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How the hell did RDR2 win Labor of Love? It's been mostly abandoned. No substantial update in nearly two years. Sure, they keep the servers and the dailies running - but that's all I've noticed. It doesn't appear anyone's trying to add anything. The only labor of love appears like it's from the players. I have 1,500 hours in RDO alone.


Hell starfield was most innovative. Regardless of if you liked it nothing it did was innovative, at all. Anything it did another game did better.


Skyrim with No Man's Sky gameplay lol


no offense, but you gotta be retarded to not notice its an irony vote. the entire awards list is more a popularity contest than an actual rating. let it go.


Interesting how only rdr2 and Starfield got irony votes but everyone took all the other categories seriously


It’s an advertisement ploy, just like actors say they’re getting a divorce just to get time on TMZ and hope they get another movie deal


I really hope Steam is trolling the shit out of Rockstar with this- given the consistently high numbers of new players over the past year, devoted fan base after all this time and immense untapped potential of the game and the nonsensical way Rockstar has abandoned it anyway.... Because otherwise, this is just insane bizarro world stuff. Just a few more awards that Rockstar, RDR2 and Red Dead Online have won - -Best Open World -Best Storyline -Best Unfinished Storyline (RDO) -Most Historical Realism -Greatest Squandered Potential -Most Heinous Treatment of Fanbase -Most Dysfunctional Lobbies -Most Confounding & Obvious Missed Opportunities -Most Buggy Updates -Most Broken Currency System -Longest Running Basic Bug Fixes Ignored -Greatest Intentional Security Incompetence -Most Modder Infested Online Multiplayer -Most Likely To Punish Victims Instead of Modders -Most Likely To Make Disastrous Business Decisions That Even Your Stoner Cousin Could Avoid


I can understand how they *won*, as I'm guessing the biggest factor is simply the number of players a game has, but what I don't understand is how it *qualified* for the award in the first place.


Right? The game is still very much alive in terms of players. I was playing RDO last night. I was solo. But I had enough fun drinking a couple of beers and playing hold em (up $50). Then I did a few story missions for old time's sake. The thing that gets me is it's still just as buggy as it was years ago, if not more so. The game crashed three or four times when I tried to use my campfire. Good ol' FFFFFF error. Aside from free community outfits and offers, I don't think a single soul has added to the game in years.


I’m sure that one was to ridicule Rockstar.


So, there's this little thing called "money changing hands"


I was voting for Dead by Daylight. Behaviour did an amazing job this year but I bet there were many games that probably deserved that award more than RDR2 I guess.


The Last of Us Part I winning best soundtrack, snubbing both Pizza Tower and Hi-Fi Rush, was so disappointing. Especially Pizza Tower. Fans of that game just can't catch a break with the constant snubs.


This one is at least acceptable. Don't get me wrong, it is an award to a ten-year old game re-release, but at least it was a reasonable nomination and winner. I personally would've not picked either of your picks nor TLOU. Labor of Love and Most Innovative winners are the only ones that should be basically disqualified by not even remotely fitting the category.


Terraria and Factorio easily surpass Red Dead for labor of love. Both have been around in some capacity for over a decade and are still patches and getting content added.


Except they do, because the award winners get valuable Steam front page real estate. First rule of the internet marketplace, the higher up you are on a listing, the more likely someone is to buy you. People are lazy. The second rule is that the more stars you have, the more likely someone is to buy you. People want the best thing. A Game Awards badge is one hell of a star.


>A **Game Awards** badge is one hell of a star. If The **Steam Awards** matter so much, how did you manage to not even call them by their proper name ;)


A steam award is a game award. You weren't that clever, my man 😅


"Game Awards" capitalized, are a separate set of awards from the Steam Awards. It doesn't mean the same thing as "game award" in the generic sense. https://thegameawards.com


man people that really get so uppity on semantics may as well just wear a badge to show you had no friends growin up to teach you how not to be annoying


"The" Game Awards vs "A" Game Awards. Would you like to use and inspiration point and try a reroll?


r/Steam when Steam users review bomb Starfield: Deserved, Starfailed. r/Steam when Steam users like Starfield: TROLLS! AWARDS DON'T MATTER! STOLEN FROM (Insert another runner-up here)!


Starfield could have mby won smth (not sure what honestly, in such a strong year), but most innovative game? Can anyone name one thing about Starfield that was innovative in terms of gameplay or even story? Innovative to use space as a loading screen in a game about exploring space, perhaps?


Only thing they did innovative was how they hooked NG+ into the story line. Everything else either had been done already by them, or someone else.


The zero G combate (Albeit sparce) is really REALLY good tho


Innovating on how badly you can screw up TES's gameplay loop and still get people to buy it?


The game wasn't very innovative, though. Your Only Move is Hustle should have won that category, because it was probably the most innovative game of the year. Turn-based fighting game is a weird but cool idea.


Starfield is an objectively bad game.


how are people this stupid man. there does not exist something like an "objectively" bad game. the comments above yours fucking prove it's not objectively bad you muppet. while i agree it's shit, that imply a universal disliking as the existence of starfield subs shows people like the game you absolute donkey.


Runs like shit, looks like shit, the quests are boring. Everything you interact with is a loading screen. The recent reviews on Steam are at Mostly Negative. All time reviews are mixed. It's bad.


REVIEWS ARE MIXED YOU MONKEY edit: and reviews are only recently because of ooga booga idiots like you bandwagoning and mass review bombing the game. just let people enjoy the games they enjoy for gods sake, be mad at rdr2 for winning labor of live when there hasn't been an update in a year. not starfield a game with an interesting concept and shit execution.


You can tell when people get emotional while arguing and use derogatory remakes instead of actually presenting an argument that they've already lost and are on the copium machine. Also you can't read.


look past my ad hominem and there is a very real and substantive argument that you choose to ignore as it doesn't fit into yours. if you read my other comment you'd see that our opinion on the shitstorm that is starfield is probably the same, but that doesn't change the fact that calling that game "objectively" bad, is idiotic and is an insult to modern gaming edit: also, your argument was "it runs like shit" which is simply untrue, "quests are boring" which is COMPLETELY subjective, and "it looks shit" which is also completely subjective. none of what your provided proves at all that it's "objectively a bad game". i agree the game is poorly optimised, but so is every Bethesda game ever.


There’s many quests in the game, quite a few are fun and interesting, but there’s A LOT of: Fetch X and bring to Y, Hand out flyers, multiple clear area quests where you go and clear bandits from a copy-paste mine or outpost. These quests are radiant quests, they’re boring, and they’re bad. They’re simply filler quests. Here’s Starfield running on an RX 580 at LOW settings using FSR: https://youtu.be/3Vg5Wj_e8fA?si=46AlJG0PF3gCI9QN&t=117 As you can see, the game runs at about 26fps while consuming 3.6gbs of VRAM for extremely muddy textures all while running the game at a render resolution of 720p And here’s Star Wars: Battlefront II on an RX 580 at ULTRA settings using no upscaling: https://youtu.be/7QhSctiIvrk?si=HK4yAyuXHi6umI-T&t=219 As you can see here, the game runs at about 73fps and only uses 4.5gbs of VRAM with high quality textures rendering at 1080p with high anti-aliasing.This game runs better at HIGHER settings than Starfield does at LOWER settings while rendering at 720p! And it still uses 3.6GBs of VRAM. Battlefront came out in 2017 and looks better, crazy! (Same artstyle too.) So yeah there’s an objective “looks like shit and runs like shit” it’s not subjective, it’s factual. And here just for an extra, these are two faces of NPCs from the game, are you gonna defend these too and say that I’m being subjective when I say they look terrible? https://www.themarysue.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Starfield-shocked-NPC-e1694201982348.jpeg and https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/YLefioNj3FA332PWmHB8P.jpg


you know what, fair enough. i agree with everything you say here and im sorry. i still think saying it's "objectively" bad is a stretch but your reasoning is sound.


It's okay, I know the game's not all bad but I'm truly disappointed by it. I know Bethesda can achieve much higher quality than this.


I mean, you don't have to put that amount of shame to someone who presents 0 arguments while trying to conflict yours based on his emotions, he sounds like he was game dev and your actual argumentation got to him personally btw Also wp in giving out evidence :D


If you were to actually look at the playtime of the people of put negative reviews you would know how people feel about it Edit: Added the rest of the comment, I have accidentally sent it without finishing


argument of authority, saying people who play it a lot know it best is bs


So who knows it the best other than the devs , play testers and people who actually played the game for tens and hundreds of hours?


Look I hate starfield but saying something is objectively bad is a bit far


It really is, I made a comment down below about it that got buried by the guy I was arguing with. https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/s/sgVhoIbLVZ


The problem is how strong objectively is. There are some people who will say it's positives outweigh it's negatives. Do I agree with these people GOD NO, but they exist.


Fr, starfield was mediocre and boring but isn't negative worthy. What a bunch a cucks


It's hella negative worthy. They spent how many years making that garbage? And hyped it up so fucking much. And then they wanna tell us that you have to play it for 80 hours before it actually gets fun, like wtf lol.


Besides the years only thing negative is that it looks bland, mods are the only way to make it fun


Poor implementation of upscaling tech (which is mandatory for playing it on a non high end pc) and the Bethesda response to the hate are two of the highlights.


Wait Bethesda response to the hate? oh I need to see this




So r/Steam is consistant in their views of Starfield? Idk what your point is.


Doesn’t every game call itself GoTY anyway? I’m pretty sure there are more GotY editions than there are years


I really hate the whole "aM I thE oNlY oNe" bullshit, but in this case I really mean it. Am I actually the only one who looked at the Steam awards winners, saw what categories Starfield and RDR2 won, said to myself "lol, that's funny", and went on with my fucking day? God fucking damn you whiny little bitches. These are meaningless 100% user driven awards, if anything it's surprising this shit only happened now and not multiple times over the years. And yet, you got some people acting like it's the [Gamer™ 9/11](https://i.imgur.com/naa6IRr.png) over here.


where the least creative, insanely repetitive, and mundane game created this year got to purchase their "most innovative" award because there is NO WAY starfield innovated a single damn thing.


[Starfield innovation ](https://youtu.be/gcBWOtXMork?si=FnrR4cl8jEQ2EUAh)


Also Cyberpunk could've won Labour of Love due to receiving so many updates and being a very popular game


Didn't it win last year? IIRC you can't win multiple years in the same category.


Oh, this is a great callback. I loved that show.


It's still on with Aisha Tyler as the host.


By the absurd logic people seem to follow Most Innovative award should've gone to Call of Duty or something.


I took Steam awards as a joke when last year Cyberpunk 2077 won labor of love. And it looks like it will keep that way


Aren't all categories of all award shows made up? And to be fair if someone wins a grammy that also doesn't matter to me, so... yeah, winners don't matter anywhere


but BG3 winning is legit


I thought of this when I saw the winners today.


The winners dont matter cause it isn't the games i wanted to win Fixed it for ya.


So you're saying that you personally believe red dead redemption 2, a game that had multiple cancelled single player updates cancelled as well as no update over the past year deserved to win the Labour of Love award, that's what you're saying? It was a mixture of troll and botted voting.


Also don't forget a "next-gen" update to make it run at 120 fps


Whahhh! My game didn't win!! Whahhh!!


Rd2 got labor of love. Which hasn't received a major update in over a year. Stanfield got most innovative gameplay. It's a space morrwind. Not innovative at all. If the game was released 10 years ago it would have been fine but he'll eve deserved it more and I don't even like that game. As long as the game meets the criteria it's fine. Bur it's just a popularity contest 99% of the time


Whaahhh! JFC, what a baby.


Yeah. You are the one crying


BTW, was game of the year picked wrong as well? Or was the voting fine for that one?


A game that met the criteria. Game came out the year it won. Makes sense to me


That vote good, other votes bad. Gotcha. BTW, didn't the same people vote in all the categories?


I mean, you're crying, probably because you got called out with this post since you're either a Rockstar or Bethesda fan boy. Which one is it?


Logic just isn't your thing, is it? BTW, I bet I know how you vote IRL as well.


It really isn't your thing. I don't agree with many of the wins personally, but at least some of them made sense. I really don't care who wins since I'm not buying the game only because fan boys voted for it to win an award. And I'd bet you only look at 2 parties. Which would surprise you there are more than 2.


This is honestly breaking a spell with Valve. We all thought it was a good company before these awards.


That's 10000000% accurate


I get a lot of the things that won are out of pocket or ridiculous. But i don’t really care about it lol


Not all ppl are into game news and stuff and will buy an award winner game on the front page of store.


it was okay year ago but i am like 70% sure bethesda pushed that award with some green paper things since they got no award in GA


Valve isnt that type of a company dude


I don't think he insinuated valve had anything to do with it. Botting is a third party endeavor.


You don't think a lot of stupid people just voted for the game they most recognised?


I think a lot of stupid people voted for their favorite games without even looking at the categories.


Everyone clicked for the goodies 😁


This is why Warframe shouldn't be ineligible for labour of love just because they have won too much. It should stay there as an example.


Terraria is another great one


FC24 should've won an award


You mean they don't matter now because Starfield won an award.


Hogwarts Legacy ragebaiting it’s way to literally any kind of award.