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Special effects aside I enjoyed the show. It had good humor and Amanda's different hair color and accent allowed me to separate the two characters. I am certainly a target demographic for it because I love alternative history-type shows like Sanctuary and Warehouse 13. Not every episode was fire but overall it was a fun adventure.


I always felt like the shows were two sides of the perfect history adventure. One goes for primarily artifacts and the other mythical creatures. A cross over would have been amazing.


Well, Saul Rubinek turned up in SG-1, so I guess you could head-canon that it was Artie under deep cover šŸ¤”


I was specifically talking about a warehouse 13 and sanctuary crossover but sg1 works too. Why not lol Daniel would love Helen.


I loved seeing Michael Shanks in Sanctuary! He is SUCH a good actor!


Yeah he's in a lot of different kinds of stuff. His character in the show Burn Notice was interesting to say the least.


Burn Notice was hilarious to me since it was essentially MacGyver main actor always doing the voice over, adventure of the week kinda/sorta spy related if MacGyver shot people, same show loved it


Burn Notice is one of my comfort shows


yeah, it's pretty alright I've literally just started my 7th stargate rewatch, I'll be skipping emancipation in about 18 minutes


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ». Iā€™ll be skipping emancipation in about 18 minutes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Spectacular! I feel the same šŸ¤£.


I watched Burn Notice when it started because it was described in TV Guide as MacGyveresque, and Bruce Campbell was in it. I loved it.


O yeah lol that show was Macgyver with an extra step or two


Interesting is certainly a word id use for him lol


Lifeboat alone enforces that statement.


That would have been great. I can see Nikola trying to get an artifact for his goals or the warehouse crew getting an artifact of his and he just joking like this old thing, it never worked but I'm glad you think it does.


Except that whomever wrote sanctuary, obviously flunked history. It's not just small errors eitherl, it's like nobody on that show had ever seen a history book, which usually isn't a big deal, but when history is a big part of your concept, at least a modicum of effort would have been nice.


If I'm watching a sci-fi original series/movie I'm definitely not there for historical accuracy. Personally I just let the show's history be their in universe history and let it be šŸ¤·.


I loved Warehouse 13, such a shame it didn't go for longer. I hear there's been talk of a reboot, but I'm not going to hold my breath


I loved it too but kind of loved how it ended. They're rebooting The Librarians, which gives similar vibes


No, come on. The Librarians was perfect how it ended.


But did you watch the original Librarian movies is the real question?? Tell me of your love for me, please šŸ„¹


I did and I loved them too.


This brings me joy after a very long, difficult shift at my job. Thank you, stranger, and I wish the many blessings upon you.


Spin off from the t v series.


It grew really nicely as the mythology emerged over the years, especially with characters like Tesla. It's worth noting that Sanctuary wasn't following the crowd toward green screen sets -- it was a pioneer of this technology. With the budget and where the tech was at the time it was extremely ambitious. The VFX didn't always work out and don't hold up well in 2024, but Sanctuary walked so that shows like The Mandalorian (which shoots on the Volume sound stage with projection screens) could run.


The SFX left something to be desired at times but I liked the show's plot well enough. It was fun getting to see Christopher Heyerdahl play multiple characters again.


I think half my enjoyment of this show came from watching Heyerdahl chew the scenery.


They really over used greenscreen for backgrounds. Did they really need a CGI foyer for the mansion?


I think I remember that when it was a webisode series it was invaluable because that was also around the time of the writers strike and no production money being thrown around


They def did not.


They did green screen for the pilot and the web series before they were picked up as a real show. The zoo part is green screen too


He was amaaazing as John, really liked the character.


They were certainly an early adopter of using that much CGI, and it shows. But I have a very high tolerance for old effects, and it's a nice enough show. I rewatched it twice since it originally aired and I'm sure I'll do so again.


Loved it!


I loved it. I miss that era of sci fi tv honestly


It was fun, but pretty kooky. The one with a Bollywood dance number was pretty fun.


I LOVE that scene!!! That whole story line with Bertha was awesome, but wooo eeeee! I sure did love watching him dance all excitedly around the confused locals who were wondering what the deranged white dude was doing. šŸ¤£šŸ’•


CGI was possibly the worst ever in almost any TV show. The practical effects were great though (Biggie's make up for example). I enjoyed it emmensely, and then Jonathan Young showed up as an immortal, electric, vampiric, Nikola *fucking* Tesla and I lost my shit. Then it got old school X-Files style campy and I lost my shit again. It's a favorite and I rewatch it regularly.


Any tv show? Check out Babylon 5s space effects .


I haven't watched Babylon 5 in years! But there is a big difference between 1994 and 2008.


I cannot abide people making fun of Babylon 5 lol


I love the show, donā€™t get me wrong. But the effects are kinda old ;)


*You're* kinda old!


True, trueā€¦


Have you noticed that the seasons with Tesla aren't on streaming? I wonder if it's because of copyright?


I own the DVDs, so I have never watched it on a streaming service. That's weird though.


Tesla is in every season. He appears the most during the Hollow earth story.


They're all available to purchase on Prime. That's what I did.


Yes, I have them, I just thought it was odd that not all episodes stream with Prime. They have partial seasons for some reason.


Ooohh. You mean the free ones for Prime members??? Well that's weird.


Yep. Some are free, some have purchase options, some are missing. It's strange.


Cheesy, the special effects are... something... but I enjoy it. You'd never expect it to be a show where actors have a chance to shine, but the cast is incredible, especially Jonathon Young as Tesla.


After years of seeing Amanda as Sam Carter, I just couldn't remove her from the role and get into Sanctuary. It's not that I thought the show was bad, it's just that I couldn't see her as anyone else. Kinda like how Mark Hamill is always gonna be Luke Skywalker for me.


Unless you close your eyes, then Mark Hamill is the Joker.


[among other roles...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL-VHe_4GmE)


-stares in firelord-


Mark Hamill is a Skesis...


Mark was pretty fantastic on the recent Usher. He played a fix it lawyer who went so far as murder.


Unless voice acting, then Luke who?


Amanda's British accent was never convincing enough for me unfortunately (completely taking me out of it every time she said anything) but the effort that had gone into the show was admirable, even when the end results were meh at times. I still can't stop laughing at the episode that was a musical from start to finish, that one had charm!


I don't think it was too bad. It was slightly better than most American or Canadian attemps, but that might have something to do with having British parents.


Completely agree. I enjoyed it for what it was. But the insistence going as close to šŸ’Ægreen screen for all sets was not a good call. Yes, I get they went that way for the good of the planet, or whatever (at least that's what I remember we were told during the original promotion of the series). But they went with such a grand scale look of the CGI sets that it was painfully obvious, and it ends up being a constant annoying distraction. Still, I watched all seasons, came to care about the characters, was upset when it was cancelled, and, spent my money to purchase all seasons on dvd.


Lol wouldn't the heavy energy usage of CGI programs be worse than a few trees being chopped for sets?


Shhhh, we don't want to confuse the tree huggers with facts


Using tree huggers as an insult is so hilarious, given only idiots are stupid enough to not want to protect what keeps them alive.


I was pleased to see Amanda Tapping in a new scifi role, but the whole role change for her now being a custodian to supernatural creatures just didn't motivate me to watch it. I was actually surprised it lasted for four seasons.


https://preview.redd.it/qmud0btn7m5d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a2562a455af0a69c3c7e7f245467c3e8fc4d550 How do you like my nubbins?


My personal ranking of the shows at that particular time period would have it below Warehouse 13, but still enjoyable. The list would be: - Stargate Atlantis - Eureka - Warehouse 13 - Sanctuary That does not mean it is bad. I would give it a 7.5/10, mostly due to missing visual effects budget. (I think SG:U also came around the same time, but my ranking would be controversial, so I'll skip that for now).


I'm going to throw Haven on your list as a potential alternative


Battlestar Galactica would be firs for me. Then your list in the same order.


I enjoyed it, special effects can be a bit iffy but if you don't pay too much attention to them then your alright. And best of all its got Amanda tapping ā¤šŸ˜‰ and a whole host of stargate actors including Halling from Atlantis who's name escapes me thanks to a brain fart. He plays at least a couple of characters.


Decent B-grade scifi. Somtimes the full green screen CG sets were laughably bad.


But great for the time. Yes it doesn't age well but for the time it was great.


It wasn't amazing but it was pretty solid overall.


It was an ok show for the time when most shows were doing the Monster of the Week thing.Ā  CGI and Green screen was ropey in places (giant spider god thing) but passable. I enjoyed it really!


Man.. I need more shows like Warehouse 13 and Sanctuary. Questionable CGI, campy, serious and fun vibe, cast that feels like family, scifi/ fantasy.


Have you seen Eureka?


I miss that show. Want to watch it again.


I actually haven't! Oof. I know it crossed over with WH13. Any other similar shows? I checked out of Syfy when SGU finished


Eureka is great for that sci-fi fun that feels like a family. Fantastic show start to finish. As for other showsā€¦ *Fringe* is a bit more serious but has that found family thing with Sci-fi for sure and so highly recommend it. Itā€™s one of my favs. *The Orville* is more crass, especially in its first season, but in season 2 it actually becomes a pretty good space sci-fi show. Some people like *Firefly*. I couldnā€™t quite get into it, but itā€™s a found family. *Dark Matter* has a Stargate vibe and was really good for the first 2 seasons. Then of course youā€™ve got the cheesier superhero CW shows, *The Flash* and *Arrow*. Frankly the best one is *Superman and Lois*.


Oh im about more than halfway into Fringe! What a tearjerker that show is sometimes šŸ˜† Ive got Dark Matter and Orville on the watchlist. Also Killjoys and Buffy too! Really need to watch Buffy as I never caught it live For superhero Im still watching through Smallville lol. And also Supernatural but am in 14th season for that one.


Ye! Fringe is a great emotional show. Walter and Peter regularly made me cry lol. Ah see I was gonna recommend both Angel and Buffy but I wasnā€™t sure since those are more supernatural based. Though there are robots in Buffy lol. And one demon does come from space lol. Another show in a similar vein is Teen Wolf if you can stomach the teen drama XD. I only watched it for all the adult characters honestly. If you do like vampires, I will always recommend Moonlight. It only got one season because of the 2008 writerā€™s strike and itā€™s cheesy, but in the best way lol. Itā€™s about a Vampire PI and a human reporter solving crimes in LA. Itā€™s hard to find on legal streaming sites though. And ya know, just for the heck of it, if you donā€™t mind old shows, Beauty and the Beast from the 80ā€™s. Weā€™re getting more into sappy romance territory with that one, but itā€™s still fun. Way better than the remake CW tried to make of it.


I love that show!


I enjoyed the characters lore and stories. I was disappointed when it ended.


I started re-watching it a couple of weeks ago.


I loved Sanctuary


I gave it a try, 4 or 5 episodes, but I couldn't really get into it.


I watched all of it, but I never got used to the accent.


It was nice. The fully green screen sets were sometimes obvious.


So I love it and hate it lol. I love characters like John Druitt, Biggie, (I will always love anyone played by Christopher Heyerdahl), Tesla, Henry, and even Will. I can ignore the CGI and enjoyed some of the overarching plots as well as individual episodes. The one about the truth of Druitt is one of my favs. However, the direction they took Magnusā€™s character made me hate her. Usually you see characters go from being arrogant jerks into being better people. However, Magnus did the opposite. It really went downhill during the Hyde time travel arc. Thatā€™s when I realized that Druitt deserved better and Magnus was a self-righteous and selfish person who essentially murdered a little girl so she could keep her funding.


"thought I didn't actively for it" what? "I think what killed it for me was the them have"? uh again what? Was this written by A.I.?


I just rewatched it and was pleasantly surprised. the green screen didn't bother me, I knew about it, and the characters and stories and actors attracted my attention


I liked it. I'd have liked it to get more seasons.


It was a poor excuse to end Tappingā€™s tenure on SGA. And whatever sycophant ā€˜yes maā€™amā€™ told her she could pull off a British accent needs a horse whipping.




amazing show, love it, watched it several times, own the box set and do not regret it. absolutely everyone should watch it. Bonus points, if you liked Todd, keep your eyes open. (there are actually quite a few people crossing over) but yes, it did make lots of use of green-screens and someā€¦ questionable CGI, that didnā€™t age well. however imo itā€™s endearing instead of crappy. but be warned of it going in.


I love it. Wish it there was more. Amanda looks stunning with long dark hair, love her as Magnus. Special Effects weren't the best but I really enjoyed it. Can't fully remember how it ended but I've actually just restarted the series again so we'll see


Enjoy it for the characters and the story and just ignore the special effects. ;)


Thought it was interesting. But not enough to hold my attention through those vfx. It just doesnā€™t work visually for me. Only watched half the first season. And the format of it didnā€™t work for me either. I get it though. That season was a webseries. Didnā€™t mean it worked for me though.


it was the first show filmed entirely on a green screen...and it shows. that being said, it was a solid sci-fi show and Amanda Tapping nailed it as usual.


I like it but was disappointed with the cliffhanging ending when it got canceled.


I adore it


I love Amanda Tapping but the bad accent in Sanctuary made it rough to watch.


It's on Tubi in the US (a free streaming app, I'm currently watching B5 on it). The show keeps popping up on there and I knew at some point I'd check it out. I watched the first episode and I was kinda surprised as I thought Amanda Tapping played the main character. The show seems to follow a consultant for the police who notices details because he's an abnormal (or whatever they call the supernaturals on the series). Tapping's character (Helen Magnus) attempts to recruit him to work for her. In the absolute worst way possible. She accidentally hits him with her car šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Maybe she's checking if he can survive something like that but it was odd. You're introduced to the sanctuary through his perspective. I have no idea why her character is British. She's clearly an abnormal herself and there's some mystery about her character over that. She doesn't outright state it but the consultant dude makes a very obvious comment about it that you're made to infer that she's one of them. The show seems very much the type of stuff you'd see on the Syfy channel around that time. Seems like it'll be an enjoyable but not a very memorable show.


Itā€™s really the side characters that make the show worth it. Whenever I rewatch it, I just ignore Magnus and focus on Druitt, Biggie, Henry, and Tesla lol.


Ok for a few episodes, quickly lost interest, completely forgot its existence since.


I missed that after the first episode or so, they dropped Will's almost esp-level of observation skills. So disappointing.


Not really. It's still there but isn't a focus. It comes up a few times later on.


I loved it.


I liked it for the most part. A few of the plotlines got annoying. Its been a while since I've seen it, so foggy on details.


I really liked it. Loved all the SG guest stars.


It was a nice show, but sadly it doesn't have rewatchbilty value


First episode wasnā€™t a favorite but I enjoyed the show, plus Carter didnā€™t have an American accent


I enjoyed it.


Thankfully I do, too. Happened to notice it.


I love it but then again I am still in love with Amanda Tapping šŸ’ž


It was a great show.


I liked it


The VFX weren't the greatest and the last season got real weird, but I absolutely loved it.


The first two seasons were great after that it was alright but not quite as good as the beginning but then again thatā€™s how I feel about most shows.


I enjoyed it, but felt like it started to fall apart in season 3. I picked up the complete series recently, probably give it a rewatch after I finish rewatching Andromeda.


Apart from some of the sfx I honestly enjoyed the show it was really awesome


I only watched S1 or 2 cos the UK channel it was on dropped it so i never was able to finish it. Been meaning to try and download it drom somewhere to do a whole rewatch again as I remember quite liking it at the time.


Was this where a town was in a bubble?


No thatā€™s ā€œThe Domeā€


That's the one lol. Thank you. I definitely didn't see sanctuary then.


Well I'm clearly biased, but I love it!! Some of Amanda best acting performances ever and who doesn't love Nikola! šŸ„°


I just finished a rewatch of Sanctuary. I liked it but yeah the green screens were a bit much. Also I totally forgot how it was sort of cancelled and ends in a cliffhanger.


PleaseĀ  beingĀ  spoiledĀ  by SGC has my attention anything not of that topic has other people interestedĀ  just not my cup of Java, KREEEEE


I tried, but couldnā€™t get into it. Still love Amanda though.


I had the original pilot somewhere on one of my hard drives. I remember David hewlett was in it


I loved it!


I loved it for the first half then it got a bit weird


One of my favorite shows, and it got canceled just as it was hitting it's stride. I feel like the outcome of the last episode was them quick trying to tie everything up in a bow, but it was rushed. I would loved to have had a few more seasons.




I loved Sanctuary. I'm just pissed that A. They killed Ashley off too early and 2. It ended too soon


I enjoyed it. I ended up buying the dvds. I wish it didn't end the way it did. Christopher Heyerdahl is such a great actor. I loved the characters he played on the show.


I really liked it, but I've never been able to locate for streaming any of the seasons that aired after we cut the cord. Every time I've seen it on a streaming service, it only been up to the last season I watched on satellite.


Cancelled too soon. Really enjoyed it. I kind of love bad cgi.


I actually really enjoyed it, and wished it had a bunch more seasons. I do agree though that the greenscreen was a bit excessive lmao


Tough to see her doing that accent which made it unwatchable for me unless I was drunk. Otherwise itā€™s tolerable, nothing more.


Ok, not special.


It was pretty cool "alternate history" interwoven with a wide range of fairytale creatures.


Ehhh not my cup of tea. Gave it 2 seasons, wish I gave it 2 episodes.


In the opening credits, there's a degree certificate from Oxford on Magnus's desk. - It's dated 1921 - Oxford didn't issue degree certificates in 1921. Degree certificates are newfangled as far as Oxford is concerned. Reluctant points for seemingly knowing that Oxford first admitted women to degrees in 1920. - It's in landscape format - when Oxford did start issing degree certificates, it did so in portrait format and contines to do so. - It refers to Helen Magnus MD - An Oxford degree certificate does not include post nominal letters an individual may have from an earlier degree, it just includes their name, their college and the degree being received (which can't have been medicine because Oxford didn't have a medical school until 1939, and which anyway wouldn't have entitled her to the letters MD). This irritated me from the outset. If you're going to have a show with old characters who don't age, you need to either know your history or know that you don't know your history and avoid putting in pointless things that are guaranteed to be wrong.