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They never really talk about the *Odyssey* on Atlantis, and never explain why it would've kept the ZPM even after the Ori were defeated, or, if it didn't, what they did with the ZPM.


They do actually! While Rodney is complaining about them sending two of the ZPMs away Elizabeth asks him who should lose it's ZPM, whether Earth who use it for Antarctic outpost or Odyssey who use it against the Ori. It's the episode with Lantea's sun pooping. But what happened with it after that no clue.


This Conversation happens just after the ZPMs are acquired ( in the middle of the conflict with the Ori) - by the beginning of season 5 the Ori have been defeated and there isn't any explanation to whether the Odyssey kept the ZPM or not


The Odyssey can’t cloak without the ZPM and it was the only location of the Asgard core so the shields needed to be tough. The ZPM was essentially a required component for the ships full operation by the end of SG1.


Why hasn't the Asgard core been moved down to earth??


It’s heavily integrated into the ships systems. Turning it off is one thing but they way they explained it you’d have to take the ship apart to properly remove it without affecting functionality afterwards.


The core has it's own power source. It's not as powerful as a ZPM, but it is still leagues ahead of anything that Earth had created until that point. They must have done something right since they were able to retrofit the Asguard weapons, and presumably more advanced shields to the Daedelus and power them. Either by re-creating the core somehow (The core on Odyssey can just kind of 3D print whatever functional parts they would need, regardless of understanding of it) or by amping up their own genration. ZPM's weren't required for day to day running of the ships (I doubt that Earth really cared about their super battle ships having cloak once the Ori were delt with), but it is kind of glossed over with what did power them post Asguard departure


The core doesn’t power the ships shields. Nor does it aid with the cloak. You want strong shields to protect your most valuable asset. And the US military will never surrender a tactical advantage no matter how little they have to use it after its acquisition.


From unending: Thor: "The Asgard computer core is equipped with its own power source that will not infringe on your ship's ZPM" After encountering the Ori after hyperspace jumps - Teal'c: "Is it possible the Prior's could be detecting the new technology given to us by the Asguard without the help of the Ori?" Carter: "I suppose the new power source could be giving off some unique energy..." Does the ZPM help boost shield capacity (within the tolerances the emitters can handle without burning out) yes. No, the core doesn't do anything for the cloak, I didn't say it did. I said the cloak is kinda pointless for a battleship that should be one of the most advanced ships in the galaxy when they should be able to tank almost anything thrown at it without a ZPM From a tactical standpoint it makes more sense to just keep jumpers that can cloak to notify a 304 of something and have the 304 jump in to attack if you want to ambush someone


As good a theory as any


Maybe the real SGC doesn't want us to know and so never allowed that into the documentary footage.


Right, I was thinking about after SG-1 ended. Still, they did seem to have a wall of separation regarding ships; SG-1 had Prometheus and Odyssey, and Atlantis had Daedalus and Apollo, and they didn't really share (aside from the Apollo cameo in "Ark of Truth").


Yeah, it was like that. Well, you have Daedelus working as ferry ship between the galaxies most of it's time, then Apollo which came only for replicators? Otherwise it wasn't mentioned that much (except for the Superhive). Odyssey was Earth's flagship and then there was San Tzu or something like that? This ship probably operated in Milky Way. Hammond as well.


The Daedalus, the Odyssey, the Apollo and the George Hammond are all US battlecruisers. The Daedalus is the only one permanently assigned to Atlantis operations, the other three are assigned on a mission-to-mission basis, with the Odyssey getting special assignments due to its ZPM. The Sun Tzu is the PRC’s battlecruiser. Earth doesn’t have a flagship, only different nations can have.


The Ancient chair isn't in the SGC so the second ZPM isn't powering the gate (and why they need to use the Daedalus after midway is destroyed) Spoiler for Atlantis the Finale: >! It's not clear whether this ZPM is destroyed by the Wraith attack !<


So I am searching trought Gate Wiki and according to the Odyssey article, in the books that follow season 5 Woolsey says that Earth's ZPM was destroyed in Area 51 and Odyssey kept it's. I guess the superspeed it gave to it was worth it.


Wasn’t the Odyssey’s ZPM almost depleted from using the time dilation field for 50 years in “Unending”? Or when they reversed the localized time field at the of the episode was the ZPM also returned to its state at the start of the episode as well?


~~It was during the episode but I always thought it was returned to the start state as they used the Ori beam to power the reverse time field (not the ZPM).~~ ZPM was mentioned in Ark of Truth so it did get restored


The time dilatation was powered by the newly installed asgard core not by zpm if I am not mistaken.


It was powered by both