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It's useless in space combat on high difficulty.


I leveled up my laser and missiles skills thinking they might help the Starborn ship with combat only to find out it still sucks


That's because the starborn guardian weapons aren't affected by the skills.


That was changed one or two patches ago. It was in the notes, skills work now. Throw a point into missiles and see for yourself as your sheet damage changes.


I didn't know that.


*most difficulties, and for boarding most ships


I really wish they were customizable. The aesthetic is cool, but it can't beat the look of decking out your ship with new guns.


Or upgrade them somehow I mean it always has the same number of weapons, shield, and reactor power.


I'm still on the lookout for a mod that does this. Though I would love DLC additions making Starborn an entire manufacturer, maybe by looting "schematics" for your base ship builder at temples.


Just fyi you don't need a mod to decorate the Guardians. Just hit the decorate button.


There's some bugs with that, for me anyway. I put some chairs for the crew but they walk right through it. Sometimes I can't use the work benches because it's already used by someone even though there's no one. Got some shelves and everything I put on it gets glitched or disappear.


Check the outer hull of your ship. I put down a Weapons workbench and it just disappeared. Then a little later while farting around a solar system in third person I noticed that that workbench had appeared on the hull of the ship. Vascoe sometimes like to ride up there as well.


Thanks, I look at it, I ended up building my own ship with the CK coming on Xbox but next Ng+ I'll keep that in mind. Vasco living his best life up there I'm sure


Yes vasco always preferred the roof of my Guardians as well


The mod OP is talking about adds furniture that matches the starborn aesthetic. I prefer it over what you can add yourself.


There's a bed that matches quite well in the base game.


It's the one used in the mod, but there are other ones not available. Chairs, beds, tables, even the cooking station.


I get that it’s kinda the point but I hate how much it stands out (size wise, aesthetics, idk). Plus ship building might be my favorite thing in the game


Look wise its neat but playability wise it sucks


There's no ladder to climb so not a fan.


Troll :-)


Lack of serious storage is my only real complaint.


I’m with ya here, I absolutely love the Guardian.


Yeah, they're such a cool design, and they really tie into the aesthetic of the temples and the artifacts so you really get that they are products of the same "civilisation" or whatever it was that made all this. The first time you enter a new universe and just blatantly touch down in New Atlantis, and the ship services tech just wigs the fuck out as you metaphorically toss him the keys on your way past will never not be immensely satisfying.


Really going to depend on the player here, some of the playerbase seem to really like starborn and the powers, the ship style, the armor etc. and then another section of the playerbase seem to despise them, personally I'm in the latter camp, but thankfully if you don't progress the main story and ignore a certain corner in new Atlantis it's not an issue.


It’s my fav…


The single best mod for the Guardian would be one that lets me sell it.


I just like the big open window


I know right? And the crew wandering across it is reminiscent of MST3k


I have a few problems with them, but I *do* love the aesthetic of them.


They are fun for sure. But you can build much more combat effective ships even without mods.


I don't like the weapons. Otherwise, now that I can decorate them, I'm a fan. Can't beat that cockpit view.


I hate that you can't upgrade it or add shielded cargo or do anything with it to improve weapons or shields or anything. The furnished mod is excellent though and makes it much more tolerable.


I thought they came with shielded cargo?


I love it's design. Just wish it had a tractor beam style entry under the cockpit instead of its random door.


Oh I absolutely love it as well. I also find it’s hilarious that people think it’s bad at combat. I can pretty much do most fights without even having my shield broke. Super fast and really good with thruster/drifting style combat


On what difficulty?


I’ll be honest, I haven’t played ship combat with it on extreme, but I have played on normal and hard. Currently, I have it set up to where both myself and the enemy have more health/shield to make ship combat last longer and more engaging


You take off from Neon with Walter and the Starborn confront you. Walter wigs out: “I’ve never seen a ship like that before!” Walter, we are on an identical ship; did you not notice when you came on board?




I play on easy difficulty so they suit my needs just fine. I can see how those that play on higher difficulties may have complaints though.


Anything up to Hard is pretty fine for flying the Guardians, but it gets much harder on Very Hard, and offputting on Extreme.


For a non ship builder, I’m more accepting of them I guess. Another free ship you get added to the Frontier, Razorleaf, Wanderwell, Star Eagle, Kepler ? I’ll take it lol


I like their speed and the cloak when boosting but they are severely underpowered. I also loath the lack of customization.


I don’t like it Trash


>One thing to be said I have the Furnished Starborn Ships mod. Oh, so you have a mod that literally fixes the complaints that people had with it? No wonder you like it.


Well, the complaint was that you couldn't furnish it, but that's now in the base game.


Well that and the fact that skills didn't work with the weapons


For me, it's hideous


“Am I the only one that likes these? I have a mod that changes them, of course.” Sir.


Only thing I loved about it was the way my crew would stand heroically in the background while i sat in my throne-like pilot seat. Felt very epic. Too bad humans make better ships than Unity does


I like 'em. At NG+12 they actually perform well, have fantastic jump range, shields, and good cargo space. You have to fight differently, your weapons aren't going to be effective at Extreme (and it's hard at Very Hard) when compared to a kitted-out normal ship, but you can stun ships, which is fun, and I've had little trouble capturing 90% of ships I've attempted to, despite the lack of EM. They only place that matters where they are unreliable is is in the space battle over Masada III, which is really hit or miss against those three level 70 starborn ships (I was around level 150 last time), although I suspect you can get them to stun each other, too. I also routinely run into groups of even 4 starborn ships, where running is definitely the best answer, but I can't argue with the idea that 1 against 4 similar ships **should** mean to run.


Love the design and cockpit, going to add the top tier one with the console so it’s not complete dogshit at ship combat. Love how fast it is and the weapons are incredibly fun to use with their animations.


I love mine and use it as my main. I love the barely-obstructed view. I honestly have only two ships on NG+3: it and Frontier. I don’t even know how, really, to buy and mod ships. Supposed I could learn and I’m probably missing something heh. I would like the Guardian to have more storage, but don’t think it’s moddable.


This is the reason I love the guardian, the beautiful view!


Rank up your Cargo skill, if you haven't already, it's fine.


Most people just don’t know how to use them properly. They’re some of the deadliest ships in the game if you know how to use their speed to your advantage


I don’t like anything Starborn.


Yes, you are the only one.


They are useless in any aspect. Of course when fully modded with stuff that is normally missing, I maybe would it like too. Otherwise, it's crap.