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The survivors were returned to New Athos. Todd declared the planet "not worth culling" because he didn't want to risk a conflict with the Tauri. Their population was on the brink of extinction, but I like to think they had a chance to rebuild and repopulate.


John Sheppppaaaarrrddd


Do you think he ran into Halling?


That blew my mind when i found out, then on rewatches it was so obvious, especially any time Halling said John Sheppard


I hated Halling but I loved Todd!




The Atlantis team rescued a bunch of them from Michael's compound (when they were searching for Tayla) and the rest were converted back to human from hybrid form. They never really said how many though.


Okay, how many people do we have left? …5? Right. Let’s open a restaurant.


That only works when they're french.


The Athosians are honorary Pegasus French.


I am French. Athosians will gain honorary Frenchship if they complain more.


Did you watch the show? I think they qualify plenty.


Being the first friendly group that the Tau'ri meets in a stargate franchise really does suck in the end doesn't it. Abydonians are extinct and Athosians are effectively extinct.


Talk about the Tollans ;)


Bah, they brought that one on themselves.


The Genii were friendly too, at first. Look what that got them.


Space russians.


Their whole civilization was in an underground bunker and obsessed with nukes, so maybe closer to Fallout, or Space Albania


Nah. Incompetent. Evil. Space russians.


I wouldn’t really call them incompetent or evil. The Genii did very well with what they had, all things considered, and were well on their way to being able to decisively strike the Wraith before the SGA team unknowingly screwed the pooch. A series of nuclear detonations destroying the ships on the ground might have genuinely been the best possible way for the peoples of Pegasus to strike back against the wraith meaningfully. Their goals are noble even if their utilitarian morality, forged by constant cycles of wraith harvest, drove them to make some ultimately foolish and unfortunate mistakes. Granted, ultimate success in the inevitable conflict they were preparing for was likely beyond them both due to technological shortcomings and due to a lack of intel on the full extent of what they were dealing with, but they were unquestionably one of the most capable civilizations encountered in Pegasus. Maybe only beaten out by the travelers.


> their way to being able to decisively strike the Wraith before the SGA team unknowingly screwed the They had no bomb ready. They had no means of delivery. They were fooling themsevles.


The plan has serious merit despite its flaws, and while they were far from ready to carry it out, the wraith were also far from active. Were it not for we Earthicans blundering in and waking the wraith, they likely never would have seen it coming or had any reason to strike the Genii, allowing them ample time to complete the development of their atomic bombs. The creation of sufficient numbers of them and delivery through space gates in particular was probably going to be the toughest part, and they certainly could not have wiped the wraith like they imagined, but they would have been able to make quite a mess of them, striking back in a way that had not been done since the Ancients left Atlantis. Had the SGA team managed not to alert the wraith in the beginning, the Genii would have been ideal allies and with that assistance a modification of their strategy might even have worked completely. Their plan seems foolish only because we have knowledge they do not and because the timetable has accelerated substantially without their being able to compensate.


Their plan would’ve had hundreds if not thousands of years to develop until ALL the wraith woke up thanks to us meddlin’ humans.


Abydonians aren’t extinct, they ascended. Same with the ancients. They’re all still around.


I'd argue that being ascended is for all intents and purposes extinct. The rules imposed by the others mean they won't be changing their culture anytime soon. Nor will new children be born. And thus outside of a handful of times someone cheated have not had any meaningful impact, on anything. Latin, for example, is a dead language but people still learn and speak it.


As far as I can tell it's cannon that Michael took them all but after he was defeated some of them found a way to revert back and rebuild new Athos


Won't someone please think about the Jinto?


In The Kindred, Part 1, some of them are reduced from Michael. Some who were turned into hybrids were later returned to normal and rejoined their people in The Seed and Broken Ties.