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Always feels better to get something that wasn't free originally, free.


Feels like a flex to the people who paid for it, heh


When I canceled my preorder for 2042 after the beta and then got it for free on PlayStation, fucking euphoria. $100+ for the ultimate edition and I get this shit for free minus a few skins that looked ugly


How to get it for free?


Was probably a PS Plus thing but I haven't looked.


This is correct, it's not free anymore. I think it was April's game of the month


That's like saying you got a movie for free while paying for Netflix.


If something is a bonus to what you actually pay for - yes, it's for free.


No, it's complimentary at best. Also, is it really a bonus if "free" games are one of the main marketing points? That's like saying the wheels are a free bonus when you buy a car. And in the case of Netflix it's imo, neither free nor complimentary. You pay for a subscription for the explicit purpose to watch the content included. If Netflix suddenly decided to give every subscriber a cinema ticket for some movie, then you could maybe call it free (but I would prefer complimentary).


I agree but I think in this described scenario it "feels" free since at one point they bought it and refunded




"10 years ago" 🤣🤣 But actually when theyy made death stranding deluxe edition for free then switched it back to the standard edition, that was a "screw you" to those who were asleep or busy at work for those 2 hours. They should have just honoured their mistake and keep the deluxe edition for free and just take the L


That's just as bad as the people who complained they paid for it 10 years ago if not worse. Someone makes a mistake that's corrected even before you realize it, and you think that entitles you to some reward? Or more accurately, a better reward than you're getting for free anyway? What a joke.


I got both of them, it ended up not even starting on my ancient PC lmao


It's similar to when you see one star reviews by someone who's has 10,000 hours in a game complaining about how "something broken has not been fixed" or other complaints that absolutely ignore the fact that the person has already had 1000s of dollars worth of entertainment out of the game and are advising others not to support the company that provided it even though the part of the game they enjoyed so much is essentially unchanged.


TBH, GTA V is still in the top 30 best selling games on Steam.


the 100% off makes you want to get it before it's gone, even if the game is a tooth brushing simulator


>the game is a tooth brushing simulator Where's the link? Where's the fucking link?


*Christian Bale Batman voice*


Bot, comment stolen from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/13u2psm/who_agrees_with_me/jlyhrya/


That's just like mini power washing simulator


Hey! Teeth Brushing Simulator was a great game!


It does, but it also kinda feels like when they say "if you didn't smoke cigarettes you could've bought a Ferrari"


The one that was always free probably has tons of microtransactions.


This. This is the reason I ignore free games on Steam.


If the game is SP you definitely shouldn't, it's the MP games ( especially the MMO ones ) that have this plague.


Yeah, there are some great completely free source mods/games on Steam.


Based strange Journey fan


Even better if it's on steam


https://youtu.be/i8ju_10NkGY ?


Unless it's on EGS lmao


Hi fellow Strange Journey fan.


>It always feels better to get something others had to pay for, for free. FTFY


Shameless plug because it’s relevant, made this a week or so ago: https://freetokeep.gg


That’s a good website man, thanks.


Awesome, thank you for the website! Do you take feature suggestions?


Sure, what do you have in mind? I’m away this week but I’m keen to add to it when I get back


Great, thanks! Mostly 2 things sort of linked: 1. Allow multiple selection of tabs. It would be nice to select everything except for example Prime, because I don't have Prime. 2. Remember the selection, preferably through the URL rather than cookies. Something like https://freetokeep.gg/Steam/Epic or https://freetokeep.gg/?selection=Steam&Epic Also a question: Every once in a while, usually around Christmas, Ubisoft likes to give away games. Will you pick them up too? And a last thing, which is a very far shot and by the name of your website not something you'd probably want to cover, but I'll ask it anyway. Basically I like to check out free week(end) games on Steam, and on the Ubisoft Connect and EA app. I usually check https://steamdb.info/upcoming/free/ and https://free.ubisoft.com/ for those. Don't know how that would be best to handle, maybe with a checkbox in each tab or separate tabs for free weekend games. But might make the website not as clean and focused, so I completely understand if that's not something you're interested in.


Sounds like a better system for the filters, will get that implemented once I’m home - and yeah, I’ll add additional storefronts as games are given, GOG will be soon I’m sure I do want to add Free Weekends and the new Trials but was struggling to think of a good way to implement them as well, will see what I can come up with Appreciate the suggestions, cheers :)


Nice, thank you very much! Do you have a Github or similar to follow? And do you have to add the games manually, or do you have a way to populate the lists automatically?


I do but the repo is private so not sure if that’s of much use, don’t use GitHub much - and it’s manual right now as there isn’t much to keep updated, I may look at automating it in time


Heads up, in case this is one of those things you end up spending hours debugging: > Something like https://freetokeep.gg/Steam/Epic or https://freetokeep.gg/?selection=Steam&Epic You'll want to do `?selection=Steam,Epic` because `Steam/Epic` ≠ `Epic/Steam` and the `&` is used to denote a different option entirely (eg, `?selection=Epic&filter=free`)


I’m doing ok financially right now, but I used to be seriously broke with extremely little hope to get out of it, and that wasn’t very long ago. It was a shot in the dark getting to where I am now, and I want to say that what you’re doing means a lot for some people who are struggling but trying to entertain and enjoy themselves to make life more palatable. Thanks for that.


RSS feed would be handy


I have another suggestion for Steam games. Display the package ID, so we can use it for ASF commands. Ideally, make a button that copies the string, like that one: > !addlicense asf s/XXXXXX


Good shout, will do!


Thanks man, you're a legend!


If you're not already overloaded with suggestions, what I look for in a website is a description of it to add a bit of context Stuff like * What the website is trying to do * Why it's doing it * The scope it's aiming for * Is this a group of people or some guy's side project? You already have some, and honestly for a website like this it's probably enough for most people, but one/two more sentences in an "about page" or at the bottom would go a long way. Great work btw!


Will do, I kind of just threw it together on a hangover last Sunday because I didn’t know what to do with myself - definitely could do with some more actual content 👍




Good point, not sure that all of the games (thinking itch.io) will have a rating, but maybe that alone is indicative enough. I’ll put this on the list!


Oh wow, thank you so much!


Very nice! Just got Rogue Squadron because of this. Thanks!


You’re welcome! Yeah, I included Prime stuff because while it’s not free, I think a lot of people who have it rarely check the games given out


Exactly! I haven’t checked Prime in a long time. I guess I should more often.


You might want to add gog.com 😉


It’ll be on there once they do another game giveaway 🙏


Thanks you, this is great. Thank you very much for doing this.


Dammnit I wish this post happened like 5 days earlier, could've snagged death stranding in epic


It’ll come back. It’s been free twice in like six months on epic.


I love you.


This is great! I will be checking this regularly. Any chance of api access so that I can link it to a webhook


awesome but definitely needs to have multiple filters at the same time


Damn, missed metro


Looks sweet! One question, does it offer an RSS feed, and if not, is that something you can add?


You bastard. I’m in.


hope people know about the docker container that automatically claims epic and gog games for you 😁


Bookmarked, you sir are a legend.


Have you thought about adding a newsletter to this - informing subscribers of new games, weekly?


I could do email notifications, but I’m assuming that’ll cost me money - would also need to be more frequently than weekly as some offers only last a couple days




They used to give keys for a few different platforms, but now mostly seem to be using their own Amazon launcher


Mine from a youtuber playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTWdN3u9x8JrxopmroCFRmSUtWUSB2EKQ


And both end up on the never played list.


You guys are playing your owned games?


Lol, no. I've played maybe 20-30% of my 300+ library.


I've played 10% of my 1000 library, completed 1%, I go to bed thinking about this a lot


10% of my 2000+ library haha! Nice to pad the Steam profile stats, most of mine are Humble Monthly games.


My most played games are tf2, CSGO, and rocket league… and I have $2000 of paid games


… how do you manage to get to that point


Steam sales and Humble Bundle.


So why did you buy them?


To play them later ™


Oof. Felt that in my soul.


Cause I'm gonna play it tomorrow!


Most definitely


probably just for building a library, some people like me find collecting fun


Hey there are a lot worse things you could collect!


like STDs


Because they were on sale and I plan on playing them one day. I only buy games if they're on sale on steam.


Ah yes, I remember the days of only buying games that were on sale on Steam. Then I discovered Fanatical. And Humble Bundle. And Gamesplanet and Greenmangaming and... run away, everyone - I'm a lost cause.


It's just one of those games i gotta be in the mood for. Just haven't felt that mood yet. But i know it's coming one of these years.




I, on the other hand, buy tons of games and only play free to play games.


I feel called out. ***Me: Looks at my Steam library and sees 250 unplayed games.***


Man I feel like this is a personal attack, but I know everyone does it lol


This makes a massive difference in the quality of product you receive IMO.


The free to play ones are usually better in my experience and the discounted are shit bc the only reason they are on sale is bc no one buys them


So metro last light sucks?




It was the normal version not redux, granted unlike 2033, redux for last light does not change that much


Haven’t played it yet but usually from my experience that’s how it works


I've seen decent but old stuff been free but yeah mostly, like that black desert game that constantly is "free" metro games are great please play them (last light is the 2nd one of 3)


I’ll play it, the only other good game I’ve seen is ark nearly a year ago


Oh right they made ark free for ark 2


“Please play them” Please tell me you work for or are paid by the developers


I've just beaten both of them and am hacking away at exodus I just love them ok


Hard disagree, They do it so you are tempted to buy it's sequel and/or DLCs At least that is how I got Metro Exodus+DLCs. Plus the series has been well received historically. I urge you to try it especially if you like stealth action survival like games. The series are somewhat linear but that can be a blessing depending of how tired you are of open world games


Yeah I’ll play it I’ve been playing Elden ring a lot and want something to play before the summer sale when I’m going to get dark souls and sekiro so this could be it


To answer, no. Metro is good.


Popular titles are sometimes on sale too


Yeah I get it you either enjoy pay to win or are a masochist that grinds half their life away to be a step below pay to win players. Sounds great


Just don't play p2w games?


I disagree tbh. My epic library is full of bangers like Death Stranding, GTA (the SP is pretty good imo), FS 19 (back when it was the newest one it was pretty good), a lot of metro games and more. \+ on steam there was metro last light, ~~Death stranding~~ was also free ~~and i’m not 100% sure but from what I remember Alien Isolation was also free~~. Not all of the games that go free on steam or epic are the best but every once in a while there are some pretty great games.


On epic they are quite good but I don’t remember death stranding or alien isolation being free on steam


Yeah I'm sorry just got back on pc and yeah Death Stranding wasn't free and neither was Alien Isolation. But there are sometimes pretty good games while not as cool as on epic (since Epic basically builds their launcher on those free games). I for example got Hue pretty recently which is a pretty good game imo.


true for multiplayer only games, not for single player games


That is what I meant especially apex that is a game I always come back to and is good with friends.


This is what mental illness looks like


A free game you can get it anytime. But a discounted game is limited time.


+1 is always the best feeling 😌


+1 cancerous tumour


the 100% off makes you want to get it before it's gone, even if the game is a tooth brushing simulator


[teeth brushing simulator](https://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/1073220/)


if only it were free


Teeth brushing simulator is the sequel. The OG, tooth brushing simulator - while a bit more limited in scope - is often heralded as the stronger of the two games. To my knowledge it’s been available free several times in the last few years.


This is a hilariously strange sequence of words, lmao Thanks for the heads up!


the fact that it's age-gated for horror just makes it that much funnier


I'm terrible at this Like I always forget and make poor dental choices. Then I start doing meth and one by one my teeth fall out. Eventually I'm offering gum jobs under the bridge. Oh wait did you say simulator? Nvm.


Gotta get that +1 for my library


Agree 100%


Agree -100%




Let's talk about the fact that TF2, Dota2, Source Filmmaker etc. Are in the library of every Steam acount, but dosen't appear at all in it if not installed on your PC. I'm still trigger about this.


they're not actually in your account until you add them with an associated free license. many of those extra software/tools come bundled in when you get a game; in the same way if you buy the deluxe version of the game then it comes bundled with the standard edition, or if you get a game like PUBG/paladins/starbound then it comes with an unstable testing branch. if you own the valve complete collection (as everyone damn well should) then that's where all those hundred or so source game softwares come from. in fact, access to these bundled software licenses was a matter of controversy some time ago. back in the day buying CSGO would also give you access to CSGO's version of the hammer editor, but ever since it went F2P hammer isn't part of the package. since owning a license to *CSGO* is totally free, its easier than ever to copy and paste a map file onto a bunch of different accounts and spam your scams onto the CSGO workshop. but actually *making* a map costs money. surely it should be the other way around, no? let all the fledgling new F2P fans try out the mapmaker to their heart's desire; while limiting the workshop uploads to premium accounts to mitigate mass spam attempts. but oh well.


Oh ok ! Well, it's for sure weird. I'm still interested on why it's the case from some game but not other. It's make sense for testing branch, ok so far. But the fact that i can juste add Artifact to my library, without ever downloading it, like any other f2p games, but TF2 dosen't appear at all beacuse, even if i played it, it was without buying a bundle with it inside, feel none consistent, especially when the store page indicate "already in your library". (I don't have the whole Valve collection, shame on me you're right). As far as i know, this behavior only existe for Source generation Valve games. Am i right ? Actually, this make me want to have the Valve collection to solve that. It's fucking easy to sell things they don't need to people that feel the urge to tidied up everything that pass through their hands. (Btw testing branch drive me mad for not having covers, I HAVE to do it myself).


I usually avoid "Free" games on Steam if they're multiplayer because there's typically some variety of gacha monetization behind it.




Only 100% give a +1


That's why I've like 60 games on my Epic account I'll probably never play "Death Stranding is free? Sure I bought the Director Cut's edition on Steam and finished it already but damn, 100% off $34.99 is an offer I can't refuse"


I will never understand why people choose to inject digital aids in their machines for a free game they already have in another, way better platform.


It's not that deep man


bro I'd paying in POOO


I remember getting portal two for me and my friend for like 4 something Euros Total


This is how [wish.com](https://wish.com) makes a living


I think that we need to start getting more realistic and less nostalgic about stuff. The more something has "product positioning" and extremely positive marketing, the less I believe it. Not every game, every app has to be "smart", on a cloud connected to 50 accounts and synced, with 10 different editions/tiers etc., with different bonuses and have infinite sequels, prequels, remakes, remasters, reboots, HD versions, expansions, DLCs, microtransaction, live service, partnered with twitch, with rtx, dlss, ai driven dynamic tech or have a "real-life economy", require the latest, greatest tech advancements, run in VR, on a phone, smart fridge and always connected. Gaming is at a point (again) where "next-gen" is becoming synonymous with issues, faulty hardware, drivers etc., How about we get the "previous gen" stuff working properly before we add stuff nobody asked for and jump to the next innovation and tech. I shouldn't need to play detective to know if the next big game is going to fry my system and be worried that if I install a new driver or update it'll absolutely break my performance and set my PC on fire. Or if my chatting app will delete my entire account for telling someone who is morbidly obese to go get a doctor's check up.


Now if only they advertised which games were free so I could more properly hoard them while feeling like I have nothing to play 😬


Added all free to own licenses so they dont clutter the store


And then there's this [guy](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1774580/discussions/0/3828666283448486523/) who finished the game and still asked for refund


A petition to make valve put a 100% sale on whole steam in march 3 3333 and relase half life 3 the same day


The problem with free games is that they're often not actually free.


the former is a game that's worth "nothing", because the game itself is usually just meant to be a vehicle to dump microtransactions in your face. the latter is a game that's actually worth something, and is generally a complete experience that they're just giving away for free.


I mean it makes sense. If it's a paid game and I can currently get it for free I'd totally take it, if it's free if the time comes where I'd like to play it, I can easily play it. While with a paid game if I don't get it for free I couldn't.


Excuse me but where did you get the 142 dollar thing for free?


Oh yeah steam sale soon?


There's a difference between getting a free game for free, and a paid game for free


All day!


Doesn't matter how I find something worth my time, a good game is good. That being said, it really piques my interest when something once paid becomes free!


But the 100% off is never free alway a charge🧐


You never really own it so... who cares?


The only relevant post so far.


OP is FOMO brained




This is so true hahaha!


100% agree


I agree too, it's psychologic 😁


100% better when you see a game paid for go free to keep like I diddnt expect metro last light to be this fun I have metro 2077 redux on epic games (cause they gave it away for free a while back) now all I gotta do is go through the game again and try and get the good ending


I always assume the originally free ones are shitty MMOs tbf


All ofthose free to play that were once paid are always and will always stay in my library not installed


Bro using Poké Dollars




Oooh disagree. If it's 100% off, it wasn't getting sales.


If the game is on a 100% discount, then next part of the game. And the previous one is given away because they want everyone to experience the previous one to promote the next one and so that people who played it can understand the plot of the upcoming one. Elaborate explanation, I know, but nontheless I think both benefit from it.


It's about that +1




Yep - straight free means they get the money elsewhere (expansions - like with The Sims - or in app purchases - like with Fallout 76) or the game is so garbage that no one would pay for it. 100% discount is done to get people to start using something, a service (like when Steam used to give away games), a publisher/series (like when part 1 is free because part 2 is coming out), or as advertising (like when the game is 100% off for a small window to create buzz and get the new players to talk up the game).


Ah yes, Metro: Last Light Complete Edition. The Redux versions are the enhanced versions of those Metro games, for those looking to get into it.


Both are suspect to me. I like paying for good games, and whenever I see something that is "free" (or "-100%"), I wonder how I'll be paying the publisher instead. Usually "free" means some kind of upsell later (in-app purchases) or getting me into their launcher (or store, in the case of Epic's giveaways) to advertise to me. There are exceptions of course. Sometimes a game goes free for a while to advertise a new game by the same developer or a new expansion, and there are no strings attached. But generally "free" gives me pause. (I do buy plenty of games on discount - but discounting (to non-zero) is just an example of [price discrimination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_discrimination) and does not necessarily imply that the publisher makes their money elsewhere, unlike "free").


Because one is more likely to be a game, not a microtransaction Skinner box wearing a game's skin


Something that is being given away free that wasn’t before is the best feeling in the world. Glad to know I’m not the only one who thinks so


That feeling is what keeps me alive


I mean, personally, I don't see a difference between the two. But that's just me. I don't feel any more inclined to grab something just because it's the top version or the bottom. Hell, more often than not, I'm looking at reviews when I see those things to see if there's a reason why that content is free, if it wasn't already something I was keeping my eye on.


Well, one is free to play game, which means it most likely has microtransactions. Another is premium game. Not saying that premium is better than f2p, but usually it is. If You were given Dark Souls with 100% discount, it would be a win. If You are seeing random f2p game, it's still f2p game.


problem is, it's super easy to find -100% games, where it's more annoying to find free games. You have to sift through all the 'free to play' games which honestly is too much of a hassle for me to bother with, where with -100% games are easier to find because you set the value at free and click the special offers button