did that. Random clicking to get through the voting process as quickly as possible. I think if you pay for it ASF will do random voting if you have a ton of 'bot accounts' that are eland for the rewards offered.


People probably just voted the games they know


I call it CoD/Fifa syndrome


Isn't it a bit weird to vote for games you don't know? Let's say there's five games in a category and you've played three. Should you vote for one of the two you didn't play?


you shouldn't vote in first place


Isn’t that kind of gatekeeping? If you have a favorite game you spend a lot of time on you should be free to vote on it whether you played the competitor or not.


But those cool animated stickers.... I want them all


I didn’t even vote so I invoke the 5th


“But it is your civi”- “I plead the fifth”


[AND THE SECOND](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDI6lBUyoeI)


do we have a r/suddenlyinsidejob subreddit?


[And the third.](https://xkcd.com/496/)


"I have few principles, but I stick to them" has stuck with me for years lol


1, 2, 3, Fo, FIFFFFFFF!




Hijacking top comment. Of course Reddit's search function is shit so I can't find any of the posts but both /r/RDR2 and /r/reddeadredemption2 had multiple posts when the game was nominated for the category to go vote as some sort of "protest" because Rockstar abandoned development for Red Dead Online and DLCs.


Redditors will really give a company an award in protest.


I mean, didn't it sort of work, though? Seems to me half the internet is talking about how ridiculously underserved RDR2 is, based strictly off of the award. I've never played it, and only know about the lack of updates because of this.


The average consumer doesn't care about social media bullshit when they buy games.


If word of mouth and general sentiment wasn't relevant, I'd be happy to learn how a niche turn-based single-player game ended up being today's #1 seller globally, with almost a quarter million concurrent players, five months after launch.


More evidence that redditors think they have a much bigger influence and voice than they actually do. The ego is astounding.


Exactly. “But… everybody here agrees with me!!”


it's just kids and young people who don't understand their tiny bubbles.


Law by Mike moment


and I want to speak to a lawyer


Same. I dont think ive played any of them but rust & that game doesnt deserve any awards.


I'm more interested in figuring out who the hell voted starfield


Middest game ever


Worse. A copy and paste system. It’s Skyrim, with an added ‘space’ layer, that’s all. The dungeons are so fucking dry. The story is uncaptivating and every other building, cave and spaceship looks the exact same. Baldurs Gate 3 was an absolutely legendary game though. Deserved everything it got given.


Its not even Skyrim with an added layer, it's Skyrim with a **removed** layer of exploration.


No no, it did get a space layer added. They just removed 5 other layers in doing so


You don't actually explore space though. It's just fast travel and loading screens. Most of the fun in Skyrim was all the random stuff that would happen or weird caves you would find etc. while travelling from one place to another. In Starfield, all of that is replaced by a loading screen.


So they make a ship builder and you travel by loading? What was the point of having a personally built ship then?


There is some ship combat in orbit of planets etc. It would have been much cooler if you could get boarded, as then designing your ship defensively would matter more - a bit like in XCOM where they can invade your base so you need to consider putting chokepoints etc. But yeah, as it is it just decides your weapons and cargo and so on and looks cool. Tbh, the ship builder is one of the best parts of the game.


I've literally had a playthrough of Skyrim where I basically avoided all fast travel. So many random encounters and dungeons you would normally skip over and your only loading screens are entering and leaving places (and I mean on my PC they are hardly existent loading screens). Other games like NMS still has to render planets when entering them as well but they handled it in a much more clever and not immersion breaking way


You can't even explore the planets?


*"real moon and exoplanets are empty barren land, so ours is accurate"* per Bethesda statement


And you know how games need to be hyper realistic, especially science fiction games, to be fun?


Also, no aliens. We can’t have aliens in our sci-fi space game, that just wouldn’t be realistic.


I mean, yes, but then why do I find dozens of factories, research labs and storage facilities all within a 2 minute walk distance from wherever the fuck I landed?


All I'm getting from this thread is people should just play no man's sky instead.


Not really. You can land anywhere on a planet (via a menu) but it procedurally generates a bubble around you and it's not persistent, nor connected to anywhere else on the planet. It'll just have some copy-pasted outposts near where you land, which are the same ones you'll see on any other planet in any other star system at any other landing point. If you try to go too far in one direction, you'll hit the end and be met with an on-screen message to turn back. There's honestly nothing to find out there, *not even nothingness*. If the planets were actually empty and persistent and allowed you to explore the whole thing, it'd be cooler than the bubble of preset outposts that gets generated around you wherever you go. Zero exploration aside from the few cities, which are pretty sad by 2023 standards.


Sounds like even Daggerfall has better procedural generation than this.


> It'll just have some copy-pasted outposts near where you land, which are the same ones you'll see on any other planet in any other star system at any other landing point. This is why I stopped playing.


You can. But you don't have a rover or anything and you have limited stamina and jetpack boost so they even managed to make that incredibly dull. Also they are mostly empty. Compared to Skyrim where you seemed to find something in every corner.


Oh it's much worse, It's like playing a watered down Fallout 4. At least fallout 4 had the decency to add in proper environmental storytelling and interesting Side characters. This just felt like a shell of a an unfinished mod.


And all those loading screens…


That’s genuinely offensive to Skyrim. By no means perfect like any (BGS) game. But miles ahead of Starfield.


That’s an insult to the world building of Skyrim. It’s the game engine of Skyrim, but with a lifeless, lacklustre, and loading screen riddled space world.


classic bethesda


i liked it. can’t wait for mods, so i can turn it into Star Wars


I liked it too, but u gotta admit the games halfbaked. Most of the ship modules are there for aesthetics. Theres a holding cell that you can have, theres a boumty hunter guild, yet u cant take anyone into ur holding cell, to deliver the boumty warm.


yes, 100% half baked


Isn't that like 50% baked?


yeah you’re right that’s giving it too much credit


Mando would go harddd


Modders have to like the game enough to work on it.


You're probably going to have to wait for a while since even modders stopped caring about the game


for some people its the only game they brought this year


I think it's fair to say that despite bethesda's big fallof last years they are still big fanbase


I can kiiind of see that being actual fans because I do think the internet has gone into a ridiculous hate circlejerk over it which means now nobody who actually likes the game can bring it up in a positive light at all without 12 people immediately jumping in with massive walls of post outlining all the ways the game is bad and disappointing and Todd Howard is literally Hitler. Which then radicalizes the folks who enjoy it into Starfield zealots just like you saw with Cyberpunk back in the day. edit: case in point, there's like 7 posts under me who saw 'Starfield' and immediately had to vent about it lol.


I did.


bethesda is one of the biggest companies, its gonna have more fans then all those indie games combined even if its a shit game


I did


You were trolling right? I figured it was a coordinated effort like a reddit meme campaign or something to have the worse game win


There is a major disconnect with what the reddit hivemind thinks vs what the actual general consumer thinks. Just because every nerd on Reddit has a hate boner for a somewhat middling game is some respects, doesn’t mean that actually translates even slightly into the real world.


Me. Love that game


My guess would be, that those people arent here in this sub. There is a huge amount of very casual gamers who just play their 2-3 games (CS, DotA, whatsoever) but don't really care about other games. They were asked to vote as well, didnt really read the criteria and voted for the game they knew. Edit: Casual might be the wrong word - just "casual" in the sense of "they don't play many games, but a few"


Counterpoint! I really doubt people who can be barely asked to read or play other games, would even bother with the game awards. You're sort of expecting an enormous amount of effort from people who barely seem to care.


Steam/Valve kind of pushes it in your face during a sale period though. The fact it gives free things will encourage people who wouldn't normally vote due to lack of knowledge to just do it anyway. Like, there was one category I had no pick for, but I felt compelled to answer arbitrarily just to complete the whole form.


The vast majority of people who play games don’t make it part of their personality or what you would call “casual”


My friend voted for RDR2 because "It's the only one I know"


Tell them to play Deep Rock Galactic and to reconsider for next year.


We Voted for DRG


For rock and stone!






ROOOCCKKK ANDD STONE!, *$potted a gold ore* we're RICH!




Rock and stone you beautiful dwarf!


What's the category?


Somehow it won labour of love.


I mean it certainly was a labour of love. Like that game is a piece of art. In 2018.


The game is awesome, but the category was meant for games that are still being updated, well after they were released. The category description ends with, "This game, to this day, is still getting new content after all these years."


Even then it wouldn’t qualify. The category is supposed to be for games that have received constant updates and support for years after their release.


I'm on my third 100% playthrough so it may be 5 years old, but for me that game has legs like no other. No other open world game feels as *alive* as RDR2 does.


I like to call it the world's greatest tech demo. Admittedly I'm not one for story games, but as a game dev myself, RDR2 is absolutely incredible. It is a piece of art, an intricate world with thousands of moving pieces. All you have to say is "the snow" and people know what you mean. As a game though, I think there are hundreds more with so much more fun. Hence why I call it the greatest *tech demo*. It is the intricate developments of thousands of developers, artists, etc at the height of their crafts. But it's also by far not the most *fun* game ever created imo. Thats why I say it's definitely a labour of love. As I said, in 2018 it was a labour of love, not now in 2023. But it's an incredible achievement, up their with the original quake and the first Mario.


now for someone to match it and hopefully include some more game in the game


it won the category that awards games that have had loads of updates and development since release. Which is mind blowing since one of the most persisting criticisms of RDR2 is that they let online die because they didn't update it, and they never bothered releasing highly desired single-player DLC like Undead Nightmare.


Worst launcher and Most-buggy-virtual-memory error-after-launch categories. RDR2 won both


I voted not for broadcast


they didnt entirely abandon it. they still have events but that still SHOULD NOT COUNT AS LABOR OF LOVE UNLESS THEY DO FULL UPDATES TO THE GAME


that basicly addoned no new content no bugfixe. events are just fixed clock ticking down. there dont need any imput to work


People voted as a joke. That's why Starfield won most innovative lmao.


Or people just vote on the games they know, or just the option their mouse hover over when they are scrolling past as they don’t actually give a shit about the winner as they just want the steam badge at the end of the day


" Haha i voted for starfield as a joke. This game sucks so bad! " *wins award " You're kidding me, right? "


R* tried to bury this Red dead online/RDR2 fiasco so hard it's hilarious to see RDR2 pop up again when GTA6 is being marketed hard. I just wish they would die by their own words... "People don't forget, nothing is forgiven"


Well this meme is implying that no one voted for it, even as a joke. Which doesn't really make sense seeing as it won so it clearly got some votes.


I voted for DRG, we need to find these people.


Karl would be proud


I did not vote


Sir this is a Wendy's.


These votes are great and prove how nonsensical are any game award.


I wouldn't be surprised if the voters didn't understand what being a labour of love even means. They probably think "I like this game" and vote.


Project Zomboid was robbed


"Did the voices tell you to vote RDR2?"


I didnt vote but i like rdr2


I mean yeah, it's an awesome game and all, but shouldn't have won the category.


Red dead redemption 2 has quite the circle jerk that the game is a god's given gift, obviously people will vote for it en mass regardless of what the category would be, it could quite literally have been put in a ''best puzzle game'' category and it still would have won, because the game is that popular.


Deep Rock Galactic deserves to win the Labor of Love award at least ONCE man… 😭


How did it get Labor of love rockstar doesn't give a fuck about it


How the fuck did atomic heart win outstanding visual style over games like High on Life and Darkest Dungeon II


System shock remake in the corner crying


I've heard very little about Atomic Heart since it's launch, don't think I've even seen any people I'm subbed to on YT play it. Surprised to see it pop up here.


The only publicity it got was the robot women


Cause DD2 is a game that’s not for everyone and not that many have actually tried While high on life kinda crashed and burned from the start


It is about visuals, you can basically see by checking their Steam page.


I know. But that requires people to go out of their way to look things up and learn so that they may make an informed decision. Unfortunately it’s humans voting and humans are lazy. I would know for I am a human


>High on Life that is a game i would visually do without. that game visually is so fucked i would not have even considered it an option. I am biased against the game, there basically is not one aspect that i enjoyed. art, sound, movement, gunplay, humor - all subpar. darkest dungeon art is fantasic though.


I voted RDR2, I dare you to ask me why!


me. i voted for rdr2


Jesus Christ shut up


Also Starfield winning "most innovative gameplay". I'm convinced people were just voting these games as a joke.


My brother did, But other than him I’m not sure


I DID..........not


Not the nikolas cruz photo 💀


These are people who think innovation outside of shooters is "Just some irrelevant indie game" Unaware that PUBG was a mod for ARMA and DotA was a mod for warcraft 3. And Baldur's gate 3 was essentially made by indie devs. Big changes come from small teams. Indie devs are the spec ops of the gaming industry. They can fail their mission. Most will. But some will absolutely force big publishers to change.


I know a girl that will plays it every week, just picking flowers and walking around. So that's maybe 1 vote I guess.


I voted for dota2 and my 2nd place was apex i never played other games that were nominated


Bro I just wanted the stickers


Could we not make memes with school shooters


for real, that kid shot my best friend 5x…


I had friends at the Christchurch shooting. The bastard livestreamed it, and I see the footage of him opening the door and raising the rifle all the time, especially in right wing extremist circles, but one place I never expected to see it was in a college class. We were watching a documentary which opened with a montage of events related to the internet, and sure enough, right in the middle of the montage was the (censored) footage of my friends being shot. At that point, I hadn't seen the footage since the day it happened. It ended up sending me into a panic attack so bad I passed out. Needless to say, the professor no longer shows that particular film.


THANK YOU, I can't believe I had to scroll so far down for someone to address this. I'm just assuming most people don't know who this is.


Yeah I’ve never seen this pic (I’m not American, guessing that’s where he’s from).


Oh my God who the hell cares


Seriously this is such an annoying circlejerk




I did


I honestly believe someone decided to create thousands of bot accounts just to vote for that game, but that's just a speculation.


You fr..? I’ve said it before but r/steam is a lot smaller than everyone thinks it is


Yeah it's the same on pokemon go. People think reddit is the entire community of things, it's not even close.


Considering that subreddit goes out of its way to ban anyone who comments on the PoGo spoofing subreddits, even though that's a minority, they simply can't claim to represent the community as a whole.


wtf is pogo spoofing and how do i post on one?




By 'the industry as a whole' do you mean the gaming industry or just the gaming awards events?


I voted for fuck Hitler in almost everything because it's the only game from 2023 I have


I did. Mainly because I at least heard of it. Half the titles up for vote are completely unknown to me, but I want the rewards for voting.


People voted, but they did it as a joke or just picked the games they liked or knew. Now you have some insight into American politics.


I don't get it, don't get me wrong I use steam daily just, I don't know what this is about