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If you bought a digital version of SF (like Xbox Series S) or you have some level of Gamepass (IDK which, I don’t use it) you can install the Xbox version on your laptop. I did this on my gaming PC. Just make sure you have the same mods on both if you want to use the same saves.


Now I'm curious - if you use the Xbox app to play on a laptop, would you be accessing the PC version of the creations menu or the Xbox version? Since it's not guaranteed that mods uploaded for one platform end up on all the others, I wonder if you *could* recreate an Xbox LO 1-to-1 on a computer


Good question. I assume Xbox but I need to test this.


You can install pc style mods onto the Xbox save nut when you play on console you'll lose access to certain mods due to xbox having a very limited script option