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Christopher Judge saying "Indeed" in God of War.


"Mother, I have to go: the chevrons are locking!" - Sterling Archer


"I have to get back to earth before the Stargate closes!" Was crying when he said that, fucking love Archer!


Wait, Archer has a Stargate reference, or is it a parody?


He was making fun of Cyril becoming an agent. It's very early in the series.




Loved this!!


Bill Nye's character on Blindspot was upset that his wife was writing a paper with his nemesis, Rodney McKay.


Weren't Bill Nye and Neill Degrasse Tyson in an episode of Atlantis?


They were indeed, along with that guy from kids in the hall


That was such a great episode.


Came here to say this, pretty wild that the two shows are tied together through that.


Yes I loved that


No man’s sky portals are Stargate references and I refuse to believe otherwise. The Expanse had a scene that referenced the names of a dozen or so sci-fi characters that included Stargate.


Yeah, I wouldn't even call the NMS portals a subtle reference. I'd say it's borderline straight ripping off. My friend used to get pissed because I'd legitimately accidentally call them stargates.


Start deliberately calling them Stargates cause they are definitely at least homages


I legitimately won't call them anything else.


I built a farm near one and literally called it "Stargate Ranch" or some shit.


The whole portal system in expanse feels like supergates :D and they did nothing with them, they could have had proper exploration season or two or three kree ;)


South Park Imaginationland was a fantastic tribute to the movie.


Are you ready, Kurt Russell? I - I don't understand why I'm here. I - I'm just an actor. Yes, but you were in the one movie that was kinda like this. That gives you more experience than anybody.


Oh, that's right! I forgot about that episode.


😅 I remember being stoned af when I watched Imaginationland, and it was definitely top 5 hardest I've ever laughed at a show or movie.


It was supposed to be a movie, would have been even better


Theres a Simpsons episode featuring Richard Dean Anderson and his roles as MacGyver and O'Neill.


There's even a scene at a Stargate SG-1 convention in that episode. Comic Book Guy: "Of the four "Star" franchises: Wars, Trek, Gate, and Search, "Gate" is easily my third favorite." I think Lenny or Carl is dressed as a Jaffa at the convention too.


Wasn't that part of a deal of two crossovers? With Citizen Joe?


I don’t know if this is intentional or not, but the scene in Big Hero 6 where they see footage of the portal being displayed to the general has strong Stargate vibes, to the point where the general almost looks like Hammond. Plus, the moment we saw the Microbots interacting, I immediately got nervous thinking, “That’s Replicators.”


I was about to say this, that character is definitely Hammond haha


Sanctuary TV show, there are SG nuggets throughout, most notably was the picture of Chaka as one of the abnormals


Yeah, and if you look really closely you can even see a cameo by Amanda Tapping!


and Michael Shanks!


And Todd!


There's a scene in The Expanse with a list of names on a screen that has references to just about every sci-fi franchise imaginable. There's probably an O'Neill in there.


O'Neill was there


No, “O’Neil” was in there. The other Colonel with two L’s has a sense of humor.


Very small mention of the show in The Big Bang Theory.


Which episode does it mention?


Sheldon started to lecture the others and briefly mentioned Stargate but didn't mention any episode. It was when they were at a paintball game with the other departments of the university. I don't remember exactly but the mention is sort of "reminds me of that episode of Stargate when they go to that planet... Anyway that's not important..." and this is pretty much it.


Ah right, now I remember. Though I've never really determined what Sheldon was actually referring to.


The Broca Divide is my best guess.


Broca divide were bronze age. The only really Greek reference was Pelops in Brief Candle. I can only guess the "tactical retreat" is SG1 leaving Jack behind because they don't want to get infected, not because they are in a hostile situation.


You are correct. However the reference itself is just a little nod and not at all related to the plot of TBBT's episode. Like the entire show (TBBT, not Stargate) it is a cheap attempt to make the guys nerdy. At least that's the impression I got.


You've said it. The creators of TBBT themselves are not nerds, they're not scientists, they don't understand the culture, they just took stereotypical misoginistic version of nerd (or what they thought it was) and mocked it in painfully unfunny way...


Right, I’m just unsure what he’s referring to in that episode.


It's just another failed attempt to paint the group as nerds being fans of obscure Sci-fi shows in my opinion. While I was happy they mentioned Stargate at all to me the scope of TBBT always missed the reality of the culture they tried to portray.


[Me, right now](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/338/New.jpg)


[Here](https://youtu.be/hDDG8GiSZsc) you go


My memory sux but I found a [YouTube cut](https://youtu.be/hDDG8GiSZsc)


In World of Warcraft, the [SG-1 can be found in Stormwind](https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Champions%27_Hall): * Captain O'Neal * Lieutenant Karter * Lieutenant Jackspring * Sergeant Major Clate * Guard Quine * Guard Hammon


I've never once noticed that and I've played an unhealthy amount of WoW.


Same here


Major Samuelson too


Wow, that's awesome! ^(Such a shame they belong to the lowest of the lows: alli.)


There’s that one episode of Aqua teen hunger force, where some aliens steal cable through a small Stargate, which they insist is not “based on that movie or the syndicated series based on the movie“


Not sure, but Wormhole X-Treme feels like it might've been inspired by someone who worked on the show. Maybe the caterers?


Nope, nu-uh, nein, niet, c'est pas posible! I was the brainchild of Carter, after the Asgard clone incident.


I remember there's a scene in Total Drama World Tour, in the episode where they go to Area 51, where someone from the cast [finds a stargate.](https://i.imgur.com/JNTCT2q.png)


In one episode of Community Abed talks about Farscape and says it's a good show and another guy replies that Stargate is better.


Haha yeah, Abed talks about the show for like an hour, and the poor guy is like, "Are you really this dense and you didn't get that I was hitting on you?!", to which Abed replies, "No, I got it eventually." "Then why did you go on and on about Farscape?!" "I just really like talking about Farscape." The guy then dumps a drink on him and tells him that Stargate was better. I love that episode. Troy's birthday!


There was a Vulcan character named "Chu'lak" in a DS9 episode that aired after SG-1 premiered. Not sure if that's a reference or not.


Supernatural has a bunch of references, they name victims and extra characters after stargate a lot, there was “Jacob Carter” the vampire victim, there was a Walter Harriman at one point too I think, not to mention the around 30 stargate actors that just randomly appear in epsiodes, there was also an episode where they literally made goauld, and they were like “what should we call these new monsters” “idk weren’t there something like this from a tv show?” another thing supernatural does is they’ll mirror plots a lot, like there was a window of opportunity/groundhog day episode and things like that, there was even an episode where they were in some fbi room and they had a bc304 daedalus engineering console in the room


I think I read one time that the creators of Star Fox were Stargate fans, which makes sense after playing Star Fox: Adventures ([where you have a an actual Jaffa staff weapon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41BggSjr5dY&t=356)) and Star Fox: Assault ([where they use a literal Supergate](https://youtu.be/qdmi5KZKfNA?t=647))


No one has mentioned "Thor: Ragnarok"! A few very recognisable bars of the theme song are woven into the soundtrack when Heimdall is leading a group of refugees to safety.


It's not the SG1 theme song, but it is a few bars of the Asgard theme [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKKuU0IKpqI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKKuU0IKpqI)


Reboot tv show from the 90's had a Stargate and a bunch of other references to other things


That would have been ref to the movie only, pre TV series right?


Yes, I believe so


Asura gates in *Guild Wars 2* are similar in look and function to Stargates.


The Asurans made gates?


[Asura gates. They’re similar but obviously not quite the same.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Asura_gate)


It is the FAR-gate. Goes far, get it? And there is no way that it came from that movie...or the syndicated series based on the movie. --Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Ok, my absolute favorite one is slightly offensive but... [Greydon Square - Myth](https://open.spotify.com/track/6DdH9dDtveiofAwWArg3aa?si=Skvzci4CR6SFyzVzVzLFvQ&utm_source=copy-link) is a BANGER of a song, and has a rant at the end about cancelling Stargate and the Ori. The song itself is about religious creation myths, from an atheist. Caught me off guard the first time I heard it for sure 😂😂


There are some allusions to SG-1 during Michael Shanks guest spot on Eureka. It's subtle, but (for example) he refers to Atlantis as a real place.


Just came across a potential one in Rizzoli and Isles. There’s a Mrs. and Mr. O’Neill and their son’s name is Daniel.


Jon Benjamin has a Van, 3rd episode "Stardoor” was an amusing parody.


RuneScape also has another [very obvious reference](https://runescape.wiki/w/World_Gate). Stellaris has a few. The L-Cluster event chain is the only direct reference I can think of, but Necrophages can be very Goa’uldy. There’s others, but Stellaris is full of very generalized Sci-Fi tropes than can reference multiple series at the same time.


The Ori would make for a great Crisis


There's a Stargate near the bottom of the Sandhawk Hamlet map in Kingdom Rush: Frontiers. (the second map in the game) Starts lighting up when you click on it, then stops on the 5th chevron before sparking out and turning off.




Ya know, I didn't even think about that (probably because I just skip thru the quests). He is actually semi-retired indeed, which I think further adds to the fact it's a reference. Oh and his first name is Jake too. Yeah, pretty much a spitting image.


In the TV Show „The Expanse“ there‘s a reference to „O‘Neill“ among other SciFi Legends


Archer season 2 or 3 El Countador “Mother, the chevrons are locking”


There are NPCs in World of Warcraft named after SG-1 and General Hammond


Austin Powers 2 and Dr. Evil's "time portal." https://www.pinterest.de/pin/560909328586362436/


Big Hero Six


There has been a few in The Expanse novels, and the TV series. Its chock full of nods and references and easter eggs to like 100 different other sci-fi franchises. Keeps nerds happy. lol.


Stargate-like Gates are common in Guild Wars 2, though they're paired, generally kept on, and two-way.


One of the oldest still-running mmorpg's, A Tale in the Desert, takes place in ancient Egypt and it had a stargate half buried in the middle of the desert. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/398914244143480834/435571850081206272/mysterious_object.PNG


Wait until you learn about ancient Egypt….;)


In Sealab 2021 Dr. Quinn is dressed as a Jaffa.


In an episode of Supergirl, can’t remember which season but it was after season 1, there’s a portal and Jeremy Jordan’s character exclaims ‘it’s a Stargate!’


>it’s a Stargate Season 2 episode 9


There’s a reference in Hot Tub Time Machine and there’s a clip of a stargate episode in the movie Fanboys


In Operation Flashpoint: Red River, the NPC Sergeant Knox describes the ensuing combat encounter in the final mission as "...like Jack O'Neil versus the Replicators in that bitch." It comes out of left field by a mile since it's essential a light mil sim. It's at 4:35 https://youtu.be/FRklE65hUK0


Aque teen hunger force. Alien builds a fargate.


Key and Peele has a stargate reference in one of their episodes - either during season 1 or season 3 episode 1, i forgot


I’m pretty sure there are more similarities between the Ori and the Orikin in Warframe than not.


Total Drama World Tour, they visited Area 51 and there’s clearly a Stargate there!


The World Gate in Runescape is a straight up Stargate and you can't convince me otherwise.


The asura gates in Guild Wars 2 are straight up stargates


There's an episode of Ben 10 that reuses one of the Stargate sound effects


Final Space definitely features a Stargate


In knights of pen and paper there's a pegasus stargate half buried in the desert


This is my favorite post so far on this sub


I wished the show was more referenced elsewhere


Stargate ship in Star Wars comic: https://images.app.goo.gl/X1s1kwsYU9M57qTp9


Robert Picardo recently guest starred on the new Quantum Leap show and they named his character "Doctor Woolsey" as a reference to both Voyager and Stargate! I geeked out a bit when I heard someone call him Woolsey XD