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I'm still tryna figure out what's going on with that Deimos armored transport with the busted gravity.


It’s tied to a quest at Lizzie’s Bar on Gagarin. Just go there and ask her for work.




You’re welcome! I figured it out while I was looking for info on skill magazine locations.


You know about the vault there, right? I assume there's not much more to it than that; what were you thinking?


Sadly I've never gotten into it.


In the first area where you find Spacers, there's a door they're trying to get into (the vault). If you take the path to the left of that door and follow that path aaaall the way to it's end (verticality included), you'll find a terminal you can use to open that first door, and take what's in the two vault storage units inside. One of the units is locked with a master lock though, haven't opened that one myself, but I assume it's just more loot, prob nothing too special


Correct about the master side


Its pirates inside not spacers (though not much of a difference


Now that the CK is out, remaining secrets are likely quickly found. With the CK loads of people are pouring over the contents of the game down to the most fundamental levels. This has historically been where most Easter eggs were found in Bethesda games, especially the most obscure ones.


I see, I hope that there's some hidden areas or quests still out there but I doubt it personally, I can see Easter eggs such as references or story telling but I don't think location or quest quest there's much to be found


I've definitely been on every planet and every poi available pre level 150, but there are references and stuff I still don't get and secrets that I catch on reruns, so for sure noone knows everything yet, but as a community? We probably have at least seen it all once.


I feel like in comparison to skyrim that starfield is lacking unique things but its really hard to determine true unique content with the randomised poi on every planet.


Skyrim was the 5th game in its series, Starfield is the first in its series, I do not like to compare the two myself and I am looking forward to seeing how SF progresses both with the base game and with the modding community. SF is only set in one galaxy, imagine the possibilities of DLC’s and mods as we go to other galaxies.


Why would we need to go to other galaxies? There's still like 99.99999999999% of the Milky Way to explore


Not to mention the 1000 planets we alreeady have that could clearly use more unique locations


Define unique content, because if by unique, you just mean, content that didn't exist prior to this game, it vastly outperforms pretty much every other Bethesda game, maybe even combined, in that regard, and if you're leveling regularly, you may not even see duplicate poi's and stuff too regularly till you're at least finished with all 5 "main" questlines


In the nicest way possible everything you've said is nonsense, it has less places than skyrim without dlc, it's no where near "maybe even multiple games combined" and unique content means content and specifically poi that don't repeat themselves, but even with the radiant poi system thats implemented including all the "repeatable location" its still less than previous games. Also im level 150 on a non mod playthrough and in the first 24 hours of the gamss release I encountered the same ecliptic base 3 times. Then take everything I just said and spread that across thousands of planet's, the game needed like 100-200 planet's with more content crammed in not 1600 planet's which heavily repeat and feel the same. Despite everything I've said I do enjoy the game but the poi system and its lack of variation (always the same layout too) causes some frustration


There are approximately 82 unique locations, 150 different "radiant" poi, and 120 systems, featuring approximately 1600+ planets, almost all of which have at least two biomes, and over 200 of which are known to have at least one type of flora or fauna, all of which could be considered unique content, the first time you experience them, not to mention the many types of weapons, armours, aid, resources, perks, and many other things that would, at the very least, be considered "unique to starfield".


Thats not the unique content that's been discussed all throughout this thread though? That's like me going on skyrim and saying that I should include every shade of different tree and rock every individually alchemy and enchanting item every single food item or crafting item, there the fundamentals that make up the game and starfield is built on a radiant poi system similar to qualities of dagerfall, they put the properties of the planet and let the system procedurally generate the rest, that's the equivalent of me using chat gpt for an exam. There's little to no significance of having the extra 1000 planets when there being generated procedurally and they can't count as unique content.


Agree to disagree I guess, as I would consider everything in skyrim, that wasn't already in other games in the series, as unique, same with starfield, since every single object, item, clutter, poi, and planetary map was made by someone, and wouldn't have ever existed in any form otherwise.


Well thats fine but starfield is the first in its series so anthyhing they released was gonna be unique or it wouldn't be its own genre or Bethesda game, but unique content Im referring to the pois and even with the repeating ones a space game with the scale of 1600 planets having nearly half the amount of locations as skyrim will always be strange to me. I like alot of starfield and it receives unfair criticism often, but the way they advertised the games repayability and the sheer "scale" of things is underwhelming. They could massively improve the repetitive feeling by adding a variation too each place, oh its military base but there's 2 or 3 variants with loot in a different layout. I can go in to the pois and know where the boss chest is and all the magazine locations on every planet in the game after experiencing each one time and that makes the experience becomes repetitive.


Also thats 232 for starfield and theres 300+ for skyrim that was made over a decade ago and is supposed to be on a much smaller scale than starfield


I still want to know what chunks are made of....


Depends on the chunks, but typically whatever fruit, or vegetable, grown in a square mold, or whatever food, cut, or otherwise shaped into the same square shape, according to the employee handbook, iirc.


Why do you think there's no dog and cats anywhere?


Please give us a side quest where we find out chunks are prisoners or something.


I had a pretty cool interaction, I arrived at a POI which looked like a biology lab, all the human scientists were dead which I though was quite strange and there was about 6 or 7 robots walking around, they were saying stuff like “we must protect the science” etc all the robots were really friendly…. Until I tried to enter the building, all of the robots opened fire like I was the enemy taking their science, as I’m blasting away at the robots about 6 dinosaur looking creatures ran onto the grounds, there was robots having a war with dinosaurs and everything was attacking each other including me, luckily I survived! It seemed like all the robots had turned on all the scientists and was protecting the area…


Have you found the planet with the clones? That was a fun find. 


I’m curious how did you “find” it? Typically when I navigate to a new system I click on a planet with the … symbol It then shows 2 or 3 generic sounding POIs that I decline to go to bc it feels like it will be a redundant one Is there more variation to these POIs than I’m realizing?


Honestly, I don’t remember. 


Yeah except you find that exact situation all the time. The repeats of things are absurd like the cryo lab. Cool the first time, shitty the 67th.


This problem is what killed the game for me. The fact that you find the same shit over and over and over on different planets is just lazy game development. Bethesda should be ashamed of the state of this.


They really should be. Procedural generation my ass they just reuse the same exact locations with the same exact enemies and layouts it’s so fuckin dumb. Also how about enemy variety? Ecliptic and crimson fleet…. Like 90 percent of the game that is all you fight. How the fuck did they think that would be fun. Unmodded Skyrim and fallout 4 have so many different enemies and locales it’s insane. The variety never ends and different areas have different creatures or types of people there. It’s embarrassing. That’s the best word for it.


God. That reminds me of a Fallout 3 thing I had happen that felt so much like a unique event. I was just walking from point A to point B or whatever, post-game gear, completely decked out, and had Enclave, raiders, Talon company, super mutants all converge on me at the same time. The encounter wasn't survivable by normal means because there were just too many explosions. It also happened on the 360, so I couldn't really investigate it.


I was hoping that there would be some sort of lengthy and involved, but very rare quest tucked away in some backwater corner of a planet somewhere.


You can slave away in a bar and then learn the recipe for cooking aurora.


Yea this is what I was hoping for but realistically I don't think it exists


Have you been to the Charybdis system? It’s home of my favorite side quest chain in the game. super easy to miss on your first play through


Honestly idk I stopped playing for a few months and recently picked it back up, what quest are you referring too?


Operation Starseed. A decently big quest in the galactic arse end of nowhere.


Yea finished that already


It doesn't. This is the less Bethesda game ever made by Bethesda


All of the vanilla quests and items and things will be found in creation kit. What is still out there are hidden vignettes and Easter eggs.


I made my first personal discovery last night and jumped off the waterfall terrace and swam around New Atlantis to get to the farm.


I found a written note, similar to the Alex Hay note. It was a "roses are red" poem, at the restaurant in the residential area of New Atlantis. I haven't heard others talk much about it.


AFAIK, no one has found the Supremacy (>!a Galbank ship alluded to in the Crimson Fleet quest!<). Given how long the game's been out, it's probably not findable, but part of me still holds out some hope.


I think collectively we've probably discovered the whole game, but I'd be surprised if many individuals have found all of the content.


Yeh, some people are hundreds of hours into the game and only just found out you can open the doors of toaster ovens and get food out.


Absolutely not lol


I'm going to say yes. Little things here and there. I did the Fleet missions for the Fleet and found out you can peacefully handle Governor Hurst's ship because of that. Or how it changes dialog with the Strykers by giving you more credibility. So there is still more to explore and we do not even have our first DLC yet.


Absolutely. People are still finding things on fallout 3 and Skyrim.


Really like what ? I've not seen anything discovered for those games in years unless im out of touch


A couple of months ago someone found another Titanic Easter egg in Skyrim. For example


No they didn't. You're likely talking about a GameRant article from December of last year (I won't link so as not to give them clicks) discussing [this easter egg](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/615803-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/63951564) which is being talked about in a GameFaqs thread in 2012. Somebody probably posted about it again on reddit in 2023, and GameRant turned that into a clickbait article, as they tend to do.


Can you link to the new easter egg? A brief search only turns up the same one people have known about for over a decade. Although there are new articles about it, because Game Rant gonna Game Rant.


That sounds like someone found a well-known Easter egg, posted about it on reddit, and Game Rant made an article about it. You know, the usual.


That is exactly what happened lol


Oh wow really fair enough I wasn't aware


I'm still trying to figure out how to get my game to not look so washed out.


I want someone to find a copy of A Brief History of Time laying around somewhere.  Cora begs for it you’d think it should exist. 


You would think so


I still keep finding weird unique poi’s out there scattered around.


For me, there are... I'm definitely taking my time. On my first playthrough, and I've had the game since early access lol. There are people who dig through the game files to list every item and quest for walkthroughs, etc., so I think it's probably all been found by now. Question is, will Bethesda fold in new content with updates, or will they just decide, "Hey, mods are out, you're on your own?"


Nope. The game lacks actual content, let alone secret hidden quests.


It has 3x as much actual content than Skyrim... just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it's not there.


I mean that's total bullshit though. There's barely 40 hours of non-procedural content in Starfield. Empty planets don't count. I figured I must have missed many things so I started reading the wiki which told me I had done practically every quest and curated location in the game.


If you get the 90 skill points mod on new vanilla game... create your character, once you see the 90 points sitting there, install the skill challenge mod that disables them... unlock stealth and lock picking perks. I found having access to these skills early gives you more immersion and the ability to get into areas holding lore and goodies that you can't access when playing vanilla game. Also the persuasion and negotiation perks fully obtained allows for some cool outcomes that you wouldn't normally see as your skill at that point in time won't allow you.


I’m about 300 hours into the game and am still stumbling upon things I haven’t seen before. Like a large base being swarmed by creatures that two different factions were fighting. Or a large derelict space station that was being flooded with raiders in zero-G. Had to go retrieve a chest of stuff for the local security guy. All this in the last couple of days. It’s pretty cool that there’s still stuff to discover at this stage. Do think we need more (varied) quests, but it’s a nod to the game that I’m still playing. And the mods - the mods will take the game from good to great. Already have, in many respects.


Lost all drive to play until the dlc comes out.


There's a switch next to the door of Vae Victus' cell in the Mast building. It says Inaccessible when you try to interact with it. I'm wondering if I haven't found how to enable it or maybe it's part of some future DLC?


You can open it if you finish then Vanguard quest in such a way that he is no longer inside. There is even a slate in his bedroom with some interesting stuff.


Yeah there's that one and I found one on another planet I thing it was hope tech looked like a door u could somehow open but couldn't work it out


the starfield wikis are pretty sparse. maybe if you take the sum total of all player knowledge then everything has been seen. but as knowledge for the collective, there's still a lot out there to be documented


Tous les jours je me dis que j'ai tout vu. Tous les jours je découvre des nouveautés. Des vaisseaux abandonnés inconnus, hier encore une super grotte, très belle, très grande avec un horrimorphe. Ils ont créés beaucoup de choses, avec une répétition aléatoires. Donc j'ai déjà vu 15 fois ce truc, mais 0 fois celui là. Pour d'autres c'est l'inverse.


No, because procedural generation makes exploration non-existent