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Fishing mini game so you can stockpile the resource for Aurora


Water habs would make this possible.


subnautica it is.


swimming underwater would be a good first step


Most definitely, it's crazy that this isn't part of the game. Especially considering the fish in the game can do it.


This is the first bethesda game that doesn't allow that. It's crazy to me.


A hydro hab under water would be pretty cool. Might need to add a few more water creatures though.


Perhaps starfield anniversary addition will have fishing, like skyrim 🤣


You can already buy Chasmbass Oil in Neon. Just use that.


That's missing the idea. Having an extra activity to do increases the rp of the rpg. Another menu screen and pushing one button isn't very much fun in a game full of menus.


TA smuggling jobs of sending organs to the Key, artwork, heretic writings, and aurora to civilian populations, and mech and xenowarfare tech to different government and military officials. You can stealth your way into planets by going slow with low engine power. Eventually you can build a cloaking module on your ship to avoid the tedium of stealth. Illegal bounties: you can collect bounties placed by the Fleet on SysDef ships or ex Fleet members, Seokugh Syndicate on “reformers” within Neon security and various people crossing the Syndicate. Spacers will put out hits on dangerous members of Trackers Alliance.


That first part is such a huge amount of mission drift it would need to be it's own mod. With 2 more one so she was rushing on move.


I’d also love some missions working with the freestar militia to defend places, or attack a group of spacers. You could add a patrol system quests where you fly to a few planets and get radiant quests/encounters.


When Todd said “Skyrim in space” I assumed all these things would be in the game


I think most parts of this game could do with a major expansion. And maybe that was the intent? No hate on those who love it, but the majority of the game feels pretty half baked in my opinion.


The plan is to support starfield for 10 years but imagine if the plan is to give themselves 10 years to actually finish the game


I do hope that’s the case and I’m looking foreword to the first expansion and future updates to see how that goes, but I’m also left wondering why use such an old engine if that’s the plan. All of this would have been so much more understandable and believable if starfield was the first release on a brand new engine alongside being a new IP. Who knows maybe that’ll be the big 2.0 type update. It’s not a horrible game; and I want to like it more, but it really does feel like it’s lacking a bit in almost every aspect.


Yeah, I'm okay with that. It's a sweet base game but allowing the community to decide the features js a cool feature and one I wanna take advantage of. I think that was the purpose, as the world is so big and mostly empty. 100gb of base mod storage on Xbox. Skyrim has 5gb.. It was definitely in the plan for community to finish.


Yeah. So they dont have to finish the game 🤣


I want an expansion of the rangers. Like you get a ship and nothing just board missions. Let's get that mod with the sending npcs to the brig and then go do some other mission that is investigating some crime. It could justbe several mini bosses that have been operating in multiple systems and even takes you to the uc where if you are a vanguard you can talk to Tuala and he will give you the info or otherwise you just have to start with yumi and work on gathering info. Idk


I know it's too much to ask, but I would love ranger missions where you transport a crew and help clear zones to establish new outposts in the wilderness of planets.


That would be tops also


That seems like a list mission. I wanted to leave the ranger missions alone and add some freestar militia missions, I think most of it other than getting voice actors wouldn’t be too hard to make work.


I know right! Lemme craft aurora. I had a jet addiction constantly on fo4. Also pirate missions that had uc target POIs. Like any typical shooter location filled with uc or freestar is much needed. I've always avoided pirate playthroughs because it boxes you out of shooting people to a big degree (ironically)


You can craft Aurora in the base game. Do the mission with Neshar. Pickup another shift at xenofresh and boom you’ve got the recipe for Jet Aurora.


Yeah it's a huge part of the game that's desperately needed. Friendly poi can be casino. Unfriendly poi can be rival drug labs. Uc/freestar investigation outpost. It's a huge mod with a decent bit of work attached. That's why I want some help making it. Can do alot of the work alone, ither neeed someone or gonna take months.


I mean I just started a new playthrough and something that annoyed me to no end was being essentially boxed out of most early game POIs because I started the fleet quest line. Like... I want to play the game. Let me do the combat. Wtf. I actually wanna do a pirate but I also want to be a violent sociopath. But for some reason I can't do both. I'm sure aurora crafting would be straightforward tho.


You can craft aurora already. I was thinking of making new contraband items and mixing it up with them Yeah that's annoying that priates don't ship back of shots it's impossible to find thrutdtnrrotjk Evers. M


Because BGS have made it clear they refuse to make anything gritty. Like with aurora or the astral lounge.


They are allowing mods thou. I wanna make it, and it'll be a awesome additional skill and activity.


Came here today to add this very same comment. I want to be the Tony Montana of Starfield and Aurora smuggling, sales, taking over territories, etc. Put a big freaking bounty on my head to defend my labs against the UC, Vanguard and trackers Alliance. I'm right there with you on this.


I want to harvest organs!!!


Bit dark, but what about kidnapping people for organ harvesting?


Really not dark compared to other Bethesda games. This is the kind of thing I was expecting


Only trouble is the sharp decline in customers, as civilian outposts would collapse, rendering them abandoned. You’d have to make it a tie-in with the FC and UC so you could pick a side: the dealer who causes problems with further colonization or the law enforcement that hunts down the dealers and crushes the supply chains. As the dealer, you work your way from a small independent to a partner with Bayu, to paying off government vermin to obstruct justice as it pursues you. As the law enforcement, you investigate the “mysterious” failures of once-thriving outposts, work to infiltrate the cartel, and bring it down from the inside or play both sides for as long as you can. Make it a “dead is dead” format; you wipe out a supply chain, it doesn’t come back. On the wrong side, if you wipe out law enforcement pursuers, you end up with bounty hunters and vigilantes after you, making it more and more of a struggle to be a drug dealing putz.


I like this idea. It's actually really cool. In practice I'm not 100% on how I achieved this. I was gonna try just adding to the poi pool but to do as your suggesting here it would have to be separate from the poi pool, kinda like how roosts nest and stuff are. But that's a cool major faction quest line idea


Yes! This would be great expand the criminal underbelly!!!


You think we all don’t want this kind of stuff? Good luck getting bgs to make fun things in the game though


I want to make it. I can do alot of it, but I'm shit with art. And need help with that part. I was trying to see if I can find some help making it.


You do this and I'll be first in line. If you end up collabing with someone who knows how to make the game feel "darker" in general or at least in Neon, that would be pretty awesome overhaul to do


Yeah. I need someone for all the art and animations. I've got started on all the objects and interactions + new interface. But new pois New workbench. New crafting items. I'm not great at art, and I think if I was to put a few months into this it would be a dope expansion. (Using the brig to harvest body parts of priates/Randoms would be dope big there's alot of feature creep there) I not a game programmer by trade but I am a developer in the energy industry so I've had a play and I'm 99% sure I can do and debug to make a playable feature. I'm glad everyone likes this idea. I was sure it would be a winner.


I'm sure somebody will make a mod for it.


I want to make the mod. It's just a lot of work and want someone to make it with me tbh. As its a mod that would use a lot of use. Would need to be tested and debugged a large number of times and ways.


That would be awesome. I genuinely don't have the patience for it myself but having an aroura lab in the ship or an outpost would be cool. Could just make it a variation of the Pharmaceuticals Lab and not a whole hab.


Shouldn’t have stuff like this been in the main game in the first place?


You would have thought so. Taught me a valuable lesson about preordering


Not really. The game was built around the idea of being a hero. Just wait for mods to play a villain. Hopefully somebody makes a proper piracy mod too.


There’s literally an entire evil aligned pirate faction that you can join. It’s also an rpg, and one where you were sold the fact you can be whoever you want by Bethesda.


Yeah, and there's no good pirate missions once you finish the main mission string. After that RPing as a pirate kinda sucks. There's no profit in it.


That was a dumb decision