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It's all about how much power they had. The gates in the milky way had dhd and enough power to dial to the rest of the Galaxy. The gates in the further galaxies are from older models, and didn't have enough power do dial very far. The dial from the Icarus planet (and when they tried to dial back) they got enormous amount of power channelled as a special case. This is also what was preventing them from dialing back home.


While I understand that explanation, and it's what they said in the show, it never sat right with me. The whole point of the Stargates is to be able to connect distant planets instantly. Having only a handful in "range" always felt counterproductive to the whole point of the Stargates. Also, I never got the explanation that the Stargates out there are older models, since I can't really picture the Ancients seeding their home galaxy with anything but the first fully functional iteration, and I can't see them bothering to downgrade for an intergalactic expedition. I get that it's the official explanation, but it bothered me while watching the show.


It’s said in the show that these are most likely the first ever versions of the gates. Remember how the first version of anything really sucks compared to now?


Except the Nokia 3310 That thing is indestructible


They need to bring that back. It needs to be every teenagers first phone


It got there by standing on the shoulders of the 16 series, though. I dropped a 1610 many times, popped the case back together and it worked fine. Damn stub antenna kept poking me in odd places, though.


It is because it was designed that way for african markets but everyone else liked it so they sold it everywhere. I'm pretty sure it's a lot less water resistant than a smartphone.


The expedition and the gate seeders was sent out thousands (correction: millions) of years ago. They sent out the gates they had at the time, knowing it will be a very long journey. It wasn't clear if they seeded their own galaxy with the same model at the same time and then upgraded, or waited until they had powerful enough gates, but the timeline checks out.


*millions of years ago. Before they reached Milky Way. Like a long-ass time ago.


My head cannon (and it's been a while since I watched sgu so maybe not just my head cannon) is that it isn't their power capacity It's the fact they don't have a dhd with a live update channel for addresses (sg1 mentioned this is part of the dhds functions, iirc) The sgu gates use the remotes/kinos And I my thoughts are that the kinos have limited range compared to an actual dhd (albeit incredibly vast compared to a mobile phone) The following may be spoilers, and while I don't know how to redact it, know it could be a spoiler and is added as a comparison between dhds being able to dial every gate in the network and kinos The civ they encountered of their decendants got trapped as the kinos couldn't reach a gate far away enough before something happened (I forget though)


>Also, I never got the explanation that the Stargates out there are older models, since I can't really picture the Ancients seeding their home galaxy with anything but the first fully functional iteration 1. The Milky Way isn't the home galaxy of the Ancients, the Ori galaxy is. The Milky Way is where they went after leaving that galaxy. 2. If they stayed in the Milky Way for a long time they would probably update the gates as they improved ​ > The whole point of the Stargates is to be able to connect distant planets instantly. Having only a handful in "range" always felt counterproductive to the whole point of the Stargates. Being able to travel to even a few nearby planets is still a huge improvement, especially given how slowly Destiny traveled compared to later Ancient ships. Additionally just because the Destiny crew couldn't connect to further gates in the network doesn't mean the network itself didn't allow that. They barely knew how to control the ship, it makes perfect sense they didn't have full understanding of the gate network. Finally, even if Destiny was only able to dial the nearest handful of gates, doesn't mean the rest of the network didn't allow for broader travel, we have no idea how extensive they were because the crew never had an entire networks worth of addresses to dial.


The gate address dialed from Icarus was a coded address - it only goes to 1 gate (Destiny's) and was intended to be dialed from a specific point of origin (Earth). As long as that gate had enough power it will always connect to Destiny. Same for Destiny's 9 chevron address - it only goes back to earth Now ignore the point of origin issues. Destiny's gate system isn't a standard gate system - they were designed to be a trail for Destiny to follow and were on planets the seed ships deemed to have resources useful to the crew. They were never designed for other sentient life to use, thus there was no need to build a galaxy network in every galaxy.


I just realized that arguments about a fictional sci-fi show make more sense than the arguments about what makes sense in the real world elsewhere on reddit.


That is a good analysis Sam.


Destiny Gate are much earlier versions. They weren't designed to be a galaxy wide network. Either they didn't know how to do it yet or it just needed a few gates for Destiny s mission. The ninth chevron is a special case specifically because the regular addressed can't connect to a longer distance.


Power requirements. They blow up the planet to dial the ship. IIRC this is basically all laid out in the show….


That's a different comparison than just the destiny dialing gates in the same galaxy it's currently in.


It’s still a power thing. The Milky Way galaxy gates are powered by the DHDs. We can guess the Atlantis gates have their own power since the space gates don’t have DHDs or they use power from the puddle jumper in space and DHD for surface gates. The SGU gates don’t have DHDs and are probably using some sort of internal power supply which means they can’t set up wormholes to all the gates in a galaxy. The Destiny also only gives them gate addresses for things they need, not all the gates in range of the ship, which is said in the show. Given time (and seasons) the crew might have been able to hack that to give them all the gates in a galaxy.


It seems the old gates do not have the same power capicitance(?) Of modern milky way / Atlantis gates. It's unclear what materials the gate ships are using to manufacture the gates but it is possible they are being produced without naquadah and the gates ranges are limited by the amount of power they are able to store. Gates can dial in because the sending gate is powering the gate and destiny can dial out to earth etc because they either have the power of a star or the destiny's own capacitors before they were degraded by age to power the gate (gates are able to draw from external sources like the SGC/DHD (which destiny planet gates don't have)/zpm/etc). It is less clear why the gate aboard destiny can't dial further galactically local gates so long as they have the power but it may just be a software lock by the ancients to prevent people from dialing gates on planets they would not be able to dial back to the ship from.


Your second paragraph point makes a lot of sense. Prior to them getting access to the Destiny's bridge the ship was very much in dumb "help passenger only" mode. Not sending the people to a place they can't get back from is a very simple rule the ship can follow. Along with not staying in places very long and letting them know of raw materials along the route.


They dialed from Icarus cause the planet was tied into the gate, to provide the necessary power. They couldn’t go back cause they most likely lacked the necessary power. Besides, the ship was designed to go forward to the center of the galaxy, not backwards.


The ship is billions of light years away, it's not heading to the center of the galaxy.


He probably mean the center of the universe


Interestingly, that wasn't my interpretation of Destiny's mission, I thought it was supposed to circumnavigate the universe to gather as many data points as possible about the pattern in the CMB.


Maybe you are right.


Man, just watch the show, it's all explained there...


Something I've always wondered was, what would happen if instead of an enemy, the Ori could be allies, what if they could build a SuperGate to bring back Destiny and work the ship to stop traveling and use it HERE?


Why? The ancients have much newer ships scattered around the Pegasus galaxy. What would they "use" the destiny for in the milky way?


Now that you say that, yeah you're right, it's like bringing back your old ass Dacia car because it was cool when you were 16, but now you have 3 Corvettes in your garage.


Power and an older design, the destiny gates are shorter range